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Clinical Biochemistry 108 (2022) 5–9

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Quantification of urinary albumin and -creatinine: A comparison study of

two analytical methods and their impact on albumin to creatinine ratio
Mette B. Jensen a, b, *, 1, Ingunn Viken a, c, 1, Frederikke Høgh a, Katja K. Jacobsen d
Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen, Herlev, Denmark
Department of Pathology, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark
Department of Clinical Microbiology, Hvidovre Hospital, Hvidovre, Denmark
Department of Technology, Faculty of Health and Technology, University College Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark


Keywords: Objectives: Assessment of albuminuria through albumin to creatinine ratio (ACR) is a widely used method to
Urinary albumin identify and monitor kidney damage. Significant interassay differences in urinary albumin quantification have
Urinary creatinine been documented, which may affect ACR. This study was conducted to assess quantification of urinary albumin
Albumin to creatinine ratio
and urinary creatinine by two different analytical platforms, Cobas 6000 and Atellica CH 930, to examine the
Cobas 6000
Atellica CH 930
concordance of ACR stratification.
Method comparison Method: 60 urinary albumin and 60 urinary creatinine concentrations were analyzed by Cobas 6000 and Atellica
CH 930 using immunoturbidimetric assays for urinary albumin quantification and enzymatic assays for urinary
creatinine quantification. Analytical performance was evaluated using Passing Bablok regression, Bland Altman
plots, desirable specifications for inaccuracy and imprecision, and Wilcoxon test. Clinical significance was
assessed through total error allowance (TEa) and concordance of ACR categories through Cohen’s Kappa coef­
ficient. Imprecision was assessed using control material of two levels.
Results: Results were within desirable specifications for inaccuracy. Statistical differences were found (p < 0.05)
for both analytes. TEa results were exchangeable for urinary creatinine, whereas no exchangeability was found
for urinary albumin. Cohen’s Kappa confirmed an almost perfect agreement of ACRs between the two methods
(K = 0.87), testing 42 samples. Five of the 42 samples were stratified into different categories of ACR. Results
from control material were within limits of acceptable imprecision (CV < 5%).
Conclusions: The findings of the study suggest that while differences in urinary creatinine results are not clinically
significant, differences in urinary albumin results are. Despite an almost perfect agreement between the ACR
results from Cobas 6000 and Atellica CH 930, there is a risk of incorrectly understanding a patient’s kidney
disease progression.

1. Introduction [2,9]. All this highlights the importance of an accurate ACR, for which
accurate quantification of urinary albumin and urinary creatinine is
Assessment of albuminuria through albumin to creatinine ratio necessary.
(ACR) is a widely used method to identify and monitor kidney damage Various methods have been developed to detect albumin and creat­
[1] and is of particular importance for people diagnosed with diabetes inine in urine. A commonly used method to quantify urinary albumin is
mellitus. immunoturbidimetry. However, even within use of immunoturbidi­
Albuminuria predicts the development of chronic kidney disease metric assays, significant differences have been found in the results
[2–4], including diabetic nephropathy, which affects up to 50% of between different platforms used to detect urinary albumin [10].
people suffering from diabetes mellitus [5]. In addition, albuminuria is Furthermore, it has been suggested that detected differences in urinary
associated with cardiovascular disease and hypertension [6–8] as well as albumin quantification have an impact on albuminuria categorization
being recognized as a risk factor for increased morbidity and mortality through an ACR [10]. All this accentuates the importance and necessity

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M.B. Jensen).
These authors share first authorship for this work.
Received 15 April 2022; Received in revised form 26 June 2022; Accepted 29 June 2022
Available online 3 July 2022
0009-9120/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of The Canadian Society of Clinical Chemists. This is an open access article under the CC BY
license (
M.B. Jensen et al. Clinical Biochemistry 108 (2022) 5–9

of interassay assessment. However to our knowledge, no studies have 2.4. Instruments and assays
conducted a combined evaluation of urinary albumin and urinary
creatinine quantified by Cobas 6000 (Roche Diagnostics, Mannheim, Urinary albumin was quantified by immunoturbidimetric assays on
Germany) and Atellica CH 930 (Siemens, Erlangen, Germany) to eval­ both instruments (Roche Tina- quant Albumin Gen.2 on Cobas 6000 and
uate their impact on ACR. Atellica CH Microalbumin_2 on Atellica CH 930). With this method,
The aim of this study was to assess analytical agreement of urinary anti-albumin antibodies from the reagent bind to antigens in the sample
albumin and urinary creatinine quantification performed by Cobas 6000 material and create antibody-antigen complexes. The antibodies used by
and Atellica CH 930 to determine the concordance of the methods in Cobas 6000 derive from sheep (polyclonal), whereas the antibodies from
stratification of urine samples into ACR categories. Atellica CH 930 derive from goats (clonality not informed). The com­
plexes are measured turbidimetrically at 340 nm.
2. Materials and methods Urinary creatinine was quantified by enzymatic assays (Kreatinin
plus ver.2 on Cobas 6000 and Atellica CH 930 Enzymatic Creatinine_2
2.1. Ethics on Atellica). Both assays are based on the Fossati, Principe, and Berti
method – a colorimetric method based on hydrogen peroxide measure­
No ethical permission was needed as this study was part of quality ment [11], where a series of enzymatic reactions create hydrogen
assurance. All patient sensitive information was anonymised before data peroxide, which forms a chromogen. The chromogen was measured at
was processed. 546 nm on Cobas 6000 and 596 nm on Atellica CH 930.
Both platforms have a test duration of 10 min for urinary albumin
2.2. Sample selection and handling and urinary creatinine.
The urinary creatinine analysis on Atellica CH 930 is traceable to the
78 urine samples, submitted by outpatients for clinical indications of National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) SRM967, while
urinary albumin and urinary creatinine at Steno Diabetes Center the urinary creatinine analysis on Cobas 6000 is traceable to Isotope
Copenhagen (SDCC) were collected between the 24th of March and the Dilution Mass Spectrometry (IDMS). As for urinary albumin, the analysis
9th of April 2021. Samples were selected based on their concentrations on Cobas 6000 is traceable to ERM-DA470k/IFCC, while the analysis on
of urinary albumin and -creatinine, as assessed by Cobas 6000 at SDCC. Atellica CH 930 is traceable to an internal standard.
Samples were selected to cover the measurement- and dilution range
for urinary albumin (<3 mg/L and > 3800 mg/L) and urinary creatinine 2.5. Imprecision
(<0.9 mmol/L and > 108 mmol/L) shared by both platforms.
The measuring- and dilution ranges were divided into intervals based To study interassay imprecision, controls of two levels; Precinorm
on concentration to achieve an even distribution of samples. PUC (Proteins in Urine/Cerebrospinal Fluid) and PreciPath PUC (Roche
Due to the lack of samples in the high end of the measuring range not Diagnostics) were also analyzed on each platform for urinary albumin
all intervals were filled adequately. Extra samples were added to other and urinary creatinine five times throughout each day of analysis (25
intervals to reach 60 urinary albumin and 60 urinary creatinine results times over 5 days).
in total.
Each sample was inverted multiple times manually to assure well- 2.6. Data analysis
mixed material before being split into two aliquots of 2 mL. The ali­
quots were then stored at − 21 ◦ C for a duration of 3 to 24 days. For the imprecision study, coefficient of variation (CV) was con­
To maintain uniform preanalytical treatment of the aliquots, one of ducted for each analyte on Cobas 6000 and Atellica CH 930 using
the two aliquots of each sample, was kept in storage at − 21 ◦ C until Microsoft Excel version 2008. An allowable imprecision (CV) of 5% for
analysis at SDCC, while the other aliquot was kept on dry ice during both analytes implemented at the laboratory of SDCC was used to
transportation (20 min) to Herlev Hospital and stored at − 21 ◦ C until the evaluate repeatability for each platform.
day of analysis. For comparative analysis, linear regressions (Passing Bablok) were
performed using the R package mcr v1.2.2 in Shiny [12] to assess the
2.3. Method comparison correlation between the two assays, as well as difference plots (Bland
Altman) combined with a mean bias and 95% confidence intervals (CI)
After thawing, the aliquots were centrifuged in concordance with the using GraphPad Prism 9. Desirable specifications for bias (B%) (16.4%
applicable programs at the respective laboratories (3500×g for 5 min at for urinary albumin, 8.7% for urinary creatinine) were used to evaluate
SDCC and 3800×g for 6 min at Herlev Hospital). After centrifugation, bias [13].
the aliquots were analyzed in parallel by Cobas 6000 at SDCC and To determine any statistically significant difference between the
Atellica CH 930 at Herlev Hospital from the 12th to the 16th of April results from the platforms, paired analysis (Wilcoxon) was performed
2021. using GraphPad Prism 9.
Aliquots were randomly selected for analysis over these five days, A clinically significant difference was evaluated by a total error
with aliquots from the same sample analyzed at the two locations within allowance (TEa) for urinary albumin (24.7%) and urinary creatinine
4 h of each other. Of the 78 samples, 42 samples were analyzed for both (16.9 %) and concordance between ACR categories from each platform.
analytes, 18 samples were analyzed for urinary creatinine, and 18 TEa was calculated as follows: (1.65 × CVmax) + Biasmax.
samples were analyzed for urinary albumin. These extra 18 samples for
each analyte were added to ensure that concentrations spanning the TEacreatinine = (1.65 × 5%) + 8.7%.
analytical measurement range were included in the analysis for each.
TEaalbumin = (1.65 × 5%) + 16.4%.
During the period of analysis from the 12th to the 16th of April 2021,
the routine control results belonging to each platform (Cobas 6000; Clinical relevance through total error (TE) was evaluated using a
PreciNorm PUC and PreciPath PUC (Roche Diagnostics), Atellica CH criteria allowing 5% error. Hence, if 95% of the results lay within TEa,
930; ECRe_2 and uALB_2 (Siemens Healthineers), level 1 + 2) were the results from the two methods were considered exchangeable
collected to ensure quality and reliability of sample results. [14,15].
ACR was conducted on samples analyzed for urinary albumin and
urinary creatinine (n = 42 samples) using the formula; ACR (mg/g) =
(urinary albumin (mg/L) * 8.84 mmol/g) / urinary creatinine (mmol/L).

M.B. Jensen et al. Clinical Biochemistry 108 (2022) 5–9

To evaluate the degree of albuminuria, ACR was divided into different the Wilcoxon test did not change significantly (p = 0.0002).
categories following the recommendations of the Danish Society of For urinary albumin, a mean bias of 14% was found (Fig. 2), which is
Nephrology (DNS) the Danish Society of Pediatrics (DPS) and the Danish just within the desirable specification for bias of 16.4 %. Cobas 6000
Society of Clinical Biochemistry (DSKB) as follows; normal to light overestimated all urinary albumin results (60 out of 60 samples) across
albuminuria (ACR: < 30 mg/g), moderate albuminuria (ACR: 30–300 the whole working range compared to Atellica CH 930, clearly visible in
mg/g), severe albuminuria (ACR: >300 mg/g), very severe albuminuria the Bland Altman plot for urinary albumin (Fig. 2). This tendency of
(ACR: 700–2200 mg/g), nephrotic albuminuria (ACR: > 2200 mg/g) overestimation by Cobas 6000 of urinary albumin supports the findings
[16]. The interval defining severe albuminuria was adjusted from ACR: of a previous study [10]. In this study, Bargnoux et al. (2014) found that
>300 mg/g to ACR: 300–700 mg/g to avoid any double categorization Roche Cobas Integra, using the same assay as Cobas 6000 (Roche Tina-
of ACR results. quant Albumin Gen.2), tended to overestimate urinary albumin con­
Cohen’s Kappa coefficient (K) was calculated to determine the centrations compared to four other immunoturbidimetric assays [10].
strength of compliance between ACR results of the two platforms using This study tested a different assay from Siemens (Siemens Flex reagent
intervals indicated by Landis and Koch [17]. cartridge MALB), and the urinary creatinine results used to calculate
K= (P(o) – P(c))/1- P(c), where P(o) stands for the relative observed ACR’s in Bargnoux et al. (2014) were measured by Architect c8000
agreement, while P(c) stands for the probability of chance agreement (IDMS-traceable Jaffe method) [10] making it difficult to compare
[17]. ACR’s as the focus of Bargnoux et al. (2014) was on urinary albumin and
not the two analytes combined.
3. Results and discussion Furthermore, a correlation coefficient (r) of 0.997 was found for
urinary albumin, showing a strong linear correlation between the two
3.1. Imprecision study assays. The Passing-Bablok regression analysis showed/revealed a slope
of 0.8773 (CI: 0.8560 to 0.8931) and an intercept of 3.410 (CI: 0.3264 to
Overall, lower mean values were found for Atellica CH 930 6.661). Finally, the results of the Wilcoxon test showed that the differ­
compared to Cobas 6000. ences between the two assays for urinary albumin were also statistically
CV results ranged from 1.775% to 2.094% for Cobas 6000, and significant (p < 0.0001). One observation was observed in an abnormal
0.696% to 3.752% for Atellica CH 930. Generally, a lower CV is seen for distance (79%) to the others, clearly visible in the Bland Altman plot for
Atellica CH 930 compared to Cobas 6000, with the exception of results urinary albumin (Fig. 2). When excluding that observation from the
for PreciNorm PUC on urine albumin, where CV for Cobas 6000 was data, the results from the Wilcoxon test did not change (p < 0.0001).
1.775% and 3.752% for Atellica CH 930 (Table 1). Compared to the
allowable CV of 5% for urinary albumin and urinary creatinine, all CVs 3.3. Clinical significance
were acceptable.
59 out of 60 differences (98%) for urinary creatinine were within the
3.2. Method comparison limits of TEa (16.9%) indicating that urinary creatinine results obtained
from the two platforms are exchangeable. For urinary albumin 54 of 60
A mean bias for urinary creatinine of − 1.26% was found (Fig. 1), differences (90%) were within limits of TEa (24.7%). Therefore urinary
well within the desirable specification for bias of 8.7%. Illustrated by the albumin results are not exchangeable.
Bland Altman plot, Atellica CH 930 tended to overestimate creatinine in TE was evaluated without the two observations with abnormal dis­
comparison to Cobas 6000 (43 out of 60 samples). This was seen espe­ tance to the others, which did not significantly impact the findings (59
cially for lower concentrations (<20 mmol/L). out of 59 differences (100%) for urinary creatinine and 54 out of 59
A correlation coefficient (r) of 0.998 was found for urinary creati­ (92%) for urinary albumin).
nine, showing a strong linear correlation between the two assays. The The calculated Cohen’s Kappa coefficient (K) confirmed an almost
performed Passing-Bablok regression analysis furthermore showed a perfect agreement of ACRs between the two methods (K = 0.87). The
slope of 1.018 (CI: 0.9928 to 1.038) and an intercept of − 0.007634 (CI: deviating observation observed in the Bland Altman plot (Fig. 2) derived
− 0.1486 to 0.1579). The Wilcoxon test indicated that the differences from one of the 42 samples out of which K was calculated. K did not
between the two assays for urinary creatinine were statistically signifi­ change when excluding this observation from the data (K = 0,87). Five
cant (p = 0.0008). out of 42 samples were however stratified into different ACR categories
One observation was observed in an abnormal distance (25%) to the by the two platforms (Table 2). Two of these were categorized as
others, clearly visible in the Bland Altman plot for urinary creatinine nephrotic syndrome (ACR: >2200 mg/g) when measured by Cobas
(Fig. 1). When excluding that observation from the data, the results from 6000. The same samples were categorized as very severe albuminuria
(ACR: 700–2200 mg/g) when measured by Atellica CH 930. Two other
Table 1
samples were classified as moderate albuminuria (ACR: 30–300 mg/g)
Mean values and CV% calculated from the imprecision study of Precinorm PUC when using results from Atellica CH 930. When using results from Cobas
and PreciPath PUC for urinary creatinine (mmol/L) and urinary albumin (mg/L) 6000, the same samples were classified as severe albuminuria (ACR:
at Cobas 6000 and Atellica CH 930. 300–700 mg/g) (Table 2). For one sample, a major difference in cate­
PreciNorm PUC PreciPath PUC
gorization was seen, where the sample was categorized as very severe
albuminuria (ACR: 700–2200 mg/g) by Cobas 6000 and as moderate
Cobas Atellica CH Cobas Atellica CH
albuminuria (ACR: 30–300 mg/g) by Atellica CH 930. With further
6000 930 6000 930
investigation, this result derives from the deviating observation of the
Urinary urinary albumin measurements, as seen in Fig. 2.
Mean (µmol/L) 7910.08 7680.996 4259.32 4081.56
From a clinical perspective, the observed differences between the
CV (%) 1.915 0.696 2.094 1.174 urinary albumin measurements from the two platforms could have sig­
nificant consequences for biomedical assessment. Since ACR is a mea­
surement for the quantitative relation between the concentrations of two
Urinary albumin analytes, a difference between the two can alter the calculated ACR,
Mean (mg/L) 35.58 29.24 130.24 108.06 depending on the platform. Although the results in this study suggest
CV (%) 1.775 3.752 1.990 1.236 that Atellica CH 930 tends to overestimate urinary creatinine concen­
trations compared to Cobas 6000, it does not seem to equalize the

M.B. Jensen et al. Clinical Biochemistry 108 (2022) 5–9

Fig. 1. Passing Bablok regression (A) and Bland Altman Plot (B) for urinary creatinine measurements on Cobas 6000 and Atellica CH 930.

Fig. 2. Passing Bablok regression (A) and Bland Altman Plot (B) for the urinary albumin results from Cobas 6000 and Atellica CH 930.

Table 2
Concordance of the stratification of ACR calculated at Cobas 6000 and Atellica CH 930. Areas marked in grey show the number of samples where there is perfect
compliance between the two platforms.

differences in urinary albumin measurements when ACR is calculated (n dependent on which platform the sample is analyzed on. It is, however,
= 42), since lower ACRs were produced by Atellica CH 930 compared to worth mentioning that in 37 out of 42 samples, i.e. in 88 % of the cases,
Cobas 6000. This issue is apparent in the samples that were stratified in the two platforms had perfect compliance.
different ACR categories by the two platforms, as previously discussed. This study evaluates the effects of two commonly used analytical
As observed in Table 2, four of the ACR results were stratified in platforms on ACR stratification including quantification of both urinary
lower ACR categories when analyzed at Atellica CH 930 than when albumin and -creatinine. It would have been preferable however, to
analyzed at Cobas 6000. Such differences in classification could poten­ have a larger proportion of samples in the highest concentrations of
tially lead to an incorrect understanding of the patient’s kidney disease urinary albumin (>1000 mg/L), as it would have strengthened the
progression. As an example, an additional clinical examination of the reliability of the results from the upper level of the dilution area.
kidney function (glomerular filtration rate, GFR) is recommended with Another limitation is the use of different centrifugation programs in this
an ACR > 300 mg/g [16]. However this study suggests that the moni­ study. Centrifugation before analysis of urinary albumin is recom­
toring and in some cases treatment of health conditions could be mended [1,18], however, it is unclear whether the use of different

M.B. Jensen et al. Clinical Biochemistry 108 (2022) 5–9

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