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Teacher: Mario Fernández

1. Introduction to building materials
2. Types of building materials
3. Soils, sand and stones
4. Mortar and concrete
5. Ceramic materials
6. Wood
7. Glass
8. Properties of building materials

5. Ceramic materials
Clay is a type of rock that acquires plasticity when it’s mixed with water.

This feature make possible to create bricks, tiles as well as decorative


However, it is not very resistant and it breaks easily. How do you get
more resistant objects?

5. Ceramic materials
If we introduce these objects in a high-temperature oven, they get
great resistance. The cooking process modifies the structure of the
clay, that’s why it improves its properties, so hard and water-
resistant materials are created.

5. Ceramic materials
• Ceramic materials are obtained from clay. You are able to give it the
shape when the mixture is cold and later it is transformed by cooking
it at high temperature.

5. Ceramic materials
This video will take you on a short journey through the manufacturing
process of bricks and pavers.

Watch the video:

(mixing process) (cutting and trimming)

(extrusion process)


(drying) 7
5. Ceramic materials
• Amasado. Mezcla de materias primas, junto con la cantidad adecuada de
agua a fin de dotar a la mezcla de la plasticidad idónea.
• Molienda. Mediante tornos la arcilla se muele para conseguir granos
• Moldeado. El moldeado de las piezas se realiza empleando técnicas
mecánicas por extrusión. La masa de arcilla sale con la forma del molde y
se corta posteriormente.
• Secado. Las piezas moldeadas contienen cantidades de agua que deben
reducirse con aire caliente.
• Cocción. Se introducen las piezas en hornos a elevadas temperaturas para
que las piezas adquieran la consistencia pétrea y la inalterabilidad de su

5. Ceramic materials
Translate the previous steps in English:
• Mixing process:

• Cutting and trimming:

• Extrusion process:

• Drying:

• Fyring:

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