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Perspective March 29, 2018

Hepatitis C in Injection-Drug Users — A Hidden Danger

of the Opioid Epidemic
T. Jake Liang, M.D., and John W. Ward, M.D.​​

uch has been written about the escalating the 1990s, then remained stable
crisis of opioid-overdose deaths in the for years. Since 2009, however, the
number of new HCV cases has ris-
United States and its mounting social and en dramatically (see graph). This
economic costs. Although political and public health
Hepatitis C in Injection-Drug Users

increase has been driven largely

by transmission among white
leaders have begun to confront equipment, or parenteral drug use. adults in their 20s and 30s, par-
this urgent problem, hidden be- Most people with HCV don’t ticularly those living in nonurban
neath it lies another danger: the know they have it, since HCV- areas.1 Many of these people ini-
increasing spread of hepatitis C related liver disease often causes tially became addicted to pre-
virus (HCV) associated with injec- few clinical signs or symptoms scribed oral opioids and later
tion-opioid use. until its late stages. HCV-related switched to intravenous opioid
The discovery and understand- mortality has been increasing for use, which carries a high risk of
ing of HCV and its complications decades — a trend that is espe- HCV infection. The growing num-
and the recent development of cially pronounced for HCV-asso- ber of women of childbearing age
highly effective treatments with ciated liver cancer. From 2013 with HCV has contributed to an
cure rates of greater than 90% on, the number of HCV-related increased number of babies born
are triumphs of modern medi- deaths in the United States has with the virus.2
cine. But this success has fos- exceeded the number of deaths Transmission of other blood-
tered a false sense of security: associated with HIV and 59 other borne infections, particularly HIV
a “curable” disease is deemed a infectious diseases combined. and hepatitis B virus (HBV), is
“conquered” disease that no lon- Public health actions to prevent also increasing among injection-
ger warrants high-priority invest- HCV-related disease and death drug users, albeit at a slower rate.
ment. Opioid-related HCV infec- are focused on testing baby The opioid epidemic has also been
tion and its sequelae, however, boomers and other people at risk linked to increasing rates of syph-
affect growing numbers of people. for HCV and connecting infected ilis and other sexually transmitted
Of the estimated 3.5 million people to proper medical care and infections, microbial endocarditis,
Americans with chronic hepatitis curative treatment. and other infections associated
C, most are baby boomers born After the discovery of HCV in with unsafe drug injection.3
between 1945 and 1965, the vast 1989 and the implementation of The social and economic costs
majority of whom acquired HCV HCV screening for all blood prod- of the HCV epidemic could be
decades ago from blood trans- ucts, the estimated number of new staggering. Most injection-drug
fusions, contaminated medical cases fell by more than 90% in users who become infected with

n engl j med 378;13  March 29, 2018 1169

The New England Journal of Medicine
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Copyright © 2018 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
PERS PE C T IV E Hepatitis C in Injection-Drug Users

rates of treatment completion

and virologic cure.4 Although re-
Estimated No. of Cases infection is a major concern when
Hepatitis B treating people with a history of
injection-drug use, implementing
concurrent risk-reduction mea-
sures, behavioral counseling, and
Hepatitis C other social-support services can
dramatically reduce reinfection
rates. Greater implementation of
0 these measures could prevent not











only new cases of hepatitis C,











but also HIV infection and other
Estimated Number of New Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C Infections in the United States,
by Year.
Data are from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and are adjusted for the
Theoretical models suggest that
expected number of people with acute hepatitis B virus and HCV infections who become combining HCV treatment with
symptomatic, seek medical care, and are reported to state or local public health surveillance. risk-reduction measures is the
most effective way to prevent
HCV do so as young adults. Such mission and HCV-related disease transmission among injection-drug
people are at risk for chronic by facilitating early identification users. The efficacy of treatment
hepatitis C and could face years of infection and linkage to care. as a means of prevention has al-
of hefty health care expenses; Studies are needed to assess im- ready been documented for HIV.5
left untreated, they may transmit plementation of routine HCV Field trials could generate the
HCV to others. The cost of car- testing in facilities that provide evidence needed to develop effec-
ing for people with HCV places risk-reduction services such as tive HCV-prevention programs,
further strain on an already frag- medication-assisted treatment and particularly in communities with
ile health care system. Further- syringe programs for injection- new substance-use and HCV epi-
more, because young adults are drug users, in clinical settings demics. Studies are also needed
entering their most productive where HCV prevalence is often to examine how HCV therapies
years, HCV will affect the eco- high (e.g., emergency departments, can interrupt other modes of
nomic productivity of the coun- urgent care clinics, and prison transmission, including mother-
try for years to come. clinics), and in community health to-child transmission and sexual
The cost of treating HCV has centers that provide preventive transmission, particularly among
fallen dramatically since the licen- services to young adults, includ- HIV-infected men who have sex
sure of direct-acting antivirals ing pregnant women. Population- with men.
(DAAs) beginning in 2014. Medica- based screening of young adults In addition, we believe the de-
tion costs continue to be an issue, may be a reasonable strategy for velopment of an effective HCV
however, and restrictions imposed identifying infected people and vaccine should be a high priority.
by public and private payers keep connecting them to treatment, Increases in HCV infection could
these drugs out of reach for many as has been done among baby have been mitigated if an effec-
people. To address rising rates of boomers. Development of new tive vaccine were available, just as
HCV-related disease, barriers to virologic-detection assays, available universal childhood HBV vacci-
treatment could be minimized by as point-of-care tests, will improve nation and vaccination of at-risk
reducing drug costs, reforming re- detection of new infections while adults reduced the spread of HBV
strictive health insurance policies, simplifying clinical monitoring. infection among injection-drug
and combating the stigma that Research is now needed to users. Young injection-drug users
may influence policymakers and guide development of care mod- have the highest incidence of HCV
clinicians. els that simplify HCV testing and infection during their initial years
The opioid crisis and related treatment by enabling primary of drug use. An effective vaccine
HCV epidemic underscore the im- care clinicians, including midlevel could reduce the risk of HCV
portance of continued investment practitioners, to routinely provide transmission if it were routinely
in HCV research. More accessible these services. Studies suggest provided to people before the on-
HCV testing could prevent trans- that at-risk groups can have high set of high-risk behaviors. Research

1170 n engl j med 378;13  March 29, 2018

The New England Journal of Medicine

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Copyright © 2018 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
PE R S PE C T IV E Hepatitis C in Injection-Drug Users

and investment in HCV vaccine HCV-related disease progression HCV, if not controlled, will sim-
development have been inadequate, and cancer development is still ilarly have public health and fi-
however, and such a project faces rudimentary. Without a solid un- nancial repercussions for decades
many challenges and scientific derstanding of these processes to come.
hurdles. A concerted and coordi- and validated biomarkers, the goal Disclosure forms provided by the authors
nated research effort by the pub- of tailoring treatment to individ- are available at

lic and private sectors could help ual patients’ needs will remain From the National Institute of Diabetes and
achieve this goal. elusive. Despite the development Digestive and Kidney Diseases, National
Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD (T.J.L.);
Major strides have been made of highly effective medications, and the Centers for Disease Control and
in understanding HCV infection many treatment challenges per- Prevention, Atlanta (J.W.W.).
and associated diseases. Yet many sist. People infected with HCV 1. Zibbell JE, Asher AK, Patel RC, et al. In-
unmet needs and knowledge gaps genotype 3 and people with liver creases in acute hepatitis C virus infection
related to a growing opioid epidemic and as-
remain. For instance, we still cirrhosis are least likely to have a sociated injection drug use, United States,
don’t know enough about how response to treatment. Drug re- 2004 to 2014. Am J Public Health 2018;​108:​
HCV establishes productive infec- sistance can emerge in patients 175-81.
2. Patrick SW, Bauer AM, Warren MD,
tion, how it persists in an other- with multiple treatment failures, Jones TF, Wester C. Hepatitis C virus infec-
wise healthy person, what the and there is theoretical concern tion among women giving birth — Tennes-
mechanisms involved in an effec- regarding the spread of multi- see and United States, 2009–2014. MMWR
Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2017;​66:​470-3.
tive immune response are, which drug-resistant HCV in such pa- 3. Larney S, Peacock A, Mathers BM, Hick-
molecular and genetic changes in tients, especially among injection- man M, Degenhardt L. A systematic review of
people with chronic HCV infec- drug users. Thus, many important injecting-related injury and disease among
people who inject drugs. Drug Alcohol De-
tion are associated with liver questions pertaining to hepatitis pend 2017;​171:​39-49.
cancer, and how infection alters C remain, and more research in- 4. Grebely J, Dalgard O, Conway B, et al.
host metabolism and organ-sys- vestments are needed to find the Sofosbuvir and velpatasvir for hepatitis C
virus infection in people with recent injec-
tem functions to elicit pathologic answers. tion drug use (SIMPLIFY): an open-label,
An audio interview responses and dis- The opioid epidemic is a stark single-arm, phase 4, multicentre trial. Lan-
with Dr. Liang is ease processes. Al- reminder of the consequences of cet Gastroenterol Hepatol 2018 January 5
available at (Epub ahead of print).
though excellent re- a societal problem that remained 5. Günthard HF, Saag MS, Benson CA, et al.
search tools exist to study HCV hidden for years, in part because Antiretroviral drugs for treatment and pre-
infection, a convenient and rele- of the stigma associated with vention of HIV infection in adults: 2016 rec-
ommendations of the International Antiviral
vant animal model is still needed. drug use and the reluctance to Society-USA Panel. JAMA 2016;​316:​191-210.
Current knowledge of the ge- confront it as a public health prob- DOI: 10.1056/NEJMp1716871
netic and other determinants of lem. The concurrent spread of Copyright © 2018 Massachusetts Medical Society.
Hepatitis C in Injection-Drug Users

Polluting Developing Brains

Polluting Developing Brains — EPA Failure on Chlorpyrifos

Virginia A. Rauh, Sc.D.​​

T he regulatory plan developed

by the U.S. Environmental Pro-
tection Agency (EPA) just before
els of exposure faced by children
to be unsafe. A total ban was the
logical conclusion after decades of
chemical industry and companies
using this compound are pleased
with the Trump administration’s
the 2016 elections was excellent: risk assessment showing increas- shift; they argue that existing
revoke all allowances for foods ing evidence of threats to human chemical production will benefit
to contain residue of the organo- health, and children’s safety in from less rigid risk assessment.
phosphate insecticide chlorpyri- particular. In reality, this action essentially
fos (“food tolerances”), essential- Just as the EPA was poised to violates the EPA’s statutory duty to
ly prohibiting agricultural and all act, however, the plan was scrapped protect human health, ignoring
remaining uses of the chemical. in March 2017 by incoming EPA explicit child health policy dating
Indoor residential and some agri- Administrator Scott Pruitt, who back to 1995 that requires all na-
cultural uses of chlorpyrifos had overrode the recommendation of tional public health standards to
already been phased out in 2000– agency scientists to ban all com- address the special vulnerability
2001 after the EPA found the lev- mercial use of chlorpyrifos. The of infants and children.

n engl j med 378;13  March 29, 2018 1171

The New England Journal of Medicine
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Copyright © 2018 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

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