SealPath Enterprise SaaS - PoC Requirements

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SealPath Enterprise SaaS

Requirements for a Proof of Concept (PoC)
© 2019 SealPath Technologies S.L. – Confidential
0 © 2017 SealPath Technologies S.L. - Confidential
The information contained in this document is confidential and proprietary to SealPath Technologies S.L. No part of this document may be
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SealPath Enterprise SaaS – PoC Requirements


Contents .............................................................................................................................................. 1
1 Purpose ....................................................................................................................................... 2
2 SealPath Enterprise SaaS components for a PoC ........................................................................ 2
3 Requirements .............................................................................................................................. 3

1 © 2019 SealPath Technologies S.L. - Confidential

SealPath Enterprise SaaS – PoC Requirements

1 Purpose
The purpose of this document is describing the requirements for Proof of Concept (PoC) of SealPath
Enterprise SaaS, related to the infrastructure that is needed in the side of the customer

2 SealPath Enterprise SaaS components for a PoC

A SealPath Enterprise SaaS PoC can be done in two different ways:

1. With integration with Active Directory or LDAP: It is necessary to deploy the SealPath AD
Connector in the perimeter or DMZ of the customer’s network. See the figure below.

2. Without integration with Active Directory or LDAP: No AD Connector is necessary and the
customer can just download the clients to protect and consume protected documents.

Figure 1. SealPath Enterprise SaaS with AD Connector

The components involved in a SaaS deployment are described in the “SealPath SaaS Components”
document. In summary, these components are:

Clients in the internal network:

o Protector users: They use SealPath Desktop to protect information.
o Consumption only users: Microsoft Office, Outlook, Adobe/Foxit and SealPath Lite.
o Administrator: Uses SealPath’s web administration tool to configure the system.
o SealPath File Server: Protect documents inside File Servers or SharePoint.
Clients outside the network perimeter:

2 © 2019 SealPath Technologies S.L. - Confidential

SealPath Enterprise SaaS – PoC Requirements

o Roadwarriors/Internal users working outside: Typically have SealPath Desktop to

protect and consume information.
o External users: They usually consume documents with SealPath Lite installed.
Active Directory / LDAP: Corporate service contacted by the AD Connector.
File Servers, SharePoint, etc.: Repositories of files protected by SealPath File Server.
SealPath AD Connector: Installed only when integration with AD or LDAP is required.

3 Requirements
The requirements are:

• For Protector users:

o Windows PC with Microsoft Office and a PDF Reader (i.e. Adobe, Foxit, etc.).
▪ Recommended HW: 8 GB RAM, Dual-Core. 1 Gbps NICs, 500 GB HD.
▪ Minimum HW: Depends on the specs of the OS (supported from Windows XP
SP3 to Windows 10).
o Download and install SealPath Desktop in the PCs that will take part of the PoC:
o Communications: HTTPS (443) connections to URL:
o NOTE: SealPath Desktop can be installed without admin privileges. Nevertheless, to see
the “overlay icon” in the protected files (optional, but recommended) you will need
admin privileges.

• For Consumers users:

o Windows PC with Microsoft Office and a PDF Reader (i.e. Adobe, Foxit, etc.).
▪ Recommended HW: 8 GB RAM, Dual-Core. 1 Gbps NICs, 500 GB HD.
▪ Minimum HW: Depends on the specs of the OS (supported from Windows XP
SP3 to Windows 10).
o Download and install SealPath Lite in the PCs that will take part of the PoC:
o Communications: HTTPS (443) connections to URL:
o NOTE: SealPath Lite doesn´t require admin privileges to be installed.
o SealPath Document Viewer for iOS, Android and Mac in case you want to use any of
these platforms in the PoC:
▪ iPhone, iPad:
▪ Android:
▪ OSX:

3 © 2019 SealPath Technologies S.L. - Confidential

SealPath Enterprise SaaS – PoC Requirements


• For administrators:
o Any computer with an Internet Browser (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safary, IE, Opera).
o Communications: HTTPS (443) connections to URL:

• In case AD/LDAP Connector is required for the PoC:

o Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 2012, Windows 2012 R2, Windows 2016.
▪ Recommended HW: 8GB, Dual-Core, 1 Gbps NICs, 500 GB HD.
o In Windows 2008 R2, .NET Framework 4.0 or 4.5 installed.
o Public IP address accessible from Internet.
o TCP listening port 880 of the service open in the Firewall to the pool of IP addresses of
SealPath SaaS service.
o Local administrator account to install SealPath’s AD/LDAP Connector.
o The machine does not need to be integrated in any domain.
o LDAP connection open inward to connect with corporate LDAP servers.
▪ Standard LDAP port is 389. LDAP Global Catalog Port is 3268.
o Kerberos connection open inward to connect with corporate LDAP servers. It
authenticates the user for the LDAP connection and secures this connection. The
Kerberos port is 88 TCP and UDP.
o “TCP Activation” feature (WS 2012, WS 2016) or “Non-HTTP Activation” (WS2008 R2)
o IP or hostname of the LDAP server.
o Domain user that will connect to the LDAP server.
o User name and password of the LDAP user that will be used by the LDAP Connector.

• In case SealPath for File Servers is required for the PoC:

o Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 2012, Windows 2012 R2, Windows 2016.
▪ Recommended HW: 8GB, Dual-Core, 1 Gbps NICs, 500 GB HD.
o In Windows 2008 R2, .NET Framework 4.0 or 4.5 installed.
o FileServer service must run with a domain user who is local administrator of the server.
o The Windows session where the SealPath for File Servers User Interface is going to be
executed, has to be initiated with the same user that the service is running with.
o The user who validates in the interface of SealPath for File Server must be an
administrator of the organization in SealPath. The user should also be a protector user
in the organization.
o Communications: HTTPS (443) connections to URL:
o SealPath for File Servers installer:

4 © 2019 SealPath Technologies S.L. - Confidential

SealPath Enterprise SaaS – PoC Requirements

• AD users for tests: Create the following AD users and groups for testing:
o (with spuser1 and spuser2), (with
spuser2 and spuser3).

• Other components: SealPath can be integrated with DLPs, SIEMs, Exchange Server,
Classification Tools, etc. The specific requirements for these components are included in specific
integration guides. They are optional and not usually included in PoCs unless specific request by
the customer.

5 © 2019 SealPath Technologies S.L. - Confidential

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