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In 1793, Charles Newbold designed a cast iron plow that __________ than the wooden plows then
in use.
A. was more efficient
B. was of more efficiency
C. had more efficiency
D. it was more efficient
2. __________ think of metallurgy as a modern field of science, but it is actually one of the oldest.
A. Although many people
B. Many people
C. Many people who
D. In spite of many people
3. Part of Jane Colden's work involved collecting plant specimens, cataloging plants, and __________
other botanists.with
A. exchanging correspondence
B. her exchange of correspon-
C. correspondence exchanging
D. correspondence was exchanged
4. The walls of arteries __________ into three layers.
A. they divide
B. dividing
C. to be divided
D. are divided
5. A cloud is a dense mass of __________ water vapor or ice particles.
A. or
B. whether
C. both
D. either
6. Centuries of erosion have exposed __________ rock surfaces in the Painted Desert of northern
A. rainbow-colored
B. colored like a rainbow
C. in colors of the rainbow
D. a rainbow's coloring
7. Nellie Ross of Wyoming was the governorfirst woman __________ in the United States.
A. who elected
B. to be elected
C. was elected
D. her election as
8. Dry farming is a type of agriculture used in areas __________ less than 20 inches of rainfall.
A. there are
B. in which is
C. where there is
D. which has
9. Once known as the "Golden State" because of its gold mines, __________
A. North Carolina today mines few metallic
B. few metallic minerals are mined in North Carolina today
C. there are few metallic minerals mined in North Carolina today
D. today in North Carolina few me- tallic minerals are mined
10. Indoor heating systems have made __________ for people to live and work comfortably in
temperate climates.
A. possible that
B. it possible
C. possible
D. it is possible
11. __________ of liquids throughpipes.
A. The flow controlled by valves
B. For valves to control the flow
C. Valves control the flow
D. Controlled by valves, the flow
12. Snare drums produce a sharp, rattling sound __________
A. as striking
B. when are struck
C. struck
D. when struck
13. Luray Caverns in northern Virginia contain acres of colorful rock formations illumination by electric
A. Northern
B. Acres
C. Colorful
D. Illumination
14. Furniture makers use glue to hold joints together and sometimes to reinforce it
A. To hold
B. Together
C. Sometimes
D. it
15. Anthracite contains a higher percent of carbon than bituminous coal.
A. Contains
B. Higher
C. Percent
D. Carbon
16. The hard out surface the tooth is called enamel of the tooth is called enamel
A. Out
B. Of
C. The tooth
D. Is called
17. Aneroid barometers are smaller than mercury barometers and are more easy to carry
A. Are
B. Than
C. More easy
D. To carry
18. Liquids take the shape of any com tainer which in they are placed
A. The shape
B. Which in
C. They
D. placed
19. The earliest form of artificial lighting was fire, which also cided warm and protection pro
A. Articial
B. Lighting
C. Also
D. Warm
20. Publishers of modem encyclopedias employ hundreds of specialists atal large editorials staffs
A. Encyclopedias
B. Hundreds
C. Specialists
D. Editorials

Text for number 21 - 30

Perhaps the most striking quality of satiric literature is its freshness, its originality of
perspective. Satire rarely offers original ideas. Instead it presents the familiar in a new form.
Satirists do not offer the world new philosophies. What they do is look at familiar conditions
from a perspective that makes these conditions seem foolish, harmful or affected. Satire jars us
out of complacence into a pleasantly shocked realization that many of the values we
unquestioningly accept are false. Don Quixote makes chivalry seem absurd, Brave New World
ridicules the pretensions of science, A Modest proposal dramatizes starvation by advocating
cannibalism. None of these ideas is original. Chivalry was suspect before Cervantes, humanists
objected to the claims of pure science before Aldous Huxley and people were aware of famine
before Swift. It was not the originality of the idea that made these satires popular.

It was the manner of expression the satiric method that made them interesting and entertaining.
Satires are read because they are aesthetically satisfying works of art, not because they are
morally wholesome or ethically instructive. They are stimulating and refreshing because with
commonsense briskness they brush away illusions and secondhand opinions. With spontaneous
irreverence, satire rearranges perspectives, scrambles familiar objects into incongruous
juxtaposition and speaks in a personal idiom instead of abstract platitude.

Satire exists because there is need for it. It has lived because readers appreciate a refreshing
stimulus, an irreverent reminder that they lived in a world of platitudinous thinking, cheap
moralizing, and foolish philosophy. Satire serves to prod people into an awareness of truth
though rarely to any action on behalf of truth. Satire tends to remind people that much of what
they see, hear, and read in popular media is sanctimonious, sentimental, and only partially true.
Life resembles in only a slight degree the popular image of it. Soldiers rarely hold the ideals
that movies attribute to them, nor do ordinary citizens devote their lives to unselfish service of
humanity. Intelligent people know these things but tend to forget them when they do not hear
them expressed.

21. What does the passage mainly discuss?

A. Difficulties of writing satiric literature.
B. Popular topics of satire
C. New philosophies emerging from satiric literature
D. Reasons for the popularity of satire.
22. The word "realization" in first paragraph is closest in meaning to
A. Certainly
B. Awareness
C. Surprise
D. Confusion
23. Why does the author mention Don Quirote, Brave New World and A Modest Proposal in first
A. They are famous examples of satiric literature
B. They present commonsense solutions to problems.
C. They are appropriate for readers of all ages.
D. They are books with similar stories.
24. The word "aesthetically" in second paragraph is closest in meaning to
A. artistically
B. exceptionally
C. realistically
D. dependably
25. Which of the following can be found in satire literature?
A. Newly emerging philosophies
B. Odd combinations of objects and ideas
C. Abstract discussion of moral and ethnics
D. Wholesome characters who are unselfish.
26. According to the passage, there is a need for satire because people need to be
A. informed about new scientific developments
B. exposed to original philosophies when they are formulated
C. reminded that popular ideas are often inaccurate
D. told how they can be of service to their communities.
27. The word "devote" in third paragraph is closest in meaning to
A. distinguish
B. feel affection
C. prefer
D. dedicate
28. As a result of reading satiric literature, readers will be most likely to
A. teach themselves to write fiction
B. accept conventional points of view
C. become better informed about current affairs
D. reexamine their opinions and values
29. The various purposes of satire include all of the following EXCEPT
A. introducing readers to unfamiliar situations
B. brushing away illusions
C. reminding readers of the truth
D. exposing false values.
30. Why does the author mention "service of humanity" in line 25?
A. People need to be reminded to take action
B. Readers appreciate knowing about it
C. It is an ideal that is rarely achieved.
D. Popular media often distort such stories.

Text for number 31 - 40

Barbed wire, first patented in the United States in 1867, played an important part it the
development of American farming, as it enabled the settlers to make effective fencing to
enclose their land and keep cattle away from their crops. This had a considerable effect on
cattle ranching, since the herds no longer had unrestricted use of the plans for grazing, and
the fencing led to conflict between the farmers and the cattle ranchers.

Before barbed wire came into general use, fencing was often made from serrated wire, which
was unsatisfactory because it broke easily when under strain, and could snap in cold weather
due to contraction. The first practical machine for producing barbed wire was invented in 1874
by an Illinois farmer, and between then and the end of the century about 400 types of barbed
wire were devised, of which only about a dozen were ever put to practical use.

Modern barbed wire is made from mild steel high-tensile steel, or aluminum. Mild steel and
aluminum barbed wire have two strands twisted together to form a cable which is stronger than
single-strand wire and less affected by temperature changes. Single-strand wire, round or oval,
is made from high-tensile steel with the barbs crimped or welded on . The steel wires used are
galvanized - coated with zinc to make them rustproof. The two wires that make up the line wire
or cable are fed separately into a machine at one end. They leave it at the other end twisted-
together and barbed. The wire to make the barbs is fed into the machine from the sides and cut
to length by knives that cut diagonally through the wire to produce a sharp point. This process
continues automatically, and the finished barbed wire is wound onto reels, usually made of
wire in lengths of 400 meters or in weights of up to 50 kilograms. A variation of barbed wire
is also used for military purposes. It is formed into long coils or entanglements called
concertina wire.

31. What is the main topic of the passage?

A. Cattle ranching in the United States.
B. A type of fencing
C. Industrial uses of wire
D. A controversy over land use.
32. The word "unrestricted" in first paragraph is closest in meaning to
A. unsatisfactory
B. difficult
C. considerable
D. unlimited
33. The word "snap" in second paragraph could best be replaced by which of the following?
A. freeze
B. click
C. loosen
D. break
34. What is the benefit of using two-stranded barbed wire?
A. Improved rust-resistance
B. Increased strength
C. More rapid attachment of barbs
D. Easier installation.
35. According to the author, the steel wires used to make barbed wire are specially processed to
A. protect them against rust
B. make them more flexible
C. prevent contraction in cold weather
D. straighten them.
36. The word "fed" in last paragraph is closest in meaning to
A. put
B. eaten
C. bitten
D. nourished
37. The knives referred to in last paragraph are used to
A. separate double-stranded wire
B. prevent the reel from advancing too rapidly
C. twist the wire
D. cut the wire that becomes barbs
38. What is the author's purpose in the third paragraph?
A. To explain the importance of the wire.
B. To outline the difficulty of making the wire
C. To describe how the wire is made
D. To suggest several different uses of the wire.
39. According to the passage, concertina wire is used for
A. livestock management
B. international communications
C. prison enclosures
D. military purposes
40. When did the barbed wire first patented?
A. In 1867
B. In 2000
C. In 1977
D. In 1866

Text for number 41 – 50

The changing profile of a city in the United States is apparent in the shifting definitions used
by the United States Bureau of the Census. In 1870 the census officially distinguished the
nation's "urban" from its "rural" population for the first time. "Urban population" was defined
as persons living in towns of 8,000 inhabitants or more. But after 1900 it meant persons living
in incorporated places having 2,500 or more inhabitants.

Then, in 1950 the Census Bureau radically changed its definition of "urban" to take account of
the new vagueness of city boundaries. In addition to persons living in incorporated units of
2,500 or more, the census now included those who lived in unincorporated units of that size,
and also all persons living in the densely settled urban fringe, including both incorporated and
unincorporated areas located around cities of 50,000 inhabitants or more. Each such unit,
conceived as an integrated economic and social unit with a large population nucleus, was
named a Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (SMSA).

Each SMSA would contain at least (a) one central city with 50,000 inhabitants or more or (b)
two cities having shared boundaries and constituting, for general economic and social purposes,
a single community with a combined population of at least 50,000, the smaller of which must
have a population of at least 15,000. Such an area included the county in which the central city
is located, and adjacent counties that are found to be metropolitan in character and
economically and socially integrated with the country of the central city. By 1970, about two-
thirds of the population of the United States was living in these urbanized areas, and of that
figure more than half were living outside the central cities.

While the Census Bureau and the United States government used the term SMSA (by 1969
there were 233 of them), social scientists were also using new terms to describe the elusive,
vaguely defined areas reaching out from what used to be simple "town" and "cities". A host of
terms came into use: "metropolitan regions", "polynucleated population groups",
"conurbations", "metropolitan clusters", "megalopolises", and so on.

41. What does the passage mainly discuss?

A. How cities in the United States began and developed
B. Solutions to overcrowding in cities
C. The changing definition of an urban area
D. How the United States Census Bureau conducts a census
42. According to the passage, the population of the United States was first classified as rural or urban in
A. 1870
B. 1900
C. 1950
D. 1970
43. The word "distinguished" in first paragraph is closest in meaning to
A. differentiated
B. removed
C. honored
D. protected
44. Prior to 1900, how many inhabitants would a town have to have before being defines as urban?
A. 2,500
B. 8,000
C. 15,000
D. 50,000
45. According to the passage, why did the Census Bureau revise the definition of urban in 1950?
A. City borders had become less distinct.
B. Cities had undergone radical social change
C. Elected officials could not agree on an acceptable definition.
D. New businesses had relocated to larger cities.
46. The word "which" in refers to a smaller
A. population
B. city
C. character
D. figure
47. Which of the following is NOT true of an SMSA?
A. It has a population of at least 50,000
B. It can include a city's outlying regions
C. It can include unincorporated regions
D. It consists of at least two cities.
48. By 1970, what proportion of the population in the United States did NOT live in an SMSA?
A. 3/4
B. 2/3
C. 1/2
D. 1/3
49. The Census Bureau first used the term "SMSA" in
A. 1900
B. 1950
C. 1969
D. 1970
50. Where in the passage does the author mention names used by social scientists for an urban area?
A. Lines 4-5
B. Lines 7-8
C. Lines 21-23
D. Lines 27-29
1. A
2. B
3. A
4. D
5. D
6. A
7. B
8. C
9. A
10. B
11. C
12. D
13. D
14. D
15. C
16. C
17. C
18. B
19. D
20. D
21. D
22. B
23. A
24. A
25. B
26. C
27. D
28. D
29. A
30. A
31. B
32. D
33. D
34. B
35. A
36. A
37. D
38. C
39. D
40. A
41. C
42. A
43. A
44. B
45. A
46. B
47. B
48. D
49. B
50. D

21). Keywords : It was not the originality of the idea that made this satires popular.
Pembahasan : Pada paragraf 1 dikatakan statement bahwa "perhaps the most striking quality
of satiric literature is itss freshness, its originality of the perspective (Mungkin kualitas yang
paling mencolok dari sastra satir adalah kesegarannya, keaslian sudut pandangnya.) Pada
paragraf 2 juga dijelaskan dalam teks bahwa " It was the manner of expression the satiric
method that made them interesting and entertaining". (Cara pengungkapannya dengan metode
satirlah yang membuat satir-satir ini menarik dan menghibur)Selain itu, diparagraf 3 juga
menjelaskan bahwa " Satire exists because there is need for it." (Satir ada karena memang ada
kebutuhan untuk itu) jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa topik utama yang dibahas dalam bagian ini
adalah alasan popularitas satire. Jawabannya adalah D. Reasons for the popularity of satires.

22). Keywords : realization"

Pembahasan : Kata realization berarti "realisasi". Sementara itu, masing-masing pilihan berarti
(A). tentu saja (certainly) (B). kesadaran (awareness), (c). Kejutan (suprise), (D). Confusion
(kebingungan). Jadi, kata yang paling dekat maknanya dengan "realization" adalah B.

23). Keyword : Don Quixole makes chavalry seem absurd, Brave New World ridi eules the
pretensions of science a modest proposal dramatites starvation by advocating cannibalism.
None of these ideces is original.
Pembahasan : Dalam teks, disebutkan karya-karya satire dan autornya berjudul don
Quirote(cervantes), brave New World(aldous huxley), dan A modest(swift) proposal beserta
dengan paragraf 2 juga disebutkan it was the manner of expression the satiric method. That
made them interesting dan entertaining. Itulah mengapa satire-satire ini popular. Jadi, dapat
disimpulkan bahwa ketiga penulis dari karya-karya satis yang disebutkan pada paragraf 2
termasuk penulis yang populer dengan karya-karyanya. Jawaban yang paling tepat sebagai
alasan mengapa penulis menyebutkan Don Quirote Brave New Word, dan A modest proposal
pada baris 6-8 adalah (a). They are famous examples if satiric literature.

24). Keyword : Aesthetic

Pembahsan : Kata aesthetic berarti "estetik". Sementara masing-masing pilihan berarti A.
Artistically (artistik) B. Exceptionally (luar biasa) C. Realistically (realistis) D. Dependably
(dapat diandalkan). Jadi, yang paling dekat maknanya dengan kata-kata "aesthetically" adalah
A. artistically. Karena, kata artistik dan estetik sama-sama menyangkut tentang apresiasi

25). Keyword : Satire rearrange perspectives, srambles familiar objects into incongrous
juxtaposition and speak in a personal idiom instead of abstract platitude.
Pembahasan : Dalam teks paragraf kedua pada 2 kalimat terakhir disebutkan bahwa satires are
simulating and refreshing because with commonsense brikness they brush away illutions and
seconhand opinion (Satir menstimulasi dan menyegarkan karena dengan kecepatan yang
masuk akal, satir menepis ilusi dan opini-opini yang tidak masuk akal.)Underline the word
"brush away illutions and seconhand opinion". Jadi dapat dikatakan bahwa satire ini merupakan
kombinasi antara objek dan ide yang aneh karena abstract platitude. Jawaban yang benar adalah
(B). add combinations of objects and ideas.

26). Keywords : Life resembles is only a slight degree the popular image of it.
Pembahasan : Dalam teks pada paragraf terakhir disebutkan bahwa satire ini cenderung
mengingatkan orang-orang bahwa banyak dari apa yang mereka lihat, dengar, dan baca
dimedia populer adalah sok suci, sentimental, dan hanya sebagian yang benar (Satire tends to
remind people that much of what they see, hear, and read in popular media is sanctimonious,
sentimental, and only partially true.) Juga disebutkan bahwa dalam satir, life resembles is only
a slight agree the popular image of it (kehidupan hanya sedikit mirip dengan gambaran
populer). Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa ide-ide yang ada pada karya sastra satire yang populer
itu seringkali tidak akurat. Jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah C. Reminded that popular ideas
are often inaccurate.

27). Keywords : Devote

Pembahasan : Kata devote berarti "mengabdikan". Sementara itu masing-masing pilihan berarti
(A). Distinguish (membedakan) (B). Feel affection (merasakan kasih sayang) (C). Prefer (lebih
suka) (D). Dedicate (mendedikasikan). Jadi, kata yang paling dekat maknanya dengan devote
adalah (D). Dedicate. Kata dedikasi dan pengabdian sama-sama merujuk pada peranan sesuatu.

28). Keywords : Satire serves to prod people into an awareness of truth though rarely to any
action on behalf of truth
Pembahasan : Pada supporting sentences paragraf ketiga, dalam teks dijelaskan bahwa satir
berfungsi untuk mendorong orang kedalam kesadaran akan kebenaran (satire servez to prod
people into an awarenes or truth). Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa kemungkinan yang akan
orang lakukan setelah membaca satire adalah mereka akan memeriksa kembali pendapat dan
penilaian-penilaian mereka. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah D. Reexamine their opinions and

29). Keywords : various purpose of satires

Pembahasan : pilihan b, c, dan d adalah benar karena dapat dilihat pada:
- They are stimulting dan refreshing because with commonsense brikness they brush away
illusions and second hand opinion. (Paragraf 2)
- satire serves to prod people into an awereness (Paragraf 3)
- satire reraly offers original idea. (paragraph .1)
- Satire jars us out of complacence into a pleasantly shocked realization that many of the values
we unquestioningly accept are false.(kalimat keempat, paragraf 1). Jadi jawaban yang tidak
benar adalah memperkenalkan pembaca pada situasi yang tidak biasa (a).introducing readers
to unfamiliar situations

30). Keywords : Intelligent people know these things, service humanity

Pembahasan : Pada kalimat terakhir tertulis pada teks bahwa "intelligent people know this
things....." tapi cenderung melupakannya ketika mereka tidak mendengarnya diekspresikan.
Disini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa adanya satire ini bermaksud untuk membuat orang-orang
mengingat untuk mengambil tindakan dalam bentuk "service of humanity". Jadi, jawabannya
a. People need to be reminded to take action

31). Keywods : a variation of barbed wire is also used for military purpose.
Pembahasan : Pada paragraf 1, topiknya membahas tentang kawat berduri untuk membuat
pagar (Barbed wire, first patented in the United States in 1867, played an important part it the
development of American farming, as it enabled the settlers to make effective fencing).
Selanjutnya paragraf kedua membahas tentang pagar yang seringkali dibuat dari kawat yang
bergerigi (Before barbed wire came into general use, fencing was often made from serrated
wire,). Paragraf ketiga membahas tentang kawat berduri modern untuk membuat pagar
(Modern barbed wire is made from mild steel high-tensile steel, or aluminum). Jadi, dapat
disimpulkan bahwa topik utama dari bacaan ini adalah suatu jenis pagar yang dibuat dari
berbagai macam kawat yang terus mengalami transformasi. Jawabannya (B) A type of fencing

32). Keywods : Unrestricted

Pembahasan : Kata unrestricted berarti "tidak terbatas". Sementara itu, masing-masing pilihan
berarti (A) tidak memuaskan (cari b.ingnya), (B) sulit ( (C) cukup besar ( (D) tidak
terbatas ( Jadi, kata yang paling dekat maknanya dengan "unrestricted" adalah

33). Keywords : Cold weather due to contraction

Pembahasan : Kawat adalah bahan yang terbuat dari baja ringan seperti yang dijelaskan pada
teks. Pada teks juga dalam paragraf dua dijelaskan bahwa pagar seringkali dibuat dari pagar
bergerigi dan mudah patah saat mengalami tekanan. Masing-masing pilihan jawaban berarti
(a). Membekukan (freeze) (b). Mengklik (click) (c). Melonggarkan (loosen) (d). Mematahkan
(break). Kawat bergerigi pada saat itu dianggap sebagai instrumen pembiatan pagar yang
mudah patah saat kondisi tertentu. Jadi, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah (D). Break

34). Keywords : Have two strands twited together to form a cuble which is stronger.
Pembahasan : Pada paragraf ketiga (kalimat kedua), disebutkan bahwa kawat berduri memiliki
2 untai yang dipilih untuk menjadi satu untuk membentuk cable which is stronger than single
- strand wire (kabel yang lebih kuat daripada kawat untai tunggal). Jadi, jawaban yang paling
tepat adalah B. Increased Strength.

35). Keywords : Coated with zinc to make them rustproof.

Pembahasan : Pada paragraf ketiga (kalimat ke 4) dijelaskan pada teks bahwa the steel wires
used are galvanizated-coated with zinc to make them rustproof. Jadi, steel wires digunakan
untuk membuat barbed wire yang dilapisi dengan galvanis - dilapisi dengan seng berguna
dalam hal melindungi kawat itu dari karat. Jawaban yang paling tepat adalah A. Protect them
against rust.

36). Keywords : Fed

Pembahasan : Kata fed berarti "dimasukkan". Sementara itu, masing-masing pilahan berarti
(A). Diletakkan ( (B). Dimakan ( (C). Digigit ( (D). Diberi makan. Jadi, kata
uang paling dekat maknanya dengan fed adalah A. Put. Kata fed dan put merujuk pada
penempatan posisi suatu benda.

37). Keywords : Cut to lenghth by knives.

Pembahasan : Pada teks (paragraf ketiga kalimat 7) disebutkan bahwa the wire to make the
barbs is fed into the machine fom the sids and cut to length by knives to produce a sharp point
(kawat untuk membuat duri dimasukkan kedalam mesin dari samping dipotong memangjang
dengan pisau untuk menghasilkan ujung yang tajam). Jadi kegunaan pisau yang paling tepat
sesuai dengan penjelasan teks adalah D. Cut the wire that becomes barbs.

38). Keywords : Modern wire is made from.

Pembahasan : Pada teks paragraf ketiga dari kalimat satu dan seterusnya sampai pada kalimat
akhir paragraf 3, dijelaskan bagaimana proses pembuatan kawat. Pada kalimat pertama
diparagraf ketiga menyebutkan "modern barbed wire is made from mild steel high - tensile
steel, or aluminum". Jadi, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah C. To describe how the wire is
39). Keywords : Entanglements calle concertina.
Pembahasan : Pada paragraf terakhir disebutkan pada kalimat pertama bahwa a variation of
barbed wire is also used for military purposes. Dan itu dibentuk menjadi gulungan atau lilitan
panjang yang disebut "concertina wire". Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa kawat contertina
digunakan untuk "military purposes". Jawabannya adalah (D) military purposes

40). Keywords: the barbed wire first patented

Pembahasan: dalam teks parafraf 1 menyebutkan Barbed wire, first patented in the United
States in 1867,… (Kawat berduri, yang pertama kali dipatenkan di Amerika Serikat pada
tahun 1867,…). Jadi, dapat disimpulkan kawat berduri pertama kali ditemukan pada tahun A.

41). Keywords : The changing profile of a city in the united states.

Pembahasan : Pada paragraf 1 dijelaskan tentang definisi penduduk perkotaan (urban
population was defined as persons living in towns of 8.000). Inhabits or more. Tapi setelah
tahun 1900, berubah lagi definisinya kemudian pada paragraf 2, disebutkan lagi perupagan
definisi urban (then in 1950 the census bureau radically changed. Its definition of "urban").
Begitu pula paragraf ketiga sampai paragraf terakhir semuanya membahas transformasi definisi
urban dari tahun ketahun. Jadi, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah C. The changing definition
if an urban area.

42). Keywords : "urban" from its "rural".

Pembahasan : Pada kalimat kedua dalam paragraf pertama disebutkan "in 1870" the census
officially distinguished the nation's "urban" from its "rural" population for the first time (Pada
tahun 1870, sensus secara resmi membedakan penduduk "perkotaan" dan "pedesaan" untuk
pertama kalinya.). Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah A. 1870

43). Keywords : Distinguished

Pembahasan : Kata distinguished berarti "dibedakan". Sementara itu, masing-masing pilihan
berarti (A. Dibedakan, cari/tulis), B. Disingkirkan ( C. Dihormati ( D.
Dilindungi ( Jadi kata yang paling dekat maknanya dengan distinguished adalah A.

44). Keywords : Living in towns of 8.000 inhabitants or more.

Pembahasan : Dalam teks disebutkan bahwa in 1870 "urban population" didefinisikan sebagai
orang-orang yang tinggal dikota berpenduduk 8.000 orang atau lebih ((urban population was
defined as persons living in towns of 8.000).). (kalimat ke 2 paragraf 1). Sebelum tahun 1900,
definisi urban pertama kali di US disebutkan pada tahun 1870. Jadi, jawaban yang paling tepat
adalah (B). 8.000

45). Keywords : To take account.

Pembahasan : Dalam teks pada paragraf kedua kalimat utama menyebutkan bahwa pada tahun
1950, biro sensus secara radikal mengubah definisi "perkotaan" untuk memperhitungkan
ketidakjelasan batas-batas kota yang baru (In 1950, the census bureau radically changed its
definition of "urban" to take account of the new vagueness of city boundaries). So, jawaban
yang paling tepat sebagai alasan mengapa census bureau merevisi definisi urban pada tahun
1950 adalah (A). City borders had become less distinct.

46). Keywords : Which

Pembahasan : Pada teks, kalimat lengkap pada baris ke 16 yaitu the smaller of which must have
a population of at least 15.000. Kata which pada kalimat tersebut mengacu pada suatu tempat.
Ditandai dengan adanya kata "populasi". Jadi, populasi itu merujuk pada jumlah warga yang
tinggal disuatu daerah, bisa negara, kota, dst. Jadi, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah Kota. (B).

47). Keywords : Each SMSA would contain at least.

Pembahasan : Pada paragraf ketiga, beberapa kalimat di awal menyebutkan bahwa setidaknya,
setiap SMSA terdiri dari (a). Satu kota pusat dengan 50.000 penduduk atau lebih. Atau (b).
Dua kota yang memiliki batas-batas yang sama merupakan satu komunitas. (Each SMSA would
contain at least (a) one central city with 50,000 inhabitants or more or (b) two cities having
shared boundaries and constituting, for general economic and social purposes, a single
community). Kemudian pada paragraf 2 pada kalimat 2, disebutkan bahwa selain orang-orang
yang tinggal diunit berbadan hukum dengan jumlah penduduk 2.500 atau lebih, sensus
sekarang mencakup mereka yang tinggal di unit-unit tidak berbadan hukum dengan jumlah
penduduk sebesar itu (. In addition to persons living in incorporated units of 2,500 or more, the
census now included those who lived in unincorporated units of that size.). Berarti, pernystaan
yang tidak benar tentang SMSA adalah B. it can include a city's outlying regions.

48). Keywords : About two-this of population

Pembahsan : Pada kalimat terakhir paragraf ketia disebutkan bahwa tahun 1970 sekitar 2/3
populasi As tinggal di daerah urbanisasi ini, dan lebih dari setengahnya tinggal diluar kota
pusat. (By 1970, about two-thirds of the population of the United States was living in these
urbanized areas, and of that figure more than half were living outside the central cities.).
Berarti, jika lebih dari setengahnya = 1/3. Jadi, proporsi penduduk As yang tidak tinggal di
SMSA adalah 1/3. Jawabannya (D) 1/3

49). Keywords : Was named a standard metropolitan statistical area (SMSA)

Pembahasan : Pada paragraf 2 baris pertama, disebutkan bahwa "In 1950 the census bureau
changed its definition (Kemudian, pada tahun 1950, Biro Sensus secara radikal mengubah
definisi "perkotaan"). Kemudian ada penggalan kalimat terakhir pada paragraf 2 benyebutkan
bahwa, "Each 'such unit, conceived as an integrated economic and social unit with a large
population nucleus, was nameda Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (SMSA). Jadi,
jawaban yang paling tepat terkait kapan the census berau pertama kali menggunakan istilah
"SMSA" adalah B. 1950.

50). Keywords : A host of terms came into use.

Pembahasan : Pada paragraf terakhir dalam teks, tiga baris terakhir menyebutkan bahwa "A
host of terms came into use "metropolitan regions", "polynucleated population groups"
"conurbations", "metropolitan clusters", "megalopolises", and so on. (Sejumlah istilah mulai
digunakan: "wilayah metropolitan", "kelompok populasi yang berinti banyak", "kota kecil",
"kelompok metropolitan", "megalopolis", dan sebagainya.). Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa
penulis menyebutkan nama nama yang digunakan oleh para ilmuan sosial untuk sebuah
wilayah perkotaan pada baris 27-29. Jadi, jawaban ysng tepat adalah D. Line 27-29.

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