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TABLE OF CONTENT re TANKTAGNO: — 502.28.01 PESCRIPTION DESIGN DATA SHELL COURSE THICKNESS BOTTOM & ANNULAR PLATE THICKNESS ROOF PLATE THICKNESS ROOF 110 SHELL JUNCHION CALCULATION SEISMIC FORCE CALCULATION WEIGHT CALCULATION ROOF STRENGTHENING CALCULATION t : i FORAGE TANK DESIGN CALCULATION - APL 65t pets DESIGN CODE & SPECIFICATION DESIGN CODE APL SSO 1998 TANK. ro son23.01 Reet { OpentClone) Case “Tank support (SelE-sepported/Colurn-suppeited) Sell sspported ‘Type of root ( Coneoot?/ Dome-t0oF) placer axome rec nara Tse Tumeur DiCaciroded)@ 4c mem) 4900 mma ‘Nomina! diamezr, Da (new ) (based on Ist sell course) 015 me ‘Nominal direrer, De (corroded) (based on Ist sell course) 4008 men ‘Tank eight aactan, = 380 mm Duine or ads, RIC OSD Ee RI L2De} : oma amt Specie grvity of operating hiquks S.C - ces Rowinal capacity, © : 06 w Masia desig igi level BL : 9580 mum /RESSURE & TEMPERATURE, Design prea 9580 mua wae = 939.80 mbar ce ie water) 6.00 nihers Vas Design emperanare 52° store MATERIAL & MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Tapa Waval——Taals Yield ——Caevion Sues) Seas Aowmee “senleam') Syostinm’) ea Gam). parE [Shell Piste (Matt Code #1) bo 08 205.0 2.000 EMatl Code #2) (op) MIR 532010540 ou Janneie Piste ‘ z = Jectoun Piste sot 500020540 9.000 fever rate So S000 0500, 9.000 Fer RccTURE MEMBERS Roof srcwre galt Bracing. } - . [ceturaa Suppere : : {Top Curb Angle wie Sah as 0 nu intcemedite Wind Ginter - : : oo Plate sis ured 15081 mn 2.2 MATERIAL & MECHANICAL PROPERTIES No” Material” Specified Specified Yield strear Max. allow” Nex, alow Corrosion ‘seed min. tensile min yteld reduction fre design Aydratest — alanance slress strove (App.M) —ateess treat SU (Nin!) Sy (Noun) "Sa Naw ScNamat) om 1 38 samen 7500 enw 00 2 ok $2040 205,00 3667 153.25 6.09 3 oe 52000 295.00 Lee? 15375 09 4 308 stn 208.00 Leet 15878 a8 5 308 S200 208,00 lea? 13875 L009 5 os $2.69 205.00, Le 15375, 00 1 308 S290 395.00 Lies? 15878 00 z . = > ° : : _ 2 = : 2.3 SPECIFIED MDUMUM SHULL THICKNESS Spesiicatn APT430 1998 ‘Minimums thickness $0 an, 2.4 SHELL THICKNESS CALCULATION RY ONI-ROOT METHOD (CLAUSE 6. SUMETRIC UNIT: [csign shell thickness, Gm may .9De [ [HH 927. bt =< rea sa syétostatic test shell thickness ¢ 49pa(I-03) fo Mart Material WiauhHelgnt—“tacaiga tide. an we Code (mm) mm) om) me) amt New 11 oo sm oma Lis 500 row ox an os Sy sa bso. soo. sau oK 401 3H SO aa 941 300 S00 OK 50 ‘os so S839 baz 300 Boo oK 84 ro soy Sm 34 ro soo bow ox 2 ois sab ous 500 00 ox 94 : : HOT TOM © ANNULAR PLATE DESIGN pages s 3.9__BOTTOMPLATE & ANNULAR PLATE DESGN 30 ‘Tanalar pate sad 74 yews F no BOTTOM PLATE (9 Mitnick ws per API S@ 1098 CInns6 3.441 - 6.09 vom Mininnmn thickness requis! «O01 mea) 7 6 aa Therefore, nae thickress of 1c tno ist (4) Min stl tte, let wel se GL 3.187) - sam 3) Min, width er ewertayping ( - 25mm (Ge) Min distance btwean plate fps wink bosoms (6 - 20 mm (0) Bain, nl of plate (ol 34.1) . cae ain nh projected o ° ROOF PLATE DESIGN pees ROOF PLATE DESIGN ‘Wibairume ebness a por Clits speicaton 600 mm Minimurn Giekmeseroqtired (@ 00 mm} 800mm “Therefore, se hickesss a0 mms actory ROOF LOADING, ‘oof plat apie Bitar - 1.00 Roof'plae met, @ Root We ——.00amne (elas lappinn) — 9.000462 Nir? ‘Vacuum peeseure «Ya 9.000000 W'inaé Inauation eat, wi th coho) @ (ma) x fy = n6000 men Snow eg = deen Bn Uniform ive Fonda 4@ 122.00 kin?) = evi197 Ninn? ‘Adana Tvs axa (@ 000 Kyat = ponteoo Xs? Tote ive load t dead Hoadswld (@ HUIS Nima? - 166 aes = 2204 ‘The compression are sal be iacrewsod by the following ratio = 104 (for SalFSipporing Roof design } * CLOSE ROOK TANK. TERIGN OF ROOPTO-SHELL WUNCIION IN ACCORDANCE TO APOENDIX REQUIRED COMPRESSION AREA ATTHE ROOF TO SHEET JUNCTION - = 1,350 an ‘Sie ‘ait Leglengts STMERRIC UNIT [De ~ Trek nominal diameter commode} 004 mm Py Umeraal denn presre 950.000 an oP eater ‘n= Rourplte duchess ( comrade) 6.00 me RI= Dome Rent dus 6.000 en B= bome sent sop ‘ane * [since Ae A theres itis chery OURERT(beRAB_ Jims ioe ou ys or le tits Seam i Tinker ewememayee ya ~ 1398 ne [ceectweme sitet SEISMIC FORCE CALCULATION SERMICLOAps DrstGN ‘GEOMETRIC DATA, ‘Scsnmie one fate, Z Impertaree feet.) Cmax. 1.25 ) Nominal diameter of nk, De ‘Total neigh of tank shel ie tsrone sorshell 9 COG of tank, Xs ‘Mascon design guid level, Tonal neigh of tank sis, Ws Total weight teak roof, + ‘Total weight 9 uk contents, WE ae ke) ‘ob be) 22667 kB) ass OVERTURWING MOMENT EERECIIVE MASS OF TANT CONTENTS Rate af DoW rom esse F-2, wirwe wr we {1 of he off mass of tn contents ht move in unison withthe tani ste, wi = Wer VLA) WL of the eff mare of nk conden te eat move inf sloshing med, we Wes ewanvey Fron fuer E-2, XvH xo i, fot shel Dotto to centro of Iatsral seismic force api! WL x! HU) it. from shell bot o centroid of ateral sis Force apie to W2, By AXED LATERAL EORCE COFFFICUNTS Taner Force uote, CT Natal perind ofthe fst slashing mode, T( ¥. (De/304.81%) where = factor obenined from Figure Et [Wiearaas [Laer oes coat, 788 = Site eoetlcint (Table ES > en) Thales CF pas 109 4008.00 wa ‘9580.00 me 4780.00 mam 9540.00 wan nan 6310 N 260745 N one 098 os 2,008,788 N TaN 3610 wan vane em us 2105 ss 6.23 OVERTURNING MOMENT. press ‘Gveruming momen M ZV CCLWSXS | CLWEIM | CIWLXL+C2W2X2]) = §S9DM6I96 Non 5.3__RESISTANCE 10 OVERIURNING THICKNESS OF THE BOTTOM PCATE UNDER THE SAN. e118 RADIAL WITTE BouceyAnralar plate Gackness TEST wan ‘Thickness of borin shell course, fo: 8.0 am Boccry Annular plat= radial with, won = aa Since So greater oF bs, Gmampthorfore ie mioiacy cada w cna best SHELL COMPRESSION WL ef tank all ad portion of tho ixed root supported by the shel, wt = 6.53 Nima 0) ANCHORED TANS, . ‘Nasir longtcival sll compression, 127M » aw - 4.6 Nien bet Since Rte Fa thocfire the tank ie sictully sible, 6.5__ MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SHELL COMPRESSION Hibs a -——_ Peinm - 4.408 mann? ae 2 FoeGEDeM{Es) < 44 mew, Bhtbe Fa -———— +510" = 220 Wwe 2sD2 1) Foe irene) 44 rein Site Fa = 16867 Nar De ‘Thareora, Fa (= 0.3Fty) - 770 We i ‘etre : ly = Mix pecifed yield avengi of te botiom shall couse 08.90 Nia 6.6 TANK ANCHORAGE . . i ‘Nuriber of balls, - 8 Dia of anchor bel, d = om Dia ofunchartot-eom sss ea UD mmm minsize.284 mom) — 32 mam Fotis cise daraeicr. Da = sho me oct tea of eaeh hold down tol, Ab = 1385 aca Spacing beoween anchor bots, $9 = 1634 em 6.52 MATERIAL & MECHANICAL PRO?EICTIES Merit was sos Spssiie minimum yield sre, Sy - 2s Nena? Allowable teesile sent, Stall [152 <6) ARR. 6.2.8) = 168.59 Nae Uplitorce de 10 selsmic hain, fe) 1 ~| +e ee = 82s De! Terie suess, ob STHNAb, - 69.92 Nem Since ot 2°" ‘Scallshevefore the anchor belt aizcis—xsetony 228s WEIGHT ANALYSIS. ayes trEMNO: 502.2801 7 GENERAL [Dag [1ype of tank support IType of oot leode AP ASO Jy9 Selienyypoitod pleut Tease Fane wager [Desig oor vadis, Rr (@LaDe= RP TSE jsiameser sooo nm | sh eum ‘nino nam Steel density cor plots lapping [Acinuiar7Botom plates Tapping. 000 gt [tsetae 19 setor ' 7 SHEL COURSES — oo lone. - Hour HeTHOD y Course No, Materia — Vhickness Width Weight : (cam) (mm cc) 1 seo 1500 109) 2 S00 1506 1200 3 wn $504 as 4 sat 1304 1209 3 See 0 467 6 seo 1500 1208 7 soo 1300 108 F 5 . ' 3 2 0 : * Tossl weight oF shell patos = 7.720 ap 7 ¥ E PMtaceriay ‘Talekness Area Weight (um) (am (hn) 30 oo 13828087 oor S64 ig [Maceriat ‘Taicknens Ontride Dis. Weight (am) (nm cry on watt A066 1038 = 10304 = aie To with ‘Twickness Mean Dia, weight comm (cam) oy ap - Oke © or CURR ANGLE ¥ ‘Niatariad Sie ty Unie Wetgtt Weight (kgim) ke) 0s Lwox toe Be 158 ke 7 ND RDERS ¥ Unie Weight Weight hess) ee) - kg Smoot. SELI-STPPORTED ROOK WITH RAPTERS oa PLAY ROOF WITH RAFTERS y ‘Material See OB Length Vale Weight Weight um (army 9 Rafer O2IEA TRMATOONION SE 4 40G0 Keo L326 7 ‘Total weigit ofveofstuctues = 1,536 kg > [Novas - 2 Frocal weight of nozatcs toh = 1,500 1 MISCHA aREDUE ¥ [Assuming 10097 of total weight ne = 12a ke Tr [STAIRWAY & PERIMETER PLATPORAL ¥ (Assuming 10.03 Sp ofvotal weight er 1202 ky 2 oss om & sg a 1 220,667 ke 13 RYDROSTA yEIGatT ae [Hvdrosstie water height O87 mm) = 120.386 ke [ERECTION WEIG! aoe OPERATING WI 235,807 kg INyDROSTATIC TEST WEIGHT 135575 hg FLAT ROOF WITH pages. OROMETRICDATA Tnside diamcter , Di - 40090 an. Corasion eflowanco, ¢.a. = 2.000) xm ROOF PLATE THICKNESS CALCULATION ROOF LOAD. Value of fap for rout plate, a Loe Roof plate weight , @ Roof hk = 5.00 seme (plus lapping) ~ 0.000482 Ntmmt ‘Vacuum pressure , Va C0099 Nom? Tnsulation wat. wie thicx he) @ 00 ram). oon 0.000000 Nieman? Snow weight, we (ona Nm Uniform five load, (CB 122.00 gmt) 0.001 197 Nam Additional live Toad.iva, (@ 0.00 kplmty = 6.000006 imams Total live load + dead londa,wld (@ 0.001659 Nimm? 7 1.06 kPa 2 20 KPa - 100 ‘The compression aren shall be increased by the following rat 02.28 01 als ‘Assume roo? plate thickness, ¢ Number of stiffener, Ns Distance berween stiffener, Tx cp” x fe Le] Ratio of Di‘Ls 8 Bonding stress ar center af long edges, 61 wld Tst sh — Gea)? Since sh 8.3 FLAT ROOF CASE WITH STIFFENER 33.1 MINIMUM THICKNESS AS PER ROOF LOADING 0.67Sy, therefore the roof plate thickness is satisfactory. page: 12 6.00 mas, 1000 men 400 na974 22.82 Nim S02 2800. ete SVIFFENER SIZING CALCULATION Total roof Toad We (@ 120 increwsing factor) Roof load exerted per stiffener, W Stiffener size Stilfener material Unitweight, wst Specified mininsum yield strength, Sy Section modus, Z Assume simply supported at both end, WDi Bending stress, sb az. 9.678y, therefore the size selected is Since so eee! 25015 N 6254N HH 20043601 0X15t 5 QRSA - 96 kegim - 235 Nim? = 440000 mew saastactory maz Le

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