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1 • Introduction
2 • Area Under A Curve
3 • Volume Of Revolution
4 • Work Done
5 • Probability Density Function
6 • Center Of Mass
7 • Conclusion
Defination of definite integral :
Properties of definite integral :
Linearity: ∫a^b [f(x) + g(x)] dx = ∫a^b f(x) dx + ∫a^b g(x) dx
∫a^b c f(x) dx = c ∫a^b f(x) dx, where c is a constant

Additivity: If a ≤ c ≤ b, then ∫a^b f(x) dx = ∫a^c f(x) dx + ∫c^b f(x) dx

Change of variables: If u = g(x) is a differentiable function of x

and f(u) is continuous, then
∫a^b f(g(x)) g’(x) dx = ∫g(a)^g(b) f(u) du

The definite integral can be interpreted as the area under the curve of the function f(x) over the interval
[a,b]. If f(x) is positive over the interval, then the integral represents the area above the x-axis, while if f(x)
is negative, it represents the area below the x-axis. If f(x) changes sign over the interval, then the integral
can be interpreted as the difference between the area above the x-axis and the area below the x-axis.

The definite integral can be used to calculate other quantities such as the average value of a function over
an interval, the volume of a solid of revolution, and the length of a curve.
Importance of definite integral in
Mathematics :
• Definite integrals are an important concept in mathematics with wide-
ranging applications in various fields. Here are some of the reasons why
definite integrals are so significant:
• Calculation of area: Definite integrals are used to calculate the area under a
curve. This is useful in a wide range of applications, including physics,
engineering, and economics.
• Computation of volumes: Definite integrals are used to calculate the
volumes of complex shapes, such as spheres, cones, and pyramids. This is
important in engineering and physics.
• Finding average values: Definite integrals can be used to find the average
value of a function over a given interval. This is useful in statistics and
• Solving differential equations: Definite integrals are used to solve
differential equations, which are important in many areas of
mathematics and science.
• Calculus: Definite integrals are a fundamental concept in calculus,
which is the branch of mathematics that deals with the study of
continuous change.
• Optimization: Definite integrals are used in optimization problems,
which are important in economics, engineering, and other fields.
• Probability: Definite integrals are used to calculate probabilities in
probability theory, which is the study of random events.
• Overall, definite integrals are an essential tool in mathematics, and
they have numerous applications in various fields, including physics,
engineering, economics, and statistics.
Area under a curve :
• The area under a curve between two points on the x-axis can be calculated
using a definite integral. The process involves finding the antiderivative of
the function and then evaluating it at the limits of integration.
• The formula for the definite integral of a function f(x) between the limits of
integration a and b is:
• ∫[a,b]f(x)dx = F(b) – F(a)
• where F(x) is the antiderivative of f(x).
• To find the area under the curve between two points on the x-axis, we can
set the limits of integration to be those two points and evaluate the
definite integral using the above formula.
Examples :
• Example 1:
• Find the area under the curve y = x^2 between x = 0 and x = 2.
• Solution:
• We first find the antiderivative of the function f(x) = x^2, which is F(x) =
(1/3)x^3. Then we evaluate the definite integral:
• ∫[0,2]x^2dx = F(2) - F(0)
• = (1/3)2^3 - (1/3)0^3
• = 8/3
• Therefore, the area under the curve between x = 0 and x = 2 is 8/3 square

Example 2:
Find the area under the curve y = 3x between x = 1 and x = 4.

The antiderivative of the function f(x) = 3x is F(x) = (3/2)x^2. We evaluate the
definite integral:

∫[1,4]3xdx = F(4) – F(1)

= (3/2)4^2 – (3/2)1^2
= 21

Therefore, the area under the curve between x = 1 and x = 4 is 21 square

Volume of revolution :
• Volume of revolution is a calculus technique used to find the volume
of a three-dimensional solid that is created by rotating a two-
dimensional shape around an axis. The method involves using definite
integrals to find the volume of the solid.
• To find the volume of a solid of revolution, you need to follow these
• Determine the shape that will be rotated around an axis.
• Decide which axis the shape will be rotated around.
• Set up an integral that represents the volume of the solid.
• Integrate the function between the limits of integration
• Example 1: Find the volume of the solid formed by rotating the curve
y = x^2 from x = 0 to x = 2 about the x-axis.
• Solution:
• The curve is symmetric about the y-axis, so we can use the formula
for the volume of revolution about the x-axis:
• V = ∫[a,b] π(R^2-r^2)dx
• where R is the distance from the x-axis to the top of the parabola, and
r is the distance from the x-axis to the bottom of the parabola.
• In this case, R = 2^2 = 4 and r = 0^2 = 0, so the volume is:
• V = ∫[0,2] π(4^2- x^4)dx
• V = π[64x – (x^5/5)] evaluated from 0 to 2
• V = (512π/5) cubic units.
• Example 2: Find the volume of the solid formed by rotating the curve y =
x^3 from x = 0 to x = 1 about the y-axis.
• Solution:
• The curve is symmetric about the x-axis, so we can use the formula for the
volume of revolution about the y-axis:
• V = ∫[a,b] π(R^2-r^2)dy
• where R is the distance from the y-axis to the rightmost point of the curve,
and r is the distance from the y-axis to the leftmost point of the curve.
• In this case, R = 1 and r = 0, so the volume is:
• V = ∫[0,1] π(1^2 – y^2)dy
• V = π[(y-y^3/3)] evaluated from 0 to 1
• V = (2π/3) cubic units.
• These are just a couple of examples of finding the volume of revolution
using definite integrals. The technique can be applied to many different
shapes and curves, and it is an important tool in calculus and engineering
Work done :
• Finding the work done using definite integral:
• When an object moves against a force, work is done. The work done is the
product of the force and the displacement of the object in the direction of
the force. The formula for work is:
• W = F * d * cos(theta)
• where W is the work done, F is the force, d is the displacement, and theta is
the angle between the force and displacement vectors.
• In some cases, the force may vary with position. To find the work done in this
case, we can use the definite integral:
• W = ∫ F(x) * dx
• where F(x) is the force at position x, and the integral is taken over the
distance traveled by the object
• Examples of finding work done:
• A 10 N force is applied to an object that moves 5 meters in the direction
of the force. Find the work done.
• In this case, the force and displacement are in the same direction, so the
angle between them is 0 degrees. Therefore, we can use the formula:
• W = F * d * cos(theta) = 10 N * 5 m * cos(0) = 50 J
• So the work done is 50 Joules.
• A 5 N force is applied to an object that moves 10 meters at an angle of 30
degrees to the force. Find the work done.
• In this case, we can use the formula :
W = F * d * cos(theta) = 5 N * 10 m * cos(30) = 43.3 J

So the work done is 43.3 Joules.

A 10 N force is applied to an object that moves along the x-axis from x=0 to x=5 meters. The force
varies with position according to F(x) = 2x. Find the work done.
In this case, we need to use the definite integral:

W = ∫ F(x) * dx = ∫ 2x dx from 0 to 5 = x^2 from 0 to 5 = 25 J

So the work done is 25 Joules

Defination of probability definite function :

A Probability Density Function (PDF) is a function that describes the

probability distribution of a continuous random variable. It is a function
that gives the probability of a random variable falling within a particular
range of values, rather than taking on any one specific value. In other
words, the PDF describes the relative likelihood of a continuous
random variable taking on different values.

The PDF is defined as the derivative of the cumulative distribution

function (CDF) of the random variable.
• Mathematically, if X is a continuous random variable with CDF F(x),
then the PDF of X is denoted by f(x) and is defined as:
• f(x) = dF(x) / dx
• where dF(x) represents the derivative of F(x) with respect to x.
• Finding the probability using definite integral:
• The probability of a continuous random variable falling within a
particular range of values can be calculated by integrating the PDF
over that range using a definite integral. The probability that X falls
within the range [a, b] can be calculated as follows:
• P(a ≤ X ≤ b) = ∫a^b f(x) dx
• where f(x) is the PDF of the random variable X.
• Example 1: Suppose that the height of a population of adults is
normally distributed with a mean of 68 inches and a standard
deviation of 3 inches. What is the probability that a randomly
selected adult is between 65 and 71 inches tall?
• Solution: Let X be the height of a randomly selected adult. Then, X ~
N(68, 3^2). The PDF of X is given by:
• f(x) = (1 / (3√2π)) * e^(-(x-68)^2 / (2*3^2))
• The probability that a randomly selected adult is between 65 and 71
inches tall is:
• P(65 ≤ X ≤ 71) = ∫65^71 f(x) dx
• = ∫65^71 (1 / (3√2π)) * e^(-(x-68)^2 / (2*3^2)) dx
• Using a calculator or software, we can evaluate this definite integral
to find that:
• P(65 ≤ X ≤ 71) ≈ 0.6827
• Therefore, the probability
65 and 71 inches that a randomly
tall is approximately selected adult is between
• Example 2: Suppose the PDF of a continuous random variable Y is
given by:
• f(y) = 2(1-y) for 0 ≤ y ≤ 1
• 0 otherwise
• Find the probability that Y is greater than 0.7.
• Solution: To find the required probability, we need to integrate the
PDF f(y) from 0.7 to 1, i.e., we need to evaluate the definite integral
∫[0.7, 1] f(y) dy. Using the given PDF, we have:
• ∫[0.7, 1] f(y) dy = ∫[0.7, 1] 2(1-y) dy
• = [2y – y^2]0.7^1 – [2y – y^2]0^0.7
• = (21 – 1^2) – (20.7 – 0.7^2)
• = 0.31
• Therefore, the probability that Y is greater than 0.7 is 0.31.
Center of mass
• Definition of Center of Mass:
• The center of mass (COM) of an object or a system of objects is the
point at which the mass of the system is concentrated, and it can be
thought of as the average position of all the mass in the system. For
a system of discrete particles, the center of mass is the weighted
average position of all the particles, where the weights are the
masses of the particles. For a continuous object, the center of mass
is the point at which a single force applied to the object would
produce the same linear motion as the actual distributed forces
applied to the object.
• uniform
Find the mass
of mass of a rectangular plate of dimensions a x b and
• Solution:
• Since the plate is a two-dimensional object, we need to find both the
and y coordinates of the center of mass. The mass density is uniform, so
we can write dm = ρ dA, where dA is the infinitesimal area element. Thus,
• M = ∫[0,a] ∫[0,b] dm = ρab
• x_com = (1/M) * ∫[0,a] ∫[0,b] (x * dm)
• = (1/ρab) * ∫[0,a] ∫[0,b] (x * ρ dA)
• = (1/ρab) * ∫[0,a] ∫[0,b] (x * ρ dx dy)
• = (1/ρab) * ∫[0,a] (x * ρbx) dx * ∫[0,b] dy
• = a/2
• y_com = (1/M) * ∫[0,a] ∫[0,b] (y * dm)
• = (1/ρab) * ∫[0,a] ∫[0,b] (y * ρ dA)
• = (1/ρab) * ∫[0,a] ∫[0,b] (y *
• Definite integrals are also used in science to model the behavior of
physical systems, such as the motion of objects and the distribution
of particles in a fluid. Overall, the definite integral is an essential
mathematical tool that has many real-world applications and is crucial
for solving a wide range of problems in various fields.
Thank you

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