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Coffee is one of the most consumed beverages in the world. Due to its
benefits like improved brain function and a lower risk of several diseases, coffee
has captivated enthusiasts and still has many people being addicted to it, even in
this generation. But do they really know its risks and health problems they may
When thinking about coffee, caffeine is what most people comes to their
mind first. If a coffee drinker have been consuming caffeine on a regular basis,
health problems like insomnia, restlessness, dizziness, and fast heart rate may
occur, which leads to more serious illnesses. Additionally, it has been
demonstrated that small doses, when taken all at once, causes fast breathing and
increase stress level. However, coffee drinkers still depend on the fact that the
flavorful taste of coffee and its aroma is enough reason to continue drinking lots of
coffee. For suggestion, coffee drinkers should know how much they should intake.
A moderate and controlled intake of coffee may enhance weight loss, cognitive
functions and alertness that may lead to a better and much healthy body.
In summary, drinking coffee is not bad but knowing its risks, people should
know how much they should intake. Yes, it is addicting but people should try
decreasing how often they drink coffee. After all, every addiction should be

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