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PHEROMONES-signals secreted into the environment

ENDOCRINE SYSTEM to modify the behavior & physiology of other individuals
Supplemental Module prepared by Pheromones of women may influence the length of
JEANNETTE R. ABELLA M.D. menstrual cycle in other women

HOMEOSTASIS- depends on precise regulation of organs RECEPTORS - are protein or glycoprotein that binds with
& organ system chemical signals to produce a response.
NERVOUS- controls activity of tissue by sending AP RECEPTOR SITE - binding site, shape and character of
along axons w/c release chemical signals near the cell receptor site allows only specific signals to bind to it.
they control SPECIFICITY - tendency to bind to specific chemical
ENDOCRINE- releases chemical signals into the signal and not to others.
circulatory system w/c carries them to all parts of the
2 Major Types of receptor sites
WATER BALANCE-controls solute concentration of the INTRACELLULAR RECEPTORS
blood 1. MEMBRANE BOUND RECEPTORS -receptor sites on
UTERINE CONTRACTION & MILK RELEASE-oxytocin the outer surface of the CM
GROWTH, METABOLISM & MATURATION- growth -receptors respond to signals that are large, water
hormone- bones & muscles soluble molecules that do not diffuse across the CM.
ENDOCRINE FUNCTIONS -receptors that binds and extends to the inside of the
ION REGULATION- regulates Na+, K+, Ca+ in the blood cell to produce a response.
HR & BP REGULATION-helps blood for physical activity
BLOOD GLUCOSE- insulin A. Receptors that directly alter membrane
IMMUNE REGULATION-immune cell production permeability-causes ion channels to open or close,
REPRODUCTIVE FUNCTIONS- males & females resulting to change in membrane permeability.
eg. Acetylcholine of the nerve endings binds to
CHEMICAL SIGNALS membrane found receptor of the skeletal m. causing
Signals are molecules released from one location that contraction
move to another location to produce a response.
B. RECEPTORS and G proteins -activation of a complex
CHEMICAL SIGNALS protein at the inner surface at the CM called G protein.
1. INTRA CELLULAR - are produced in 1 part of a Activated G protein can either
cell(CM) and travel to another part(same cell) and bind a. open or close membrane channel to produce
to receptors (cytoplasm or nucleus). response.
2. INTER CELLULAR - are released from 1 cell carried in b. activate enzymes that produce intracellular chemical
the INTER CELLULAR fluid and bind to receptors found in signals
some cells of the body.

FUNCTIONAL CATEGORIES OF INTERCELLULAR SIGNALS 3. RECEPTORS that directly alter the activity of enzymes
-based on the tissues where they are released or either increase or decrease activity of enzymes
secreted from and tissues they regulate enzymes on the other hand can increase or decrease
1. AUTOCRINE- signals released by cells and have local the synthesis of intracellular signals like cGMP
effects on the same cell type from w/c the signal is
2.PARACRINE – Signal released by cells having effect on RESPONSE- could be enzymes or DNA bound
another cell type near the cell from w/c they are
released, not carried into the circulation COMPARISON
3. HORMONES – Signals secreted into the circulatory Intercellular signal membrane bound receptor (process
system travels some distance to target tissues, is rapid but few signals are bound to form) activated
influencing specific activities receptors produces many signals
4. NUERO HORMONES – Signals also secreted into the
circulatory sys. Produced by neurons and function like COMPARISON
hormones. Intracellular signals activated enzymes + intracellular
5. NEURO TANSMITTER or MODULATORS – signals receptors ( several hours required) m RNA + protein
secreted by nerve cells w/c plays a important role in the produces intercellular signals (cycle re-starts)
function of the NERVOUS SYSTEM
ENDOCRINE ( to separate w/in ) 1. Anterior – made up of epithelial cells derived from
implies that intercellular signals are produced w/in and embryonic oral cavity .
secreted from the ENDOCRINE GLANDS but the signals 2. Posterior – is an extension of the brain made up of
have effect at the locations away from or separate from nerve cells.
the gland
EXOCRINE (to separate outside) PITUITARY GLAND – aka Master gland because it
secretes product into ducts w/c exit the glands and controls the function of so many other glands.
carry the secretory product to an external or internal a. controls the function of the ovaries, testes, thyroid,
surface. adrenal cortex
b. also secretes hormone that influences growth, kidney
HORMONES - Intercellular signals secreted by endocrine function and birth and milk production* is now known
glands that pituitary gland is controlled by the hypothalamus
-set in motion because hormones set responses by cells
into motion. 2 Ways of control
- distributed in the blood to all parts of the body but 1. ANTERIOR PITUITARY – hormone secretion is
only target tissues respond to each type of hormone controlled by releasing hormones/inhibitory hormones
2. POST PITUITARY – hormone secretion is controlled
CHEMICAL CATEGORIES OF HORMONES by stimulation of nerve cells w/in the hypothalamus.
1.PROTEIN, peptide and amino acid derivatives
this hormones are bind to membrane bound receptors 1. GROWTH HORMONE
except thyroid gland peptide hormone w/c diffuses - Stimulates growth of bones, muscles and other organs.
through membrane binds to intra cellular receptors. - Also RESIST protein breakdown and FAVORS fat
a. Steroid hormone are lipids derived from cholesterol GH is controlled by GSH and GIH.
-diffuses across CM and binds to intra cellular receptors. GROWTH can also be influenced by genetics, nutrition
b. ECOSANOIDS – from fatty acid arachidic acid and sex hormones
> bind to membrane bound receptor associated with G GH= increase in somatomedin secretion from the liver
protein response and binds to receptor cells of bone and cartilage.


1.Blood levels of chemicals – secretion is controlled a. Low GH in the young causes PITIUTARY DWARFISM
directly by blood levels. Small but proportional
2.Hormones – secretion is controlled by other Treatment: administer GH
hormones b. High GH young before bone growth is complete
3. Nervous system – by NS control GIANTISM
CNS adrenals Epinephrine Abnormally tall
Treatment: removal of tumor
ENDOCRINE GLANDS AND HORMONES c.High GH older, bone diameter continues to grow
- are ductless glands w/c secretes hormones directly to ACROMEGALY
the blood. Facial features & hands are abnormally large
-supplied by network of blood vessels.
- richest blood supply – adrenal and thyroid 2. THYROID STIMULATING HORMONE
- some glands – perform functions aside from secretion TSH-binds to membrane bound receptors on cells of the
thyroid gland and causes to secrete TH ( T3 & T4)
PITUITARY AND HYPOTHALAMUS - small pea size gland
- located at the sphenoid bone inferior to the 3.ADRENOCORTICOTROPHIC HORMONE
hypothalamus and posterior to the optic chiasma ACTH-bind with MBR of cortex of adrenal glands
Specifically sella turcica -increase secretion of cortisol or hydrocortisone to
keep the adrenal cortex from degenerating
PITUITARY AND HYPOTHALAMUS -also bind to melanocytes in the skin and increase
*HYPOLALAMUS & ENDOCRINE control system pigmentation
- located inferior to the thalamus
*INFUNDIBULUM – is a stalk that connects the pituitary GONADOTROPINS – hormones that binds to MBR on
gland to the hypothalamus. the cells of gonads(testes and ovaries)
-regulates the growth, development and function of the
4. LH- cause the ovulation of oocytes and secretion of of loose connective tissue between follicles
the sex hormones estrogen and progesterone from the Producing calcitonin
ovaries. Secreted if blood level of calcium is high
5. FSH- stimulates the development of follicles in the
MALE GONADOTROHINS 1.Main function – secrete TH w/c bind to intracellular
4.ICSH / LH– stimulates the secretion of the sex receptors & regulate rate of metabolism
hormone testosterone from the interstitial cells of the 2. Growth & development- cannot proceed w/o normal
testes rate of TH secretion
5. FSH- stimulates the development of sperm cells in the HYPOTHYROIDISM- lack of TH
testes CRETENISM- in infants, mental retardation, short
stature w/ abnormally formed skeletal structure
PRL – binds to MBR in the breast Reduced rate of metabolism- sluggishness
> helps promote develop of the breast during Reduced ability to perform routine task
pregnancies. Myxedema- accumulation of fluids & other molecules in
> stimulates the production of milk in the breast ff. the subcutaneous tissue
7.MELANOCYTE STIMULATING HORMONE GRAVES DISEASE- result from production of abnormal
MSH -binds MBR on melanocytes causes them to protein by immune system that is similar in structure &
synthesize melanin function to TSH
over secretion of MSH = dark skin. HYPERTHYROIDISM- elevated rate of metabolism -
Similar with ACTH=synthesize melanin Extreme nervousness, chronic fatigue
EXOPTHALMIA- bulging of the eye
ADH -binds to MBR & increase H20 reabsorption by THYROID GLAND
kidney tubules -requires IODINE to synthesize TH
Less H2O lost in urine = < U.O. Iodine → taken up → thyroid follicle →TH= T3 & T4
Blood vessel to constrict when release in large amounts If IODINE is insufficient → production & secretion of TH
(VASOPRESSIN) is diminished
If ADH is less → large amount of diluted urine → > U.O. TH are stored in combination w/ protein called
Thyroglobin in the follicles
DIABETES INSIPIDUS -lack of ADH secretion causes large Decrease iodine in diet → low T3 & low T4 synthesis →
amount of diluted urine take table salts
Severe cases- high osmolality of body fluids & loss of HYPOTHALAMIC – PITUITARY PORTAL SYSTEM
important electrolytes in the urine ( Ca+, Na+, K+) TSH-RH – causes cells in the anterior pituitary to
secrete TSH w/c passes thru the general circulation to
9. OXYTOCIN -binds to MBR causes contraction of the the thyroid gland.
smooth muscle of the uterus & milk ejection or milk let TSH – causes the release of TH T3 & T4 into the
down reflex from lactating women circulation
Commercially prepared oxytocin are used to assist in T3 and T4 acts on target tissue to produce a response
child birth & constrict uterine blood vessels following T3 and T4 also have inhibitory effect on the secretion of
child birth TRH from the hypothalamus and THS from the anterior
> made up of 2 tubes connected by a narrow band 11. THYROID HORMONES- T3 /T4
>located on either side of the trachea inferior to the a. METABOLISM
>it is 1 of the largest endocrine glands c. NORMAL GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT
> red because it is highly vascular
>surrounded by a connective tissue capsule NEGATIVE FEEDBACK
Increase TH → inhibits secretion of TSH-RH from the
THYROID FOLLICLES - are small spheres w/ walls that HYPOTHALAMUS→ inhibit secretion of TSH in the
connect of simple cuboidal epithelium ANTERIOR PITUITARY GLAND
-synthesizes TH stored in the follicles If TH is decrease → stimulates release TSH secretion &
- is filled w/ protein to w/c thyroid hormones are TH in the thyroid gland
Because of the negative feedback TH fluctuates w/in 2. Less Vitamin D formation
narrow concentration in the blood
GOITER- when excess TSH causes thyroid gland to ADRENAL GLANDS- MEDULLA -located superior to each
enlarge kidneys
low T3 & low T4 15. NOREPINEPHRINE – small amount
Both released by sympathetic NS w/c become active
12.CALCITONIN- secreted by parafollicular cells when physically active or excited
-It decreases the level of high blood calcium to normal
-binds to MBR & reduce rate of CALCIUM reabsorption 1. Breakdown of glycogen to glucose in the liver, release
from bones glucose in the blood& fatty acids from fat cells
FUNCTION increase body’s rate of metabolism
Prevent blood calcium level from becoming overtly 2. Increase HR→ increase BP
elevated following meals high with calcium FIGHT OR FLIGHT HORMONES
Lack of calcitonin does not result in prolonged increase 3. Stimulates smooth muscles of arteries supplying
in calcium internal organs & skin to decrease flow & increasing
Other mechanism controls calcium blood level for lack flow to skeletal muscles
of calcitonin secretion 4. Increase BP due to contraction of blood vessels in
internal organ & skin
*PARATHYROID GLAND 5. Increase metabolic rate of the skeletal, cardiac &
- there are 4 tiny glands embedded in the posterior wall nervous tissue
of the thyroid gld
they secrete PTH essential for regulate of blood calcium ADRENAL GLAND- CORTEX
level 16.GLUCOCORTICOIDS- help to regulate blood nutrients
-more important than calcitonin in the body
binds MBR and increases the absorption of Ca from a. Cortisol- major glucocorticoid, increases breakdown
intestines. of fat & protein, use as source of energy
b. Cortisone-closely related to cortisol
13. PARATHYROID HORMONE - to reduce inflammation & allergy
Causing an increase Vitamin D formation CORTISOL
PTH – also increase reabsorption or breakdown of bone Cortisol acts on muscle protein amino acids liver
tissue to release calcium into the circulation converts amino acids to glycogen glucose
It decrease the rate of calcium lost in the urine Cortisol acts on adipose tissue fat stores fatty acids
Acts on target tissue to raise blood calcium to normal Cortisol reduces inflammatory response & act as source
of energy in stressful conditions
Reduce bone density causing CORTISOL
1.Soft flexible bones Low blood glucose level→ hypothalamus→ stimulate
2.Deformed bones in the young releasing hormone for ACTH in the anterior pituitary
3. Porous & fragile bone in the old gland→stimulates cortisol release
But if calcium is high → PTH secretion will decrease= Without ACTH –adrenal cortex will atrophy & loss ability
lower Ca+ to normal level to secrete cortisol
secretion 17. MINERALOCORTICOIDS- regulates blood volume
through Na+ & K+ blood levels
TUMOR→ high PTH--. high bone resorption→ high a. Aldosterone- major hormone, binds in the kidneys,
Calcium release → intestines, sweat & salivary glands
1.SOFT DEFORMED FRACTURE bones with < nerve &
muscle fatigue & muscle weakness ALDOSTERONE
2. Kidney STONE FORMATION 1.Causes Na+ & H2O to be retained in the body
3.Deposits in soft tissue causing INFLAMMATION 2. Increase rate at w/c K+ is eliminated
HYPOPARATHYROIDISM- abnormally low PTH Adrenal gland is more sensitive to K+ changes than in
SURGICAL REMOVAL of thyroid → Na+
Low PTH → less bone sorption → less Calcium in the Aldosterone secretion is increase if K+ is high & Na+ is
blood→ low
1.Nerves & muscles become more excitable causing
ALDOSTERONE REGULATION 2.Insufficient insulin receptors on target cells
1.High K+ or low Na+= increase secretion of aldosteron 3.Defective receptors- do not respond to insulin
2. Low BP detected by the kidneys in response to
increase RENIN in the circulation HYPERGLYCEMIA
RENIN → angiotensinogen to angiotensin I In patients w/ DM tissue can not take up glucose
ACE→ angiotensin I to angiotensin II→ causing effectively causing blood glucose level to increase
vasoconstriction → increase BP Glucose can not enter the cells of the satiety center w/o
Angiotensin II increases Aldosteron → affects on the Insulin → responses as if there was very little blood
kidneys→ stimulates Na+ retention & K+ excretion & glucose → EXAGGERATED APPETITE (Polyphagia)
less water loss → increase BP
Glucose is also secreted in the urine→ increase urine
18. ANDROGEN- stimulates & develops male sexual production→ OSMOTIC DIURESIS (Polyuria)→
characteristics dehydration→ THIRST (Polydypsia)
Small amount secreted for both sexes Although blood glucose is high, fat & protein are broken
Males-most androgens secreted by the testes down→ alternative source of energy for metabolism→
Females –adrenal androgens influences female sex drive WASTING, ACIDOSIS, KETOSIS

PANCREAS 20.GLUCAGON -released by alpha cells when blood

EXOCRINE PORTION- surrounds the pancreatic islets & glucose is very low
produces digestive enzymes carried through ducts of -binds w/ MBR in the liver causes conversion of
the small intestines glycogen to glucose
ENDOCRINE PORTION- islets of langerhans secretes Glucose is released in the blood to normalize blood
hormones glucose level
Alpha cells → GLUCAGON After meals → high glucose → (-) GLUCAGON
BLOOD GLUCOSE LEVEL 1. Insulin & Glucagon work together→ regulate normal
Important in maintaining normal range of value since blood glucose level
glucose is the N.S. main source of energy If low gluc. → insulin (-) & glucagon (+)
1. Low blood glucose→ malfunction in the N.S. If high gluc. → insulin (+) & glucagon (-)
Fat & protein are broken down--. as alternative source 2. Epinephrine, Cortisol & Growth hormone- maintain
of energy blood nutrients
Fatty acid →acidic ketones→ ACIDOSIS (<PH) If glucose is low → hormones are secreted at greater
Proteins → aminoacids → glucose rate
2. Too high blood glucose→ kidneys produce large Epinephrine & Cortisol → breakdown fat & protein &
volume urine w/ glucose→ DEHYDRATION synthesize glucose → increase nutrients
Growth hormone → slows protein breakdown & favors
19. INSULIN fat breakdown
bound to MBR directly or indirectly→ increase rate of
glucose & amino acid uptake in the tissue TESTES- 21. TESTOSTERONE
Glucose is converted to glycogen, fat or amino acid to MALES - responsible for growth & development of male
synthesize protein structures
MAJOR TARGET TISSUE- Liver, Adipose tissue, Muscles , -Muscle enlargement
Satiety center- area of hypothalamus that controls -Growth of body hairs
appetite -Male sexual drive
*High blood glucose level →released of insulin by the OVARIES- 22. ESTROGEN PROGESTERONE
beta cells FEMALES- together they contribute to the development
Parasympathetic stimulation associated w/ digestion of & function of the female reproductive structures &
a meal→ release insulin female sex characteristics
Increase amino acid→ may also stimulate insulin -Enlargement of the breast
secretion -Distribution of fats shape of hips, breast & thigh
*Low blood glucose → low insulin to conserve glucose -Female menstrual cycle
to provide adequate energy source in the brain
*Low blood glucose → also allow other tissue to THYMUS- 23. THYMOSIN
metabolize fatty acid & glycogen -upper part of the thoracic cavity
Stimulation of sympathetic N.S. → low insulin -important function in immune system
DIABETES MELLITUS THYMOSIN- helps the development of certain WBC
May result from the following called T cells
1.Secretion of little insulin
T CELLS- protect the body against infection by foreign
Important in early life, becomes smaller in older adults
Infants w/o thymus gland→ immune system does not
develop normally & body is less capable of fighting


Small pine cone shape structure superior & posterior to
the thalamus
MELATONIN- thought to decrease LH & FSH by
decreasing the release of hypothalamic releasing
Acts to inhibit the function of the reproductive system
-plays a role on the onset of puberty

1. GASTRIN- stomach & intestinal cells secrete
hormones that produce digestive juices from the
stomach, pancreas & liver

2. PROSTAGLANDINS- intracellular signal function as

autocrine or paracrine
-causes relaxation of smooth muscles dilatation of
blood vessels
-contraction of smooth muscles uterus & initiates
-play a role in inflammation
-produce localize swelling & pain
-for blood clotting

3. ERYTHROPOETIN- kidney hormone responses to

reduced O2 levels
-acts on the bone marrow to increase production of RBC

4. HCG- human chorionic gonadotrophin

-placental hormone that maintain pregnancy &
stimulates breast devp.


Gradual decrease in secretion but not
all endocrine glands
GH- diminish as people age
May not occur in older people who exercise regularly
MELATONIN- lessen, influences age related sleep
TH- 10% less in elderly women
RENIN- less ability to response to decrease BP
GONADOTROPHINS- decreases in menopause
THYMOSIN- less effective immune system
PTH- osteoporosis

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