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The Social Behaviors of Bushtits and Mockingbirds

Vivian Huang, Ariana Sterling, Alex Li

Our study was conducted in order to observe,
compare, and contrast the behavior of two species of
birds, Bushtit and Mockingbirds. We observed flight
patterns as well as grouping behavior for the first few
weeks and noticed that bushtits were far more likely
to be observed with a larger group while mockingbirds
were observed more as individuals. Through the next
few weeks of the study we focused on why they
exhibited these specific grouping behaviors and what Figure 1. Northern Mockingbirds are more frequently observed
Figure 2. Conceptual map of Robert Redford
individually compared to the grouping behavior of Bushtit birds.
factors went into their decisions to remain within Observations of the two bird species were taken once weekly (5 weeks);
Conservancy plant ecosystems and their locations.
Red markers represent locations where
the number of times each individual and group was observed was
groups or as individuals. We began to notice that Mockingbirds and Bushits were observed weekly (5
documented. Red and Blue Bars represent Mockingbirds and Bushtit
Mockingbirds were very territorial toward both other respectively. weeks).

species and other mockingbirds. This led us to the

idea that due to the small stature of the bushtit, they Literature Cited
Dan Greaney, “Bird Words: Social and cooperative, bushtits band together”, 2019
must group together for protection against predatory
Smith, Susan M. "Roosting aggregations of bushtits in response to cold temperatures." The
birds. This is in contrast with mockingbirds who are
Condor 74.4 (1972): 478-479.
naturally aggressive and a medium sized bird, they do
Derrickson, Kim C., and Randall Breitwisch. "Northern mockingbird." The Birds of North America,
not need to flock together as much as bushtits do. Picture of Bushtit

Inc (1992).
Sterling, Ariana. “Robert Redford Conservancy.” 29 Nov. 2022.
Sterling, Ariana. “Binoculars.” 29 Nov. 2022.
Brodman, Robert. “Photo of Mockingbird.” Accessed 29 Nov. 2022.
Brodman, Robert. “Photo of Bushtit.” Accessed 29 Nov. 2022.
Picture of Mockingbird

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