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3. Plan – Show how the enterprise devise a plan to solve the social problem.

This time, enterprise begins with a vision rather than a problem, which is more
typical. They are all dedicated to advancing the three-pronged advocacy-promise of
Coffee For Peace, which includes supporting peacebuilders on the ground, protecting
and enhancing the environment, and improving the lives of farmers and their families.
The enterprise focuses on certain problems in the country, specifically in peace and
conflicts. They tend to give solution to the issues by teaching young people indigenous
values and regain them. By accompanying farmers as they moved up the coffee value
chain, the business made the decision to incorporate Peace and Reconciliation into a
specialty coffee training program that taught growers to appreciate their identity, their
community, and their land. It will help them to unease some challenges that they are
experiencing that affects their livelihood. Additionally, In order to give farmers access to
resources for processing, roasting, and training coffee, the enterprise developed KFA.
On the other hand, they are putting societal and economic demands first, and working
on a module to show indigenous tribes what a social enterprise looks like. The business
is for the indigenous people, whose agenda is not capitalism. Since resolving social
issues are the main of the enterprise, they build the company into something that
indigenous people can be heard. The main objective is to find creative solutions to
establish a space and a time for coping with the present by addressing, integrating, and
embracing the painful past and the essential shared future.

Discuss the operations of the social enterprise.

The history of Coffee for Peace is about when the founders' whole Mindanao-
based peacebuilding network assisted in facilitating an informal conflict mediation
between some migrant and Bangsamoro agricultural communities in 2006, the idea was
born. The two parties were involved in an armed fight for the ownership of multiple rice
fields ready for harvest, regardless of who planted the rice or who legitimately owned
the land. The leaders of the two groups in dispute were asked for a conversation over
coffee rather than exchanging gunfire. Since then, the two communities avoided killing
each other. For peace, they started extending invitations to neighboring towns to meet
for coffee. Those who dream about solving social problems and are prepared to work
hard and intelligently to do so are frequently drawn to the ideals and practices of social
entrepreneurship. One of the principles of their organization, the interns bring together
business and social concerns in a way that enhances the quality of life for those
associated with the ministry of reconciliation. The business does not only look at profits
when determining how successful social entrepreneurs are. The people, peace,
progress, partnership, and earth are the metrics by which the social entrepreneurs'
interns define success.
Social enterprises are for-profit companies that also seek to further the
indigenous land's path to peace and reconciliation. They aim to contribute to the long-
term resolution of disputes in the world by providing consumers with high-quality
products and services. They believe that doing business for the people will contribute to
resolving social issues. Every time someone spends money on a need or want, social
entrepreneurs, get customers who wish to support social causes. Also, social enterprise
has already power, it needs to be recognized and patronized.

4. Prioritize – List the priorities on what they try to solve

● Philippines to actually feel peace and unity
● To practice impractical terms
● Begins with problems that the community faces, such as poverty and the
absence of indigenous tribes' ability to support their economies.
● Loss of cultural integrity that is being destroyed over time
● Short-term relief requirements, such as those for necessity
● Armed disputes over rights to ancestral domain with the AFP
● Multinational corporation intrusion
● Each community has its own unique problems with peace.
● Each community has a different perspective on poverty.
● Their main question: "Are we fostering peace in our household?”
● Social dynamics work in the higher power/favor classes
● Because of the problems the nation is experiencing, colonization is still taking

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