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Admas College

department of

Project work for

Work & work

Prepared by:

1. Ehite Abera 0122/97

2. enatalem h/meskel 0120/97
3. feben alula 0855/97
4. gulelat demise 0722/97
5. haymanot mengistu 0163/97

Submitted to; dargea

October 15,2006

Project work
1. Visit 10 different local firms and report on:
 No of sales persons they have
 The division of labor among the sales people
 No of sales supervisors they have
 The function of sales supervisors
 How the sales supervisors inform sales persons duties and
responsibilities about the company and handling of the
*The appropriateness of physical environment of the work
- How customers are handled- order based
- Cash based
2. Visit 3 local firms and report on:
 The sales work flow of each firm
 How sales work flow are supervised?
 What supervision methods are used in supervising the sales
 What difficulties has the firms manager faced in supervising the
sales persons and sales activities
3. Visit local firms having experience in bid sales and report on:
 How they get bid offer
 What document & procedures they have used to apply for
the bid.
 Ask a sample of a bid bond they have used & prepare a
sample of that bid bond.
 Ask a sample of price quotations & prepare a sample of the
form & fill it based on hypothetical case.
 How they keep sales related records.

4. Visit local firms and report on:
 What type of merchandise or service the sale
 How the merchandise are categorized & displayed
 How their main customers buying habits are
 The kinds of sales objections or complaints they receive from
their customers.
 Their methods of handling sales objections.
5. Visit your college library & find books in marketing or selling.
Prepare written report on the following terms:
 “Customer is always right”.
 “A sales person is a promoter of the image of the firm”
 “Selling is dynamic, demanding, in quistivenss & creativity”

We all tried our best to work this project properly. Of course
governmental organizations wear difficult to contact (join) them for
the survey report. Especially for our 3rd project that is about bid sale.

It is not easy to mention here what difficulties we faced during our

meeting for the project including the office hours & the
governmental organizations staffs. So, we all together decided to
visit private organizations. We found them a bit better than
governmental organizations.

We the group members made a lot effort & finally prepared our
project work & it as follows.

Project 1
A business enterprise we have chosen for this project is named ROSA BEUTY
located around Piazza area to Ambess Building.

This enterprise retails personal care products that are hair food, hair colors,
perfumes, lotion, and nail polish and so on …

When we entered to the firm, it was full of customers, our members discussed
how we could make the task we came & agreed to wait for the customers comes
small in number & make it by asking some information from the manager or

Till then we continued observing the activity of the work. We found five sales
persons, one Casher, one supervisor & the manager who is the owner of the
enterprise. We also observed that the supervisor sometime make some
negotiation with customers.

Our group leaders went to the supervisor & he asked him whether he is willing
to make some answers for the interview. He accepted and join all the members
& made some waiting.
Group We are coming from Admas College to make a project.
members Would you tell us your name please?
Supervisor My name is Teshome Abate. I am 36 years old and 5 years
ago I graduated from Unity College in Mkt.Mgt. I am
employed here before 3 years.
Group How many sales people & supervisor do you have in your
members organization?
Supervisor We have 6 sales people, & I am a supervisor here & there is
a manager (owner).
Group We are watching 5 sales people hear.
Supervisor Oh! Yes one sales man his name is Solomon is in a sick
Group How do you inform duties & responsibility to the sales

members people?
Supervisor We have a meeting twice in a month at that time we
evaluate about our weakness and strength. I off course can
make a talk with the manager instruction and to the
Group How is the way of selling your products? do you sell in
members credit?
Supervisor No, we only sell in cash. As you see, we have a cashier
there, you can choose what ever you want and take it to
her and she will prepare you a receipt
Group Thank you very much Ato Tehsome
Supervisor Thank you very much

The interview looks like this. Finally we tried to ask customer how they
found the firm in delivering the product. But almost all the customer is
in a hurry because it was too late. We also preferred to complete 1 st
project here.

Project 2
A 2nd enterprise we visited for our project is NOVIS P.L.C of piassa’s
branch. As it is known Novis sells gift articles, sports cups and so on

The firm has some workers in the selling shop.

The sales work flow of the firm looks like the following in graph

Customer Seller asks Exchange

Gate looks pdts options information

Seller gives Customer Customer Seller writes

item to gives receipts pays to the orders to
buyer to seller cahier cashier

Gate keeper Customer

asks receipt gate out

The work flow of the selling shop is more or less the same like what are
have learned at our college.

There is a supervisor in a shop to help some activities in the selling

process. For example if price deduction or credit facility is necessary. The
supervisor also controls all the work activities and checks the balances of
daily sales after closing by adding and subtracting process. At the end of
the week the supervisor prepares a report to the shop manager which
shows inventories and sold item in printed papers.

If there is any mistake on the paper the manager calls and ask about the
error. The manager some times gets selling process difficult when
supervising sales persons and sales activities. Because the supervisor’s
information and sales peoples suggestion for less selling activity varies
during their evaluating meeting. The supervisor usually informs the
selling process decreases because of high price and service rendered after
selling. But the sales people suggest it is because of distribution channel.
They say that customer usually do not get satisfaction by unavailability
of information about the pat and miscommunication between the firm
and the customers.

The branch manager told us that the firm is going to be more competitive
by making a research and correcting their week side in the coming time.

Project 3
Inviting Tenders
While quotations are generally sought from a few selected sellers notices
regarding tenders are advertised in newspapers, magazines, etc inviting
prospective sellers of services and goods to quote their rates for doing a
job or supplying goods specified in the notice. When a tender is accepted,
the successful tendered has to sign a contract to do what he has

A tender is generally invited for a job whose execution is spread over a

period of time, or needs adequate prior preparation. It may be the
construction of a road, building, bridge or bulk supply of goods or
rendering of a service.

Most organizations have devised standard forms for inviting and

submitting tenders. An example of each of these forms used by the
central public works department of the government of India is given

1. Tenders are here by invited for ……………estimated cost Rs.

2. Contract documents consisting of the detailed plans, complete
specifications, the schedule of qualities of the various classes of
work to be done, and the set of conditions of contract to be
complied with by the persons whose tender may be accepted, which
will also be found printed in the form of tenders, can be seen at the
divisional/sub divisional office between the hours of 11 a.m. And 4
p.m. everyday, except on Sunday and public holidays

3. Tenders which should always be placed in sealed covers, with the
name of the work written on the envelopes, will be received by the
Divisional/Sub divisional officer. Division/Sub-Division up to … on
the ……19, and will be opened by him in his office on the same day
at ….
Rate tendered
Item No. Item of work Unit Per
In figures In words

Project 4
Our 4th project work is Heno electronics it is found Gojam Berednda road
–Yirga Haile Building.

The Firm sales all kinds of electronics meaning VHS DEC, DVD players,
tapes, radios, refrigerates, cell phone accessories.

All the merchandizes are categorized and displayed according to their

brand and type of the item. The wall of the selling shop is made build
with glass so any prospect or customer can see the merchandizes with
out any coverage clearly.

Acc to the sales mans Belay’s description with us, customers usually
visit them during holidays and off course some customers visit them
during salary days. He added that they are strongly working to maximize
their customers and make them back repeatedly by facilitating credit
based selling for governmental workers and candidates who can fulfill
the firm’s qualification. One of the qualifications for those who are not
governmental workers is.

In our stay with the sales man, Belay he told us that many customers
object and complain by the price fixation and by service rendering offer
selling and finally he told us that the management is thinking to solve
those complaints by preparing special prizes and facilitating what most
of the customers are suggesting.

Project 5
“Customer is always right”
Customer value: Attracting and retaining customers can be a difficult task
customers often face a bewildering array of products and services from which
to choose. A customer buys from the firm that offers the highest customer
evaluation of the difference between all the benefits and all the costs of a
marketing offer relative to those of competing offers.

Customer: There is no business can exist with out costumer because we know
that they are the vital of our business also the key of achieving our goal
mission. It is fundamental thing to know that customer is always right and
how to handle in a good way even when they came on the wrong way of a good
approach to bring them in our right way.

The reason:-
1. Those who make up are helping us to become competent in the
environmental at large.
2. Who make up our business profitable?
3. Those who have their vital feed back and suggestions about our entire

If we believe that customer is always right we should have to take them what
ever they do that they are right.
1. When they shut as we must come down.
2. When they are angry we must have smile.
3. When they are talking we must give them attention.
4. When they are asking we must answer rightly because customer is a

Customer satisfaction: depends on the front like people service perceived
performance relative to a buyer expectation. If the front like people serves
performance falls smart of expectations, the customer is dissatisfied. If
performance matches expectations to customer is satisfied. If performance
exceeds expectations the customer is highly satisfied or delighted. The extent to
which a product perceived performance matches buyer’s expectations.

“A sales person is a promoter of the image of the firm”

What is selling? Many people consider selling and marketing synonymous
terms. However selling is actually only core of many marketing components in
business, selling refers to the personal communication of information to
persuade a prospective customer to buy something which is a good, service,
idea or something else which satisfies that individual needs.

This definition of selling involves a person helping another person. The sale
Person often works with a prospect or customer to examine their needs provide
after the sale service to ensure long term satisfaction.

Sales persons: and individual sales person acting for a company by performing
one or more of the following activities prospecting communicating servicing and
information gathering.

People hold many stereo types of sales people including some unfavorable once
sales man may bring to mind as back slapping, joke telling, lye.

Sales person to become a good promoter should achieve many responsibilities.

Today to become a good sales person people should well educate, well trained
professionals who work to build and maintain long term customer relation
ships. They have to listen to their customer assess, customer needs and
organize the company’s efforts to solve customer needs and organize the
company’s efforts to solve customer problems.

The roll of personal selling varies from company to company in most firms how
ever the sales force plays a major role in companies that sell business products
and services. The company’s sales people work directly with customer in
customer product companies the sales force plays an important behind the
scenes role. It works with wholesalers and retailers to gain their support and
to help them be more effective in selling the company’s products.

The Sales person: Serves as acrital link between a company and its customer.
In many cases sales people serve both masters. The seller and the buyer. First
they represent the company to customers. They find and develop new
customers and communicate information about the company’s products and

They sell products by approaching customer presenting their products

answering objection negotiating price and terms and closing sales.
In addition sales people provide customer service and carry out market
research and intelligence work. Common sales ethics issues the last not but
the list.

There are no well defined guidelines for moral conduct in each of the situation
because what is right so often depends on the particular circumstance
objectives of this section is to rase some questions about business and to point
out potential problem areas.

Sales manger: should mange customer equity carefully should view customer
as cusets that need to be managed maximized but not all customers not even
loyal and risnt.
“Selling is dynamic demanding in questinary & creativity”

Selling:- is Enter-nation & international dimension any merchandise company

should concern it’s sales program to wards the local & global market.

There are two functions to develop the selling actors.
1. Personal selling: is critical to the movement of many goods & services & be
defined as.
2. Direct communication: between paid representative & prospects that lead to
purchase orders, customer satisfaction & post sale service.
The company is always look to achieves the following tasks by it`s sales force.
1. Concentrate on improving its market penetration.
2. Handle customer complaints promptly.
3. Contact new market on a frequent & regular schedule.
4. Always do the company missions say the manager will do.
5. Provide efficient service for all customers.
6. The motto customer appreciation.
In addition the planning implementing and control of personal contact program
designed to achieve the sales & profit objectives of the firm.

Building a sales program.

After sales people have been hired they must be trained before they are
sent into the field. Also controlling the sales force unless other wise the sales
manager control its sales force she/he can not achieve his plans. Any sales if
doing the following tasks properly its get a good reward.
1. Prospect & quality
2. Pre approach
3. Approach
4. Presets & demonstration
5. Handling objective
6. Closing
7. Follow up

This project work would not have a chance to be completed with out our
colleges at office. All of ours’ friends helps us to visit such firm we visited
by covering our office works.

We also like to thank those firms & the management for co-operating us
to make this project survey.

We finally like to mention that we recognized that theory is noting with

out practice.


There are no words enough to express our deepest

gratitude and profound thanks to our instructor and
various friends for the cooperation and encouragement
extended to us with out which this work may have not been


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