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As a woman is expectated that we take care of our body and

appearance trying to achieve unreal stereotypes,

In this activity I wanted to show how much the fact of body hair
affects gender stereotypes.

I am a woman who has a lot of body hair, and I always grew up

seeing shaved women as if that was normal and having it was not.

In this activity I did something that was really hard for me, which
was going out with short sleeves without shaving.

I was with my family in a familiar and "safe" place, but actually I

felt quite uncomfortable, as I wasn't really able to raise my arms or
move freely, which made me question
¿why should I feel insecure when showing my body hair?,

Also later when I waxed my self , I felt that it looked better, much
cleaner and it made me think about the reason of this thought,

I would definitely like to do it again and be able to feel comfortable

in this situation, although it is not my goal to be able to go without
waxing every day, but It would be nice to feel comfortable
regardless ifI’m waxed or not.

I think that these aspects, highlighting something as natural as

having body hair, makes us (specifically women) insecure about our
bodies, and in certain aspects underestimated people since they are
often taken more into account for his appearance more than his

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