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YIJOM-4401; No of Pages 12

Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg. 2019; xxx: xxx–xxx, available online at

Oral Surgery

Piezoelectric bone surgery for M. Cicciù1,a, C. Stacchi2a,

L. Fiorillo1,3, G. Cervino1,
G. Troiano4, T. Vercellotti5,
A. S. Herford6, P. Galindo-Moreno7,
impacted lower third molar R. Di Lenarda2
Department of Biomedical and Dental
Sciences and Morphological and Functional

extraction compared with Imaging, University of Messina, Messina,

Italy; 2Department of Medical, Surgical and
Health Sciences, University of Trieste, Trieste,

conventional rotary instruments: Italy; 3Multidisciplinary Department of

Medical, Surgical and Dental Specialities,
University of Campania ‘‘Luigi Vanvitelli’’,
Naples, Italy; 4Department of Clinical and

a systematic review, meta- Experimental Medicine, University of Foggia,

Foggia, Italy; 5Department of Surgical
Sciences and Integrated Diagnostics,

analysis, and trial sequential University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy;

Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, Loma
Linda University, Loma Linda, California,
USA; 7Department of Oral Surgery and

analysis Implant Dentistry, University of Granada,

Granada, Spain

M. Cicciù, C. Stacchi, L. Fiorillo, G. Cervino, G. Troiano, T. Vercellotti, A.S. Herford,

P. Galindo-Moreno, R. Di Lenarda: Piezoelectric bone surgery for impacted lower third
molar extraction compared with conventional rotary instruments: a systematic review,
meta-analysis, and trial sequential analysis. Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg. 2019; xxx: xxx–
xxx. ã 2020 International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by
Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Abstract. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether piezoelectric bone surgery
(PBS) for impacted lower third molar extraction reduces the surgical time and risk
of intra- and postoperative complications in comparison with conventional rotary
instruments. This meta-analysis followed the PRISMA guidelines and was
registered in the PROSPERO database. The PubMed, Embase, Scopus, and
OpenGrey databases were screened for articles published from January 1, 1990 to
December 31, 2018. Selection criteria included randomized controlled trials (RCTs)
comparing PBS with conventional rotary instruments for impacted lower third
molar extraction and reporting any of the clinical outcomes (intra- and
postoperative complications and duration of surgery) for both groups. A risk of bias
assessment was performed using the Cochrane Collaboration tool. A meta-analysis
was performed, and the power of the meta-analytic findings was assessed by trial
sequential analysis (TSA). Strong evidence suggests that PBS prolongs the duration Key words: piezoelectric surgery; Piezosur-
of surgery and low evidence suggests that PBS reduces postoperative morbidity gery; lower third molar extraction; trial sequen-
(pain and trismus) in comparison with rotary instruments. Data were insufficient to tial analysis; morbidity.
determine whether PBS reduces neurological complications and postoperative
swelling in comparison with burs. Accepted for publication 11 March 2020

Marco Cicciù and Claudio Stacchi con-
tributed equally.

0901-5027/000001+012 ã 2020 International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Cicciù M, et al. Piezoelectric bone surgery for impacted lower third molar extraction compared with
conventional rotary instruments: a systematic review, meta-analysis, and trial sequential analysis, Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg (2020),
YIJOM-4401; No of Pages 12

2 Cicciù et al.

Introduction longer duration of surgery. However, C. and L.F.), who screened the PubMed,
these data must be interpreted with ex- Embase, Scopus, and OpenGrey databases
New surgical techniques and innovative
treme caution, as the trials included have in duplicate, from January 1, 1990 up to
technologies have greatly improved the
been widely judged to be medium–low the latest entry on December 31, 2018. No
predictability and reduced the invasive-
quality studies, with serious limitations language restriction was applied in order
ness of oral surgery procedures. Piezoelec-
related to a high risk of bias, inconsistency to limit selection bias.
tric bone surgery (PBS) was introduced
of results, and imprecision18.
into clinical practice almost 20 years ago1.
The aim of this systematic review,
Its technological characteristics allow se- Search
meta-analysis, and trial sequential analy-
lective cutting of mineralized tissue and,
sis (TSA) was to analyse the clinical out- The search of the selected electronic data-
in the case of accidental contact, preser-
comes of impacted lower third molar bases was performed using the following
vation of the integrity of soft tissues, such
extraction (duration of surgery, postoper- algorithms: (1) PubMed, (piezosurgery
as nerves, vessels, and mucosa2. This
ative pain, trismus, and swelling, and in- OR piezo* OR ultrasonic* OR rotary in-
technology uses ultrasonic wave modula-
cidence of neurological complications), strument* OR conventional bur*) AND
tion to produce a micrometric vibration of
comparing PBS to conventional rotary (third molar* OR wisdom); (2) Embase,
the active tip of the device, allowing ex-
instruments. The meta-analysis was con- ((piezosurgery:ti OR piezo$:ti OR ultra-
tremely precise cutting and enhanced in-
ducted with strict inclusion/exclusion cri- sonic$:ti OR ‘rotary instrument$’:ti OR
traoperative control3. Two additional
teria for study selection (only prospective ‘conventional bur$’:ti) AND ‘third mo-
features of PBS, microstreaming and the
studies with a control group), and the lar$ extraction’:ti OR ‘wisdom tooth’:ti
cavitation effect, also improve surgical
statistical reliability of the data in the OR ‘wisdom teeth’:ti) AND [1990-
field conditions during ultrasonic osteot-
meta-analysis was quantified by means 2018]/py; (3) Scopus, (piezosurgery OR
omy. Microstreaming, generated by active
of TSA (taking into consideration type 1 piezo$ OR ultrasonic$ OR rotary OR bur$
tip vibration, is a continuous whirling
and 2 errors). AND third AND molar$ OR wisdom); (4)
movement of fluids, favouring the me-
chanical action of debris removal. The OpenGrey, (piezosurgery OR piezoelec-
cavitation effect, a physical phenomenon Materials and methods tric surgery OR ultrasonic surgery OR
caused by the implosion of gas bubbles rotary instruments OR surgical bur OR
Protocol and search strategy third molar OR wisdom tooth OR wisdom
inside terminal blood vessels during
osteotomy, produces a haemostatic effect This systematic review was performed in teeth).
enhancing intraoperative visibility4. These accordance with the PRISMA guidelines Furthermore, the references lists in all
features have paved the way for the rapid (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic selected papers and in previously pub-
spread of PBS in oral surgery5,6, implan- Reviews and Meta-Analyses)21, and has lished systematic reviews on this
tology7,8, maxillofacial surgery9,10, otolar- been registered in PROSPERO, an inter- topic16–20 were checked for additional
yngology11, and spinal surgery12. national database of prospectively regis- studies. Pertinent dental journals pub-
Impacted lower third molar extraction is tered systematic reviews in health and lished in the last 5 years (2014–2018) were
a common procedure in oral surgery. The social care ( hand-searched to identify any potentially
conventional technique involves using PROSPERO; registration number relevant paper (International Journal of
manual and/or rotary instruments to per- CRD42019121960). Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Journal
form osteotomy and odontectomy, allow- of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Jour-
ing dental extraction with a shorter nal of Craniofacial Surgery, British Jour-
intervention time and reduced patient dis- Focused question nal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
comfort13. Osteotomy and odontectomy This review aimed to answer the following Journal of Craniomaxillofacial Surgery).
are usually performed using rotating dia- PICO (population, intervention, compara-
mond or carbide burs mounted on turbines tor, and outcomes) question: Does PBS for Selection of studies
or hand-pieces, which are potentially lower third molar extraction reduce the
harmful for the surrounding soft tissues. surgical time and risk of intra- and post- Two blinded independent reviewers (M.C.
A recent systematic review reported that operative complications in comparison and C.S.) performed an assessment of
the risk of injury to the inferior alveolar with conventional rotary instruments? study eligibility in duplicate. Intra-exam-
nerve in lower third molar extraction with The population (P) comprised patients iner reliability of the study selection pro-
rotary instruments varies from 0.35% to requiring impacted lower third molar ex- cess was assessed using the Cohen k test,
8.4%14. traction. The intervention (I) was PBS for assuming a threshold value of 0.6122.
The use of PBS to improve the safety impacted lower third molar extraction. Conflicts were resolved by discussion of
and predictability of impacted lower third The comparator group (C) was conven- each article, and by consulting a third
molar extraction was first described in tional rotary instruments for impacted investigator (R.D.L.) when consensus
200815. Since then, numerous clinical lower third molar extraction. The out- could not be reached.
studies have compared PBS with rotary comes (O) assessed were intra- and post-
instruments for this specific application. operative complications and the duration
Their outcomes, summarized in five recent of surgery. Types of studies
systematic reviews conducted on this This systematic review included only ran-
topic16–20, suggest that PBS leads to lower domized controlled trials (RCTs) con-
patient morbidity (fewer intraoperative Information sources
ducted on human subjects. Reviews and
complications and an improved postoper- An extensive electronic search was con- studies of lower quality within the hierar-
ative course), but is also associated with a ducted by two authors independently (G. chy of scientific evidence (such as expert

Please cite this article in press as: Cicciù M, et al. Piezoelectric bone surgery for impacted lower third molar extraction compared with
conventional rotary instruments: a systematic review, meta-analysis, and trial sequential analysis, Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg (2020),
YIJOM-4401; No of Pages 12

Piezoelectric bone surgery for impacted lower third molar extraction compared with conventional rotary instruments: a
systematic review, meta-analysis, and trial sequential analysis 3
opinions, letters, case reports, case series, operative pain, trismus, swelling, and neu- P < 0.05 as the threshold for statistical
and retrospective and case–control stud- rological complications. significance. The pooled analysis and het-
ies) were excluded. Attempts were made to contact the cor- erogeneity were calculated using Review
Studies were evaluated for selection responding authors of included studies to Manager version 5.2.6 (Cochrane Collab-
according to the following eligibility cri- retrieve any missing information or to oration).
teria: (1) inclusion criteria: RCT compar- clarify specific items. Additionally, TSA (Trial Sequential
ing PBS with conventional rotary Analysis v0.9 b; Copenhagen Trial Unit,
instruments for impacted lower third mo- Copenhagen, Denmark) was performed to
Assessment of risk of bias in individual
lar extraction and reporting any of the adjust the results for the presence of type 1
studies and across studies
clinical outcomes (intra- and postopera- and type 2 statistical errors and to analyse
tive complications and duration of sur- Two reviewers (C.S. and G.T.) indepen- the power of the available evidence26.
gery) for both groups. (2) Exclusion dently assessed the risk of bias in the Specifically, a type 1 error of 5% and a
criteria: meta-analyses, systematic and selected RCTs using the Cochrane Collab- power of 80% (type 2 error = 80%) were
narrative reviews, case–control studies, oration tool for risk of bias assessment23. set to calculate trial sequential monitoring
prospective studies with no control group, The analysis was based on the evaluation boundaries, futility boundaries, and the
retrospective studies, case series, case of six items: random sequence generation, required information size (RIS). A ‘model
reports, and ex vivo, in vitro, and animal allocation concealment, blinding of out- variance-based’ approach was performed
studies, as well as studies providing insuf- come assessment, incomplete outcome da- for heterogeneity correction, whilst data
ficient data. ta, selective reporting, and other sources of for MD, RR, and their variance were
bias. The studies were then classified into extracted from the meta-analysis results.
(1) studies with a low risk of bias, when all A graphical evaluation was performed to
Sequential search strategy
criteria were met, (2) studies with an analyse whether the Z-curve (showing the
Following the initial literature search, all unclear risk of bias, when one or more treatment effect) crossed either the moni-
article titles were screened to eliminate criteria were partially met, or (3) studies toring or futility boundaries and to obtain
irrelevant publications, review articles, with a high risk of bias, when one or more the RIS threshold, which measures the
case–control studies, retrospective stud- criteria were not met. statistical power of the results obtained
ies, case series, case reports, and in vitro If the Cochrane Collaboration tool in the meta-analysis.
and animal studies. Next, studies were scores differed between the two exami-
excluded based on data obtained from ners, they were discussed to obtain a con-
screening the abstracts. The final stage sensus. If consensus could not be reached, Results
of screening involved reading the full texts a third independent examiner (C.S.) eval-
Description of studies
to confirm each study’s eligibility based uated the articles for final quality control,
on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. and consensus was obtained. A total of 929 articles (published in En-
Heterogeneity was assessed using the glish, Chinese, Dutch, French, German,
Data extraction
x2-based Q-statistic method, with a sig- Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Span-
nificant P-value of <0.05. However, due ish, and Russian) were identified in the
Two authors (G.C. and L.F.) independent- to the relative insensitivity of the Q-statis- initial search (123 PubMed, 277 Embase,
ly used pre-defined forms to extract the tic24, the I2 index was also reported, with 464 Scopus, 65 OpenGrey, 0 other
following information from the selected values 50% considered to be associated sources). After removing duplicates, 807
studies: (1) study characteristics: title, au- with substantial heterogeneity of the stud- titles remained and were examined; 785
thor names, corresponding author nation- ies25. The I2 index describes the percent- were excluded after reviewing the
ality, language of publication, year of age of total variation across studies due to abstracts (Cohen k test for inter-reviewer
publication, journal name and impact fac- heterogeneity rather than chance. agreement = 0.81). Twenty-two full-text
tor in the year of publication, source of articles were downloaded15,27–47, of which
study funding, study design, ethics com- nine matched the inclusion and
Data synthesis
mittee/institutional review board approval exclusion criteria and were included in
number, method of randomization, dura- Meta-analyses were performed for the the final analysis27,34,37,38,41–44,47 (Cohen
tion of follow-up, allocation concealment, duration of surgery, postoperative pain, k test for inter-reviewer agreement = 1).
and blinding (participants, investigators, and postoperative trismus, computing The results of the electronic and
outcome examiners); (2) participants: de- the mean difference (MD) between the manual searches are summarized in
mographic characteristics, health condi- test and control groups, while for the Fig. 1. The list of excluded studies and
tion of participants, smoking status, dichotomous outcome ‘neurological com- the reasons for exclusion are provided in
numbers of participants in the test and plications’, the data were pooled and the the Supplementary Material (Table
control groups, and numbers and reasons risk ratio (RR) was computed; 95% confi- S1)15,28–33,35,36,39,40,45,46.
for dropouts; (3) intervention (PBS for dence intervals (CI) were also calculated. Of the nine included studies, seven were
impacted lower third molar extraction): A fixed- or a random-effects model was RCTs with a split-mouth de-
type of piezoelectric device, methods of used based on the presence of heterogene- sign34,37,38,41,42,44,47 and two were RCTs
osteotomy and odontectomy, and pharma- ity (calculated as mentioned above). In the with parallel groups27,43. Three studies
cological co-intervention; (4) comparator meta-analysis, the split-mouth and parallel were self-funded41,43,44; no information
(conventional rotary instruments for im- studies were pooled, assuming the absence about funding was present in the remain-
pacted lower third molar extraction): of a carry-over effect between the differ- ing six articles27,34,37,38,42,47. Five studies
methods of osteotomy and odontectomy ent interventions performed on the same reported ethics committee/institutional re-
and pharmacological co-intervention; (5) patient. Overall effects were compared view board approval37,38,42,44,47; no infor-
outcomes: duration of surgery and post- using the inverse variance test, with mation on this topic was present in four

Please cite this article in press as: Cicciù M, et al. Piezoelectric bone surgery for impacted lower third molar extraction compared with
conventional rotary instruments: a systematic review, meta-analysis, and trial sequential analysis, Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg (2020),
YIJOM-4401; No of Pages 12

4 Cicciù et al.

Fig. 1. Flowchart of the search process.

articles27,34,41,43. The characteristics of the Patients were enrolled into the individ- Exclusion criteria: uncontrolled system-
included studies are reported in Table 1. ual studies according to the eligibility ic conditions38,42,44; history of systemic
criteria outlined below. disease contraindicating surgical treat-
Inclusion criteria: healthy ment27; systemic disease or use of medi-
patients27,34,43,47; male patients42; age cation potentially impairing surgery and
Patient characteristics
>18 years34; age >20 years43; age be- bone healing dynamics38,43; uncontrolled
The sample size in the individual studies tween 18 and 35 years42; age between diabetes44; blood dyscrasias44; oral sub-
ranged from a minimum of 10 patients37 to 18 and 25 years37; indications for lower mucous fibrosis37,41,44; recent use of anti-
a maximum of 100 patients38. The total third molar extraction27; indications for biotics41,43; recent anti-inflammatory
number of patients treated was 319 (149 bilateral impacted lower third molar ex- treatment38; allergy to penicillin and/or
female, 140 male; sex not specified for traction34,37,38,41,42,44,47; bilateral molars non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
30). One study did not report the sex had to have the same angulation and entail (NSAIDs)34,47; smokers34,41,47; heavy
distribution in the test and control the same surgical difficulty34,37,38,41,42,47; smokers27,38,42,44; no need to raise a muco-
groups43. The age range varied from 18 acceptance and signing of a consent periosteal flap to remove the third mo-
years34,37,41 to 54 years34. form27,34,37,38,41–44,47. lar27,34,37; pregnant or lactating

Please cite this article in press as: Cicciù M, et al. Piezoelectric bone surgery for impacted lower third molar extraction compared with
conventional rotary instruments: a systematic review, meta-analysis, and trial sequential analysis, Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg (2020),
systematic review, meta-analysis, and trial sequential analysis

YIJOM-4401; No of Pages 12
conventional rotary instruments: a systematic review, meta-analysis, and trial sequential analysis, Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg (2020),
Please cite this article in press as: Cicciù M, et al. Piezoelectric bone surgery for impacted lower third molar extraction compared with

Piezoelectric bone surgery for impacted lower third molar extraction compared with conventional rotary instruments: a
Table 1. Characteristics of the included studies.
Number of patients in each
group (M/F)
Study Age range Mean age Ultrasonic
Year Country Journal (IF) Design Control Test (years) (SD) (years) Medication Odontectomy method device brand
Kirli Topcu Turkey Journal of Oral and RCT 21 (7/14) 21 (7/14) NR 22.4 (NR) NSAID No odontectomy W&H
et al.47 Maxillofacial Split-mouth was performed
2019 Surgery (1.781)
Bhati India Annals of RCT 30 (18/12) 30 (18/12) NR 27.4 (5.27) AB 5 days Both groups: rotary Mectron
et al.44 Maxillofacial Split-mouth NSAID 3 days
2017 Surgery (-)
Basheer India Journal of RCT 15 (NR) 15 (NR) NR Control: AB 3 days NR Mectron
et al.43 Contemporary Parallel 30.1 (3.15) NSAID 3 days
2017 Dental Practice (-) Test: 28.4 (2.69)
Arakji Lebanon International RCT 20 (20/0) 20 (20/0) 19–32 NR AB 5 days Both groups: rotaryac Mectron
et al.42 Journal of Dentistry Split-mouth NSAID 3 days
2016 (-)
Mistry India Annals of RCT 30 (16/14) 30 (16/14) 18–43 25.2 (6.53) AB 5 days Both groups: rotary Satelec
et al.41 Maxillofacial Split-mouth NSAID 5 days
2016 Surgery (-)

Mantovani Italy Journal of Oral and RCT 100 (41/59) 100 (41/59) NR 24.0 (4.2) Prophylactic AB NR Mectron
et al.38 Maxillofacial Split-mouth AB 5 days
2014 Surgery (1.425) NSAID if needed
Piersanti Italy Journal of Oral and RCT 10 (4/6) 10 (4/6) 18–25 22.4 (2.3) Prophylactic AB Both groups: rotary Mectron
et al.37 Maxillofacial Split-mouth AB 4 days
2014 Surgery (1.425) NSAID 4 days
Rullo Italy Journal of Cranio- RCT 52 (20/32) 52 (20/32) 18–54 26.2 (NR) AB 7 days Both groups: rotary Esacrom
et al.34 Maxillo-Facial Split-mouth NSAID 4 days
2013 Surgery (2.597)
Barone Italy Journal of Oral and RCT 13 (7/6) 13 (7/6) 24–45 Test: Prophylactic AB Control: rotary Resista
et al.27 Maxillofacial Parallel 32.2 (6.7) AB 5 days Test: mixed
2010 Surgery (1.500) Control: NSAID if needed (PBS and rotary)
30.3 (5.8)
AB, antibiotic; F, female; IF, impact factor; M, male; NR, not reported; NSAID, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug; PBS, piezoelectric bone surgery; RCT, randomized clinical trial; SD,
standard deviation.
YIJOM-4401; No of Pages 12

6 Cicciù et al.

Fig. 2. Forest plot (random-effects model) for the outcome ‘duration of surgery’, expressed in minutes.

women27,34,38; substance abusers, those be at high risk of bias (Supplementary visual analogue scale (VAS 1–10 or 1–
with psychiatric problems, or unrealistic Material, Table S2). 100) at different time intervals ranging
expectations44,47; sites with acute from 1 to 15 days. One article reported
infection34,37,41–44,47; active periodontitis only graphical and not numerical data and
Surgical time
and/or poor oral hygiene and motiva- was therefore excluded from the meta-
tion34; patients undergoing orthodontic All included studies recorded the opera- analysis for this specific outcome37. An-
therapy38. tive time necessary for impacted lower other article did not report the standard
third molar extraction. Most studies de- deviation and was therefore excluded from
fined the duration of surgery as the time the meta-analysis for this specific out-
Clinical procedures elapsed from the start of flap incision to come43. Two further studies did not report
the termination of suturing. One trial de- intensity of pain at the time points selected
Patients in the included studies were simi-
fined the operative time as the time for the present analysis.38,47
lar in terms of age and general health
elapsed from the start of incision to the One day after surgery, the mean differ-
status, but heterogeneous in terms of level
beginning of suturing47, and one trial from ence between the test and control groups
of impaction of the lower third molars. Six
the start of bone guttering to tooth eleva- was 1.66 points, significantly favouring
split-mouth studies selected bilateral im-
tion from its socket43. One study did not the test group (95% CI 2.72 to 0.59;
pacted teeth presenting similar angulation
report a definition of the duration of sur- P = 0.002) (Supplementary Material,
and spatial relationships with the ascend-
gery and was excluded from the meta- Fig. S1). Heterogeneity was present
ing ramus of the mandible and the occlusal
analysis for this specific outcome37. Fur- among the five studies included at this
plane34,37,38,41,42,47. In all included stud-
thermore, one article did not report the time point (I2 = 85%; df = 5; P <
ies, osteotomy and bone guttering around
standard deviation and was therefore ex- 0.00001; x2 = 32.92), thus a random-
the impacted tooth were performed with
cluded from the meta-analysis for this effects model was used. TSA highlighted
rotary instruments in the control group and
specific outcome38. that a more powered information size
PBS in the test group. Five studies per-
The mean difference between the two would be necessary to allow conclusions
formed odontectomy with rotary instru-
procedures was 8.65 minutes, significant- to be drawn for this outcome (836 inter-
ments in both groups34,37,41,42,44. One
ly favouring the control group (95% CI ventions being the required sample for a
study used rotary instruments in the con-
4.90–12.40 minutes; P < 0.00001) power of 80% versus 290 interventions
trol group and a mixed technique with burs
(Fig. 2). Heterogeneity was present among included in the present meta-analysis),
and PBS in the test group27. Two studies
the seven included studies (I2 = 88%; showing a low power of evidence (Sup-
did not report the odontectomy tech-
df = 7; P < 0.00001; x2 = 56.27), thus a plementary Material, Fig. S2).
nique38,43. One trial did not section teeth
random-effects model was used. TSA con- Similar results were found when ana-
before extraction47. Five different brands
firmed these findings, as shown by the Z- lysing VAS data recorded 3 days after
of PBS device were used in the included
curve crossing the lower trial sequential surgery. The mean difference between
studies. Medications were prescribed in all
monitoring boundary. Additionally, the the test and control groups was 1.37
studies (antibiotics and NSAIDs), with
number of interventions exceeded the points, significantly favouring the test
different treatment regimens used, poten-
RIS threshold (224 interventions being group (95% CI 2.58 to 0.16; P =
tially influencing some of the outcomes
the required sample for a power of 80% 0.03) (Supplementary Material, Fig.
versus 362 interventions included in the S3). Heterogeneity was also present
present meta-analysis), showing a strong among the four studies included at this
power of evidence (Fig. 3). time point (I2 = 87%; df = 4; P <
Risk of bias in the individual studies
0.00001; x2 = 29.77), thus a random-
Based on the Cochrane Collaboration tool effects model was used. TSA highlighted
for risk of bias assessment, one RCT was that a more powered information size
judged to have an unclear risk of bias38. All included studies reported the intensity would be necessary to draw conclusions
The remaining eight RCTs were judged to of pain as a continuous variable using a for this outcome (700 interventions being

Please cite this article in press as: Cicciù M, et al. Piezoelectric bone surgery for impacted lower third molar extraction compared with
conventional rotary instruments: a systematic review, meta-analysis, and trial sequential analysis, Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg (2020),
YIJOM-4401; No of Pages 12

Fig. 3. Trial sequential analysis for the outcome ‘duration of surgery’. The cumulative Z-curve crosses both alpha-spending boundaries, revealing
the presence of a significant effect. Additionally, the Z-curve surpassed the required information size threshold, revealing strong power of

the required sample for a power of 80% old (318 interventions being the required surgery was 5.37 mm, significantly
versus 250 interventions included in the sample for a power of 80% versus 186 favouring the test group (95% CI 8.56
present meta-analysis), showing a low interventions included in the present meta- to 2.19 mm; P = 0.0009) (Fig. 6). Het-
power of evidence (Supplementary Ma- analysis), revealing moderate power of erogeneity was present among the four
terial, Fig. S4). evidence for this outcome (Fig. 5). studies included at this time point
Finally, VAS data recorded 7 days after (I2 = 72%; df = 3; P= 0.01;
surgery showed a mean difference be- x2 = 10.57), thus a random-effects model
tween the test and control groups of was used. TSA confirmed that a more
1.11 points, significantly favouring the Six studies assessed maximum mouth powered information size would be nec-
test group (95% CI 1.83 to 0.39; P = opening at various time points27,37,41–44. essary to allow conclusions to be drawn
0.003 (Fig. 4). Heterogeneity was also One of these reported only graphical and for this outcome (1015 interventions being
present among the four studies included not numerical data37, and was therefore the required sample for a power of 80%
at this time point (I2 = 88%; df = 3; P < excluded from the meta-analysis for this versus 186 interventions included in the
0.0001; x2 = 25.31), thus a random- specific outcome. Differences in maxi- present meta-analysis), showing a low
effects model was used. TSA confirmed mum mouth opening between baseline power of evidence (Fig. 7).
that the cumulative Z-curve crossed both and the 1- and 7-day follow-ups were Seven days after surgery, maximum
alpha-spending boundaries, revealing the analysed. mouth opening was still reduced in the
presence of a significant effect. However, The mean difference between the test control group when compared to the test
the Z-curve did not reach the RIS thresh- and control groups measured 1 day after group, although not significantly. The

Fig. 4. Forest plot (random-effects model) for the outcome ‘visual analogue pain scale score at 7 days after surgery’. The visual analogue pain
scale ranged from 1 to 10.

Please cite this article in press as: Cicciù M, et al. Piezoelectric bone surgery for impacted lower third molar extraction compared with
conventional rotary instruments: a systematic review, meta-analysis, and trial sequential analysis, Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg (2020),
YIJOM-4401; No of Pages 12

8 Cicciù et al.

Fig. 5. Trial sequential analysis for the outcome ‘visual analogue pain scale score at 7 days after surgery’. The cumulative Z-curve crosses both
alpha-spending boundaries, revealing the presence of a significant effect. However, the Z-curve does not reach the required information size
threshold, revealing moderate power of evidence.

mean difference was 3.32 mm, favour- gery27,37,38,41,42. One study reported no model was used. No TSA analysis was
ing the test group (95% CI 7.06 to statistically significant difference between performed for this specific outcome as the
0.43 mm; P = 0.08) (Supplementary the two groups44. A quantitative analysis number of included studies was too low.
Material, Fig. S5). Heterogeneity was for this specific outcome was not per-
present among the five studies included formed due to the significant differences
at this time point (I2 = 91%; df = 4; P < in methods used to evaluate swelling Discussion
0.00001; x2 = 44.10), thus a random- across the studies. Clinical findings
effects model was used. TSA highlighted
that a more powered information size PBS has been proposed as a viable alter-
would be necessary to draw conclusions native to rotary instruments in impacted
Neurological complications
for this outcome (1670 interventions being lower third molar surgery. The main
the required sample for a power of 80% Three studies reported neurological com- advantages of PBS are the precision of
versus 216 interventions included in the plications38,44,47. One study described this cutting, enhanced surgical control, selec-
present meta-analysis), showing a low outcome as paresthesia of the inferior tive action on hard tissue, and improved
power of evidence (Supplementary Ma- alveolar nerve44. Two studies defined this visibility in the surgical field. Moreover,
terial, Fig. S6). outcome simply as paresthesia, without biomolecular studies have shown that PBS
reference to specific nerves38,47. The is more effective than conventional rotary
meta-analysis revealed no significant dif- instruments in reducing postoperative
ferences in terms of neurological compli- inflammation48–50 and oxidative stress af-
cations between the test and control ter osteotomy51. The combined effect of
Swelling was reported in six stud- groups (RR 1.07, 95% CI 0.16–7.05; these factors contributes to lower postop-
ies27,37,38,41,42,44. Five of these reported P = 0.95) (Fig. 8). No heterogeneity erative morbidity, a faster recovery time,
significantly less swelling in the PBS was noted (I2 = 0%; df = 1; P = 0.38; and less interference with impacted third
group during the first week after sur- x2 = 0.79) and therefore a fixed-effects molar extraction patient quality of life.

Fig. 6. Forest plot (random-effects model) for the outcome ‘trismus 1 day after surgery’. Differences in maximum mouth opening in comparison
with baseline, expressed in millimetres.

Please cite this article in press as: Cicciù M, et al. Piezoelectric bone surgery for impacted lower third molar extraction compared with
conventional rotary instruments: a systematic review, meta-analysis, and trial sequential analysis, Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg (2020),
YIJOM-4401; No of Pages 12

Piezoelectric bone surgery for impacted lower third molar extraction compared with conventional rotary instruments: a
systematic review, meta-analysis, and trial sequential analysis 9

Fig. 7. Trial sequential analysis for the outcome ‘trismus 1 day after surgery’. The cumulative Z-curve does not cross both alpha-spending
boundaries and does not reach the required information size threshold, revealing a low power for current evidence.

This systematic review, meta-analysis, for initial tooth sectioning in areas far response. This outcome is in agreement
and TSA evaluated the available evidence from delicate structures could be reason- with all previous meta-analyses conducted
comparing PBS and conventional rotary able to shorten the duration of surgery. on this topic16–20. Postoperative swelling,
instruments in impacted lower third molar Additionally, ultrasonic inserts wear down as with the other morbidity parameters,
extraction with respect to the duration of very rapidly when working on enamel, was significantly lower in the test group
surgery, postoperative pain, trismus, and resulting in a significant increase in cost. than in the control group in five out of the
swelling, and neurological complications. Numerous studies have directly associ- six studies reporting this outcome. Never-
In accordance with all recent meta- ated a prolonged duration of surgery with theless, a meta-analysis for swelling was
analyses16–20, the duration of surgery increased postoperative morbidity after not conducted, due to the differences in
was found to be significantly shorter in impacted third molar extraction52–54. In methodologies used across the studies.
the control group. All included studies the present study, despite the longer dura- Standardized measurement protocols are
performed osteotomy and bone guttering tion of surgery, postoperative morbidity strongly recommended for future studies
with PBS in the test group and with rotary parameters (pain and trismus) were signif- in order to be able to perform reliable
instruments in the control group. Five icantly lower in the PBS group at almost comparisons between different investiga-
trials used rotary instruments for odontect- all time points considered (except trismus tions.
omy in both the test and control on day 7, where statistical significance Neurological complications were un-
groups34,37,41,42,44. One study used a was not reached). This finding can be common in the present study. Out of
mixed technique (PBS/rotary) in the test explained by the physical characteristics 151 interventions, two cases of paresthesia
group27. Two studies did not report how of ultrasonic bone cutting together with were recorded in both the test group and
odontectomy was performed38,43, and one the PBS-induced biomolecular modifica- the control group (1.3%). Meta-analysis
study did not perform odontectomy before tions described above, leading to less trau- showed that there was no significant dif-
extraction47. The use of rotary instruments matic surgery and a faster healing ference between the two groups, in con-

Fig. 8. Forest plot (fixed-effects model) for the outcome ‘neurological complications’.

Please cite this article in press as: Cicciù M, et al. Piezoelectric bone surgery for impacted lower third molar extraction compared with
conventional rotary instruments: a systematic review, meta-analysis, and trial sequential analysis, Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg (2020),
YIJOM-4401; No of Pages 12

10 Cicciù et al.

trast with the outcomes of a recent sys- NSAIDs with different regimens in all Patient consent
tematic review18, which also included of the included studies may potentially
Not required.
case–control studies. Further high quality have influenced some of the investigated
trials on a broader population are neces- outcomes.
sary to draw definitive conclusions on this The methodological approach used in Funding
topic. this meta-analysis and the TSA help to
explain the real available evidence on PBS This study was self-funded.
used in impacted lower third molar extrac-
Quality of evidence
tion and could motivate researchers to
Eight of the nine RCTs included in this design appropriate clinical trials on un- Appendix A. Supplementary data
meta-analysis were judged to be at high clear topics in the future.
risk of bias27,34,37,41–44,47. One trial was In conclusion, based on the results of Supplementary material related to this
judged to have an unclear risk of bias38. this meta-analysis and TSA to examine article can be found, in the online version,
TSA of the difference in duration of whether PBS for impacted lower third at doi:
surgery between the two techniques molar extraction prolongs the duration 03.008.
showed a strong power of evidence, al- of surgery, reduces postoperative pain,
though high heterogeneity was present trismus, and swelling, and reduces the risk
across the studies. For this specific out- of neurological complications in compari- References
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postoperative swelling, as the methods The following additional information is 6. Ramaglia L, Cicciù M, Fiorentino E,
of measurement in the included studies Saviano R, Blasi A, Cervino G, Isola G.
required for submission. Please note that
were too heterogeneous to enable a reli- Effectiveness of a piezoelectric-assisted dis-
failure to respond to these questions/state-
able comparison. traction osteogenesis procedure for the treat-
ments will mean your submission will be ment of ankylosed permanent front teeth. J
TSA on the rate of neurological com- returned to you. If you have nothing to
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8. Stacchi C, Lombardi T, Baldi D, Bugea C,
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Ethical approval
studies presented a high risk of bias. Fur- plant-supported single crowns after conven-
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Please cite this article in press as: Cicciù M, et al. Piezoelectric bone surgery for impacted lower third molar extraction compared with
conventional rotary instruments: a systematic review, meta-analysis, and trial sequential analysis, Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg (2020),
YIJOM-4401; No of Pages 12

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Please cite this article in press as: Cicciù M, et al. Piezoelectric bone surgery for impacted lower third molar extraction compared with
conventional rotary instruments: a systematic review, meta-analysis, and trial sequential analysis, Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg (2020),
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Please cite this article in press as: Cicciù M, et al. Piezoelectric bone surgery for impacted lower third molar extraction compared with
conventional rotary instruments: a systematic review, meta-analysis, and trial sequential analysis, Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg (2020),

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