1.6. Building Materials - Wood

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Teacher: Mario Fernández

1. Introduction to building materials
2. Types of building materials
3. Soils, sand and stones
4. Mortar and concrete
5. Ceramic materials
6. Wood
7. Glass
8. Properties of building materials

6. Wood
Timber is the oldest building material along with stone. Its capacity to
resist both tensile and compressive stresses made it the most complete
material before steel became available. The heritage timber structures
are widespread worldwide and date back to millennia ago.

However, by being very sensible to obsolescence from structural and

environmental conditions and poor maintenance, they might suffer
from a level of degradation that requires strengthening and
conservation measures.

6. Wood

6. Wood
Types of Wood:


6. Wood
Being an organic material, wood possesses unique characteristics
deriving from its nature that offer it a high level of complexity. It is an
extremely versatile material with a wide range of physical and
mechanical properties among its many species.

The term defect, are applied to wood, refers to any irregularity.

6. Wood

6. Wood
Mechanical properties vary significantly depending on species, loading
conditions and directions and presence of defects.
Parallel to the grain
Tensile stress +++

Compressive +

Bending ++

6. Wood Bark is the outer layer. It is composed of dead
material and a thin inner part of living cells
having as primary functions, protection and
nutrient transport.

Cambium is a continuous ring of reproductive

tissue located between the sapwood and the
inner layer of the bark.

Sapwood is located next to the cambium being

responsible for the nutrient storage and the
transport of sap. It generally shows a light color.

Heartwood consists of an inner core of dead

wood cells, generally showing dark color.

6. Wood Growth rings are formed due to the
different growth conditions along the
Grains are multi-layered closed-end
tubes disposed side by side with the
central axis parallel the tree trunk.

6. Wood
New wooden structures


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