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Reg No : 717006 Date : 18 - Aug - 2018.

Student Name : Parchuri Prasanthi

IBPS PO/MT-VIII PRELIMS - Model Test 18 Question Paper

Read the following passage carefully and answer the given question Certain words are given in bold to help
you to locate them while answerinc some of the questions.
Technological innovations are changing and will continue to change ever) aspect of how we live. work,
and learn. These are changing how people communicate and how they spend their time. Among the most
excitinc innovations are those in areas of mobility, cloud computing, socia networking, platforms, location-
based services and visual search. The massive shift of Internet use to handheld devices is fundamentally
changing technology and the way it is used. The shift away from PC-centric computing to handheld
computing is made possible by Moore’s law, whicr holds that chip processing power will double roughly
every 18-24 months and the costs will be halved. This geometric increase in processing powei has led to the
development of powerful handheld devices. For example the 2009 iPhone has identical technical
specifications to the iMac, the most powerful desktop computer in 2001. Today, handheld devices allow us to
do things on a mobile that we previously couldn’t do. Beyond just phones are other types of mobile devices.
eReader devices such as Amazon’s Kindle and Apple’s iPad are creating a rapidly growinc eBook market.
Now available in a hundred countries. eBooks grew 100% ir 2009 alone. At Amazon, for books available in
electronic form, 50% of the books’ sales are in eBook form. This past Christmas, another company sold
more eBooks than hard copy books. The iPad will ultimately be highly disruptive device with the potential to
change how media are disseminated and consumed: this includes changing how textbooks are delivered.
These and other emerging technologies will impact how student; study and how professors do research.
The traditional ways of disseminating knowledge through books and articles will need to evolve. Cloud
computing is changing how information and applications are storec and delivered Through the remote
delivery of computing power, storage and applications, cloud computing is quickly changing how information
is delivered. From a corporate standpoint, the economics of cloud computing are remarkable. Information,
delivered through huge data centres built by companies, cuts costs by a factor of seven. This fundamentally
alters the IT cost equation for all companies, regardless of size. Applications tha have historically been
hosted on in-house servers—from customei relationship management (CRM) to enterprise resource
planning (ERP)— are now moving to outsourced cloud-hosted servers and data centres. Or the consumer
side, cloud computing is and will be everywhere: in music video, applications, and photos. It is likely that
within 18 months, instead of our personal computers storing our music, our libraries will be moved tc the
cloud. User concerns about security are the largest drawback to clouc computing. This is a critical issue that
needs to be addressed on and ongoing basis.
In addition to changing how data is delivered, cloud computing also is becoming a “platform.,! This means
it is the basis for providing a set ot applications that deliver ongoing value The iPhone is a platform. There
are now 140.000 applications for the iPhone. which have been downloaded more than 3 billion times; 1
billion downloads were made just in the fourth quarter of 2009. Facebook is a platform for which 350.000
applications have been written and downloaded half a billion times. In addition, there are several potential
platforms. Ford plans to incorporate iPhone applications in their next generation of vehicles. TV will be a
huge platform of the future, serving as a basis for social media, social interaction, and social networks.
Social networks have global reach, with more than 830 million users. Facebook and YouTube have
replaced old Internet companies such as Yahoo and Microsoft. Facebook users spend 90 billion minutes per
month on the site.
Lastly, among the many innovations, two types of innovations stand out. One - Location based services,
which identify your location and offer information about local restaurants, hotels, and other services.
Location-based services also can provide navigation and will ultimately deliver advertising on a location
basis. Second- Visual search, an example ot which is a new phone based application offered by Google
called Google Goggles. It uses pictures to search the web and immediately provide information. For
example, if you take a picture of a restaurant, it will give you reviews of the restaurant before you walk in.
Visual search has the potential to significantly impact how students learn and interact with their professors,
challenging traditional methods of engagement.
1. Which of the following is most OPPOSITE in meaning of the word given in bold as used in the passage


1 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:26 Marks : 1

2. According to the passage, which of the following best defines a platform ?

Besides having their own functionality, devices/ programmes form the base for proliferation of other
The software and programming that is done on a device before its launch in the technology market
Applications without which certain devices cannot run.
The devices/ programmes keep upgrading themselves over a period of time.
Other than those given as options

2 Answered Time Spent : 00:02:44 Marks : -0.25

3. Which of the following is most OPPOSITE in meaning of the word given in bold as used in the passage


3 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:24 Marks : 1

4. Which of the following can be the most suitable title for the passage ?
Technology-The Road to Virtual Happiness
No Survival Without Technology
Technology - The Major Impediments to its Development
The Future of the Human Race Without Technology
Technology Innovation - The Present and the Future

4 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:52 Marks : -0.25

5. According to the author, which of the following can be said about cloud computing ?
(A) It is cost effective.
(B) It poses a threat to data security.
(C) Information that was housed in a company’s own property is no longer required to be kept there because
of cloud computing.

Only (B) and (C)

All the three (A), (B) and (C)
Only (A)
Only (A) and (B)

5 Not Answered Time Spent : 00:00:18 Marks : 0

6. Which of the following is most nearly the SAME in meaning as the word given in bold as used in the
passage ?


6 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:35 Marks : 1

7. Which of the following is most nearly the SAME in meaning as the word given in bold as used in the
passage ?

7 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:18 Marks : 1

8. Which of the following can be said about Moore’s Law ?

(A) It states that the functionality of the chip will improve while costs to buy it reduce.
(B) It forms the basis for development of the internet.
(C)The programming of iMac followed this law and hence it can be easily compared to the iPhone.

Only (B) and (C)
Only (A) and (B)
All the three (A), (B) and (C)
Only (A)

8 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:59 Marks : 1

9. According to the passage, which of the following is Not True about Social Networking Sites, as mentioned
in the passage ?

These are popular.

Some have replaced other previously popular internet companies.
Users spend a significant amount of time accessing these.
All of these feature location based applications.
All the given options are true according to the passage.

9 Answered Time Spent : 00:01:51 Marks : -0.25

10. Which of the following is true according to the passage ?

(A) Availability of eReading devices may make hard bound textbooks redundant in the future.
(B) The availability of eBooks doubled in the year 2009.
(C) The number of eBooks sold by one of the popular ecommerce sites was half of the total number of
books sold by it.
Only (A)
Only (B) and (C)
All the three (A), (B) and (C)
Only (A) and (B)

10 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:59 Marks : -0.25

Rearrange the given six sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) in a proper sequence so as to form a
meaningful paragraph and then answer the given question :
(A) As a result the situation was short-lived but is a reminder of how perilously unreliable South Africa’s
power supply has become.
(B) In addition to these complaints, the Government too intervened.
(C) On October 19th Eskom. the Electricity Supply Commission, was forced to ask its biggest industrial
customers to cut their consumption by 10% at peak time
(D) However it ended after only two days; Eskom said its spare capacity was much improved.
(E) This curb was meant to last for ten days, so Eskom could be sure to avoid “load-shedding”, the polite
term for scheduled power cuts for all users.
(F) But bitter complaints from industry about lost production owing to the curbs on electricity may also have
influenced the decision.

11. Which of the following should be the first sentence after the rearrangement ?


11 Answered Time Spent : 00:02:00 Marks : 1

12. Which of the following should be the SIXTH (last) sentence after the rearrangement ?


12 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:26 Marks : 1

13. Which of the following should be the fourth sentence after the rearrangement ?


13 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:05 Marks : 1

14. Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence after the rearrangement ?


14 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:05 Marks : 1

15. Which of the following should be the third sentence after the rearrangement ?


15 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:04 Marks : 1

Read this sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical mistake/error in it. The error, if any will be in
one part of the sentence. Mark the part with the error as your answer. If there is no error, mark ‘No error’ as
your answer. (Ignore the errors of punctuation if any).

16. Gandhiji was uplifted humanity (1)/ by successfully adopting (2)/ virtues like truth, nonviolence, mercy
and love (3)/ in his own life. (4)/ No Error (5)
Gandhiji was uplifted humanity
by successfully adopting
virtues like truth, nonviolence, mercy and love
in his own life.
No Error

16 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:11 Marks : 1

17. The actor will (1)/ walk the ramp to (2)/ show his supporting for (3)/ the cause of cancer awareness. (4)/
No Error (5)

The actor will

walk the ramp to
show his supporting for
the cause of cancer awareness.
No Error

17 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:07 Marks : 1

18. Throwing the appeals of the State Government (1)/ and animal lovers to the wind, (2)/ several temples
were sacrificed (3)/ animals during the celebrations. (4)/ No Error (5)

Throwing the appeals of the State Government

and animal lovers to the wind,
several temples were sacrificed
animals during the celebrations.
No Error

18 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:13 Marks : 1

19. According to the Chairman of the group. (1)/ the initiative were launched by (2)/ students of colleges and
(3)/ the management supported the endeavour (4)/ No Error (5)

According to the Chairman of the group.

the initiative were launched by
students of colleges and
the management supported the endeavour
No Error

19 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:25 Marks : 1

20. Excruciating pain (1)/ that can’t be traced back (2)/ to a physical ailment could (3)/ be the result of
suppressed rage. (4)/ No Error (5)

Excruciating pain
that can’t be traced back
to a physical ailment could
be the result of suppressed rage.
No Error

20 Answered Time Spent : 00:02:51 Marks : -0.25

This sentence has two blanks. Each blank indicates that something has been omitted. Choose the words
that best fit the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

21. While in the past teachers were judged ______ on their level of education and number of years of
experience, a new report finds that student achievement should be a ______ factor in student evaluation.

merely - theoretical
subjectively - pivot

21 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:28 Marks : 1

22. ______popular perception that the main job of the central bankers is to keep inflation down, low inflation
can be quite______for an economy too.

Despite - dangerous
Contrary - risky
Realising - relieved
Evidently - troublesome
22 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:13 Marks : -0.25

23. The existence of Britain’s Co-operative Bank which follows strict ethical investment principles can be
traced______to 1872 and its new stakeholders will have to______to these.

origin - comply
roots - adopt

23 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:47 Marks : 1

24. The cost of building roads is______by those who use these and one of the most______ways
governments do this is taxing gasoline.

decided - easiest
shouldered - secured
borne - straightforward
charged - beneficial

24 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:23 Marks : -0.25

25. Record breaking______have become routine in the development of high speed railway network, in
China, which______almost 2 million people daily.

crises - transport
landmarks - convey
achievements - hauls
performances - loads

25 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:36 Marks : 1

In the given passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. Against each, five words are
suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find the appropriate word in each case.
Guiding change may be the (26) test of a leader—no business survives over the long term if it can’t
reinvent itself. But human nature being what it is. fundamental change is often resisted mightily by the
people it (27) the most: those in the trenches of the business. Thus, leading change is both absolutely
essential and incredibly difficult.
Over the past decade. I have watched more than 100 companies put in their best, trying to remake
themselves into significantly better competitors. A few of these efforts have been very successful while
others have been (28) failures. Most drop somewhere in between, with a distinct tilt towards the lower end of
the scale. The lessons that can be (29) are interesting and will probably be relevant to organisations in the
increasingly competitive business environment of the coming decade. The most fundamental lesson to be
learned from the more successful cases is that the change process goes through a (30) of phases that, in
total, usually require a considerable amount of time.

26. --


26 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:15 Marks : 1

27. --


27 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:19 Marks : -0.25

28. --

28 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:24 Marks : 1

29. --


29 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:25 Marks : 1

30. --


30 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:15 Marks : -0.25

What will come in place of question mark (?) in the given number series ?

31. 23 30 46 80 141 ?


31 Answered Time Spent : 00:01:01 Marks : 1

32. 17 19 25 37 ? 87


32 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:43 Marks : 1

33. 14 6 5 6.5 12 ?


33 Not Answered Time Spent : 00:00:16 Marks : 0

34. 179 180 172 199 135 ?


34 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:54 Marks : 1

35. 61 82 124 187 ? 376


35 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:47 Marks : 1

36. A, B and C start a small business. A contributes 1⁄5th of the total capital invested in the business. B
contributes as much as A and C together. Total profit at the end of the year was Rs. 5,200/-. What was C’s
profit share ? (in Rupees)


36 Not Answered Time Spent : 00:00:43 Marks : 0

37. A rectangular plot, 55 m long and 45 m broad, has two concrete crossroads (of equal width) running in
the middle of it - One parallel to the length and the other parallel to the breadth. The rest of the plot is used
as a lawn. If the area of the lawn is 1911 m2, what is the width of each of the crossroads? (in m)


37 Answered Time Spent : 00:01:18 Marks : -0.25

38. Joe’s present age is 2⁄7th of his father’s present age. Joe’s brother is 3 years older to Joe. The
respective ratio between the present ages of Joe’s father and Joe’s brother is 14: 5. What is Joe’s present
age ?

18 years
15 years
12 years
6 years
20 years

38 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:55 Marks : 1

39. Abhay gave 30% of his money to Vijay. Vijay gave 2⁄3rd of what he received to his mother. Vijay’s mother
gave 5⁄8th of the money she received from Vijay. to the grocer. Vijay’s mother is now left with Rs. 600. How
much money did Abhay have initially ?

Rs. 6,000
Rs. 8,000
Rs. 10,200
Rs. 6,200
Rs. 8,200

39 Not Answered Time Spent : 00:00:04 Marks : 0

40. A project manager hired 16 men to complete a project in 38 days. However, after 30 days he realized
that only 5⁄9th of the work is complete. How many more men does he need to hire to complete the project on
time ?


40 Not Answered Time Spent : 00:00:02 Marks : 0

41. Two stations. A and B, are 827 km apart from each other. One train starts from station A at 5 am and
travels towards station B at 67 kmph. Another train starts from station B at 7 am and travel towards station A
at 59 kmph. At what time will they meet ?

12.30 pm
1 pm
11.30 am
11.45 am
1.30 pm

41 Not Answered Time Spent : 00:00:03 Marks : 0

42. A wholesaler blends two varieties of tea, one costing Rs. 60 per kilo and another costing Rs. 105 per
kilo. The respective ratio of quantities they were mixed in was 7:2. If he sold the mixed variety at Rs. 100 per
kilo, how much was his profit percentage ?

42 Not Visited Time Spent : 00:00:00 Marks : 0

43. In a 90 litres mixture of milk and water, percentage of water is only 30%. The milkman gave 18 litres of
this mixture to a customer and then added 18 litres of water to the remaining mixture. What is the
percentage of milk in the final mixture ?


43 Not Visited Time Spent : 00:00:00 Marks : 0

44. A bag contains 4 red balls. 6 green balls and 5 blue balls. If three balls are picked at random, what is the
probability that two of them are green and one of them is blue in colour ?


44 Not Answered Time Spent : 00:00:02 Marks : 0

45. A took a certain sum as loan from bank at a rate of 8% Simple Interest per annum. A lends the same
amount to B at 12% Simple Interest per annum. If at the end of 5 years, A made profit of Rs. 800 from the
deal, how much was the original sum ?

Rs. 6,000
Rs. 4,000
Rs. 4,500
Rs. 6,500
Rs. 6,200

45 Not Visited Time Spent : 00:00:00 Marks : 0

46. Out of the total number of books purchased for libraries A and B together in 2008, only 20% are graphic
novels. What is the total number of graphic novels purchased for libraries A and B together in 2008 ?

46 Not Visited Time Spent : 00:00:00 Marks : 0

47. What is the average number of books purchased for library A during 2004, 2005, 2007 and 2008 ?


47 Answered Time Spent : 00:02:52 Marks : 1

48. Number of books purchased for library B in 2004 is what percent of the number of books purchased for
library A in 2006 ?

48 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:26 Marks : 1

49. Number of books purchased for library B increased by what percent from 2003 to 2006 ?

49 Not Answered Time Spent : 00:00:09 Marks : 0

50. What is the respective ratio between total number of books purchased for libraries A and B together in
2003 and total number of books purchased for the same libraries together in 2007 ?

22 : 35
11 : 19
11 : 17
24 : 31
22 : 31

50 Not Answered Time Spent : 00:00:11 Marks : 0

In this question two equations numbered I & II are given. You have to solve both the equations and mark the
correct answer.

51. I. 3x2 + 23x + 44 = 0

II. 3y2 + 20y + 33 = 0

Relationship between X and Y cannot be established

51 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:34 Marks : 1

52. I. 4x2 - 29x + 45 = 0

II. 3y2 - 19y + 28 = 0
Relationship between X and Y cannot be established

52 Answered Time Spent : 00:01:00 Marks : 1

53. I. 2x2- 13x + 21 = 0

II. 5y2 - 22y + 21 = 0

Relationship between X and Y cannot be established

53 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:43 Marks : 1

54. I. 2x2 + 23x + 63 = 0

II. 4y2 + 19y + 21 =0

Relationship between X and Y cannot be established

54 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:44 Marks : 1

55. I. 3x2 + 29x + 56 = 0

II. 2y2 + 15y + 25 = 0

Relationship between X and Y cannot be established


55 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:39 Marks : 1

What approximate value will come in place of the question mark (?) in the given question ? (You are not
expected to calculate the exact value)

56. 1439 ÷ 16 x 14.99 + √228 = ?


56 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:44 Marks : 1

57. 299 ÷ 12 x 13.95 + ? = 24.022


57 Answered Time Spent : 00:01:32 Marks : -0.25

58. 820.01 ÷ 21 x 2.99 + ? = 240

58 Answered Time Spent : 00:01:23 Marks : -0.25

59. (19.97% of 781) + ? + (30% of 87) = 252


59 Not Answered Time Spent : 00:01:32 Marks : 0

60. 11.922 + 16.012 = ?2 x 3.852


60 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:33 Marks : 1

Study the table to answer the given question.

Data regarding number of candidates appearing for Civil Service (CS) and Engineering Services (ES)
Examinations in the years 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 in Country XYZ
Civil Service Engineering Services

Years Total Number of Graduates out of the total Total Number of Graduates out of the total
Candidates candidates appeared (in % Candidates candidates appeared (in %
Appeared age) Appeared age)

2007 58 75 30 52
2008 60 60 36 50

2009 70 65 52 40

2010 76 50 40 60
(Note : Figures with regards to total number of candidates appeared are given in thousands)

61. What is the respective ratio between the number of graduates who had appeared for ES in 2010 and the
number of graduates who appeared for CS in 2010 ?

12 : 17
11 : 19
13 : 21
11 : 17
12 : 19

61 Not Answered Time Spent : 00:00:08 Marks : 0

62. What is the difference between, the average number of candidates who appeared for CS in the year
2007 and 2008 and average number of candidates who appeared for ES in the same years together ?


62 Not Visited Time Spent : 00:00:00 Marks : 0

63. What is the total number of graduates who appeared for both CS and ES together in the year 2009 ?


63 Not Visited Time Spent : 00:00:00 Marks : 0

64. Total number of candidates who appeared for CS and ES together in 2011 was 25% more than the total
number of candidates who appeared for the same together in 2010. How many female candidates appeared
for both the exams together in 2011 if they formed 2/5 th of the total number of candidates appearing for
both CS and ES that year ?


64 Not Visited Time Spent : 00:00:00 Marks : 0

65. Total number of graduates who appeared for ES in 2008 is what percent of the total number of
graduates who appeared for CS in the same year ?


65 Not Visited Time Spent : 00:00:00 Marks : 0

Study the following information and answer the given question:

D is the brother of Y. Y is married to L. L is the father of J. J is the wife of T. M is the sister of T. T has only
two daughters K and S. P is the mother of T. P is married to Q.

66. How is J related to D ?

Cannot be determined

66 Answered Time Spent : 00:01:12 Marks : 1

67. How is Y related to T ?


67 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:13 Marks : 1

68. How is K related to Q ?

Cannot be determined

68 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:15 Marks : 1

Study the information carefully and answer the question:

L, M, N, O, P, Q, R and S are sitting around a circular area at equal distances between each other, but not
necessarily in the same order. Some of the people are facing the centre while some face outside (i.e. in
a direction opposite to the centre).
Same direction means that if one person is facing tne centre tnen tne otner also faces tne centre and vice
Opposite direction means that if one person is facing tne centre tnen tne otner faces outside and vice
L sits second to the right of M. M faces the centre. O and P are immediate neighbours of L S sits third to
the right of O. O and S face opposite directions. O and L face opposite directions. R sits second to the right
of S. S sits to the immediate right of N. Immediate neighbours of N face the same direction (i.e. if one
neighbour faces the centre the other neighbour also faces the centre and vice versa). Immediate neighbours
of S face the same direction (i.e. if one neighbour faces the centre the other neighbour also faces the centre
and vice versa). P and N face opposite directions.

69. How many people in the given arrangement face outside ?


69 Answered Time Spent : 00:03:25 Marks : 1

70. What is R’s position with respect to P ?

Third to the left
Second to the left
Third to the right
Second to the right
Fourth to the left

70 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:15 Marks : 1

71. Who sits second to the left of S ?


71 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:12 Marks : 1

72. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on the given seating arrangement and so form
a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group ?


72 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:21 Marks : 1

73. Which of the following is TRUE regarding Q as per the given seating arrangement ?

Only three people sit between Q and S

M is one of the immediate neighbours of Q
Only one person sits between L and Q
Only two people sit between Q and P
N sits third to the right of Q

73 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:20 Marks : 1

Study the given information carefully to answer the given question:

D, E, F, G, X, Y and Z live on seven different floors of a building but not necessarily in the same order.
The lower most floor of the building is numbered one. the one above that is numbered two and so on till the
top most floor is numbered seven. Each one of them also likes a different subject namely- Hindi, Economics,
Chemistry, Botany, Accounts, Psychology and Computer (but not necessarily in the same order).
G lives on an even numbered floor but not on the floor numbered 4. Only two people live between G and
the one who likes Accounts. D lives on an odd numbered floor, but neither immediately above G nor
immediately below G. D neither likes Accounts nor Chemistry.
Only three people live between D and the one who likes Computer. Z lives on one of the odd numbered
floors above the one who likes Computer. The one who likes Hindi lives immediately above the one who
likes Psychology. The one who likes Psychology does not live on the lowermost floor.
Only two people live between the one who likes Psychology and F. Only one person lives between F and
X. The one who likes Botany lives immediately below X. E does not like Chemistry.

74. Which of the following subjects does G like ?


74 Not Answered Time Spent : 00:04:45 Marks : 0

75. Which of the following combinations is TRUE with respect to the given arrangement ?

Computer - X
Chemistry - G
Economics - Z
Accounts - E
Hindi - F

75 Not Answered Time Spent : 00:00:00 Marks : 0

76. If all the people are made to sit in alphabetical order from top to bottom, the positions of how many
people will remain unchanged ?

76 Not Answered Time Spent : 00:00:01 Marks : 0

77. Which of the following statements is TRUE with respect to the given arrangement ?

E likes Botany
None of the given options is true
X lives immediately below E.
The one who likes Computer lives immediately above Y.
Only four people live between Z and G.

77 Not Answered Time Spent : 00:00:01 Marks : 0

78. Who amongst the following lives on the floor numbered 2 ?

The one who likes Computer
The one who likes Hindi

78 Not Answered Time Spent : 00:00:01 Marks : 0

79. A person starts walking from his home towards a store. He walks for 30 m towards east. He takes a 90°
right turn and walks for 15 m. He again takes a 90° right turn, and walks for 10 m. He then walks for 25 m
after taking a 90° left turn. Turning 90° towards his right, he walks for 20 m to reach the store. How far and in
which direction is the store from his home ?

40 m towards East
40 m towards South
40 m towards North
30 m towards South
30 m towards North

79 Not Answered Time Spent : 00:00:03 Marks : 0

Study the following information to answer the given question:

Eight friends B, C, D, E, H, I, J and K are seated in a straight line, facing north, but not necessarily in the
same order.
D sits fourth to the right of J. Neither D nor J sits at any of the extreme ends of the line. C sits second to
left of K. Neither K nor B is an immediate neighbour of D. Only two people sit between C and I. B is an
immediate neighbour of H.

80. What is the position of B with respect to D ?

Fourth to the right

Second to the left
Third to the left
Second to the right
Third to the right

80 Answered Time Spent : 00:01:45 Marks : 1

81. How many persons are seated between B and I ?


81 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:06 Marks : 1

82. Who amongst the following sit exactly between C and I ?

D, E
E, H
B, D
J, K
E, J
82 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:06 Marks : 1

83. Who amongst the following represents the person seated at the extreme left end of the line ?


83 Not Answered Time Spent : 00:00:05 Marks : 0

84. Based on the given arrangement, which of the following is true with respect to E ?

None of the given options is true

Both H and K are immediate neighbours of E
B sits second to the right of E
Only two persons sit between E and I
Only three persons sit to the left of E

84 Not Visited Time Spent : 00:00:00 Marks : 0

Study the given information carefully to answer the given question:

In a certain code language:
‘effect of economic growth’ is written as ‘uc vt fe os’
‘economic condition of country’ is written as ‘hy fe bk vt’
‘effect on country people’ is written as ‘bk li os ku’
‘profit on one condition’ is written as ‘cm ku zp hy’
(All codes are two letter codes only)

85. What will be the code for ‘growth condition’ in the given code language ?

hy uc
uc fe
vt zp
os cm
85 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:36 Marks : 1

86. What is the code for ‘people’ in the given code language ?

either ‘ku’ or ‘cm’

either ‘bk’ or ‘ku’

86 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:29 Marks : 1

87. What may be the possible code for ‘economic position of in the given code language ?

li vt fe
fe zp cm
gi cm hy
fe gi vt
bk hy os

87 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:30 Marks : 1

88. In the given code language, what does the code ‘cm’ stand for ?

either ‘one’ or ‘profit’
either ‘of or ‘growth’

88 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:49 Marks : 1

89. What is the code for ‘on’ in the given code language ?


89 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:09 Marks : 1

In this question two/three statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and II have been given. You
have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts
and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding
commonly known facts.

90. Statements :
Some animals are birds.
No bird is an insect.
Conclusion I: No insect is an animal
Conclusion II: All birds being animals is a possibility

both Conclusions I and II are true

either Conclusion I or II is true
only Conclusion I is true
neither Conclusion I nor II is true
only Conclusion II is true

90 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:32 Marks : -0.25

91. Statements :
Some causes are effects.
Some factors are causes.
All factors are reasons.
Conclusion I: Atleast some causes are reasons
Conclusion II: No effect is a reason

neither Conclusion I nor II is true

only Conclusion II is true
only Conclusion I is true
either Conclusion I or II is true
both Conclusions I and II are true
91 Time Spent : 00:00:25 Marks : 1

92. Statements :
All thoughts are ideas.
All beliefs are ideas.
All ideas are rumors.
Conclusion I: No thought is a belief
Conclusion II: All thoughts are rumors

either Conclusion I or II is true

only Conclusion I is true
only Conclusion II is true
neither Conclusion I nor II is true
both Conclusions I and II are true

92 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:29 Marks : 1

93. Statements :
Some glances are looks.
Some looks are stares.
All stares are peeks.
Conclusion I: Atleast some peeks are looks
Conclusion II: All stares being glances is a possibility

only Conclusion II is true

both Conclusions I and II are true
neither Conclusion I nor II is true
only Conclusion I is true
either Conclusion I or II is true

93 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:58 Marks : 1

94. Statements :
Some glances are looks.
Some looks are stares.
All stares are peeks.
Conclusion I: No peek is a glance
Conclusion II: All peeks are stares

both Conclusions I and II are true

only Conclusion II is true
only Conclusion I is true
neither Conclusion I nor II is true
either Conclusion I or II is true

94 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:14 Marks : 1

In this question, relationship between different elements is shown in the statements. The statements are
followed by conclusions. Study the conclusions based on the given statement and select the appropriate

95. Statements : D ≥ U = S ≥ T < B ≤ I < N ; Q < T = W

I. : Q < N
II. U ≥ I

only Conclusion I is true

both Conclusions I and II are true
neither Conclusion I nor II is true
only Conclusion II is true
either Conclusion I or II is true

95 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:19 Marks : 1

96. Statements : B > E = L < F ; L > A

I. : B > F
II. A < B

neither Conclusion I nor II is true

only Conclusion I is true
either Conclusion I or II is true
only Conclusion II is true
both Conclusions I and II are true

96 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:16 Marks : 1

97. Statements : P < O ≤ S = T ≥ E < R ; Y ≤ P ; E > Z

I. : P ≤ E
II. R > O
only Conclusion II is true
both Conclusions I and II are true
only Conclusion I is true
either Conclusion I or II is true
neither Conclusion I nor II is true

97 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:21 Marks : 1

98. Statements : P < O ≤ S = T ≥ E < R ; Y ≤ P ; E > Z

I. : T > Y
II. Z < S

only Conclusion I is true

only Conclusion II is true
neither Conclusion I nor II is true
either Conclusion I or II is true
both Conclusions I and II are true

98 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:28 Marks : 1

99. Statements : D ≥ U = S ≥ T < B ≤ I < N ; Q < T = W

II. D > W

only Conclusion II is true

neither Conclusion I nor II is true
either Conclusion I or II is true
both Conclusions I and II are true
only Conclusion I is true

99 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:14 Marks : 1

100. Point A is 45 m to the north of point B. Point C is 25 m to the west of point A. Point D is 20 m to the
south of point C. Point E is exactly midway between points D and F in such a manner that Point D, E and F
form a horizontal straight line of 50 m. Point F is to the east of Point D. Point G is 20 m to north of point F.
How far and in which direction is point G from point A ?

30 m towards North
25 m towards East
25 m towards West
30 m towards East
30 m towards West

100 Not Answered Time Spent : 00:00:03 Marks : 0

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