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3A Grammar simple present + and –

 a Write a positive + sentence for each picture with different verbs.

1 2 3

1 I like pizza. 2 He plays 3 They have

basketball. a dog.
4 5 6

4 They go 5 She watches 6 I wear

to school by car. TV in the evening. glasses.
7 8 9

7 We live 8 He drinks 9 She works

in the city. a lot of coffee. in an office.

10 It rains a lot here.

  b Write negative – sentences for pictures 1–10.
1 I don’t like pizza.
2 He doesn't play basketball.
3 They don't have a dog.
4 They don't go to school by car.
5 She doesn't watch TV in the evening.
6 I don't wear glasses.
7 We don't live in the city.
8 He doesn't drink a lot of coffee,
9 She doesn't work in an office.
10 It oesn't rain a lot here.

  c Test your memory. Cover the sentences in a. Look at the pictures and say positive
 + and
negative – sentences.
I like / I don’t like pizza

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3B Grammar simple present ?

 a Complete the conversation in the simple present. Use +, – , and ? forms. Use the verbs in the
list and auxiliaries do and don’t where necessary.

do like live love speak  work (x3)

A Where are you from?

B Brazil.
A You 1speak English very well.
B Thanks. I 2 live here.
A What 3 do you do ?
B I’m a nurse.
A Really? Where 4 Do you work ?
B At Northwest Hospital in Seattle.
A 5 Do you like your job?
B Yes, I 6 Love it! But I work very long hours.
A 7 Do you work at night?
B Sometimes. It depends on the week. But luckily
I8 don't work on weekends.

  b Choose the right word to complete the conversation.

A Are you married?

B Yes, I’m married to an American.

A What 1does he do? (do / does)

B He’s a teacher. He 2 teaches science. (teach / teaches)

A 3 Does he work at the local school? (Do / Does)

B No, he 4 doesn't . (don’t / doesn’t) He 5 works in Tacoma. (work / works)

A Does he 6 like his job? (like / likes)

B No, he 7 doesn't like it very much. It’s a difficult school. (doesn’t like / doesn’t likes)

A Are you happy in the US?

B I like the country, but not the weather in Seattle. It 8 rains all the time. (rain / rains)

A 9 Do you want to go back to Brazil one day? (Do / Does)

B Of course, but it isn’t easy. My husband 10 doesn't speak Portuguese. (don’t / doesn’t)

A 11 Do you have children? (Do / Does)

B Yes, two boys.

A 12 Do they speak Portuguese? (Do / Does)

B Yes, perfectly.

  c Practice reading the conversations on this page with a partner.

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3C Grammar word order in questions
 a Put the words in order to make questions.


1 do of books kinds read you What?

What kinds of books your read?

2 you tired Are?
Are you tired?

3 you are from Where?
Where are you from?

4 do What does your mother?
What does your mother do?

5 many speak do languages you How?
How many languages do you speak?

6 kind have parents do of What your car?
What kind of car do your parents have?

7 last name spell you do your How?
How do you spell your last name?

8 English do classes have When you?
When do you have English classes?

9 do the summer prefer, you Which or the winter?
Which do you prefer, the summer or the winter?

10 singer Who your favorite is?
Who is your favorire singer?

11 kind of like your father What music does?
What kind of music does your father like?

12 sports do What play you?
What sports do you play?

  b Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions. Note the answers.

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