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Course: C1 - Advanced LISTENING COMPREHENSION Lesson: 15 LISTENING TASK You will hear four answerphone messages. Listen and decide which caller 1,2,3,4 or 5 does the following. Which caller(s)... 1. Is calling their parent 2. States that time ter to do things are calling doesn’t have much tir |. Says they would 10.Says that someone ha pleasant for them? Perfectly Spoken* Page 1of3 ‘All cours lessons and associated content i copyrightof Perfectly Spoken Limited ~ © Perfectly Spoken 2019. Alrights reserved Course: C1 - Advanced LISTENING COMPREHENSION Lesson: 15 CORRECT ANSWERS an wy PoA WwW AR yp ano nN 2 5 a rs Perfectly Spoken* Page 20f3 ‘All cours lessons and associated content i copyrightof Perfectly Spoken Limited ~ © Perfectly Spoken 2019. Alrights reserved Course: C1 - Advanced LISTENING COMPREHENSION Lesson: 15 TRANSCRIPT 1 Hi, sorry | missed you guys, everything's fine here, well better than fine - amazing! I'm having a whale of a time, University is great -I'm loving it! Ummm, by the time you get this message | think I'll probably be out there's a party tonight -so I'll try and call you again. tomorrow around the same time. Bye!! 2. Good afternoon Mr Parkins, this is Greenford Garage, this isjust a courtesy call to remind you thatyou are running out of time to take advantage of our special offer for a wintef service -I note that your MOT is also due so if you can find the time to give usa call back on 01622 734827 we can arrange a convenient appointment: Thank you. 3 Hi Jean, it’s Felicity here, if you can spare the time I wonder if you would mind popping round to see me later today, ummm I've taken some time off work due to stress... | had a meeting with HR yesterday and they gave mea bit of a hard time about it so I'd really appreciate seeing a friendly face and having a bit of a chat. Call me. 4. Hello, this is DGF -it’s your \ucky day! -you're one of the'winners in our prize draw! But, time is money asithey say and there's no time like the present to cash in on your winnings. Call 0500500 500 and quote number 63637. 5. Hi, it's just me, have you spoken to mum or dad today?... Well, I'm a bit short of time so I'll keep this quick. Basically, I'm going to be finishing work earlier this evening — is there any way you can pick me up? It'll be at 7 rather than 9, the usual place opposite the petrol station on Lamberhurst Road. | know it's a big ask but | should be on time and | would feally owe you. Text me to let me know. Perfectly Spoken: Page 30f3

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