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Tecnológico de Monterrey

Campus Toluca

Gender, Society and Human Rights

Activity: Self-Diagnosis Progress

Andrea Rocío Palma Martínez A01368776

Fecha: 16/01/2022
Activity: Self-Diagnosis Progress

In terms of KNOWLEDGE

How I arrived at the After advancing a few My spaces in the future

beginning of this virtual weeks (sessions and
course activities)

As a student myself, the first I as a student, because of In the near future, I believe
day I started this course I felt what I have learned in this that we will continue to fight
quite excited about the topics course, I have grown in terms for gender equality and a
that we were going to see of knowledge, many of the deconstructed world where
since, as the subject said, we concepts I already knew, or people are not required to
will touch on gender issues had already learned a little behave according to a gender
and how this is reflected in about them, however I ideology imposed by society,
today's society. I was very consider that my knowledge but rather where they can
interested since being a has grown, starting with develop and be valued as
woman these issues directly learning about the individuals for their
concern me, I am a feminist construction of gender and capabilities regardless of
and I am always defending how stereotypes can increase gender.
feminism and my point of the gender gap, limiting the
As a woman about to enter
view regarding ideology and development of people as the working life, these
gender stereotypes, however individuals, and indirectly aspects seem very important
I felt that I needed more giving rise to gender to me since despite
information to be able to violence. continuing as a student I have
seen quite a few injustices
defend my beliefs. arguments
Another topic that seemed regarding gender and I would
very interesting to me was like to continue educating in
with knowledge and
inclusive and non-sexist this area to find the best ways
certainty. language, since lately there to combat these types of
has been too much violence.
misinformation about
inclusive language, and I had
not realized that something as
common and natural as the
use of language can
contribute to the devaluation
of women in the workplace
and therefore inequality.


How I arrived at the After completing some of My spaces in the future

beginning of this course the sessions and activities of
my virtual course

The first way in which it

In reality, I don't think I Yes, I have changed, but
occurs to me to apply this
arrived with stereotypes, more than changing, I have
knowledge is through my
since I arrived very receptive expanded my knowledge
example and explaining these
to what I was going to be about the issues expressed in
actions to the people around
taught, however I have to the first column, as I also
me, as well as recognizing
accept that I believed that the expressed in the column
and alerting to attitudes or
concept of inclusive language above, I understood inclusive
situations that continue to
was reduced to making (in language and how necessary
influence the growth of
Spanish) nouns with "e" ”, it is to apply it in our daily
inequalities and gender
and believed that it was more lives.
for the LGBTQ+ community
I recognize that currently the I think it is very difficult to
than for gender equality. opportunity bias between explain to people who are
men and women is abysmal, very closed with their
And yes, of course, I believe
but I still believe that both ideologies these issues and
that men and women should
should have the same the importance of putting
have the same opportunities
opportunities them into practice, but I think
regardless of their gender,
and when it comes to my idea that dealing with them in
of feminism, I feel very young people and children
identified with and grateful to can be a great advance for
feminism since thanks to the gender equality.
ideology I have been able to
be much more sure of myself.
I myself have managed to
identify situations where we
are violated as women and
above all I have learned
about the great inequality in
which we live and that has
been minimized for many


Cardenas, N. (2022, 28 diciembre). Gender inequality reduces women’s leisure time. Acciona


Rodriguez, L. (2021, 13 septiembre). Unpaid Care Work: Everything You Need to Know.

Global Citizen.

INEGI. (2019). Mujeres y Hombres en Méxio 2019.

What is the impact of sexism at work? (s. f.). European Institute for Gender


Mujeres, I. N. D. L. (s. f.). Cuatro causas que propician la brecha salarial de género.

What is gender-based violence? (s. f.). European

Las violencias contra las mujeres: alcances y consecuencias | DELS.
(s. f.).
Acoso callejero – Instituto Municipal de las Mujeres. (s. f.).
Street Harassment | RAINN. (s. f.).

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