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Chapter 2


COMMUNICATION COMPETENCE - the ability to function in a truly communicative setting. It is the

knowledge of effective and appropriate communication patterns and the ability to use and adapt
knowledge in various contexts. It is also the synthesis of an underlying system of knowledge and skill
needed for communication


•knowledge the cognitive elements of competence include knowing how to do
something and understanding why things are done the way they are.
•the ability to use Example: You might know strategies for being an effective speaker,
but public speaking anxiety that kicks in when you get in front of an audience may
prevent you from putting that knowledge into practice.
•ability to adapt to various contexts. Status and power are social variables that affect
competence. Race and nationality are cultural variables that affect competence.

COMPETENCE - refers to the conscious and unconscious knowledge of an individual about language and
about other aspects of language use


1. GRAMMATICAL COMPETENCE - the domain of grammatical and lexical capacity
2. SOCIOLINGUISTIC COMPETENCE - an understanding of the social context in which
communication takes place, including role relationships, the shared information of the
participants, and the communicative purpose of their interaction
3. DISCOURSE COMPETENCE - the ability to interpret individual message elements in terms
of their interconnectedness and of how meaning is represented in relationship to the
entire discourse
4. STRATEGIC COMPETENCE - the coping strategies that communicators employ to
initiate, terminate, maintain, repair and redirect communication



MINDSET is a psychological process that represents patterns of an individual or group

thinking. It is a fixed mental attitude that leads people to see things and events from a
specific lens through perception and reasoning.

A Global Mindset profile consisted of three important dimensions that work

together to create this unique mindset:
a) Intellectual Capital – The cognitive aspect refers to what the manager
knows about global business in their industry and its broader macro
b) Psychological Capital –the affective aspect refers to the manager’s
emotional energy, capacity for self-reflection, and willingness to engage
in a global environment.

c) Social Capital – The behavioral aspect reflects the manager’s ability to act in
a way that helps build trusting relationships with people from other
parts of the world.


1. Gain Self-Awareness –become aware of your own culture and biases.
2. Get Curious – To fully understand something, we must get curious. Learn about
other people and different cultures.
3. Be Flexible and Open-Minded – Cross-cultural environments will often stretch
you beyond your comfort level. Be open to trying new foods and activities along
by trying out new methods of doing familiar things.
4. Learn a New Language –So not only does learning a new language give your brain
a boost, but it can also prepare you for international experiences.
5. Practice – Immerse yourself in multicultural environments. Practice speaking a
new language with someone fluent.

6. Never Stop Learning 6. Never Stop Learning – Good global leaders never stop learning. Define a
strategy or yourself to learn something new every day.

2. UNFOLDING THE SELF - the ability to look for shared communication symbols and project the
self into another person’s mind by thinking the same thoughts, feelings, and emotions
as the person.
Unfolding the self-comprises the following components:
a. Ceaseless purifying
b. Continuous learning
c. Cultivate sentivity
d. Develop creativity
e. Foster empathy
3. MAPPING THE CULTURE - ability to contrast cultural differences that may motivate us
to prefer alternative styles of cultural expressions and engender in us a desire to retool
so that we can better function with the demands of global environment and cope with the
changing environment rapidly.
4. ALIGNING THE INTERACTION - requires individuals to foster the ability of cultural adroitness
by which they can function effectively and appropriately without violating their
counterpart’s norms and rules to reach a global civic society.
Adroitness as an individual’s capacity is one of the basic needs of human beings to
interact and adjust effectively with other human fellows and the environment.
Intercultural adroitness is the behavioral dimension of intercultural communication
competence that refers to an individual’s ability to reach communication goals while
interacting with people from other cultures.
Intercultural adroitness is composed of two components:
1. Effectiveness refers to the individual’s ability to select among a set of
communication behaviors to accomplish specific goals in the process of
global communication
2. Appropriateness refers to the ability of a person to meet the contextual
requirements in the global communication

Contexts of appropriateness in global communication

a) Verbal and non-verbal contexts
b) Relationship context
c) Environmental context

Demands of Intercultural Adroitness from the two perspectives:

a) from the people
1. Language ability 3. Behavioral flexibility
2. Interaction management 4. Identity maintenance
b) From the environment
1. Ability to manage changes or complexity of globalization

GLOBALIZATION - It is an unavoidable feature of modernity that promotes the development and

prevalence of digital technologies that make communication faster and information more easily
These are the key features of globalization:
1. The emergence of transnational communication conglomerates
2. The social impact of new technologies
3. The asymmetric flow of information and communication products
4. The variations and inequalities in terms of access to the global networks of communication


1) technology development has made globalization inevitable and irreversible
2) economic transformation has led to a new landscape of economic world


Factors that can help you to select the most useful communication skills development programs
for yourself or your employees.
a) Virtual Interactions
b) Cultural Awareness in Speech
c) Cultural Awareness in Body Language
d) Time Differences


Essentially, the role of the media in the development of globalization involved at least two
1. the advent of television and the electronic media, while
2. the birth of the telematic networks and the Internet, whose rise ushered in the age of the
digital media.

Terminologies in the Globalizing Society

Chat room – an internet feature that allows people to communicate in real time with strangers
Computer literacy – emerging form of literacy in the globalizing society. It is also termed as internet
Cyberspace – a general term for World Wide Web, the internet, electronic mailing lists, discussion
groups and forums, chat room, interactive multiplayer games and even email
Digital citizenship – the 21st century concept of citizenship oriented towards the creation of conscious,
critical forms of integration in the globalizing society.

Digital competence – it involves the confidence and critical use of Information Society Technology (IST)
for work, leisure, and communication. It is underpinned by basic skills in ICT to retrieve, assess, store,
produce, present and exchange information, and to communicate and participate in collaborative
networks through the Internet.
Digital immigrants – the adults who learn to adapt to their environment at the same time they always
retain, to some degree, their language
Digital natives – the voting people who are regarded as the native speaker of the digital language of
computers. It is also termed as net generation or new millennium learners.
Digital skills – it refers to the ability to evaluate a variety of technological solutions, more than just
knowing how to use a specific technology well.
Emoji – it pertains to the creation of a new alphabet (the alpha BIT): letters + numbers + (emoticons)
diacritical marks + emoji (picture words)
Emoticon – these are words without letters conveying emotional responses, such as smileys
Ethnoscape – it describes the global culture which extends to the landscape of persons who form the
shifting world where we live, that is, tourists, immigrants, refugees, or any moving groups and
individuals of fundamental feature of the world and appear to affect the politics of (and between)
nations to a hitherto unprecedented degree.
Hyperpersonal communication – it refers to computer-mediated communication that is more socially
desirable than face-to-face communication.
Ideoscape – it is the movement of ideologies. It is usually composed ideas, terms, and images including
“freedom, welfare, rights, sovereignty, representation, and democracy.”
Mediascape – it pertains to the electronic and print media in “global cultural flows.”
Mediamorphosis – the transformation of communication media that is usually brought by the complex
interplay of perceived needs, competitive and political pressures, and social and technological
OMG – one of the first texting expressions (Oh my God!), another is BFF as in Best Friend Forever. First
sign that the Internet would change language
Selfie – an ego manical madness that gripped the world where a greater focus is given on the individual
Streaming multimedia – it refers to a live audio and video available through a website
Technoscape – it refers to the movement of technology (mechanical and informational) and the ability
to move such technology at rapid speeds
Telematic network – it refers broadly to the convergence of telecommunications and information
processing. It includes the Internet, mobile communications and services, cloud computing, intelligent
transport systems, over-the-top content and machine-to-machine applications.
Virtual community – it is a community that exists in the world of electronic communication rather than
in the physical world.
Virtual reality – the use of a computer to simulate an experience in a way that is obscure from reality.


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