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New Era University

College of Informatics and Computing Studies

9 Central Ave, New Era, Quezon City, 1107 Metro Manila

Systems Analysis and Design

Laboratory Activity Compilation

Table Of Contents


Activity 1: Group Members Portfolio 3
Activity 2: New Century Health Clinic 8
Activity 3: Chapter 2 Business Case 17


Activity 4: Chapter 3 Project Management 23

Activity 5: Chapter 7 Development Strategies 25
Activity 6: Chapter 8 Output and User Interface Design 33
Rubric 41

Activity 1: Group Members Portfolio
PRESENTATION DATE: Sept 12, 2022, Monday at 10am

1. Form a group with a maximum of four members in each group.

2. Be sure that you write the names of your group members
3. Provide pictures of every group member.
4. Write the expertise/skills of each member.

John Aeron P. Magsino

Expertise and Skills

Skilled in the Programming languages Java and Python

Programming languages are used to write instructions for computers to execute.
Each language has its own syntax, semantics, and set of features, which make it
suitable for different types of tasks.

Knowledgable in Database management: including SQL, MySQL, and NoSQL.

Database management involves the organization, storage, and retrieval of data in
a database. This is typically done using a database management system (DBMS),
which is software that allows users to interact with the database using a specific
language or set of commands.

Time management and organization

Time management and organization are skills that involve planning and prioritizing
tasks in order to efficiently and effectively use time and resources. This often
involves setting goals, creating schedules and to-do lists, and using various tools
and techniques to manage time and stay organized.

Adaptability and flexibility

Adaptability and flexibility are important qualities that enable individuals and
organizations to quickly and easily adjust to changing situations and environments.
This involves being open to new ideas and approaches, and being willing to modify
plans, strategies, and behaviors in response to new information, feedback, or

Mark Allen A. Rebucas

Expertise and Skills

Proficient in Java and object-oriented programming
Have a strong understanding of the Java programming language and the principles
of object-oriented programming. This includes being able to write, read, and
understand Java code, as well as being familiar with common Java libraries and

Strong understanding of algorithms and data structures

Ability to understand and apply advanced computer science concepts related to the
design, analysis, and implementation of algorithms and data structures. essential
for many technical roles, such as software engineering and data science, where the
efficient manipulation of large amounts of data is often critical.

Proactive and detail-oriented

The ability to anticipate and plan for potential problems and challenges, and take
steps to prevent or mitigate them. Can Effectively identify and prioritize important
tasks and goals, and manage one's time and resources effectively.

Strong communication and interpersonal skills

Consistently and effectively communicate and interact with other people, both in
verbal and written form. Can effectively convey ideas, build relationships, and work
effectively in teams.

Gene Robee R. Dalit

Expertise and Skills

AutoCAD Drafting
AutoCAD drafter highly effective at creating accurate renderings in high-volume,
demanding environments. Driven to cultivate productive relationships between
disciplines to facilitate communication and project completion.

2 years experienced with 3D animation adept at deploying creativity & innovation
for designing engaging 2D & 3D graphics and illustrations with unparalleled
efficiency and precision.

Comfortable using computers and with confidence to learn any new programs
quickly. Have used many different computer programs, both computer and web-

Debugging and testing

Debugging and testing are critical skills for a programmer, as they help ensure that
code is reliable and performs as intended.

Adaptability and continuous learning

The field of programming is constantly evolving, so it's important for a programmer
to be adaptable and willing to learn new languages, tools, and technologies.

Charles Angello M. Malabanan

Expertise and Skills

Cloud computing
When storing data, cloud computing refers to employing cloud-based services
rather than regional physical servers. Back-end engineers and cloud experts who
actively manage large data and its storage have a stake in this field.

Problem Solving
A programmer needs to be exceptionally adept at addressing problems. They will
support you during debugging sessions and assist you in turning vague requests
and grievances from clients or coworkers into actual issues and feasible answers.

Organization and Time Management

Many programmers in a wide variety of industries will need to work with tight
deadlines that require good organization and time management skills.

Database and SQL

There are a lot more systems and software programs to learn while learning
databases, but for all programmers, establishing a solid foundation in database
ideas and SQL is a crucial first step.

Activity 2: New Century Health Clinic

PRESENTATION DATE: Sept 12, 2022, Monday at 10am


New Century Health Clinic

New Century Health Clinic offers preventive medicine and traditional medical care. In your role
as an IT consultant, you will help New Century develop a new information system.

Five years ago, cardiologists Timothy Jones and Dolores Garcia decided to combine their
individual practices in Brea, California, to form New Century Health Clinic. They wanted to
concentrate on preventive medicine by helping patients maintain health and fitness and by
providing traditional medical care. Dr. Jones recently asked you to work with him as an IT
consultant. He wants you to help New Century develop an information system that will support
the clinic’s operations and future growth. At your initial meeting, he provided you with some
background information and asked for your suggestions about how to begin.
At your desk, you begin to review the New Century’s situation. The clinic is located near
a new shopping mall in a busy section of the city. New Century’s staff includes four doctors, three
registered nurses, four physical therapists, and six office staff workers. The clinic currently has a
patient base of 3,500 patients from 275 different employers, many of which provide insurance
coverage for employee wellness and health maintenance. Currently, New Century accepts 34
different insurance policies.
Anita Davenport, who has been with New Century since its inception, is the office
manager. She supervises the staff, including Fred Brown, Susan Gifford, Tom Capaletti, Lisa
Sung, and Carla Herrera. Fred Brown handles office payroll, tax reporting, and profit distribution
among the associates. Susan Gifford is responsible for the maintenance of patient records. Tom
Capaletti handles most of the paperwork concerning insurance reporting and accounting. Lisa Sung
has the primary responsibility for the appointment book, and her duties include making reminder
calls to patients and preparing daily appointment lists. Carla Herrera is concerned primarily with
ordering and organizing office and clinic supplies.

Each of the six office staff people has one or more primary responsibilities; however, all
members of the staff help out whenever necessary with patient records, insurance processing, and
appointment processing. In addition to their regular responsibilities, all six office workers are
involved in the preparation of patient statements at the end of each month. Using this information,
you begin to prepare for your next meeting with Dr. Jones.

1. Organization chart of the office staff

Figure 1: New Health Century Clinic Organizational Chart of the Office’ Staff

Description: Figure 1 illustrates the Organizational Chart of the Office Staff of New Century Health Clinic. The
office manager in the Chart is Anita Davenport, who has been with New Century since its inception. She is in
charge of the office workers. which includes Lisa Sung, Carla Herrera, Tom Capaletti, Susan Gifford, and Fred
Brown. Fred Brown is in charge of the office payroll, tax reporting, and profit distribution to the associates. Susan
Gifford is in charge of keeping track of patient records. Tom Capaletti is in charge of the majority of the paperwork
related to insurance reporting and accounting. Lisa Sung is in charge of the appointment book, and her
responsibilities include calling patients to remind them of their appointments and creating daily appointment lists.
Carla Herrera, on the other hand, is primarily concerned with ordering and organizing office and clinic supplies.

2. Business processes that New Century performs.
1.1 Appointment processing - Lisa Sung
Lisa Sung is responsible for the management of appointment book. her duties include making reminder
calls to patients and preparing daily appointment lists

Figure 2: Appointment Processing Flowchart

 Opening of Appointment Book

An appointment book is a tool used to manage and keep track of appointments and schedules.
It is typically a physical book with pages for each day, week, or month, where the user can
write down their appointments and other important dates and events. Some appointment books
may also have additional features such as hourly schedules, to-do lists, and contact
information. Lisa Sung manages the appointment book opening it on the appropriate page for
the current day, week, or month. Checking, adding and scheduling appointments.

 Did the Patient Call in to confirm 24 hours prior to appointment?

Lisa Sung will check if the patient called in to confirm the appointment 24 hours prior to the
appointment. This decision point has a “yes” or “no” decision that will proceed on the
following steps:

If the decision is NO:

 Appointment Cancelled and slot refilled by new Patient

Lisa Sung cancels the appointment and refilled by a new patient that will book an appointment

If the decision is YES:

 Patient given confirmation Number

Lisa Sung confirms the Patient number if its accurate in order to proceed on the scheduled

 Does patient show for the appointment

Lisa Sung checks if the patient shows on the scheduled appointment or not. This decision
point has “yes” or “no” decision that proceeds on the following steps.

If the decision is NO:

 Appointment book marked “Fail”
Lisa Sung confirms the appointment as cancelled and will mark the appointment as “fail” in
the appointment book.

If the decision is YES:

 Appointment book marked “Patient Showed”
Lisa Sung confirms that the patient will proceed on the scheduled appointment and will mark
the appointment as “patient showed” in the appointment book.

2.1 Organizing Supplies - Carla Herrera

Carla Herrera is concerned primarily with ordering and organizing office and clinic supplies.

Figure 3: Ordering and organizing office supplies Flowchart

 Check Inventory

Carla Herrera checks inventory supplies manually, physically count the items in stock and
determine the current inventory levels.

 Enough Supply?
Carla Herrera confirms if the clinic has enough office and clinic supplies. This decision point
has “yes” or “no” decision that proceeds on the following steps.

If the decision is YES:

 Maintain Supply

Carla Herrera manages and maintain the supply for present and future use.

If the decision is NO:

 Complete and Submit Supply Request Form

Carla Herrera will submit a supply request form to the office manager and wait for the
decision if the requested acquisition of new supplies will be approved.

 Approved?
Carla Herrera confirms if the request form is approved or not. This Decision point has “yes”
or “no” decision that proceeds on the following steps.

If the decision is NO:

 Alter Request
Carla Herrera will alter the request with the office’s manager added constraints.
If the decision is YES:

 Purchase Supply from Vendor

Carla Herrera Confirms the approval and proceeds to purchasing supply from vendor, The
supplies will be added on the inventory with Carla Herrera maintain and managing the

3.1 Office Payroll - Fred Brown

Fred Brown is in charge of the office payroll, tax reporting, and profit distribution to the associates

Figure 4: Calculating Office Payroll Process Flowchart

 Check Employee Information

In order to Calculate the Office payroll, Fred brown checks the Employee information for details

 Confirm Payroll Period Hours

Fred Brown confirms the payroll period hours per employee.

 Overtime

Fred brown checks if the employee works overtime. The decision has two outcomes, Yes or
No. The outcome proceeds on the following process:

If the decision is NO:

 Calculate Gross Pay

Fred Brown Calculates the employee’s payroll then proceeds on the process deductions.

. If the decision is YES:

 Calculate Overtime Pay

Fred Brown proceeds to calculate the employee’s overtime pay.

 Add Gross Pay

Fred Brown adds the gross pay and overtime pay of the employee.

 Process Deductions
Fred Brown adds the deductions on the calculated pay.

 Produce Payments

Fred Brown finalizes and submits the overall employee payroll.

3. New Century considering transaction processing system, a business support

system, and a user productivity system.
The New Century Health Clinic may want to consider the following system, which could
make their day-to-day operations easier and faster than their current manual system, particularly
with transactions, business support, and user productivity. These are the following System:

Transaction Processing System

Transaction processing systems process data generated by day-to-day business operation.

It is a good system which protects the integrity of data in our organization and therefore if single
element of a transaction fails, the system doesn’t process the rest of the transaction. A simple
example of such kind of system would be company who sells products and services online. E-bay,
where a buyer bids for the item they want to purchase must bid higher than other buyers who are
also bidding for the same item.

The system would not confirm its sale unless the buyer confirms the payment by check,
credit card or PayPal. One of the many ways transaction processing system would help New
Century Health Clinic would be to set up an appointment or take the patients for the checkups after
confirming that the doctors are free and the clinic supplies are enough to perform the checkups of
the individual patients.

Business Support System

Business Support System provides job-related information support to users at all levels of
a company. They help replace manual tasks as payroll processing. It is necessary to collect all the
information from every process and enter them in to the system to get valuable information about
the business which helps make decisions for the company’s growth. All the available information
of 3,500 patients and their history of transactions with New Century Clinic needs to be analyzed
so the business can make important decisions and increase the sales in future. Susan Gifford could
perform her job more efficiently with recording patient’s information in the system which could
be used efficiently by the manager for efficient decision making in future. Lisa Sung would be
equally benefited by this system to make appointments lists daily and to make reminder calls to
the patients.

Hence, the system would benefit New Century Health Clinic in being efficient in the daily
tasks that they have to perform and also would help better decision making for future growth of
the business. One of the best examples of business support system is RFID (Radio Frequency
Identification) chips that Wal-Mart and other large businesses are using to keep tract of the
inventories in and out and set up a decision making system for the profit/loss, sales growth, most
frequently used inventory by customers and other decisions that a system would make it for us and
we can make decision based on the system’s results.

User Productivity System

User Productivity Systems include all the levels of technology that improves productivity
which include e-mail, voicemail, video conferencing, database management, desktop publishing,
high speed internet, and company intranets. If the clinic would expand its business in future and
would have different branches, company intranet would be nearly mandatory for effective data
processing and would be very helpful.

The processes and system could be shared by all other branches which would decrease the
cost of investment for the clinic to expand. Also, the patient information could be retrieved from
any other locations of the clinic. New Century Clinic could have a facility of having their checkups
in any of the branches of the clinic. The database and video conferencing would help managers
and the doctors make decisions on the processes and operation of the clinic respectively. All the
user productivity systems are very important. These days, these productivity systems are becoming
mandatory for any forms of business as everything we process and perform is going digital.

Most of the organizations that have branches at different locations, uses company intranet
to use the corporate data to perform their jobs are the best examples of User Productivity System.
One of the specific examples would be UN (United Nations) that uses the internet to access
corporate data from every branch in the world to perform its operations.

4. During the systems development process, should New Century consider any of the
following: B2B, vertical and horizontal system packages, or Internet-based solutions?
System development processes includes the following steps:
a. System Planning
b. System Analysis
c. System Design
d. System Implementation
e. System Support and Security

New Century should consider mostly the Internet-based solutions among B2B and
vertical and horizontal system packages. The reason behind selecting internet-based solutions in
the system development processes is that most of, the users, who are one of the important key
components of information systems had access to internet and they demand the services as
appointment setting and paying bills online. The patients would want to have their medical history
online and it is convenient for them to remember when their next visit is due if they get alert in
emails or from the website of the company. They can check out the updates of the company and
available time frame they can visit the clinic. Also, many prospective patients would be exposed
to the company promotions online and the company could substantially increase the growth in the
market by taking many new patients. Therefore, New Century Health Clinic should definitely
consider internet-based solutions in the system development processes.

Shelly, G. B., & Rosenblatt, H. J. (2009, March 11). Systems Analysis and Design (Shelly Cashman
Series) (8th ed.). Course Technology

Activity 3: Chapter 2 Business Case

New Century Health Clinic offers preventive medicine and traditional medical care. In
your role as an IT consultant, you will help New Century develop a new information


New Century Health Clinic’s office manager, Anita Davenport, recently asked
permission to hire an additional office clerk because she feels the current staff can no longer
handle the growing workload. The associates discussed Anita’s request during a recent
meeting. They were not surprised that the office staff was feeling overwhelmed by the
constantly growing workload.
Because the clinic was busier and more profitable than ever, they all agreed that
New Century could afford to hire another office worker. Dr. Jones then came up with
another idea. He suggested that they investigate the possibility of computerizing New
Century’s office systems. Dr. Jones said that a computerized system could keep track of
patients, appointments, charges, and insurance claim processing and reduce paperwork. All
the associates were enthusiastic about the possibilities and voted to follow up on the
suggestion. Dr. Jones agreed to direct the project.
Because no member of the staff had computer experience, Dr. Jones decided to hire
a consultant to study the current office systems and recommend a course of action. Several
friends recommended you as a person who has considerable experience with computerized
business applications.

1. Introductory meeting between the associates of New Century Health Clinic
and the IT team

In this introductory meeting, the associates should learn about the IT consultant’
background and past projects. The IT consultant should learn about the staff at New Century
Clinic, how they function, and what they anticipate from the proposed project. The IT
consultant should strive to gain the trust of the staff and full cooperation in this meeting since
teamwork is crucial for the project to run effectively.

Introducing the IT team and explaining their expertise and experience in the field of
health care technology. This can help the associates understand the team's qualifications and
capabilities, and can also provide an opportunity for the team to learn more about the clinic
and its technology needs. It is important to discuss the specific project or technology initiative
that is being proposed. This can include identifying the goals, objectives, and expected
outcomes of the project, as well as the resources and support that will be required to achieve
those goals.

Overall, the goal of the introductory meeting should be to gather information, clarify
expectations, and build a strong foundation for working together on the project. By taking
these steps, the IT team and the associates of the health clinic can determine if mutual interest
exists in pursuing the project, and can lay the groundwork for a successful collaboration.

2. Proposed system present a strong business case

Why are we doing this project?

Using this type of system, It can reduce the amount of paperwork and lighten the workload
of office clerks, who are responsible for scheduling appointments, collecting payments, processing
insurance claims, and processing insurance claims.

What is the project about?

The project is about an Information System for New Century Clinic that help the business
to keep track of patients, appointments, charges, and insurance claim processing and reduce

How does this solution address key business issues?

The system is a significant improvement for the New Century Health Clinic since it would
increase the patient record security, allow for a reduction in personnel, and make the jobs of those
in charge of this task easier. It will help secure more funds for the clinic by utilizing this system
since it reduces the workload of the staff members in charge of this task, allowing the business to
eliminate the need for more staff members.

How much will it cost and how long will it take?

The Information System will cost at least one-hundred thousand pesos to complete and It
will take about a year to build.

Willl we suffer a productivity loss during transition?

The Return on investment on the proposed project should be at least 49.5%-55.5% with a
payback period of 4 years.

What is the return on investment and payback period?

The Return on investment on the proposed project should be at least 49.5%-55.5% with a
payback period of 4 years.

What are the risks of doing this project? What are the risks of not doing the project?
The risks of doing the project are costs risk if not addressed properly. The risk of not doing
this project is lack of record security and increasing amount of paperwork for the staff to manage..

How will we measure success?

Great source to receive feedback from is clients or customers. New Century clinic can
create a feedback form with a few questions about the performance and the customer service
offered. The responses can help determine how successful the information system provided on the

What are alternatives exist?

Hospital Management Softwares that are available in the market.

Developing a new information system for a health clinic presents a strong business case
for several reasons. A new information system can help improve the efficiency and accuracy of
clinical operations, allowing the clinic to better manage patient records, schedule appointments,
and provide high-quality care. This can lead to increased patient satisfaction, and can also reduce
the risk of errors or misunderstandings.

A new information system can help the clinic stay competitive in a rapidly changing health
care market. By implementing new technologies and capabilities, the clinic can better meet the
needs and expectations of patients, and can also improve its ability to adapt to new regulations,
trends, and challenges. A new information system can provide the clinic with a valuable source of
data and insights that can be used to drive decision-making, improve performance, and identify
new opportunities. This can help the clinic better understand its patients, its operations, and its
market, and can also help it identify areas for improvement and growth.

Overall, the development of a new information system for a health clinic presents a strong
business case that can help the clinic improve its operations, stay competitive, and drive growth
and success.

3. For each type of feasibility, prepare at least two questions that will help you reach a
feasibility determination.

Operational feasibility questions:

● Will the new digital system would ease the current and future work overload, due
to company’s increasing market share?
 Will the new digital system be user friendly as none of the member of the staff has
computer experience?

Technical feasibility questions:

● Will the company have the necessary hardware, software, and network resources
which supports the system that I’m going to built for the business? If not, can those
resources be acquired within the budget the company is setting to separate for the
● Will the system be able to handle future transaction volume and company growth?

Economic feasibility questions:

● Does the projected benefits of the proposed system outweigh the estimated costs
usually considered the total cost of ownership (TCO)?
● Does the budget provided by the company to build the new system to make profit
in long run be supported by the tangible and intangible benefits the system would
provide to the company?
Schedule feasibility questions:
●Can the project be completed within the timeframe the company wants us to finish?
If not, are they willing to increase the budget to finish it on that particular time
● Will the project management techniques be available to coordinate and control the

4. You begin the preliminary investigation. What information is needed? From whom
will you obtain it? What techniques will you use in your fact-finding?

What information is needed?

● Details about the clinic's services and facilities
● Details about the clinic’s patients and their medical histories
● Information about the clinic’s policies and procedures

From whom will you obtain it?
The information that will be obtained will come from the New Century Health
Clinic’s Data Storage and Patient Records.

What techniques will you use in your fact-finding?

● Interviewing
● Documentation review
● Observation
● Surveys and Questionnaires
● Sampling
● Research

Shelly, G. B., & Rosenblatt, H. J. (2009, March 11). Systems Analysis and Design (Shelly Cashman

Series) (8th ed.). Course Technology.


Activity 4: Chapter 3 Project Management



New Century Health Clinic offers preventive medicine and traditional medical care. In
your role as an IT consultant, you will help New Century develop a new information system.


To ensure the quality, cost, and timeliness of the new information system, New Century is
considering a project management approach. To obtain a better understanding of project
management, Dr. Jones contacted Precision Planning, a consulting firm that specializes in
managing projects of this type. He invited the company to deliver a brief presentation on project
management concepts and advantages, and to submit a proposal for project management
consulting services.
You joined Precision Planning two years ago as a project assistant, after working two
summers as a student intern. Your supervisor, Charlie West, asked you to develop the presentation
for New Century and you are excited about the opportunity. Charlie said that the main objective is
to provide a clear, informative presentation.
Charlie wants you to include the following topics in your presentation: an overview of
project management and its history, a description of the process, and an explanation of the most
important terms and concepts. Charlie also wants you to describe task identification, various types
of relationships among tasks, and schedule development. He says you should show how Gantt and
PERT/CPM charts are developed, and how they can be used to plan, track, and control projects.
Charlie also said that your presentation should include a specific example to illustrate all the main

1. Create a Google Slide presentation that will meet the requirements that Charlie outlined to you.
New Century Clinic Presentation: Link
2. Create a Microsoft Word handout that will meet the requirements that Charlie outlined to you.

Handout: Link
3. Create a project management example with at least six tasks. Assign durations and task
dependencies. At least three of the tasks should be dependent on other tasks. Use this example to display a
Gantt chart.
Gantt Chart: Link
4. Use the same data as Assignment 3 to display a PERT/CPM chart.
PERT/CPM Chart: Link

Shelly, G. B., & Rosenblatt, H. J. (2009, March 11). Systems Analysis and Design (Shelly Cashman
Series) (8th ed.). Course Technology.

Activity 5: Chapter 7 Development Strategies


Page 326

New Century Health Clinic offers preventive medicine and traditional medical care. In your role as an IT
consultant, you will help New Century develop a new information system.

Based on your earlier recommendations, New Century decided to continue the systems development process for a
new information system that would improve operations, decrease costs, and provide better service to patients. Now,
at the end of the systems analysis phase, you are ready to prepare a system requirements document and give a
presentation to the New Century associates. Many of the proposed system’s advantages were described during the
fact-finding process. Those include smoother operation, better efficiency, and more user-friendly procedures for
patients and New Century staff.
You also must examine tangible costs and benefits to determine the economic feasibility of several alternatives. If
New Century decides to go ahead with the development process, the main options are to develop the system in-
house or purchase a vertical package and configure it to meet New Century’s needs. You have studied those choices
and put together some preliminary figures.
You know that New Century’s current workload requires three hours of office staff overtime per week at a base
rate of $8.50 per hour. In addition, based on current projections, New Century will need to add another full-time
clerical position in about six months. Neither overtime nor additional job will be needed if New Century implements
the new system. The current manual system also causes an average of three errors per day, and each error takes
about 20 minutes to correct. The new system should eliminate those errors.
Based on your research, you estimate by working full-time you could complete the project in about 12 weeks. Your
consulting rate, which New Century agreed to, is $30 per hour. If you design the new system as a database
application, you can expect to spend about $2,500 for a networked commercial package. After the system is
operational and the staff is trained, New Century should be able to handle routine maintenance tasks without your
As an alternative to in-house development, a vertical software package is available for about $9,000. The vendor
offers a lease-purchase package of $3,000 down, followed by two annual installments of $3,000 each. If New
Century buys the package, it would take you about four weeks to install, configure, and test it, working full-time.
The vendor provides free support during the first year of operation, but then New Century must sign a technical
support agreement at an annual cost of $500. Although the package contains many of the features that New Century
wants, most of the reports are pre-designed and it would be difficult to modify their layouts.
No matter which approach is selected, New Century probably will need you to provide about 10 hours of initial
training and support each week for the first three months of operation. After the new system is operational, it will
need routine maintenance, file backups, and updating. These tasks will require about four hours per week and can
be performed by a clinic staff member. In both cases, the necessary hardware and network installation will cost
about $5,000. In your view, the useful life of the system will be about five years, including the year in which the
system becomes operational.

1. Overview of the proposed system, costs and benefits

Cost Financial Impact Description of Cost
For in-house option: $50 hourly rate * 30 hours * Direct, developmental,
consultant’s time to develop 12 weeks = $18,000 fixed cost
For in-house option: $2,500 Direct, developmental,
Networked commercial fixed cost
database software for in-
house development
For package option: vertical $3,000 in year 0, followed by2 Direct, developmental,
software package from vendor annual installments of fixed cost
$3,000, for a total of $9,000
For package option: $50 hourly rate * 40 hours *4 Direct, developmental,
consultant's time to install, weeks = $8,000 fixed cost
configure, and test vendor
For package option: vendor Annual cost of $500 after Direct, operational, fixed
tech support contract first year of operation cost
Clinic staff time to perform Annual cost of 4 hours * $12 Direct, operational, fixed
maintenance, file backups, hourly rate * 52 weeks = cost
and updating $2,496
Consultant's time to provide $50 hourly rate * 5 hours * 8 Direct, developmental, fixed
initial training and support weeks = $2,000 cost
Hardware and network $5,000 Direct, developmental, fixed
installation cost

Benefit Financial Impact Description of Benefit

Eliminate 30 hours of Annual savings of 30 hours * Direct, operational, variable,
overtime each month at $15 hourly rate * 12 months positive benefit
$8.50 per hour = $5,400
Eliminate monthly errors Potential annual savings of10 Direct, operational, variable,
hr/month = 10 * $15 hourly positive benefit
rate * 12 months = $1,800

Figure no. 1: Cost and Benefit Analysis of the proposed system

Description: The figure illustrates the cost and benefit analysis of the proposed system in New Century
Health Clinic. Cost-benefit analysis is a method of evaluating the potential costs and benefits of a decision
or course of action. It is commonly used to help determine whether a proposed project or investment is
worthwhile, by weighing the potential costs against the potential benefits.

2. Economic feasibility analysis, using payback analysis, ROI, and present value
(assume a discount rate of 10%).


In-House Development

Figure no. 2: In-house Development Package Payback Analysis

Description: A table that shows the year, costs, cumulative costs, benefits and cumulative benefits for
a in-house development. Year 0 shows a starting cost of $27,500 and starting benefits which amounts
to $7,200. Year 4 shows the payback period with a cumulative cost of $72,400 and the cumulative
benefits with an amount of $81,400.

Figure no. 3: In-house Development Package Payback Analysis Graph

Description: A graph that represents the in-house payback analysis. The graph consist of two lines, The
blue line represents the cumulative cost and the red line represents the cumulative benefits. In Year 0,
The cumulative cost and the cumulative benefits all started below in the $40,000 mark. In year 6 the two
lines expressed different results with cumulative benefits going up to $140,000 while cumulative costs
go up to $100,000.

Vertical Software Package

Figure no. 4: Vertical Software Package Payback Analysis

Description: A table that shows the year, costs, cumulative costs, benefits and cumulative benefits for
the vertical software package. Year 0 shows a starting cost of $24,000 and starting benefits which
amounts to $7,200. Year 4 shows the payback period with a cumulative cost of $73,000 and the
cumulative benefits with an amount of $80,200.

Figure no. 5: Vertical Software Package Payback Analysis Graph

Description: A graph that represents the vertical package payback analysis. The graph consist of two
lines, The blue line represents the cumulative cost and the red line represents the cumulative benefits. In
Year 0, The cumulative cost and the cumulative benefits all started below the $40,000 mark. In year 6
the two lines expressed different results with cumulative benefits going up to $160,000 while cumulative
costs go up to $100,00


In-House Development

Figure no. 6: In-House Development ROI

Description: A table that displays the percentage on the ROI of in-house development. The table shows
total cost and cumulative cost of $99,400 with total benefits of $148,400 in 6 years. The In-house
development resulted a 49.3 % ROI respectively.

Vertical Software Package

Figure no. 7: Vertical Software Package ROI

Description: A table that displays the percentage on the ROI of a Vertical Software Package. The table
shows total cost and cumulative cost of $103,400 with total benefits of $160,200 in 6 years. The In-
house development resulted a 55.5 % ROI respectively.


In-House Development

Figure no. 8: In-House Development Net Present Value

Description: A table that shows the Net Present Value of a in-house development. The table displays
the total PV of benefits in 6 years with an amount of $104,314 with a total PV of Cost of $78,969. The
Vertical Software Package resulted a net present value of $25,345.

Vertical Software Package

Figure no. 9: Vertical Software Package Net Present Value

Description: A table that shows the Net Present Value of a vertical software package. The table displays
the total PV of benefits in 6 years with an amount of $110,820 with a total PV of Cost of $80,200. The
Vertical Software Package resulted a net present value of $30,621.

3. Provide a brief explanation of the various alternatives that should be investigated if
development continues, including in-house development and any other possible strategies.

Other strategies for the development

The different alternatives strategies are described below:

In-house software development

 Assure distinctive company necessity
 Reduce alteration in company dealings and strategies
 Meet up limitation of presented system and technology
 Build-up in house assets and potentials

Purchase of a software package from a vendor

 Reduce cost
 Implementation time is short
 Reliable in performing benchmarks
 Technical development staff requirement is less
 Vendor provides future upgrade

Customizing a vendor-supplied package

 One can make a purchase of software which is custom-made by the vendor as per
the user requirements
 Negotiation can be made with the software vendor and pay for thatfeatures only
which is required.
 A modification can be done by oneself after purchasing the software if thelicense is

 Its fee is charged as per the working of the system
 The solution is provided by the outsource vendor
 If it used in proper way, then it is reliable and matches with thecompanies’
economic norms.

Developing user application

 GUI Help Desk
 Generates reports

 Applications and interface for user


Shelly, G. B., & Rosenblatt, H. J. (2009, March 11). Systems Analysis and Design (Shelly Cashman
Series) (8th ed.). Course Technology

Activity 6: Chapter 8 Output and User Interface Design
Page 377

The associates at New Century Health Clinic approved your recommendations for a new
computer system. Your next step is to develop a design for the new system, including output and
user interface issues.

To complete the output and user interface design for the new information system at New
Century, you should review the DFDs and object-oriented diagrams you prepared
previously, and the rest of the documentation from the systems analysis phase. Perform
the following Tasks.

1. Dr. Jones has asked you to create a monthly Claim Status Summary report. He
wants you to include the insurance company number, the patient number and name,
the procedure date, the procedure code, and description, the fee, the date the claim
was filed, the amount of the claim, the amount of reimbursement, and the amount
remaining unpaid. He wants you to group the data by insurance company number,
with subtotals by the company and grand totals for each numeric field. When you
design the report, make sure to include a mock-up report and a report analysis form.

Figure 1: New Century Health Clinic Claim Status Summary Report

Description: The Figure illustrates the New Century Health Clinic Claim Status Summary Report.
The Claim Status summary report includes the insurance company number, the patient number
and name, the procedure date, the procedure code, and description, the fee, the date the claim was
filed, the amount of the claim, the amount of reimbursement, and the amount remaining unpaid.

Figure 2: New Century Health Clinic Report Analysis on the Claim Status
Summary Report
Description: The Figure illustrates the New Century Health Clinic Report Analysis on Claim
Status. The name of system, analyst, purpose of documentation and included fields such as
insurance company, patient number, and patient name with specific field types and length.

2. Design the daily appointment list and a monthly statement to make it readable
and visually attractive. Include a mock-up report and a report analysis form for
each report.

Figure 3: New Century Health Clinic Daily Appointment List

Description: The Figure illustrates the New Century Health Clinic Daily Appointment List. The
Daily appointment list includes the appointment number, patient id, patient name, address, contact
number, time, appointment date, appointment status, doctor name, service code and the service

Figure 4: New Century Health Clinic Monthly Statement
Description: The Figure illustrates the New Century Health Clinic Monthly Statement. The
Monthly Statement includes the date, service code, service, quantity, changes, adjustments, and

Figure 5: New Century Health Clinic Report Analysis on Daily Appointment List
Description: The Figure illustrates the New Century Health Clinic Report Analysis on Daily
Appointment List. The report shows the name of system, analyst, purpose of documentation and
included fields such as appointment number, patient ID, patient name, address, and contact number
with specific field types and length.

Figure 6: New Century Health Clinic Report Analysis on Monthly Statement

Description: The Figure illustrates the New Century Health Clinic Report Analysis on Monthly
Statement. The report shows the name of system, analyst, purpose of documentation and included
fields such as address, patient ID, patient name, service code, and balance with specific field types
and length.

3. Determine the data required for a new patient (see sample). Design an input source
document that
will be used to capture the data and a data entry screen to input the information.

Figure 7: New Century Clinic Appointment Request Form
Description: The Figure shows the proposed design of the New Century Clinic appointment
request form. The Form consists of inputs such as name, age birthday, address city, and contact
preference. The form uses a blue colored background and font for better visuals and design.

4. What data validation checks would the clinic need for the new patient data entry
screen? Write a brief memo with your recommendations.

To: Dr. Jones
From: John Matthew
Date: 8/15/2022
Subject: Data validation checks
I’m writing to inform you recommendations for data validation checks for the new patient data
entry screen. Data Validation is the process of ensuring that source data is accurate and of high
quality before using, importing, or otherwise processing it.
Data validation checks are given below:
 Data Type Check
A Data type check verifies the data type of the information entered into a field. For instance, a
field might only accept numerical information. Any data that includes additional characters, such
as letters or special symbols, should then be rejected by the system, and an error message should
be shown.
 Code Check
A code check verifies that a field is selected from a valid list of values or that specific formatting
guidelines are adhered to. For instance, comparing a postal code to a list of legitimate codes
makes it simpler to confirm its validity. The similar method can be used to approach other
objects like country codes and industry codes.
 Format Check
Many data types have a predefined format. A Format Check will ensure that the data is in the
correct format. Date fields, for example, are stored in a fixed format such as “YYYY-MM-DD”
or “DD-MM-YYYY.” If the date is entered in any other format, it will be rejected.
 Consistency Check
A particular kind of logical check called a consistency check makes that data is entered in a way
that is logically consistent. One example is determining whether the delivery date for a package
is later than the shipment date.
 Uniqueness Check

Some data, such as IDs or e-mail addresses, are inherently unique. These fields in a database
should most likely have unique entries. A Uniqueness Check ensures that an item is not entered
into a database more than once

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Yours Faithfully,
John Matthew

5. Create a prototype of the new patient form using google Forms or other form builder sites.

New Century Health Clinic Appointment Request Form Prototype: Link


Shelly, G. B., & Rosenblatt, H. J. (2009, March 11). Systems Analysis and Design (Shelly
Cashman Series) (8th ed.). Course Technology


ACTIVITY Excellent Good Needs improvement Total


20-17 16-12 11-0

Activity 1
1. Group with a maximum of 1. Group with a Incomplete works
four members in each maximum of
group. four members
Not following instructions
in each group.
2. Full names of your group
members written 2. Full names of
your group
3. Provide professional- members
looking pictures of every written
group member.
3. Provide
4. Expertise/ technical skills pictures of
of each member written in not every group
less than 150 words member.

of each
member written

ACTIVITY 10-8 points 7-5 points 4-0 points

1. Organizational chart of the 1. Organization
Incomplete works
office staff is -easy to chart of the office
understand, -complete with staff is presented
necessary position and staff -complete with
name necessary
-For tables, figures and position and staff Not following instructions
equation there must be Title, name
number and description with 3-
4 sentences

10-8 points 7-5 points

2.Presented at least three 2.Presented

business processes that New atleast three
Century performs, business
processes that
-With FLOW CHART and clear New Century
explanation performs,
of the responsibility of each
person to a specific task. -
With explanation
10-8 points of the
responsibility of
each person to a
specific tasks.
3. Clearly explained how the
New Century might use a
7-5 points
transaction processing system, a
support system, and a user
productivity system. 3. Explain how
New Century
For each type of system, might use a
provide a transaction
specific example, and explain processing
how the system would benefit system, a
the clinic. business
support system,
and a user
10-8 points productivity

4. Presented a clear explanation

of why the New Century
considers any of
the following: B2B, vertical and
horizontal system packages, or 7-5 points
Examples included from other 4. Presented a
clinics’ practices. clear explanation
of why the New

considers any of
the following:
B2B, vertical and
horizontal system
packages, or

ACTIVITY 10-8 points 7-5 points 4-0 points

1. Presented a clear list of 1. Presented a
Incomplete works
what the team can do for the clear list of
New Century project, the what the team Not
team's expertise, and can do for the
portfolio New Century
Include how you can help project, the Not following instructions
achieve the project’s goals. team's
expertise, and
Presented guidelines of what portfolio.
the team should consider
and learn about the project. Presented
guidelines of
what the team
10-8 points should
consider and
2. Presented a clear learn about the
explanation of how the project.
proposed system presents a
strong business case.
7-5 points
Use the ebook to justify your
answer 2. Presented
an explanation
of how the
10-8 points
3. Presented at least two
presents a
questions for each type of
feasibility, that will help you
business case.
reach a feasibility

10-8 points
7-5 points

4. Presented a clear list of

3. Presented
what information is needed
exactly two
before starting the
questions for
preliminary investigation.
each type of
feasibility, that
will help you
The source/reference of
reach a
information is clearly stated.
To whom will it be collected
and why they are part of the
preliminary investigation.
7-5 points
Includes techniques that will
be used in fact-finding
4. Presented a
list of what
information is
needed before
starting the

Includes the
source of

techniques that
will be used
in fact-finding

ACTIVITY 4 10-8 points 7-5 points 4-0 points

1. Presented a Complete 1. Presented a

presentation of the requirements presentation of the Incomplete works
Charlie outlined to you. requirements
Charlie outlined to Not
10-8 points you.

7-5 points Not following instructions

2. Presented a handout that will
meet the requirements that Charlie
outlined to you. 2. Presented a
handout that will
10-8 points meet the
requirements that
Charlie outlined to
3. Presented a project you. (with no
management example with at more than 2
least six tasks. missing
Assign durations and task
dependencies. 7-5 points

At least three of the tasks should

be dependent on other tasks. 3. Presented a
At least 2 tasks must have two management
predecessors example with at
least six tasks

10-8 points Assign durations

4. Gantt chart presented and task
With complete details dependencies.

10-8 points
7-5 points

5. PERT/CPM chart presented 4. Gantt chart

with complete details presented
With complete

Note for tables, figures and 7-5 points

equation there must be Title,
number and description with 3-
4 sentences 5. PERT/CPM
chart presented
With complete

ACTIVITY 5 10-8 points 7-5 points

1. Provide an overview of the 1. Provide an

proposed system, including overview of the
costs and benefits, with an proposed
explanation of the various cost- system,
and-benefit types and

categories. including costs
and benefits.

2. Develop an economic
feasibility analysis, considering 2. Develop an
the appropriate items. economic
10-8 points

7-5 points
2.1 using
2.1 using payback analysis,
analysis, ROI,
10-8 points
2.2 ROI,
7-5 points
2.2 ROI,
10-8 points

2.3. present 7-5 points

value (assume a discount rate
of 10%). 2.3. present
value (assume a
Note for tables, figures and discount rate of
equation there must be Title, no 10%).
and description with 3-4

7-5 points
10-8 points

4. Provide a brief
4. Provide a brief explanation of explanation of
the various alternatives that the various
should be investigated if alternatives that
development continues, should be
including in-house development investigated if
and any other possible development
strategies. continues,
including in-

10-8 points 7-5 points 4-0 points


1. Presented a monthly Claim 1. Presented a Incomplete works
Status Summary report. monthly Claim
Includes the Status Not
insurance company number, Summary
the patient number, and name, report.
the procedure date, the includes the Not following instructions
procedure code, and insurance
description, the fee, the date company
the claim number, the
was filed, the amount of the patient number,
claim, the amount of and name,
reimbursement, and the the procedure
amount date, the
remaining unpaid. procedure code,
and description,
-Group the data by insurance the fee, the date
company number, the claim
with subtotals by the company was filed, the
and grand totals for each amount of the
numeric field. claim, the
amount of
The report includes a mock-up reimbursement,
report and a report analysis and the amount
form. remaining

10-8 points -Group the data

by insurance
2. The daily appointment list
with subtotals by
and a monthly statement
the company
make it readable
and grand totals
and visually attractive. Include
for each numeric
a mock-up report and a report
analysis form for each report.

10-8 points
7-5 points

3. Design an input source

document that 2. The daily
will be used to capture the data appointment
and a data entry screen to list and monthly
input the information. Including statement make
required data for a new patient it readable
(see sample).

and visually
10-8 points Include a mock-
up report and a
report analysis
4. List the data validation
form for each
checks that the clinic need for
the new patient data entry
screen. An explanation is
presented Write a brief memo
with your recommendations. 7-5 points

3. Design an
10-8 points input source
document that
5. Create a prototype of the will be used to
new patient form using google capture the data
Forms or other form builder and a data entry
sites. screen to input
the information.
Includes the name of the (some basic
company, the Title of the form, data missing)
and feedback that the
information is recorded.

7-5 points

4. List the data

checks that the
clinic need for
the new patient
data entry
screen. An
explanation is

7-5 points

5. Create a
prototype of the
new patient form
using google
Forms or other

form builder

Other 5 points 3 points

Table of Contents
Updated, with correct page Table of
number Contents

5 points
Background of the case study

5 points

Consistency of Text Font

Choose one font only Arial or
Times New Roman

5 points

Must be presented properly
using INSERT function to
make it look neat.

5 points

Page number, Margins,

Tables, figures, and other

diagrams must be clear not


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