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Preventions of School Shootings

Presented by: Lindsay Marchant

School Shootings Metal Detectors Pictures and Visual Argument

• School shootings have started to become very • Metal Detectors have already been put in
popular throughout the United States. some schools.
• The big question is that, is there a way to
• In reality it would greatly change the way
prevent these from occurring?
- There are precautions you can take but not
people come to school and all staff and
only is it important to have a plan if it takes teachers would be able to catch the
place but to really understand the behavior of person before an attack actually occurs.
these people and what factors resulted in this • With cameras and professional usage By using these resources, student’s safety becomes a priority and will
conclusion. (Dumitriu, 2013) of these machines it can greatly decrease chances of possible shootings. (NC District Middle Schools, High
Schools to Receive Metal Detectors, 2022)
improve the environment of schools
and can allow students to feel
comfortable when attending their
Planning ahead
school (Preventing School Shootings,
Creating plans for lockdown drills and practicing
2020). Here are some
statistics about the
these on a monthly basis can keep all students increase of school
shootings within the
and teachers up to date with what needs to be
done if a situation arises.
Decrease Bullying past few years.
(Statista Research
Department, 2019)
- Have access to locked doors, closed windows, • Bullying and harassment are one of the biggest
and a way to prevent from anyone seeing concerns in society.
inside the classroom. • With social media making it so much easier for SOURCES
- Allowing middle and high schoolers to be able kids to be able to bully others.

NC District Middle Schools, High Schools to Receive Metal Detectors. (2022, March 10). Campus Safety Magazine.

to lock bathroom doors would be very • All teachers and staff should take charge if

Statista Research Department. (2019). Number of K-12 school shootings in the U.S. 2019 | Statista. Statista; Statista.

beneficial in these situations so that if they they see a child being bullied or feeling

were to hear the announcements they would uncomfortable. Kelley, T. (2004). Positive psychology and adolescent mental health: false promise or true breakthrough?

feel a bit more comfortable if this were to • Schools should be a safe and comfortable Lakritz, N. (1999, May 04). The bully factor and high school shootings: [Final Edition]. Expositor
happen. place for all students and taking this safe spot Modzeleski, W. (2018, April 11). School threat assessment in the USA: Lessons learned from 15 years of teaching and using the federal model to prevent school

- Accessible plans of where to go or what to do away from them can decrease mental health shootings. ResearchGate.

for people who may not be sure at the time and possibly add suicidal thoughts to an rs_of_Teaching_and_Using_the_Federal_Model_to_Prevent_School_Shootings/links/63215083873eca0c0086df25/School-Threat-Assessment-in-the-USA

could also be a lifesaver. (Modzeleski, 2018) adolence’s mind. (Lakritz, 1999)


Preventing school shootings. (2020). Center for Violence Prevention.

Tragedy And Children: What To Discuss [Radio broadcast transcript]. (2012, December 16). Weekend All Things Considered.

Yu, Q. (2020). Development of criminal psychology and the influencing factors of contemporary criminal law.

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