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Quiz #1-Finals


Instructor: Atty. Aryan Ceasar Manglapus

June 20, 2022

Answer the following questions. Provide legal bases if applicable.

1. Distinguish resolutory condition from suspensive condition.

- Resolutory condition is which has for its object, when accomplished, the revocation of the principal
obligation also a condition that is an event on which the obligation is terminated. While suspensive
condition isone which suspends the fulfillment of the obligation until it has been performed or should I
say that the obligation is suspended.

2. A borrowed from B P20, 000.00. In their agreement, A could comply with his obligation by giving B
P20, 000.00, or a refrigerator, or by building a fence around the house of B. Is the obligation Alternative
or facultative? Why?

- It is Facultative obligation because A's obligation may render another substitution which is mentioned
in the situation that A could comply with his obligation by giving B P20, 000.00, or a refrigerator, or by
building a fence around the house of B.

3. A borrowed P12, 000.00 from B, C, and D. How much can each creditor demand from A?

- P4, 000.00 each.

3.a What is the presumption under the law when there are 2 or more persons in the same

- Joint and Solidary Obligation

4. In a contract between B and C, B promised to construct a house for C. The contract provides for a
penal clause whereby B would pay C P80, 000.00 for his non-compliance. B failed to construct a house
and as a result C suffered damages to the extent of P50, 000.00.

4.a What kind of obligation is this?

- Obligation with a penal clause.

4.b How much should B pay to C?

- P130,000.00 should B pay to C.

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