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MODULE 1 – Introduction to Construction Estimates

Quantity Surveying is a schedule of quantities of all the items of work in a building. It provides
clients of the construction industry with financial, contractual and technical advice ensuring they
get value for money from the buildings they construct.

Learning Objective:
After successfully completing this module, the student should be able to:
1. Understand and learn what is estimate and its purpose in construction.
2. Identify different types of Estimates and its purpose
3. Identify different cost estimating methods and how it is used.
4. Explain what specification is and why it is important in estimates.

Course materials:
An estimate for any construction work may be defined as the process of calculating the quantities
and cost of various items required in connection with the work.

Following are the main purposes of estimate:

1. To ascertain the necessary amount of money required by the owner to complete the
proposed work. For public construction work, estimates are required in order to obtain
administrative approPval, allotment of funds and technical sanction.
2. To ascertain quantities of materials required in order to program their timely procurement.
To procure controlled materials, if any, like cement, steel, etc.
3. To calculate the numbers of different categories of workers those are to be employed to
complete the work within the scheduled time of completion.
4. To assess the requirement of tools, plants and equipment required to complete the work
according to the program.
5. To fix up the completion period from the volume of works involved in the estimate.
6. To draw up a construction schedule and program and also to arrange the funds required
according to the program.
7. To invite tenders and prepare bills for payment.
8. An estimate for an existing property is required for evaluation.

1. Quantity- The measurement of something by stating how much of it there is. It is shown
as a figure and a unit of measurement behind it. Unit of measurement could be in terms
of area (m2 or sq.m.), length (m), volume (cu.m.) , weight (kg.), etc.

unit of measurement

800 M

2. Rate- A fixed charge, payment or value. Rate is the cost built up of material cost,
wastages, labor cost, plant/equipment cost and profit and overhead.

3. Cost - An estimate how much money will be needed or price to be charged for

x =
Quantity Rate (Cost)

Types of Estimates
1. Detailed Estimate
2. Approximate Estimate
3. Revised Estimate
4. Supplementary Estimate
5. Maintenance or Repair Estimate

• this includes the detailed particulars for the quantities, rates and costs of all the items
involved for satisfactory completion of project.
• For preparing this, drawings and specifications of all items are required.
• This is made to find out an approximate cost in a short time and thus enable the
responsible authority concerned to consider the financial aspect of the scheme for according
sanction to the same.
• This estimate is prepared after preliminary investigation and preliminary surveying. Rates
are determined either from practical knowledge or from records for similar works.

• in this method all cost of a unit quantity such as per km for a highway, per meter of span
for a bridge, per classroom for school building, per bed for hospital, per liter for water tank, etc
are considered first and the estimate is prepared by multiplying the cost per corresponding unit
by the number of units in the structure.
NGO will build a house for 1500 windows who are affected by natural disaster. Estimate the total
cost to build houses. From a suitable cost data. The cost is $7500 for a house.
Estimated Cost= Standard units of accommodation x Cost/Unit
=$11, 250, 000


• is a type of approximate estimates wherein plinth area of a building shall be determined

• it is a detailed estimate for the revised quantities and rates of items of work originally
provided in the estimate without material deviations of a structural nature from the design
originally approved for the project. It is prepared and submitted for fresh technical sanction.
• while work is in progress, some changes or additional works due to material deviation of
a structural nature from the design originally approved may be thought necessary for the
development of a project.


• after completion of a work it is necessary to maintain the same for its proper function and
for the same as estimate is prepared for the items which require renewal, replacement, repairs,

Specification is defined as a short or detail description of different parts of the work
specifying materials, proportions, quantities, etc.
Specification specifies the nature and the class of the work, materials to be used in the
work, workmanship etc is very important for the execution of the work. The cost of a work depends
much on specification.

Two types of Specifications:

1. General or Brief Specification

General Specifications are also known as Brief Specifications. They are used to show aspect,
standard, and type of constructional work. They would depict the general classifications of the
constructional work of the project. These specifications are used to establish the standards of the
constructional work that will help in establishing Detailed Estimate.

2. Detailed Specification
Detailed Specifications depict characteristics, quantity, ratio, and formation method of
thematerial used in construction work in the detailed description.
Each component of the constructional work is detailed separately with the help of Detailed
Specifications. Therefore, all aspects establishing standards and quality of the constructional work
are disclosed. Hence, it will assist in Detailed Estimate.

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