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I want to know if you can open the window?

I wonde where i can those shoes?

Can you tell me if you are is brother?

Could you tell me if it your pen?

I’d like to know where his pen is?

Can you tell me if you are using this?

Could you tell me if you have got a sister?

I wonder if yoyr mom has got long hair?

Could yo tell me how many cara you have ¿

I’d like to know if our cat was at the vet yesterday?

They’re having their flat decorated

He nis having a suit made

She is having her hair done

He is having a tooth taken out

He having her windows cleaned

The having a photograph taken

I haven’t had my central heating serviced (my central heating / service) since last autumn

1. (Futuro going to) are you going to have (these shoes /repaired) or shall i trow them
2. (Presente continuo)Mi neghbours are having (an extension /built) onto their house at
the moment
3. (Must) i must have (my glasses / mended) they keep falling off
4. (Presente simple) where do you have (your hair / done) it always looks very nice
5. (Past simple) i had (four new tyres / fit) on my car last month
6. (Present perfect) i’ve just has (my suit / dry- cleaned)

Peter had (his flat /burgled) while he has was out at work

Mr and Mrs woods had (the roof of their house / damaged) in a storm

Lynne had (the radio/ stolen) from her car

My brother had (his nose / break) in a football match

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