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It is the story of a village girl who was discriminated because she stammered and had pock-marks
on her face. She was considered a simpleton. Education transformed a dumb cow into a fearless
and courageous girl. First she agreed to marry an unequal match, just to maintain the honour of
the family. Bishamber wanted to marry her after getting 5000 Rs as dowry. Bholi refused to have
a mean, greedy and contemptible coward like Bishamber Nath as her husband.
• Impact of family on children. Bholi fails to develop self-confidence because of her parents
indifference towards her. Family support and emotional security are essential for proper
child development.
• Necessity of gender equality
• Importance of education and the role of a teacher in a child’s life
education is like a philosopher’s stone which can turn a base metal into gold.
*social evils we see in the story
✓ Dowry system
✓ Gender discrimination
✓ Family considering differently-abled children as a shame and neglecting them
Character Sketch
Bholi- considered a simpleton—backward child------pockmarks all over the body----stammered-
--hardworking and dedicated learner------grew up to be confident, bold and independent---
agreed to marry Bishamber to maintain the family’s honour----couldn’t tolerate her father’s
insult-----raised her voice against the social evil -----proved that she was educated in true sense—
responsible girl---- promised to take care of her parents when they grow old
Bishamber Nath- well to do grocer----had a big shop---a house of his own----thousands of money
in the bank-----a widower---had children from his first wife----an unequal match for Bholi-----
almost the age of her father----limped---dazzle her parents with the pomp and grandeur of the
marriage procession-----reveals his true colours on seeing the pock marks----shamelessly
demanded 5000 rs-----didn’t budge even after Ramlal kept his turban on his feet----humiliated
by Bholi-----called by her as a mean, contemptible coward
Ramlal- well to do farmer----prosperous household----maintained a big family----discriminated
Bholi on her disability grounds----sons sent to city-----provided proper education----married his
daughters at an early age -----Bholi sent to school as he couldn’t disobey the Tehsildar-------a
pragmatic and practical man -----money and wealth more important-----happy to marry off Bholi
to an old and limping man----put his turban at Bishamber’s feet-----ready to give 5000 rs

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