Design Criteria and Assumptions

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The European Union's Operational Programme for Regional Development

Preparation of detailed design and tender

documentation for construction of new
railway section Kriva Palanka – border with
Republic of Bulgaria, as part of corridor VIII

Design criteria and assumptions

Version A, 13/12/2016

A project implemented by

This project is funded by

in consortium with and
the European Union
The contents of this publication are the
sole responsibility of IDOM and its
consortium partners and can in no way
be taken to reflect the views of the
European Union.
Preparation of Detailed design and tender documentation for
This project is funded by the construction of new railway section Kriva Palanka – Border
European Union with Republic of Bulgaria, as part of Corridor VIII:

Document control sheet

Preparation of Detailed design and tender documentation for construction new

Project Name: railway section Kriva Palanka – Border with Republic of Bulgaria, as part of Corridor
Reference No: EuropeAid/136050/IH/SER/MK
Contracting Central Financing and Contracting Department, Ministry of Finance, Republic of
Authority: Macedonia
Beneficiary: Ministry of Transport and Communications
Final Beneficiary Public Enterprise for Railway Infrastructure
Consultant: IDOM in consortium with ADT OMEGA and ZPD
Report: Design criteria and assumptions
Reporting period

Prepared by Checked by Approved by

Ignacio Balsa
Javier Fernández Mireia Capmany



Activity Outputs/Deliverables Incidentals/Reimbursables
Component 1…..

Comments on Report
Section in Comment by the Contracting Accepted
text Authority/Beneficiaries Yes No Comment

3 Design criteria and assumptions

13 December, 2016
Preparation of Detailed design and tender documentation for
This project is funded by the construction of new railway section Kriva Palanka – Border
European Union with Republic of Bulgaria, as part of Corridor VIII:

Section in Comment by the Contracting Accepted

text Authority/Beneficiaries Yes No Comment

The contents of this report are the sole responsibility of IDOM and its consortium partners and
can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.

4 Design criteria and assumptions

13 December, 2016
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This project is funded by the construction of new railway section Kriva Palanka – Border
European Union with Republic of Bulgaria, as part of Corridor VIII:




Codes and standards 9
Technical specifications for interoperability relating to the “infrastructure” subsystem of rail
system in the European Union 9
AGC and AGTC agreements 31
Terms of reference requirements 34


Tunnel construction method 35
Codes and standards 37
Technical specifications for interoperability 37
3.3.1 Technical specifications for interoperability relating to the “infrastructure” 37
3.3.2 Technical specification for interoperability relating to safety in railway tunnels 37
Tunnel cross section 49


Codes and standards 51
Applied parameters 51
Materials 52


Codes and standards 53
Technical specifications for interoperability relating to the “infrastructure” 53
Terms of reference requirements 56


Track design 57
6.1.1 Codes and standards 57
6.1.2 Terms of reference requirements 57
6.1.3 Technical specifications for interoperability relating to the “infrastructure” subsystem of rail
system in the European Union 57
Buildings 59
6.2.1 Codes and standards 59
6.2.2 Technical specifications for interoperability relating to the “infrastructure” subsystem of rail
system in the European Union 59
6.2.3 Technical specifications for interoperability relating to accessibility of the Union's rail 59

5 Design criteria and assumptions

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This project is funded by the construction of new railway section Kriva Palanka – Border
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Calculation of hydraulic parameters 66
Minimum dimensions of Culverts and Pipes 66
Drainage Works Capacity Limits 67
Maximum Flow Velocities 67


Codes and standards 68
Terms of reference requirements 68


Codes and standards 70
Terms of reference requirements 70

Codes and standards 71
Operating Conditions 71
10.2.1 General - Ambient Conditions 71
10.2.2 Vehicle requirements 72
10.2.3 Track parameters 72
Electrical parameters for the 25 kV AC network 72
Pantograph – Rolling stock - Track data 73
10.4.1 Rolling stock – Track data 73
10.4.2 Track 73
10.4.3 Pantograph contact forces and uplift 73
Catenary 74

6 Design criteria and assumptions

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List of tables

Table 1. TSI Infrastructure Parameters 30

Table 2. Infrastructure Parameters AGC 31

Table 3. Infrastructure Parameters AGTC 32

Table 4. Comparative Table with TER Standards and Parameters versus AGC and AGTC 33

Table 5. ToR Main Design Criteria 34

Table 6. TSI Safety in railway tunnels Parameters 48

Table 7. Structural assumptions 52

Table 8. Construction materials 52

Table 9. Maximum velocity 67

Table 10. Parameters Rolling Stock 73

Table 11. Parameters track 73

Table 12. Parameters pantograph 73

Table 13. Catenary design parameters 74

List of figures

Figure 1. Example of excavation by New Austrian Tunneling Method (NATM) 35

Figure 2. Design approach for SEM/NATM tunnels 36

Figure 3. Cross section for tunnels L<500 m 50

Figure 4. Cross section for tunnels L>500 m 50

7 Design criteria and assumptions

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The objective of this document is to provide a design guide considering all the different railways
guides of appliance and the Terms of Reference.
The document is structured in order to define the parameters included in each guide of
appliance for each area such as: alignment, geotechnical and tunnel design, tunnel safety,
security and telecommunications, bridges design, signalling and interlocking devices,
telecommunications and overhead contact line.
For all of this areas it is also defined those parameters stablished as requirements on the Terms
of Reference.

8 Design criteria and assumptions

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Codes and standards
The codes and standards selected are:
 Technical specifications for interoperability relating to the “infrastructure” subsystem of
rail system in the European Union.
 AGC and AGTC agreements.

Technical specifications for interoperability relating to the

“infrastructure” subsystem of rail system in the European Union
According to the Technical specifications for interoperability relating to the “infrastructure”
subsystem of the rail system in the European Union, the following table summarizes the
parameters with appliance to the alignment.

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4.2.1 Performance parameters for
Categories of
(Table 2) passenger and freight traffic

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The upper part of the structure gauge shall be set on

the basis of the gauges selected according to point
4.2.1. Those gauges are defined in Annex C and in
Annex D, point D.4.8 of EN 15273-3:2013.

Uniform structure installation

gauge, based on reference profile
Structure gauge The lower part of the structure gauge shall be GI2 as Clearance gauge: UIC/C GC + Macedonian Gauge
defined in Annex C of EN 15273-3:2013. Where tracks (according to the requirements of
are equipped with rail brakes, structure gauge GI1 as PERI)
defined in Annex C of EN 15273-3:2013 shall apply for
the lower part of the gauge.

Calculations of the structure gauge shall be done using

the kinematic method in accordance with the
requirements of sections 5, 7, 10 and the Annex C and
Annex D, point D.4.8 of EN 15273-3:2013.

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The distance between track centres shall be set on the

basis of the gauges selected according to point 4.2.1.
For this item, we shall use de design speed 100 km/h. Minimum distance between axis
Distance between The distance between track centres shall at least of the main tracks in station: 4.75 Minimum distance: 4.75 m
track centres
satisfy the requirements for the limit installation m
distance between centres defined according to section
9 of EN 15273-2013

Gradients of tracks through passenger platforms of

new lines shall not be more than 2.5 mm/m, where
vehicles are intended to be regularly attached or
Maximum gradient: 25.0 mm/m
Maximum 25.0 mm/m on the open line and on the open line and 1.5 mm/m
gradient 1.5 mm/m in the station (halt).
in the station (halt).
Gradients of new stabling tracks intended for parking
rolling stock shall not be more than 2.5 mm/m unless
specific provision is made to prevent the rolling stock
from running away.

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Gradients as steep as 35 mm/m are allowed for main

tracks on new P1 lines dedicated to passenger traffic
at the design phase provided the following ‘envelope’
requirements are observed:

(a) The slope of the moving average profile over 10 km

is less than or equal to 25 mm/m.

(b) The maximum length of continuous 35 mm/m

gradient does not exceed 6 km.

Minimum radius The minimum horizontal design curve radius for new Minimum radius: R min = 500 m
of horizontal curve lines shall not be less than 150 m. R min = 500 m

13 Design criteria and assumptions

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Reverse curves (other those in marshalling yards

where wagons are shunted individually) with radii in
the range from 150 m up to 300 m for new lines shall
be designed to prevent buffer locking. For straight
intermediate track elements between the curves,
Table 43 and Table 44 of Appendix I shall apply. For
non-straight intermediate track elements, a detailed
calculation shall be made in order to check the
magnitude of the end throw differences.

The radius of vertical curves (except for humps in

marshalling yards) shall be at least 500 m on a crest or
Minimum radius 900 m in a hollow. Minimum radius of vertical curve: Min Rv=2500 m
of vertical curve For humps in marshalling yards the radius of vertical min Rv=2500 m
curves shall be at least 250 m on a crest or 300 m in a

14 Design criteria and assumptions

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Nominal track European standard nominal track gauge shall be 1435 1435 mm 1435 mm
gauge mm.
Freight and mixed traffic ballasted track design cant =
Maximum cant value:150 mm Maximum cant value: 140 mm
The design cant on tracks adjacent
Cant The design cant on tracks adjacent to station platforms
to station platforms where trains
where trains are intended to stop in normal service
are intended to stop in normal
shall not exceed 110 mm.
service shall not exceed 110 mm.

For operation of rolling stock conforming to the

Locomotives and Passenger TSI: 153mm
For operation of rolling stock conforming to the Fright
Wagons TSI: 130mm
It is permissible for trains specifically designed to travel Maximum cant deficiency value:
Cant deficiency
with higher cant deficiency (for example multiple units 130mm
with axle loads lower than set out in table 2; vehicles
with special equipment for the negotiation of curves)
to run with higher cant deficiency values, subject to a
demonstration that this can be achieved safely.
130 mm for ≤ 60 km/h 130 mm for V ≤ 60 km/h
Abrupt change of 125 mm for 60 km/h < V ≤ 200
cant deficiency 125 mm for 60 km/h ≤ 200 km/h
The limiting values for equivalent conicity quoted in
Equivalent Table 10 shall be calculated for the amplitude (y) of the wheelset's lateral displacement:
y = 3 mm, if (TG – SR) ≥ 7mm

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y = ((TG-SR)-1)/2 if 5mm ≤ (TG – SR) < 7mm
y = 2 mm, if (TG – SR) < 5mm
Where TG is the track gauge and SR is the distance
between the flange contact faces of the wheelset.
No assessment of equivalent conicity is required for
switches and crossings.
Design values of track gauge, rail head profile and rail
inclination for plain line shall be selected to ensure that
the equivalent conicity limits set out in Table 10 are not
exceeded. [Limit 0.25].

The following wheelsets shall be modelled passing over

the designed track conditions (simulated by calculation
according to EN 15302:2008+A1:2010): S 1002 and GV
1/40 as defined in Annex C of EN 13715:2006+A1:2010
both with SR1 (1420mm) and SR2 (1426mm).

Rails: UIC-60/or 60E1, required

The railhead profile shall be selected from the range set quality of steel 900A (R260),
Railhead profile out in Annex A of EN 13674-1:2011, Annex A of CWR-rails welded in continuous UIC-60 / 60E1
for plain line EN13674-4:2006+A1:2009 or shall be in accordance railway track.
with as defined in point (2). Higher steel grade may be used if
deemed necessary.

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The design of railhead profiles for plain line shall
(a) a lateral slope on the side of the railhead angled to
between vertical and 1/16 with reference to the
vertical axis of the railhead;
(b) the vertical distance between the top of this lateral
slope and the top of the rail shall be less than 20 mm;
(c) a radius of at least 12 mm at the gauge corner;
(d) the horizontal distance between the crown of the
rail and the tangent point Shall be between 31 and 37,5

These requirements are not applicable to expansion


The rail inclination for a given

The rail shall be inclined towards the centre of the
route shall be selected from the
range 1/20 to 1/40.

For sections of not more than 100

m between switches and crossings
Rail inclination. The rail inclination for a given route shall be selected n/a without inclination […], the laying
Plain line from the range 1/20 to 1/40.
of rails without inclination is
For sections of not more than 100 m between
switches and crossings without inclination where the
running speed is no more than 200 km/h, the laying of
rails without inclination is allowed.

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The rail shall be designed to be either vertical or
inclined (from the range 1/20 to 1/40).

Rail inclination.
Requirements for Either vertical or inclined (from the n/a
switches and The inclination can be given by the shape of the active range 1/20 to 1/40).
crossings part of the rail head profile.

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Point of this TSI defines immediate action limits
for switches and crossings that are compatible with
Design geometry
geometrical characteristics of wheelsets as defined in
of switches and
the rolling stock TSIs. It will be the task of the
infrastructure manager to decide geometrical design
values appropriate to its maintenance plan.

Use of swing nose For speeds higher than 250 km/h switches and
crossing. crossings shall be equipped with swing-nose crossings.

The design value of the maximum unguided length of
unguided length fixed obtuse crossings shall be in accordance with the n/a
of fixed obtuse
requirements set out in Appendix J to this TSI.

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The axle load selected according to point 4.2.1.

Maximum vertical wheel forces. Maximum wheel See EN 14363:2005: Railway

Track resistance
forces for defined test conditions are defined in EN applications. Testing for the
to vertical loads
14363:2005 point Maximal axle load: 250 KN and 8,0 acceptance of running
KN/m’ (group D4, UIC leaflet 700) characteristics of railway
switches and
vehicles. Testing of running
crossings) Vertical quasi-static wheel forces. Maximum quasi- behaviour and stationary tests.
static wheel forces for defined test conditions are
defined in EN 14363:2005 points
The track, including switches
and crossings, shall be
The track, including switches and crossings, shall be designed to withstand
Longitudinal track designed to withstand longitudinal forces equivalent longitudinal forces equivalent
resistance. Design to the force arising from braking of 2.5 m/s2 for the n/a to the force arising from
forces performance parameters chosen in accordance with braking of 2.5 m/s2 for the
point 4.2.1. performance parameters
chosen in accordance with
point 4.2.1.
The track, including switches and crossings, shall be
Longitudinal track designed to be compatible with the use of magnetic
resistance. braking systems for emergency braking. Compatible with the use of
Compatibility The requirements for the design of track, including n/a magnetic braking systems for
with braking switches and crossings, which are compatible with the emergency braking.
systems use of eddy current braking systems are an open

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Shall take into account at least the following forces:

Longitudinal track See EN 14363:2005: Railway
resistance Lateral (a) Lateral forces; Maximum lateral forces exerted by a applications. Testing for the
track resistance wheel set on the track for defined test conditions are acceptance of running n/a
(including defined in EN 14363:2005 point characteristics of railway
switches and vehicles. Testing of running
crossings) (b) Quasi-static guiding forces; Maximum quasi-static behaviour and stationary tests.
guiding forces Yqst for defined radii and test conditions
are defined in EN 14363:2005 point

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Structures shall be designed to support vertical loads
in accordance with the following load models, defined
in EN 1991-2:2003/AC:2010:

(a) Load Model 71, as set out in EN 1991-

2:2003/AC:2010 point 6.3.2 (2)P
Resistance of new
(b) In addition, for continuous bridges, Load Model
bridges to traffic See Eurocode 1: Actions on SW/0, as set out in EN 1991-2:2003/AC:2010 point n/a
loads. Vertical structures
6.3.3 (3)P
The load models shall be multiplied by the factor alpha
(a) as set out in EN 1991-2:2003/AC:2010 points 6.3.2
(3)P and 6.3.3 (5)P.

The value of factor alpha (a) shall be equal to or greater

than the values set out in Table 11. [It results a ≥ 1].
The load effects from the Load Model 71 and Load
Model SW/0 shall be enhanced by the dynamic factor
phi (Φ) as set out in EN 1991-2:2003/AC:2010 points
6.4.3 (1)P and (2).
Resistance of new
It is permissible to design new bridges such that they
bridges to traffic
will also accommodate an individual passenger train
loads. Allowance See Eurocode 1: Actions on with higher axle loads than covered by HSLM. The n/a
for dynamic structures
dynamic analysis shall be undertaken using the
effects of vertical
characteristic value of the loading from the individual
train taken as the design mass under normal payload
in accordance with Appendix K with an allowance for
passengers in standing areas in accordance with Note
1 of Appendix K.

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Where the track on a bridge is curved over the whole

Resistance of new
or part of the length of the bridge, the centrifugal force
bridges to traffic See Eurocode 1: Actions on shall be taken into account in the design of structures n/a
loads. Centrifugal structures
as set out in EN 1991-2:2003/AC:2010 paragraphs 6.5.1
(2), (4)P and (7).

Resistance of new
The nosing force shall be taken into account in the
bridges to traffic See Eurocode 1: Actions on design of structures as set out in EN 1991-2:2003/ n/a
loads. Nosing structures
AC:2010 point 6.5.2.

Resistance of new
bridges to traffic
Traction and braking forces shall be taken into account
loads. Actions due
in the design of structures as set out in EN 1991- See Eurocode 1: Actions on
to traction and n/a
2:2003/AC:2010 paragraphs 6.5.3 (2)P, (4), (5), (6).and structures

Resistance of new
The maximum total design track twist due to rail traffic
bridges to traffic
actions shall not exceed the values set out in paragraph See Eurocode 1: Actions on
loads. Design n/a
A2. in Annex A2 to EN 1990:2002 issued as structures
track twist due to
EN 1990:2002/A1:2005.
rail traffic actions

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Earthworks shall be designed and earth pressure

effects shall be specified taking into account the
Equivalent vertical loads produced by the Load Model 71, as set
vertical loading out in EN 1991-2:2003/AC:2010 paragraph 6.3.2(2).
for new See Eurocode 1: Actions on n/a
earthworks and structures
earth pressure The equivalent vertical loading shall be multiplied by
effects the factor alpha (a) as set out in EN 1991-2:2003/
AC:2010 paragraph 6.3.2 (3)P. The value of a shall be
equal to or greater than the values set out in Table 11.
[It results a ≥ 1].

Resistance of new Aerodynamic actions from passing trains shall be

See Eurocode 1: Actions on
structures over or taken into account as set out in EN 1991-2:2003/ n/a
adjacent to tracks AC:2010 paragraphs 6.6.2 to 6.6.6 inclusive.

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Immediate action
The immediate action limits for isolated defects in
limits on track
alignment are set out in point 8.5 of EN 13848-
geometry defects. 5:2008+A1:2010. Isolated defects shall not exceed the n/a
The immediate
limits of wavelength range D1 as set out in Table 6 of
action limit for
the EN Standard.

Immediate action
The immediate action limits for isolated defects in
limits on track
longitudinal level are set out in point 8.3 of EN 13848-
geometry defects. 5:2008+A1:2010. Isolated defects shall not exceed the n/a
The immediate
limits of wavelength range D1 as set out in table 5 of
action limit for
the EN Standard.
longitudinal level

The immediate action limit for track twist as an

isolated defect is given as a zero to peak value. Track
Immediate action
twist is defined in EN 13848-1:2003+A1:2008 point
limits on track
geometry defects. n/a
The immediate
action limit for
track twist
The track twist limit is a function of the measurement
base applied according to EN 13848-5:2008 +A1:2010
point 8.6.

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Minimum track gauge: 1426mm
Immediate action
limits on track
geometry defects.
The immediate n/a
action limit of Maximum track gauge: 1470mm
track gauge as an
isolated defect

The maximum cant allowed in service is 180 mm. Maximum cant value:
Immediate action
limits on track
geometry defects. The maximum cant allowed in service is 190 mm for
The immediate 150 mm
action limit for dedicated passenger traffic lines.

(1) The technical characteristics of switches and

crossings shall comply with the following in-service
Immediate action
limits on track
geometry defects.
The immediate (a) Maximum value of free wheel passage in switches: n/a
action limits for 1 380 mm.
switches and This value can be increased if the infrastructure
crossings manager demonstrates that the actuation and locking
system of the switch is able to resist the lateral impact
forces of a wheelset.

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(b) Minimum value of fixed nose protection for
common crossings: 1 392 mm. This value is measured
14 mm below the running surface, and on the
theoretical reference line, at an appropriate distance
back from the actual point (RP) of the nose as
indicated in Figure 2.
For crossings with point retraction, this value can be
reduced. In this case the infrastructure manager shall
demonstrate that the point retraction is sufficient to
guarantee that the wheel will not hit the nose at the
actual point (RP).
(c) Maximum value of free wheel passage at crossing
nose: 1 356 mm.
(d) Maximum value of free wheel passage at check
rail/wing rail entry: 1 380 mm.
(e) Minimum flangeway width: 38 mm.
(f) Minimum flangeway depth: 40 mm.
(g) Maximum height of check rail: 70 mm.
(2) All relevant requirements for switches and
crossings are also applicable to other technical
solutions using switch rails, for example side modifiers
used in multi-rail track.

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According tom the
Usable length of
requirements of PERI:
platforms where
The usable length of a platform shall be defined Length of platforms in main stations: Length of platforms in Kriva
trains are
according to point 4.2.1. 400 m (220 m for the halts). Palanka station: 170 m
intended to stop
Length of platforms in Zidilovo
in normal service
halt: 100 m
The nominal platform height shall be 550 mm or 760
mm above the running surface for radius of 300 m or
The nominal platform height
Platform height For platforms where trains, which are outside the
adopted is 550 mm
scope of the locomotives and passengers TSI, are
intended to stop, different provisions for the nominal
platform height might apply.
The distance between the track centre and the
platform edge parallel to the running plane (bq), as
defined in chapter 13 of EN 15273-3:2013, shall be set
on the basis of the installation limit gauge (b qlim). The
Platform offset installation limit gauge shall be calculated on the basis
of the gauge G1.
The platform shall be built close to the gauge within a
maximum tolerance of 50 mm.
Track adjacent to the platforms for new lines shall
Track layout preferably be straight, but shall nowhere have a radius
alongside of less than 300 m.
platforms No values are specified for an existing track alongside
new, renewed or upgraded platforms.

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Any tunnel or underground structure intended to be
operated at speeds greater than or equal to 200 km/h
has to provide that maximum pressure variation,
caused by the passage of a train running at the
maximum allowed speed in the tunnel, do not exceed
pressure variation n/a n/a
10 kPa during the time taken for the train to pass
in tunnels
through the tunnel.
Above requirement has to be fulfilled along the
outside of any train complying with the Locomotives
and Passenger TSI.
A line is interoperable from the cross wind point of
view if safety is ensured for a reference train running
along that line under the most critical operational
The rules for proving conformity shall take into
account the characteristic wind curves of the
reference trains defined in the LOC&PAS TSI.

Effect of If safety cannot be achieved without mitigating measures, either due to the geographic situation or to
other specific features of the line, the infrastructure
manager shall take the necessary measures to
maintain the safety, for example by:
—locally reducing train speeds, possibly temporarily
during periods at risk of storms,
—installing equipment to protect the track section
concerned from cross winds,
—other appropriate means.

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It shall be demonstrated that safety is achieved after
measures taken.
The aerodynamic interaction between rolling stock
and infrastructure may cause the lifting and further
blowing away of ballast stones from the track bed.
The requirements for the infrastructure subsystem
Ballast pick-up aimed at mitigating the risk for ‘ballast pick up’ apply n/a n/a
only to lines with maximum speed greater than or
equal to 200 km/h.
The requirements of point (2) above are an open
Table 1. TSI Infrastructure Parameters

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AGC and AGTC agreements

The parameters proposed in European Agreement on Main International Railway Lines (AGC)
are the following:

Table 2. Infrastructure Parameters AGC

In this document, the lines have been divided into two main categories:
 Existing lines, capable of being improved where appropriate; it is often difficult and
sometimes impossible to modify, for instance, their geometrical characteristics, and the
requirements have to be eased for such lines;
 New lines to be built: within certain economic limits, the geometrical characteristics in
particular may be freely selected; it is necessary to distinguish two subcategories:
o Lines intended solely for passenger traffic (excluding goods traffic);
o Lines for mixed or combined traffic, for both passenger and goods services.
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Likewise, European Agreement on Important International Combined Transport Lines and

Related Installations (AGTC), which aims to facilitate the international transport of goods, states
the following parameters for the infrastructure:

Table 3. Infrastructure Parameters AGTC

Lines have been divided into two main categories:
 Existing lines, capable of being improved where appropriate; it is often difficult and
sometimes impossible to modify, for instance, their geometrical characteristics, and the
requirements have to be eased for such lines;
 New lines to be built.

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In addition, to clarify the requirements of AGC and AGTC, table below shows an overview of parameters of TER Standards and Parameters versus for
AGC and AGTC lines:

Table 4. Comparative Table with TER Standards and Parameters versus AGC and AGTC

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Terms of reference requirements

The Terms of Reference define the following design criteria:

ToR Design Criteria

Design speed: 100 km/h
Number of tracks on the open line One
Number of tracks in the station (halt): According to the specific requirement on the site elaborated
in the alignment DD
Minimum distance between axis of min 4.75m
the main tracks in station (halt):
Speed which should be attained of 100 km/h
each section (design speed):
Minimum radius: R min = 500 m
Maximum cant value: 150 mm
Transition curve: Cubic parabola
Maximum gradient: 25.0 mm/m on the open line and 1.5 mm/m in the station
Maximum radius of vertical curve: Max Rv=25,000 m
Minimum radius of vertical curve: Min Rv=2,500 m
Traffic: Mixed traffic – passengers and freight
Clearance gauge: UIC/C
Usable length of main track in railway 750 m (depending on the local geographical conditions and
stations: final lengths to be defined according to the instruction from
Length of platforms in main stations: 400 m (220 m for the halts)
Lower bed Designed lower bed shall be minimum 6.0 m wide for the
single track on straight, except where the track is on/in civil
engineering structure and/or in curve
Maximal axle load: 250 KN and 80 KN/m (group D4, UIC leaflet 700)
Crossings: In two levels - the railway line should be built without any
road level crossing
Sub-ballast: Where appropriate
Electro-technical infrastructure
Traction: Electrification, mono-phase system of 25 kV/50Hz
Signalling and communication Interlocking ETCS– Level 1, (European Train Control System
equipment: - signalling, control and train protection system), CTC and
GSM-R Global System for Mobile Communications – Railway
(international wireless communication standard for railway
communication and applications)
Table 5. ToR Main Design Criteria

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Tunnel construction method
The Sequential Excavation Method (SEM) – also referred to as New Austrian Tunneling Method
(NATM) - will be used as the proposed excavation method.
The excavation is carried out in increments, which are supported by a flash coat of shotcrete
immediately after exposure followed by the installation of the initial support system. Various
ground support, face support, pre-support and ground improvement measures will be utilized
to ensure the stability and safety of the tunneling operation.
The decision to adopt a full-face, top heading and bench or multiple drifts excavation will depend
on multiple factors as the actual ground conditions, the tunnel section area, and on available
excavation equipment. In any case, in order to minimize risks associated to the tunnel’s
excavation, the construction sequence will be divided in a classic top-heading and bench/invert
scheme. The top-heading will provide a minimum vertical clearance of 4.5 to 5 m to facilitate
the use of typical excavation equipment.

Figure 1. Example of excavation by New Austrian Tunneling Method (NATM)

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The railway tunnels will use a classical two-pass lining system: Initial lining + final lining.
The initial lining will be design designed to work during tunnel construction. It will fulfil the
following functions:
 Provide immediate support to the excavation
 Restrict tunnel deformations to acceptable levels
 Safely stabilize the excavation until the execution of the final lining
On the other hand, the final lining will be designed to work during the service life of the tunnels,
providing waterproofing and ground support. It will fulfill the following:
 Act as permanent tunnel lining and fulfil the environmental constraints
 Ensure permanent compliance with tunnel operating clearances
 Provide support for fixed permanent services and mobile equipment
 Withstand seismic loads
 Water tightness as per specifications
 Fire resistance
A comprehensive design approach will be used to provide a detailed and robust design for the
SEM tunnels. Preliminary Design of the initial lining will be based on empirical methods while
the soil-structure interaction will be addressed by means of numerical models during the Final
Design stage. The following flow chart shows the design approach proposed to design
SEM/NATM tunnels:

Figure 2. Design approach for SEM/NATM tunnels

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Codes and standards

The codes and standards selected are:
 Terms of reference.
 Infrastructure subsystem TSI.
 Safety in railway tunnels TSI.
 EN 15273-3:2013: Railway applications. Gauges. Structure gauges.
 Commission Decision 2000/147/EC implementing Council Directive 89/106/EEC as
regards the classification of the reaction to fire performance of construction products.
 ISO 3864-1:2011: Graphical symbols -- Safety colours and safety signs -- Part 1: Design
principles for safety signs and safety markings.
 Directive 92/58/EEC of 24 June 1992 on the minimum requirements for the provision of
safety and/or health signs at work.

Technical specifications for interoperability

3.3.1 Technical specifications for interoperability relating to the
The following EU Interoperability technical specification can be found in the Infrastructure
subsystem TSI: Structure gauge.
The upper part of the structure gauge shall be set on the basis of the gauges selected according
to point 4.2.1. Those gauges are defined in Annex C and in Annex D, point D.4.8 of EN 15273-
3:2013. [Point 4.2.1 refers to the Category of line.]
The lower part of the structure gauge shall be GI2 as defined in Annex C of EN 15273-3:2013.
Where tracks are equipped with rail brakes, structure gauge GI1 as defined in Annex C of EN
15273-3:2013 shall apply for the lower part of the gauge.
Calculations of the structure gauge shall be done using the kinematic method in accordance with
the requirements of sections 5, 7, 10 and the Annex C and Annex D, point D.4.8 of EN 15273-

3.3.2 Technical specification for interoperability relating to safety in railway

According to the Technical specifications for interoperability to safety in railway tunnels of the
rail system in the European Union, the following table summarizes the parameters with
appliance to the tunnels design.

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Prevent Unauthorised access to technical rooms shall be prevented.
unauthorised access Where emergency exits are locked for security purposes, it shall always
to emergency exits
and technical rooms be possible to open them from inside.

In the event of fire, the integrity of the tunnel lining shall be maintained
for a period of time that is sufficiently long to permit self-rescue,
evacuation of passengers and staff and intervention of the emergency
response services. That period of time shall be in accordance with the
evacuation scenarios considered and reported in the emergency plan.
Fire resistance of In the cases of immersed tunnels and tunnels which can cause the
tunnel structures
collapse of important neighbouring structures, the main structure of
the tunnel shall withstand the temperature of the fire for a period of
time that is sufficient to allow evacuation of the endangered tunnel
zones and neighbouring structures. This period of time shall be
reported in the emergency plan.

This specification applies to construction products and building

elements inside tunnels.
Tunnel building material shall fulfil the requirements of classification
Fire reaction of A2 of Commission Decision 2000/147/EC. Non-structural panels and
building material other equipment shall fulfil the requirements of classification B of
Commission Decision 2000/147/EC.
Materials that would not contribute significantly to a fire load shall be
listed. They are allowed to not comply with the above.
This specification applies to all tunnels of more than 1 km in length.
Fire detection in Technical rooms shall be equipped with detectors which alert the
technical rooms
infrastructure manager in case of fire.

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This specification applies to all tunnels of more than 1 km in length.

A safe area shall allow the evacuation of trains that use the tunnel. It
shall have a capacity corresponding to the maximum capacity of the
trains planned to be operated on the line where the tunnel is located.

The safe area shall maintain survivable conditions for passengers and
staff during the time needed for the complete evacuation from the safe
Safe area area to a final place of safety.

In case of underground/undersea safe areas, the provisions shall allow

people to move from the safe area to the surface without having to re-
enter the affected tunnel tube.

The lay-out of an underground safe area and its equipment shall take
into account the control of smoke, in particular to protect people who
use the self-evacuation facilities.

This specification applies to all tunnels of more than 1 km in length.

Safe areas shall be accessible for people who commence self-

evacuation from the train as well as for the emergency response

Access to the safe One of the following solutions shall be selected for access points from a train to the safe area:
(1) Lateral and/or vertical emergency exits to the surface. These exits
shall be provided at least every 1 000 m.
(2) Cross-passages between adjacent independent tunnel tubes, which
enable the adjacent tunnel tube to be employed as a safe area. Cross-
passages shall be provided at least every 500 m.
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(3) Alternative technical solutions providing a safe area with a
minimum equivalent safety level are permitted. The equivalent level of
safety for passengers and staff shall be demonstrated using the
Common Safety Method on risk assessment.
Doors giving access from the escape walkway to the safe area shall
have a minimum clear opening of 1.4 m wide and 2.0 m high.
Alternatively it is permitted to use multiple doors next to each other
which are less wide as long as the flow capacity of people is
demonstrated to be equivalent or higher.
After passing the doors, the clear width shall continue to be at least 1.5
m wide and 2.25 m high.
The way in which the emergency response services access the safe area
shall be described in the emergency plan.
This specification applies to all tunnels of more than 1 km in length.
Communication Communication shall be possible, either by mobile phone or by fixed
means in safe areas connection from underground safe areas to the control centre of the
Infrastructure Manager.
This specification applies to all tunnels of more than 0.5 km in length.
Emergency lighting shall be provided to guide passengers and staff to a
safe area in the event of an emergency.
Illumination shall comply with the following requirements:
Emergency lighting (1) Single-track tube: on the side of the walkway.
on escape routes
(2) Multiple-track tube: on both sides of the tube.
(3) Position of the lights: Above the walkway, as low as possible, so as
not to interfere with the free space for the passage of persons, or built
into the handrails.

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(4) The maintained illuminance shall be at least 1 lux at a horizontal
plane at walkway level.
Autonomy and reliability: an alternative power supply shall be available
for an appropriate period of time after failure of the main power
supply. The time required shall be consistent with the evacuation
scenarios and reported in the Emergency Plan.
If the emergency light is switched off under normal operating
conditions, it shall be possible to switch it on by both of the following
(1) Manually from inside the tunnel at intervals of 250 m.

(2) By the tunnel operator using remote control.

The escape signage indicates the emergency exits, the distance and the
direction to a safe area.

All signs shall be designed according to the requirements of Directive

92/58/EEC of 24 June 1992 concerning the provision of health and/or
safety signs at work and to the specification referenced in appendix A,
index 1.
Escape signage
Escape signs shall be installed on sidewalls along escape walkways.

The maximum distance between escape signs shall be 50 m.

Signs shall be provided in the tunnel to indicate the position of

emergency equipment, where such equipment is present.

All doors leading to emergency exits or cross-passage shall be marked.

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This specification applies to all tunnels of more than 0.5 km in length.

Walkways shall be constructed in a single track tunnel tube on at least

one side of the track and in a multiple track tunnel tube on both sides
of the tunnel tube. In tunnel tubes with more than two tracks, access
to a walkway shall be possible from each track.

(1) The width of the walkway shall be at least 0.8 m.

(2) The minimum vertical clearance above the walkway shall be 2.25 m.

(3) The height of the walkway shall be at top-of-rail level or higher.

Escape walkways
(4) Local constrictions caused by obstacles in the escape area shall be
avoided. The presence of obstacles shall not reduce the minimum
width to less than 0,7 m, and the length of the obstacle shall not exceed
2 m.

Continuous handrails shall be installed between 0.8 m and 1.1 m above

the walkway providing a route to a safe area.

(1) Handrails shall be placed outside the required minimum clearance

of the walkway.

(2) Handrails shall be angled at 30° to 40° to the longitudinal axis of the
tunnel at the entrance to and exit from an obstacle.

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This specification applies to all tunnels of more than 1 km in length.

For the purpose of this clause, two or more consecutive tunnels will be
considered as a single tunnel unless both of the following conditions
are met:

(1) The separation between tunnels in open air is longer than the
maximum length of the train intended to be operated on the line + 100
m and

(2) The open air area and track situation around the separation
between tunnels allow passengers to move away from the train along
a safe space. The safe space shall contain all passengers of the
Fire fighting points maximum capacity of the train intended to be operated on the line.

Fire fighting points shall be created:

(1) Outside both portals of every tunnel of > 1 km and
(2) Inside the tunnel, according to the category of rolling stock that is
planned to be operated […]. [It results there isn’t any tunnel where a
fire fighting point inside is required].
Requirements for all fire fighting points:
(1) The fire fighting points shall be equipped with water supply
(minimum 800 l/min during 2 hours) close to the intended stopping
point of the train. The method of supplying the water shall be described
in the emergency plan.

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(2) The intended stopping position of the affected train shall be
indicated to the train driver. This shall not require specific on-board
equipment (all TSI compliant trains must be able to use the tunnel).
(3) The fire fighting points shall be accessible to the emergency
response services. The way the emergency response services access
the fire fighting point and deploy equipment shall be described in the
emergency plan.
(4) It shall be possible to switch off the traction energy supply and earth
the fire fighting points electrical installation, either locally or remotely.

Requirements for fire fighting points outside the portals of the tunnel:

In addition the open air area around the fire fighting point shall offer a
minimum surface of 500 m2.

This specification applies to all tunnels of more than 1 km in length.

Radio communication between the train and the infrastructure

manager control centre shall be provided in each tunnel with GSM-R.
communication Radio continuity shall be provided for permitting the emergency
response services to communicate with their on-site command
facilities. The system shall allow the emergency response services to
use their own communication equipment.

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This specification applies to tunnels of more than 5 km in length.
The traction energy supply system in tunnels shall be divided into
sections, each not exceeding 5 km. This specification applies only if the
signalling system permits the presence of more than one train in the
Segmentation of tunnel on each track simultaneously.
overhead line or
conductor rails Remote control and switching of each ‘switching section’ shall be

A means of communication and lighting shall be provided at the

switching location to enable safe manual operation and maintenance
of the switching equipment.

This specification applies to all tunnels of more than 1 km length.

Earthing devices shall be provided at tunnel access points and, if the

earthing procedures allow the earthing of a single section, close to the
separation points between sections. These shall be either portable
Subsystem Energy. devices or manually or remotely controlled fixed installations.
Overhead line or
conductor rail
earthing Communication and lighting means necessary for earthing operations
shall be provided.

Procedures and responsibilities for earthing shall be defined between

the Infrastructure Manager and the emergency response services,
based on the emergency scenarios considered within the emergency

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This specification applies to all tunnels of more than 1 km length.

The electricity power distribution system in the tunnel shall be suitable

Subsystem Energy. for the emergency response services equipment in accordance with the emergency plan for the tunnel. Some national emergency response
Electricity supply
services groups may be self-sufficient in relation to power supply. In
this case, the option of not providing power supply facilities for the use
of such groups may be appropriate. Such a decision, however, must be
described in the emergency plan.

This specification applies to all tunnels of more than 1 km length.

Subsystem Energy.
In case of fire, exposed cables shall have the characteristics of low
Requirements for flammability, low fire spread, low toxicity and low smoke density.
electrical cables in
These requirements are fulfilled when the cables fulfil as a minimum
the requirements of classification B2CA, s1a, a1, as per Commission
Decision 2006/751/EC.

This specification applies to all tunnels of more than 1 km length.

Subsystem Energy.
Reliability of Electrical installations relevant for safety (Fire detection, emergency lighting, emergency communication and any other system identified
installations by the Infrastructure Manager or contracting entity as vital to the
safety of passengers in the tunnel) shall be protected against damage
arising from mechanical impact, heat or fire.

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The distribution system shall be designed to enable the system to
tolerate unavoidable damage by (for example) energizing alternative

Autonomy and reliability: an alternative power supply shall be available

for an appropriate period of time after failure of the main power
supply. The time required shall be consistent with the evacuation
scenarios considered and included in the emergency plan.

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Material requirements
Measures to prevent Specific measures for flammable liquids
Hot axle box detection

Portable fire extinguishers

Fire detection systems

Measures to detect Automatic fire fighting system for freight diesel units
and control fire
Fire containment and control systems for passenger rolling stock

Fire containment and control systems for freight locomotives and

freight self-propelling units

Emergency lighting system in the train

Requirements Smoke control
related to
emergencies Passenger alarm and communication means

Running capability

Requirements Passenger emergency exits

related to
evacuation Driver's cab emergency exits

Table 6. TSI Safety in railway tunnels Parameters

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Tunnel cross section

The tunnel cross-section will be defined with regard to the space requirements of:
 Clearance UIC GC
 Overhead catenary system and related installation (circuit breaker, tensioning devices)
 Power supply feeding lines
 Electrical clearance
 Height and width of permanent way
 Escape walkways
 Space signalling and telecommunication equipment
 Cable ducts
 Construction space including temporary scaffold and additional reinforcement of lining
 Aerodynamic clearance.

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Figure 3. Cross section for tunnels L<500 m Figure 4. Cross section for tunnels L>500 m

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Codes and standards
The codes and standards selected are:
 ΕΝ 1990 Βasis of structural design
 ΕΝ 1991 Actions on structures
 ΕΝ 1992 Design of concrete structures
 ΕΝ 1997 Geotechnical design
 ΕΝ 1998 Design of structures for earthquake resistance
 EN 1337 Structural bearings

Applied parameters

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Table 7. Structural assumptions



Superstructure concrete: ≥ C35/45

Piers Concrete: C30/37

Abutments, wingwalls concrete: C30/37

Sidewalks concrete: C25/30

Retaining Walls concrete C25/30

Approach slabs concrete: C25/30

Concrete for protection of superstructure: C20/25

Plain Concrete: C12/15

Reinforcement Steel: Β500C

Prestressing Steel: 1525/1770N/mm²


Superstructure: 3.5cm

Surfaces in contact with soil: 5.0cm

Surfaces directly casted in ground (piles): 8.5cm

Table 8. Construction materials

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Codes and standards
The codes and standards selected are:
 Terms of reference.
 Infrastructure subsystem TSI.
 EN 1991-2:2003/AC:2010: Eurocode 1: Actions on structures. Part 2: Traffic loads on
 EN 14363:2005: Railway applications. Testing for the acceptance of running
characteristics of railway vehicles. Testing of running behaviour and stationary tests.
 EN13450: Aggregates for railway ballast.
 EN 13674-1:2011: Railway applications. Track. Rail. Vignole railway rails 46 kg/m and

Technical specifications for interoperability relating to the

The following specifications are found in the Infrastructure subsystem TSI: Track resistance to vertical loads (including switches and crossings).

The axle load selected according to point 4.2.1. [Category of line]
Maximum vertical wheel forces. Maximum wheel forces for defined test conditions are defined
in EN 14363:2005 point
Vertical quasi-static wheel forces. Maximum quasi-static wheel forces for defined test conditions
are defined in EN 14363:2005 points Longitudinal track resistance. Design forces.

The track, including switches and crossings, shall be designed to withstand longitudinal forces
equivalent to the force arising from braking of 2.5 m/s2 for the performance parameters chosen
in accordance with point 4.2.1. [Point 4.2.1 refers to the Category of line.] Longitudinal track resistance. Compatibility with braking systems.

The track, including switches and crossings, shall be designed to be compatible with the use of
magnetic braking systems for emergency braking.
The requirements for the design of track, including switches and crossings, which are compatible
with the use of eddy current braking systems are an open point.

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EuropeAid/136050/IH/SER/MK Longitudinal track resistance. Lateral track resistance (including switches and
Shall take into account at least the following forces:
(a) Lateral forces; Maximum lateral forces exerted by a wheel set on the track for defined test
conditions are defined in EN 14363:2005 point
(b) Quasi-static guiding forces; Maximum quasi-static guiding forces Yqst for defined radii and
test conditions are defined in EN 14363:2005 point

The following specifications are found in the Infrastructure subsystem TSI: Railhead profile for plain line.

The railhead profile shall be selected from the range set out in Annex A of EN 13674-1:2011 […]. Rail inclination. Plain line.

The rail shall be inclined towards the centre of the track.
The rail inclination for a given route shall be selected from the range 1/20 to 1/40.
For sections of not more than 100 m between switches and crossings without inclination where
the running speed is no more than 200 km/h, the laying of rails without inclination is allowed.

Switches and crossings

The following specifications are found in the Infrastructure subsystem TSI: Rail inclination. Requirements for switches and crossings.

The rail shall be designed to be either vertical or inclined (from the range 1/20 to 1/40).
The inclination can be given by the shape of the active part of the rail head profile. Maximum unguided length of fixed obtuse crossings.

The design value of the maximum unguided length of fixed obtuse crossings shall be in
accordance with the requirements set out in Appendix J to this TSI. [Appendix J of the
Infrastructure subsystem TSI.]

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EuropeAid/136050/IH/SER/MK Track resistance to vertical loads (including switches and crossings).

The axle load selected according to point 4.2.1. [Point 4.2.1 refers to the Category of line.]
Maximum vertical wheel forces. Maximum wheel forces for defined test conditions are defined
in EN 14363:2005 point
Vertical quasi-static wheel forces. Maximum quasi-static wheel forces for defined test conditions
are defined in EN 14363:2005 points Longitudinal track resistance. Design forces.

The track, including switches and crossings, shall be designed to withstand longitudinal forces
equivalent to the force arising from braking of 2.5 m/s2 for the performance parameters chosen
in accordance with point 4.2.1. [Point 4.2.1 refers to the Category of line.] Longitudinal track resistance. Compatibility with braking systems.

The track, including switches and crossings, shall be designed to be compatible with the use of
magnetic braking systems for emergency braking.
The requirements for the design of track, including switches and crossings, which are compatible
with the use of eddy current braking systems are an open point. Longitudinal track resistance. Lateral track resistance (including switches and
Shall take into account at least the following forces:
(a) Lateral forces; Maximum lateral forces exerted by a wheel set on the track for defined test
conditions are defined in EN 14363:2005 point
(b) Quasi-static guiding forces; Maximum quasi-static guiding forces Yqst for defined radii and
test conditions are defined in EN 14363:2005 point Immediate action limits on track geometry defects. The immediate action limits for
switches and crossings.
(1) The technical characteristics of switches and crossings shall comply with the following in-
service values:
(a) Maximum value of free wheel passage in switches: 1 380 mm.
This value can be increased if the infrastructure manager demonstrates that the actuation and
locking system of the switch is able to resist the lateral impact forces of a wheelset.
(b) Minimum value of fixed nose protection for common crossings: 1 392 mm. This value is
measured 14 mm below the running surface, and on the theoretical reference line, at an
appropriate distance back from the actual point (RP) of the nose as indicated in Figure 2.

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For crossings with point retraction, this value can be reduced. In this case the infrastructure
manager shall demonstrate that the point retraction is sufficient to guarantee that the wheel
will not hit the nose at the actual point (RP).
(c) Maximum value of free wheel passage at crossing nose: 1 356 mm.
(d) Maximum value of free wheel passage at check rail/wing rail entry: 1 380 mm.
(e) Minimum flangeway width: 38 mm.
(f) Minimum flangeway depth: 40 mm.
(g) Maximum height of check rail: 70 mm.
(2) All relevant requirements for switches and crossings are also applicable to other technical
solutions using switch rails, for example side modifiers used in multi-rail track.

Terms of reference requirements

The following specifications are found in the Terms of reference:
 Ballast: Crushed stone in accordance with EN13450. Ballast prism with minimum depth
of 33 cm under lower plane of sleepers.
The following specifications are found in the Terms of reference:
 Sleepers: Pre-stressed mono-block concrete sleepers, it shall be one-piece compliant
with UIC recommendations and local regulations. Wooden sleepers may be foreseen on
bridges and viaducts, in tunnels and on turnouts, if found technically unavoidable or
justifiable, but as an exception only.
 Slab track should be envisaged in the construction of bridges and tunnels if it is better
 Sleeper spacing: 60 cm.
The following specifications are found in the Terms of reference:
 Fastening: Elastic fastening system, contemporary and adapted to approved prestressed
concrete sleeper supplied with elastic (rubber) rail pad and adequate elastic spring.
The following specifications are found in the Terms of reference:
 Rails: UIC-60/or 60E1, required quality of steel 900A (R260), CWR-rails welded in
continuous railway track. Higher steel grade may be used if deemed necessary.

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Track design
6.1.1 Codes and standards
The codes and standards selected are:
 Terms of reference.
 Infrastructure subsystem TSI.
 EN 15273-3:2013: Railway applications. Gauges. Structure gauges.

6.1.2 Terms of reference requirements

The following specifications are found in the Terms of Reference:
 Maximum gradient: 25.0 mm/m on the open line and 1.5 mm/m in the station (halt).
 Minimum radius: R min = 500 m
 Minimum radius of vertical curve: minRv=2500 m
 Maximum cant value: 150 mm
 Minimum distance between axis of the main tracks in station (halt): 4.75m
 Usable length of main track in railway stations: 750 m (depending on the local
geographical conditions and final lengths to be defined according to the instruction from
 Length of platforms in main stations: 400 m (220 m for the halts).
 Rails: UIC-60/or 60E1, required quality of steel 900A (R260), CWR-rails welded in
continuous railway track. Higher steel grade may be used (e.g.: in sharp curves) if
deemed necessary.

6.1.3 Technical specifications for interoperability relating to the

“infrastructure” subsystem of rail system in the European Union
The following specifications are found in the Infrastructure subsystem TSI: Maximum gradient.
Gradients of tracks through passenger platforms of new lines shall not be more than 2.5 mm/m,
where vehicles are intended to be regularly attached or detached.
Gradients of new stabling tracks intended for parking rolling stock shall not be more than 2.5
mm/m unless specific provision is made to prevent the rolling stock from running away.
Gradients as steep as 35 mm/m are allowed for main tracks on new P1 lines dedicated to
passenger traffic at the design phase provided the following ‘envelope’ requirements are
(a) The slope of the moving average profile over 10 km is less than or equal to 25 mm/m.
(b) The maximum length of continuous 35 mm/m gradient does not exceed 6 km.

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EuropeAid/136050/IH/SER/MK Minimum radius of horizontal curve.

The minimum horizontal design curve radius for new lines shall not be less than 150 m.
Reverse curves (other those in marshalling yards where wagons are shunted individually) with
radii in the range from 150 m up to 300 m for new lines shall be designed to prevent buffer
locking. For straight intermediate track elements between the curves, Table 43 and Table 44 of
Appendix I shall apply. For non-straight intermediate track elements, a detailed calculation shall
be made in order to check the magnitude of the end throw differences. Minimum radius of vertical curve.
The radius of vertical curves (except for humps in marshalling yards) shall be at least 500 m on
a crest or 900 m in a hollow.
For humps in marshalling yards the radius of vertical curves shall be at least 250 m on a crest or
300 m in a hollow. Cant.
Freight and mixed traffic ballasted track design cant = 160mm.
The design cant on tracks adjacent to station platforms where trains are intended to stop in
normal service shall not exceed 110 mm. Cant deficiency.
For operation of rolling stock conforming to the Locomotives and Passenger TSI: 153mm
For operation of rolling stock conforming to the Fright Wagons TSI: 130mm
It is permissible for trains specifically designed to travel with higher cant deficiency (for example
multiple units with axle loads lower than set out in table 2; vehicles with special equipment for
the negotiation of curves) to run with higher cant deficiency values, subject to a demonstration
that this can be achieved safely. Usable length of platforms where trains are intended to stop in normal service.
The usable length of a platform shall be defined according to point 4.2.1. [Point 4.2.1 refers to
the Category of line.] Platform height.
The nominal platform height shall be 550 mm or 760 mm above the running surface for radii of
300 m or more.
For platforms where trains, which are outside the scope of the locomotives and passengers TSI,
are intended to stop, different provisions for the nominal platform height might apply. Platform offset.
The distance between the track centre and the platform edge parallel to the running plane (bq),
as defined in chapter 13 of EN 15273-3:2013, shall be set on the basis of the installation limit
gauge (bqlim). The installation limit gauge shall be calculated on the basis of the gauge G1.
The platform shall be built close to the gauge within a maximum tolerance of 50 mm.

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6.2.1 Codes and standards
The codes and standards selected are:
 Infrastructure subsystem TSI.
 Persons with reduced mobility TSI.
 EN 1991-2:2003/AC:2010: Eurocode 1: Actions on structures. Part 2: Traffic loads on
 EN 81-70:2003+A1:2004: Safety rules for the construction and installations of lifts -
Particular applications for passenger and good passenger lifts - Part 70: Accessibility to
lifts for persons including persons with disability
 EN 115-1:2008+A1:2010: Safety of escalators and moving walks. Construction and
 EN 12464-2:2014: Light and lighting. Lighting of work places. Outdoor work places.
 EN 12464-1:2011: Light and lighting. Lighting of work places. Indoor work places.

6.2.2 Technical specifications for interoperability relating to the

“infrastructure” subsystem of rail system in the European Union
The following specification is found in the Infrastructure subsystem TSI: Resistance of new structures over or adjacent to tracks.

Aerodynamic actions from passing trains shall be taken into account as set out in EN 1991-
2:2003/ AC: 2010 paragraphs 6.6.2 to 6.6.6 inclusive.

6.2.3 Technical specifications for interoperability relating to accessibility of

the Union's rail
The following specifications are found in the Persons with reduced mobility TSI: Parking facilities for persons with disabilities and persons with reduced mobility.
Where a station specific parking area exists, there shall be sufficient and adapted parking spaces
reserved for persons with disabilities and persons with reduced mobility eligible to utilise them
at the nearest practicable position, within the parking area, to an accessible entrance.

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EuropeAid/136050/IH/SER/MK Obstacle-free route.

Obstacle free routes shall be provided that interconnect the following public areas of the
infrastructure if provided:
 Stopping points for other connecting modes of transport within the station confines (for
example, taxi, bus, tram, metro, ferry, etc.).Car parks.
 Accessible entrances and exits.
 Information desks.
 Visual and audible information systems.
 Ticketing facilities.
 Customer assistance.
 Waiting areas.
 Toilet facilities.
 Platforms.
The length of the obstacle-free routes shall be the shortest practical distance.
Obstacle-free route floor surfaces and ground surfaces shall have low reflecting properties.
[Definition of obstacle free route: An obstacle-free route is a link between two or more public
areas dedicated to the transport of passengers such as specified in point 2.1.1. It can be
navigated by all persons with disabilities and reduced mobility. In order to achieve this, the route
can be divided to better meet the needs of all persons with disabilities and reduced mobility.
The combination of all the parts of the obstacle free route constitutes the route accessible for
all persons with disabilities and reduced mobility.] Horizontal circulation.

All obstacle-free routes, footbridges and subways, shall have a free width of a minimum of 160
cm except in areas that are specified in points (2) (doors), (3) (platforms) and (2) (level crossings)). [Point, point and point are included in
the Building codes and standards too.]
Where thresholds are installed on a horizontal route, they shall contrast with the surrounding
floor and shall not be higher than 2.5 cm. Vertical circulation.

Where an obstacle-free route includes a change in level, there shall be a step-free route
providing an alternative to stairs for mobility impaired people.
[Definition of step free route: A step-free route is a division of an obstacle-free route that meets
the needs of mobility impaired persons. Changes in level are avoided or, when they cannot be
avoided, they are bridged via ramps or lifts.]
Staircases on the obstacle-free routes shall have a minimum width of 160 cm measured between
the handrails. As a minimum the first and last steps shall be indicated by a contrasting band and
as a minimum tactile warning surface indicators shall be installed before the first descending

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Ramps shall be installed for persons with disabilities and persons with reduced mobility unable
to use stairs where lifts are not provided. They shall have a moderate gradient. A steep gradient
is allowed for ramps on short distances only.
Stairs and ramps shall be provided with handrails on both sides and at two levels.
Lifts shall be provided where ramps are not available and shall be at least of type 2 in accordance
with the specification referenced in Appendix A, index 1. [Appendix A index 1 specifies the use
of EN 81-70:2003+A1:2004. Point 5.3.1, table 1].
Escalators and moving walks shall be designed in accordance with the specification referenced
in Appendix A, index 2. [Appendix A index 2 specifies the use of EN 115-1:2008+A1:2010].
Level track crossings can form part of an obstacle-free route when they comply with the
requirements of point [Point is included in this document.] Doors and entrances.

This point applies to all doors and entrances that are on obstacle-free routes, with the exception
of doors giving access to the toilets which are not dedicated to persons with disabilities and
persons with reduced mobility.
Doors shall have a minimum clear useable width of 90 cm and shall be operable by persons with
disabilities and persons with reduced mobility.
It is permitted to use manual, semi-automatic or automatic doors.
Door operating devices shall be available at a height of between 80 cm and 110 cm. Floor surfaces.

All floor coverings, ground surfaces and stair tread surfaces shall be slip resistant.
Within the station buildings there shall be no irregularities in excess of 0.5 cm at any given point
in floor walking surface areas, except for thresholds, drainage channels and tactile walking
surface indicators. Toilets and baby nappy changing facilities.

If toilets are provided at a station, then a minimum of one unisex cubicle shall be wheelchair
If toilets are provided at a station, baby nappy changing facilities shall be provided which are
accessible to both men and women. Furniture and free-standing devices.

All items of furniture and free-standing devices at stations shall contrast with their background,
and have rounded edges.
Within the station confines, furniture and free-standing devices (including cantilevered and
suspended items) shall be positioned where they do not obstruct blind or visually impaired
people, or they shall be detectable by a person using a long cane.

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On each platform where passengers are allowed to wait for trains, and at every waiting area,
there shall be a minimum of one area fitted with seating facilities and a space for a wheelchair.
When this area is weather protected, it shall be accessible by a wheelchair user. Ticketing, Information desks and Customer Assistance points.

Where manual ticket sales counters, information desks and customer assistance points are
provided along the obstacle-free route, a minimum of one desk shall be accessible to a
wheelchair user and to people of small stature and a minimum of one desk shall be fitted with
an induction loop system for hearing assistance.
If there is a glass barrier between the passenger and sales person at the ticket counter, this shall
either be removable or, if not removable, an intercom system shall be fitted. Any such glass
barrier shall consist of clear glass.
If electronic devices are fitted that displays pricing information to the sales person, such devices
shall also be fitted that display the price to the person purchasing the ticket.
Where ticket vending machines are provided on an obstacle free route at a station, a minimum
of one of these machines shall have an interface that is reachable by a wheelchair user and
people of small stature.
If ticket control machines are fitted, a minimum of one of the machines shall have a free
passageway with a minimum width of 90 cm and shall be able to accommodate an occupied
wheelchair up to 1 250 mm in length. In the case of upgrade or renewal, a minimum width of 80
cm is permitted.
If turnstiles are used, there shall be a non-turnstile access point available for use by persons with
disabilities and persons with reduced mobility at all operational times. Lighting.
The illuminance level of the external areas of the station shall be sufficient to facilitate way
finding and to highlight the changes of level, doors and entrances.
The illuminance level along obstacle-free routes shall be adapted to the visual task of the
passenger. Particular attention shall be paid to the changes of levels, ticket vending offices and
machines, information desks and information displays.
The platforms shall be illuminated according the specification referenced in Appendix A, index 3
and index 4. [Appendix A index 3 specifies the use of EN 12464-2:2014 Table 5.12, except points
5.12.16 and 5.12.19. and Appendix A index 4 specifies the use of EN 12464-1:2011 Point 5.53.1.]
Emergency lighting shall provide sufficient visibility for evacuation and for identification of fire-
fighting and safety equipment. Platform width and edge of platform.

The danger area of a platform commences at the rail side edge of the platform and is defined as
the area where passengers are not allowed to stand when trains are passing or arriving.
It is permitted for the width of the platform to be variable on the whole length of the platform.

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The minimum width of the platform without obstacles shall be the width of the danger area plus
the width of two opposing freeways of 80 cm (160 cm). This dimension may taper to 90 cm at
the platform ends. It is permitted to have obstacles inside this freeway of 160 cm. Equipment
required for the signalling system and safety equipment shall not be considered as obstacles in
this point. The minimum distance from obstacles to the danger area shall be according to the
following table:

If there are auxiliary facilities on-board trains, or on the platform, to allow wheelchair users to
board on or alight from trains, a free space (no obstacles) of 150 cm from the edge of the facility
towards the direction where the wheelchair boards/lands at/to the platform level, shall be
provided where such facilities are likely to be used. A new station shall meet this requirement
for all trains that are planned to stop at the platform.
The boundary of the danger area, furthest from the rail side edge of the platform, shall have a
visual marking and tactile walking surface indicators.
The visual marking shall be a contrasting, slip resistant, warning line with a minimum width of
10 cm.
Tactile walking surface indicators can be one of the two types:
 An attention pattern indicating a hazard at the boundary of the danger area.
 A guiding pattern indicating a path of travel at the safe side of the platform.
The material at the rail side edge of the platform shall contrast with the darkness of the gap. End of platform.

The end of the platform shall either be fitted with a barrier that prevents public access or shall
have a visual marking and tactile walking surface indicators with an attention pattern indicating
a hazard. Boarding aids stored on platforms.

If a platform ramp is used, it shall comply with the requirements of point [Those
requirements are:
o Ramps shall be designed and assessed for an area of use defined by the maximum
vertical gap they can overcome within a maximum slope of 18 %.
o Ramps shall accommodate a wheelchair with characteristics as detailed in appendix M.
o Ramps shall withstand a weight of at least 300 kg, placed at the centre of the device
distributed over an area of 660 mm by 660 mm.
o If the ramp is power operated it shall incorporate a method of manual operation should
power fail.

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o The ramp surface shall be slip resistant and shall have an effective clear width of a
minimum of 760 mm.
o Ramps having a clear width of less than 1 000 mm shall have raised edges on both sides
to prevent mobility aid wheels from slipping off.
o The upstands at both ends of the ramp shall be bevelled and shall not be higher than 20
mm. They shall have contrasting hazard warning bands.
o The ramp shall be equipped with a mechanism to securely locate the ramp so that it is
not subject to displacement when in use for boarding or alighting.
o The ramp shall be provided with self-contrasting markings. ]

If a platform lift is used, it shall comply with the requirements of point [Those
requirements are:
o Lifts shall be designed and assessed for an area of use defined by the maximum vertical
gap they can overcome.
o Lifts shall accommodate a wheelchair with characteristics as detailed in appendix M.
o Lifts shall withstand a weight of at least 300 kg, placed at the centre of the device
distributed over an area of 660 mm by 660 mm.
o The lift platform surface shall be slip resistant.
o At surface level, the lift platform shall have a minimum clear width of 800 mm and a
length of 1200 mm. According to appendix M, an additional length of 50 mm shall be
available for feet above a height of 100 mm above the lift platform, considering both
inboard and outboard orientations of the wheelchair user.
o The bridging plate overriding the gap between the lift platform and the carriage floor
shall have a minimum width of 760 mm.
o Where provided, each control for deploying, lowering to ground level, raising and
stowing the lift shall require continuous manual pressure by the operator and shall not
allow an improper lift sequencing when the lift platform is occupied.
o The lift shall incorporate a method of deploying, lowering to ground level with a lift
occupant, and raising and stowing the empty lift if the power to the lift fails.
o No part of the lift platform shall move at a rate exceeding 150 mm/second during
lowering and lifting an occupant, and shall not exceed 600 mm/second during deploying
or stowing (except if the lift is manually deployed or stowed).
o The maximum lift platform horizontal and vertical acceleration when occupied shall be
0.3 g.
o The lift platform shall be equipped with barriers to prevent any of the wheels of a
wheelchair from rolling off the lift platform during its operation.
o A movable barrier or inherent design feature shall prevent a wheelchair from rolling off
the edge closest to the vehicle until the lift is in its fully raised position.
o Each side of the lift platform which extends beyond the vehicle in its raised position shall
have a barrier a minimum 25 mm high. Such barriers shall not interfere with
manoeuvring into or out of the aisle.
o The loading-edge barrier (outer barrier) which functions as a loading ramp when the lift
is at ground level, shall be sufficient when raised or closed, or a supplementary system
shall be provided, to prevent a power wheelchair from riding over or defeating it.
o The lift shall permit both inboard and outboard orientation of the wheelchair user.
o The lift shall be provided with self-contrasting markings.]

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A secure storage method shall be provided to ensure that boarding aids, including portable
ramps, when stored on a platform, do not cause an obstruction or pose any hazard to
passengers. Passenger track crossing to platforms.

Level track crossings in stations are permitted to be used as part of a step-free route or of an
obstacle-free route according to National Rules.
If level track crossings are used as parts of step free routes in addition to other routes, they shall:
 Have a minimum width of 120 cm (less than 10 m in length) or 160 cm (10 m or more in
 Have moderate slopes; a steep gradient is only allowed for ramps on short distances.
 Be designed so that the smallest wheel of a wheelchair, as defined in appendix M,
cannot be trapped within the crossing surface and the rail.
 Where accesses to level crossings are equipped with safety chicanes in order to prevent
people from unintended/uncontrolled crossing of the tracks, the minimum width of the
walkways in the straight line and in the chicane can be less than 120 cm with a minimum
of 90 cm; it shall be sufficient for a wheelchair user to manoeuvre.
If level track crossings are used as parts of obstacles free routes, unique solution for all
passengers, they shall:
 Meet all specifications above.
 Have visual and tactile markings to identify the beginning and the end of the crossing
 Be supervised, or, on the basis of national rules, equipment for a safe crossing of blind
or visually impaired people shall be provided and/or the level crossing shall be operated
for a safe crossing of visually impaired people.
If any of the above requirements cannot be met, the level track crossing shall not be considered
part of a step-free route or of an obstacle-free route.

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Calculation of hydraulic parameters
In cases of open channels and culverts flow shall be calculated using the continuity condition in
combination with the MANNING - STRICKLER formula:

Q = (m3/s); the discharge
1/n=K; the roughness coefficient depending on the wall properties
A = (m2); the wet cross-sectional area
V = (m/s); the flow velocity
R = (m); the hydraulic radius where R = A/ Π
Π = (m); the wetted perimeter
S; the slope of the energy line in absolute arithmetic units. For uniform flow the slope
Sis equal to the bed slope.

The roughness coefficient n of the Manning - Strickler formula shall be taken equal to:
 0.016 for concrete sewer pipes and lined external ditches.
 0.018 for box culverts
 0.025 for training works with gabions
 0.030 for natural streambed

Minimum dimensions of Culverts and Pipes

The minimum diameter of sewer pipes is D=0.40m.
The minimum diameter of perforated under drainage pipes is D=0.20 m.
The minimum dimensions of a box culvert are 2.00 x 2.00m

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Drainage Works Capacity Limits

The maximum allowable capacity (Qmax ) of the shallow side ditches (T=10 years) in relation to
the capacity (Qfull ) is defined as:

The freeboard of new box and pipe culverts can be 0 when the calculations are carried out with
a return period of critical rainfall - T=100 years.
When the calculations of the new transverse drainage work are carried out with a return period
of critical rainfall event equal to 50 years the freeboard is as following:
 For culverts with a width of B <= 4.0 m, Freeboard = 0.50 (m)
 For culverts with a width of B >= 4.0 m and bridges, Freeboard = 1.00 (m)
The maximum allowable capacity ymax/D for pipes and pipe culverts is:
 For pipes and pipe culverts with D≤400mm, ymax/D≤50%
 For pipes and pipe culverts with 400<D≤600mm, ymax/D≤60%
 For pipes and pipe culverts with D>600mm, ymax/D≤70%

Maximum Flow Velocities

The maximum allowable velocity through the structure at the design discharge, in order to avoid
erosion, shall be taken from table below.

Table 9. Maximum velocity

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Codes and standards
Applicability of specific requirements to be verified in the TSI/ETSI compliance assessment.
 Technical specifications for interoperability (TSI) for subsystems “Operation and control
of the traffic”.
 ETSI EN 300 019-2-3 (v2.1.2) 1999-09: European Standards and Requirements for
Telecommunication equipment and the areas where they are place.

Terms of reference requirements

The following table provides Control, Management, Signalling and Telecommunication ToR
requirements and the comments about some of them.


Signalling Interlocking (interoperability) SIL 4 -
Signalling ETCS-1 Redundant SIL-4 -
Signalling Axle-counter Only in stations.
Signalling Open track switch Interstation
Ring STM-64 (10 GbE)
Telecommunication SDH / STM-4
(Meeting 2016-03-10)
Backbone network based on NG- IP/MPLS or MPLS-TP (PERI not
SDH agree) (Meeting 2016-03-10)
Digital Telephony with Digital IP Telephony (Meeting 2016-
Circuits 03-10)
The only systems that must be
Radiocommunication: VHF and
Telecommunication pre-designed is a GSM-R
preliminary design for GSM-R
System. (Meeting 2016-03-10)
Passenger Information and
Telecommunication - Chronometry Systems must
be included

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The most proper solution is to have a

single CTC for the three sections.
There will be a Central software for
systems below:
• Telecommunication Network
Management System, TNM
• Centralized Traffic Control System
(CTC and its dispatchers)
OCC/CTC - • Public Address Central Control
• Passenger Information Central
Control Application
• Central Server for IP Telephony
• Central System for watching and
recording Cameras from CCTV
Chronometry, Reference Clock
Digital Telephony with
Telecommunication IP Telephony (Meeting 2016-03-10)
Digital Circuits
Radiocommunication: The only systems that must be pre-
Telecommunication VHF and preliminary designed is a GSM-R System. (Meeting
design for GSM-R 2016-03-10)
Passenger Information and Chronometry
Telecommunication -
Systems must be included

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Codes and standards
Applicability of specific requirements to be verified in the TSI/ETSI compliance assessment.
 Technical specifications for interoperability (TSI) for subsystems “Operation and control
of the traffic”.
 GSM-R shall be designed with coverage for level 2 of ETCS.

Terms of reference requirements

Due to the geographical location of the studio section (main communication artery between the
Adriatic and Black Seas), an increase in the demand is expected to take place in the future,
making it necessary to install an ETCS-2 System (Pan-European Corridor VII).
Once ETCS-2 is installed, ETCS-1 will provide support to this system, increasing the safety level
of the section.
Installation and availability of ETCS-1 and ETCS-2 will allow for the circulation of rolling stock
equipped with both systems on-board.

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Codes and standards
The following standards, specifications and regulations are to be applied for the construction of
the overhead contact system and the components to be used:
 Technical specifications for interoperability relating to the ‘energy’ subsystem of the rail
system in the Union (Nº 1301/2014)
 IEC Standards for all components used
 UIC Standards for all dimensions, distances and components used
 DIN Standards for the performance tests as well as for the construction tests of the parts
of the OCL
 Proven Standards of European Railway Systems of comparable structure, for
installations and components not covered by the above mentioned Standards and Rules
 ANTI SEISMIC STANDARDS/REGULATIONS of the Republic of Macedonia for the
computation of the load carrying members of the OCL (masts, cantilevers, wires, clamps,
etc.) as well as for the tests of the performance against earthquakes
 EN, VDE, DIN, BS or equivalent international standards for materials, devices, machines
etc. which are not manufactured in Macedonia and for items which are not specified in
the national norms and instructions and in the IEC.
 CONCRETE’S TECHNOLOGY REGULATION for concrete’s quality tests.
 The quality of all components of the OCL, not covered by the above mentioned
Standards, has to be proved individually and adequately by the Contractor to the Client’s
satisfaction, e.g. referring to the successful use in the OCL of several European electrified
Railway Systems.

Operating Conditions
10.2.1General - Ambient Conditions
The electrification system to be implemented for the Overhead Contact Line System is single
phase 25 kV, AC 50 Hz.
The design of the catenary system has to be such that the pantograph of a traction vehicle can
safely collect the traction current from the contact wire at maximum speed 120 km/h for the
following ambient conditions:
 minimum temperature -20° C
 maximum temperature +40° C
 ambient average temperature +15° C
 frost creation temperature -5° C
 atmospheric pollution level “medium”
 relative humidity level “low”
 force caused by wind on the OCLS components 60 daN/m2

71 Design criteria and assumptions

13 December, 2016
Preparation of Detailed design and tender documentation for
This project is funded by the construction of new railway section Kriva Palanka – Border
European Union with Republic of Bulgaria, as part of Corridor VIII:

Mechanical calculations will be based on the following temperature range of the Contact –
Messenger Wire.
 Lowest temperature without ice -20° C
 Lowest temperature with ice -5° C
 Highest temperature: +70° C
 Average temperature: +25° C
 Additional force on the poles 0.18 daN/m

10.2.2Vehicle requirements
The traction current for each unit of an Electric Locomotive is to be taken from the contact wire
by one pantograph, equipped with two parallel carbon strips.
 Lowest permanent voltage (EN 50163) 19.0 kV
 Highest permanent voltage (EN 50163) 27.5 kV
 Lowest non-permanent voltage (EN 50163) 17.5 kV
 Highest non-permanent voltage (EN 50163) 29.0 kV
 pantograph pressure (TSI 2011/274/EU) 6-9 daN

10.2.3Track parameters
 Gauge nominal at open track 3.00 m
 Gauge minimal (TSI requirement) 2.50 m
 Gauge minimal inside stations 2.25 m
 minimum distance between the center lines of two tracks 4.00 m
 minimum distance to allow poles to be placed between tracks 4.70 m
 min clearance between live parts of the catenary and earthed structures 0.26 m
In any case, the structure gauge has to be considered for all tracks, also at critical cross sections.

Electrical parameters for the 25 kV AC network

 Lowest permanent voltage (EN 50163) 19.0 kV
 Highest permanent voltage (EN 50163) 27.5 kV
 Lowest non-permanent voltage (EN 50163) 17.5 kV
 Highest non-permanent voltage (EN 50163) 29.0 kV
 Nominal voltage 25.0 kV
 Frequency 50 Hz +/-5%
 Maximum short-circuit current 15 kA
 Short-circuit duration 0.3 s
 Nominal current 625 A
 Short-time current – 5 minutes 1250 A
 Insulation dimensioning (insulation level) 52 kV
 Electrification free path UIC-606
 Voltage withstand to industrial frequency humid/dry 95 kVrms
 Voltage withstand to lightning (impulse) voltage +/- 250 kVpeak
 Minimum creepage distance 1.100 mm
 Allowed contact voltage 400 Vrms

72 Design criteria and assumptions

13 December, 2016
Preparation of Detailed design and tender documentation for
This project is funded by the construction of new railway section Kriva Palanka – Border
European Union with Republic of Bulgaria, as part of Corridor VIII:

Pantograph – Rolling stock - Track data

10.4.1 Rolling stock – Track data

Gauge GC UIC 505-1, UIC 506

Regenerative breaking No
Width of pantograph bow 1600 mm UIC 794
Working range of the
1200 mm UIC 794
pantograph bow
Contact strip material Carbon UIC 794
Height operating range min 4.80 m / max 6.50 m
Number of pantographs single
Table 10. Parameters Rolling Stock


Minimum radius 500 m According to track design

Type of turnouts 1:12, R=500
Rail profile UIC 54 and UIC 60 According to track design
Maximum cant 160 mm According to track design

Table 11. Parameters track

10.4.3Pantograph contact forces and uplift

Minimum contact force

Positive EN 50119
between pantograph and CW

Permissible maximum
aerodynamic contact force at 120 N TSI Energy, EN 50119, UIC 794
maximum speed

Nominal static contact force 70 N (+20 N / -10 N) TSI Energy

Permissible maximum contact

wire uplift when pantograph 120 mm UIC 794, UIC 608
passes the support

The maximum duration of

individual arc between <100 ms TSI Energy
pantograph head and wire

Table 12. Parameters pantograph

73 Design criteria and assumptions

13 December, 2016
Preparation of Detailed design and tender documentation for
This project is funded by the construction of new railway section Kriva Palanka – Border
European Union with Republic of Bulgaria, as part of Corridor VIII:

The following table summarises the main catenary design parameters. The values apply to all
types of tracks (open track, main and secondary lines in stations).

Table 13. Catenary design parameters

74 Design criteria and assumptions

13 December, 2016

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