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Course: C1 - Advanced LISTENING COMPREHENSION Lesson: 40 LISTENING TASK DAVID TALKS ABOUT HIS JOB You will hear an interview with a man called David talking about his job. For questions 1-6, choose the corres A, B, Cor D) which best fits according to what you hea 1. David's job en {eam of quantity surveyors press potential clients cially managing construction projects urveyor ays a role near the end of the completior \t play any kind of financial role ‘isions about whether a build is viab omplicated role 3. David as ages surveyors follow c. may not be open tog d. are difficult for people not or to understand 4. David's favourite aspect of the job a. learning to be highly discip! b. socialising with his colleagues c. meeting members of the public d. building a team of people with different areas of expertise Perfectly Spoken* Page 1of 5 ‘All cours lessons and associated content i copyrightof Perfectly Spoken Limited ~ © Perfectly Spoken 2019. Alrights reserved Course: C1 - Advanced LISTENING COMPREHENSION Lesson: 40 5. David says that a. there is no need for improvement in the building sector b. the construction industry employs state of the art technology c. he'd like to leave the construction industry and move into the technology secto . he'd like to of the company and ru is shares in the company jorking almost immediately and reti rage one of the younger staff to buy months. Perfectly Spoken* Page 20f5 ‘All cours lessons and associated content i copyrightof Perfectly Spoken Limited ~ © Perfectly Spoken 2019. Alrights reserved Course: C1 - Advanced LISTENING COMPREHENSION Lesson: 40 CORRECT ANSWERS 1. David's job entails a. overseeing a team of quantity surveyors b. working in a team of quantity surveyors c. trying to impress potential clients d. commercially projects 2. The quantity surveyor" a. only playsa@/role near the end of the completion of a project b. does not play any kind of financial rote c. makes decisions about whether a build is viable or not d. playsa very complicated role 3. David asserts that the stages surveyors follow a. differ from one practise to another b./have been established through years of experience ¢, may not be open to question d. are difficult for people not in the sector to understand 4. David's favourite aspect of the job is a. learning to be highly disciplined b, socialising with his colleagues c. meeting members of the public d. building a team of people with different areas of expertise 5. David says that a. there is no need for improvement in the building sector b. the construction. industry employs state/of the art technology c. he'd like to leave the\construction industry and move into the technology sector. d. he'd like to introduce more new practises into the field 6. In the future, David would like to take control of the company and run it for a few years to sell all his shares in the company to stop working almost immediately and retire to spain to encourage one of the younger staff to buy the company in the coming months. aoc Perfectly Spoken: Page 30f5 Course: C1 - Advanced LISTENING COMPREHENSION Lesson: 40 TRANSCRIPT David talks about his job So David tell me what do you do for a living? I'ma Director of a Quantity Surveyifig practice Wow. That sounds impressive. What does that mean? Basically, | have anumber of quantity surveyors. The job of a quantity surveyor is to commercially manage construction projects. oK And that's from setting the budgets at very early stage talking about feasibility as to whether we are going to build and what the likely cost of that build will be all the way through to procuring the job and managing it through to a successful completion build Wow That sounds very complicated It might sound complicated but it's relatively straightforward. It’s a tried and trusted set of stages that We have to go through. ‘And how long have you been doing|this?: I've been working in the quantity surveying industry for 30 years now And what do you most like about your job? One of the best things about construction is meeting new people. The construction industry has lots of people trained in various disciplines. It's very good to meet lots of people who are experts in their particular disciplines and pulling them all together to complete a whole project And anything you don't really like about it? The biggest problem with construction is that they tend to use traditional methods and maybe there are better ways of doing things in the current technological climate than in the past. It would be nice to bring more modular solutions to construction projects Perfectly Spoken: Page 4 of 5 Course: C1 - Advanced LISTENING COMPREHENSION Lesson: 40 ‘And how do you see your future? My future. I'm looking to carry out a management buy-out of my company. To buy the shares from the 2 main shareholders and then become the Managing Director of the company and hopefully lead it successfully for a number of years before one of my younger staff carries out a management buyout of myself And then you will retire? | will retire and sit or Sounds fantasti Thank you. Perfectly Spoken* Page5 of 5 ‘All cours lessons and associated content i copyrightof Perfectly Spoken Limited ~ © Perfectly Spoken 2019. Alrights reserved

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