Reg No: 717006 Date: 27 - Aug - 2018. Student Name: Parchuri Prasanthi IBPS PO/MT-VIII PRELIMS - Model Test 25 Question Paper

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Reg No : 717006 Date : 27 - Aug - 2018.

Student Name : Parchuri Prasanthi

IBPS PO/MT-VIII PRELIMS - Model Test 25 Question Paper

Read the following passage carefully and answer the question Certain-words/ phrases are given in bold to
help you locate them while answering some of the questions.
Since cutting short-term interest rates almost to zero early in the 2008 global recession, central banks
including the Fed have been using clumsy implements During the crisis Quantitative Easing (OE) (printing
money to buy bonds), to pump capital into an economy has come out of the bag most often But QE involves
meddling in markets on a worrying scale Central bankers were also honing a new strategy: attempting to
boost confidence by providing forward guidance’ - giving a clearer steer on their future plans. But how can
central banks deploy this technique more effectively 7 Since short-term interest rates fell to zero, the Fed
has leaned more heavily on forward guidance Improved communication was a priority even before the crisis,
but the crisis accelerated the reliance ori communication as a means to stimulate the economy Early in the-
recovery the Fed said that the interest rates would remain near zero for an extended period and it later tied
eventual rises to specific dates. Now both the Fed and the Bank of England link increases to economic
conditions. Unemployment is falling. The Fed says it will not raise rates until unemployment has fallen at
least to 6.5 percent, provided that short-term inflation is no higher than 2.5 percent But this formula should
be amended The main difficulty in using talk about the future to perk up growth is that markets must believe
the rates will stay close to zero even as growth and inflation pick up thus making current borrowing and
investment more attractive than they otherwise would be. This will put central banks in an awkward position:
to get the economy moving they must persuade markets that they will tolerate higher inflation This is not far-
fetched Very low inflation could be the harbinger of deflation-falling wages and prices which discourage
investment Inflation below the central bank’s target generates unwanted unemployment, even if deflation is
The problem is that central banks have an incentive to renege on promises ; to allow higher inflation,
rendering them less credible Making the promise if it is believed should boost economic activity But once tne
economy is chugging along, the temptation is to try to get the best of ootn worlds, by raising rates before
prices go up And if markets doubt that central banks will really embrace higher inflation, then expectations
will not adjust and the real interest rate will not fall. Central banks should however simulate several different
policies to gauge which brings down unemployment the most. A simple commitment to keep rates low even
after inflation tops the Fed’s current target of 2 percent, if credible will work wonders America’s
unemployment would drop below 6 percent a year earlier than currently projected, but such a sweeping
pledge may not be believed. Instead promising to keep rates low until unemployment reaches a certain
threshold-as the Fed is currently- might be more credible, in that it sets a clear limit on the central bank’s
new found permissiveness. A more radical option would be to raise the Fed’s target for inflation from 2
percent to 3 percent. That would reduce unemployment faster than setting unemployment thresholds
although it would presumably stir up even more opposition among monetary hawks But for any new goal to
work the public must understand and believe it If markets doubt the Fed’s commitment to a 3 percent
inflation target then new guidance could prove counter-productive, a lesson which the new Chair of the Fed
must keep in mind.

1. Which of the following factor(s) impact(s) economic growth ?

(A) Market perception of forward guidance
(B) High rate of investment
(C) High interest rates

All (A), (B) & (C)

only (A) & (B)
only (A)
only (B)
Only (B) & (C)

1 Answered Time Spent : 00:04:19 Marks : -0.25

2. What is the author’s view of the Fed’s policies during the 2008 financial crisis ?

He feels that the policies were largely trial and error but somewhat successful in reviving the economy

He denounces these policies as being biased and underhanded largely benefitting the US economy
He is critical of these policies which did not make reducing unemployment a priority
He believes that these policies are a model to be emulated by all other economies
Other than those given as options

2 Answered Time Spent : 00:01:30 Marks : -0.25

3. Which of the following is the role of quantitative easing in an economy ?

It is a risky financial measure to make good failed foreign investments.

To provide capital and boost the economy.
It is a punitive measure used by central banks to control emerging economies
It is a measure sparingly used to control inflow of capital into an economy.
It serves to improve the projection of economic health of an economy but is volatile

3 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:24 Marks : -0.25

4. Choose the word which is most nearly the SAME in meaning as the word SWEEPING given in bold as
used in the passage

4 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:22 Marks : 1

5. According to the passage, which of the following can be said about unemployment in America at present
(A) The unemployment scenario is improving.
(B)The central bank should take a more unconventional approach to lower the rate
(C) It is unlikely to improve in the long run despite positive short-term trends

only (A)
Only (A) & (B)
only (B)
only (C)

5 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:40 Marks : 1

6. Choose the word which is OPPOSITE in meaning to the word WORRYING given in bold as used in the


6 Answered Time Spent : 00:01:08 Marks : 1

7. Which of the following can be inferred in the context of the passage ?

At present America’s rate of inflation is the lowest it has been since the Great Depression.
The American economy has recovered completely from the financial crisis.
Fed’s policies depend on its leadership and this has proved detrimental to the American economy.
Central banks have become more informative to the public.
All the given statements can be inferred in the context of the passage

Answered Time Spent : 00:00:46 Marks : -0.25

8. What does the author want to convey through the phrase “But once the economy is chugging along, the
temptation is to get the best of both worlds” ?

Central banks withdraw their regulatory measures at the first indication of economic recovery.
Once the economy has recovered sufficiently, markets return to old risky practices and try to get
higher returns as well as take advantage of fiscal stimulus
When the economy is doing well governments often interfere in the functioning of central banks in
order to claim credit and introduce populist measures
Once economic growth picks up central banks will be prompted to change policies, to enjoy the
benefits of high rate of inflation and high rate of interest.
Central banks will continue to interfere in the economy despite the market

8 Not Answered Time Spent : 00:00:45 Marks : 0

9. Why does the author recommend the Fed revise its inflation target ?

Studies show that the British markets panicked at the same projected rate
If the Fed lowers the targeted rate of c inflation the markets will be more accepting.
He believes that the revised target will help lower unemployment.
To prevent an apparent economic recovery which will not be real.
Not clearly mentioned in the passage.

9 Not Answered Time Spent : 00:00:01 Marks : 0

10. Which of the following is the main objective of the author in writing the passage ?

To chastise central banks who have controlled inflation to the point of deflation
To urge central banks to do away with the practice of fon-vard guidance since it does not work
To suggest ways of making central bank policies like forward guidance more effective
To criticise central banks as these have not lived up to the earlier predictions and promises they have
To analyse the similarity in the economic policies adopted by the US and Britain

10 Not Answered Time Spent : 00:00:00 Marks : 0

Which of the phrases given against the sentence should replace the word/phrase given in bold in the
sentence to make it grammatically correct 7 If the sentence is correct as it is given and no correction is
required mark ‘No correction required’ as the answer

11. Things changing, of course, sometimes dramatically, but in fairly predictable ways.

Thing changes
Things changes
Things change
Thing changing
No correction required

11 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:50 Marks : 1

12. Learning efforts can easy fall flat without institutional muscle behind them.

can easily fell

can easily fall
easily can falling
can fell easily
No correction required

12 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:24 Marks : 1

13. As employees look around their organisations for models of success, they encounter further reasons to
being wary of generosity.

to be wary of
to being wary for
to wary of
too being wary of
No correction required

13 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:19 Marks : 1

14. The oil industry hold relatively few surprises for strategists.
held relativity
holds relatively
holding relatively
No correction required

14 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:19 Marks : 1

15. Organisations have a strong interest in fostering giving behaviour.

stronger interests
strongly interest
stronger interesting
strong interesting
No correction required

15 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:21 Marks : 1

Rearrange the given six sentences (A). (B). (C). (D). (E) and (F) in a proper sequence so as to form a
meaningful paragraph and then answer the given question :
(A) However, as the variety of online goods expanded to food, apparel, home goods and toys females too
took to online shopping.
(B) Men became even more enthusiastic about e-commerce when tools for product and price comparison
(the ability to do this without having to visit physical stores is particularly attractive to men) became available
(C) This participation from both genders ensured that most of the brands move online.
(D) Once these brands made the shift, the arrival of social media tools, combined with better visuals, made
the online shopping environment even more enticing
(E) As a result of such an enticing environment, buyers can now share more of the online shopping
experience and decision-making with friends and family.
(F) The early days of online shopping were actually quite male-oriented as the selection of products was
limited to software, gadgets only.

16. Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence after the rearrangement ?


16 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:33 Marks : 1

17. Which of the following should be the FOURTH sentence after the rearrangement ?


17 Answered Time Spent : 00:01:35 Marks : 1

18. Which of the following should be the SIXTH (LAST) sentence after the rearrangement ?


18 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:14 Marks : 1

19. Which of the following should be the Second sentence after the rearrangement ?


19 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:05 Marks : 1

20. Which of the following should be the FIFTH sentence after the rearrangement ?


20 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:15 Marks : 1

Read this sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical mistake/error in it. The error, if any. will be
in one part of the sentence. Mark the part with the error as your answer. If there is no error, mark ‘No error’
as your answer (Ignore the errors of punctuation if any)

21. The present and singly (1)/ centre thus far is overloaded (2)/ with detainees. (3)/ most of them illegal
immigrants. (4) No error (4)

The present and singly

centre thus far is overloaded
with detainees.
most of them illegal immigrants.
No error

21 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:28 Marks : 1

22. The Commission has rejected the appeal (1)/ of the doctor who was asked to pay (2)/ money as
compensation for forgetting (3)/a napkin-size mop inside a patient’s stomach on a surgery. (4) No error (4)

The Commission has rejected the appeal

of the doctor who was asked to pay
money as compensation for forgetting
a napkin-size mop inside a patient’s stomach on a surgery
No error

22 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:50 Marks : 1

23. In an incident that is sure to send shivers (1)/ down everyone’s spine, the hill went up in flames. (2)/
thanking to the dry residue of trees and plants (3)/ piled up in the aftermath of the cyclone (4) No error (5)

In an incident that is sure to send shivers

down everyone’s spine, the hill went up in flames.
thanking to the dry residue of trees and plants
piled up in the aftermath of the cyclone
No error

23 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:24 Marks : -0.25

24. Two people are suspected of (1)/ having contracted Ebola after coming into contact (2)/ with a two-year-
old girl who (3)/ died of the disease last week (4) No error (5)

Two people are suspected of

having contracted Ebola after coming into contact
with a two-year-old girl who
died of the disease last week
No error

24 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:41 Marks : -0.25

25. After the cash-strapped Corporation (1)/ expressed its inability to provide funds (2)/ for various
developmental works, the officebearers of the civic body started (3)/ lobbying at special financial aid from
state governments. (4) No Error (5)

After the cash-strapped Corporation

expressed its inability to provide funds
for various developmental works, the officebearers of the civic body started
lobbying at special financial aid from state governments
No Error

25 Answered Time Spent : 00:01:00 Marks : 1

In the given passage there are blanks each of which has been numbered. Against each five words are
suggested one of which fits the blank appropriately Find the appropriate word in each case
Experts agree that whether we view change as positive or negative there is a certain amount of stress
that (26) change More stress means more conflict Most people prefer a predictably stable workplace So
naturally, people fight (27) change and they fear change because it presents a omen to something they
People fear a number of things (28) them job security or that the change might mean a loss of friends or
contacts top the list They fear their salary may change and not for the (29) They fear they will lose freedom
that they may lose (or gain) responsibility that they may lose (or gain) authority if working conditions have
been good they fear those conditions will change and they fear that their own pride and satisfaction In the
job may decline These fears may be real or they may be a (30) due to misunderstanding over what the
change will bring or how it will be implemented

26. -

26 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:20 Marks : 1

27. -


27 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:10 Marks : 1

28. -


28 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:37 Marks : 1

29. -

29 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:07 Marks : 1

30. -


30 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:31 Marks : 1

Study the following information carefully to answer the question

‘ABC Sports Complex offers classes for swimming, lawn tennis and badminton for its members It has 800
members The respective ratio between Children and Adults is 5 : 3 Each member joins one or more classes.
Out of the total children 40% are girls and remaining are boys
Out of the total girls, one-fourth join only badminton 3/8th join both swimming & lawn tennis. 25% join both
badminton & lawn tennis and the remaining join all three classes
Out of the total boys, one-sixth join only swimming 5/12th join both badminton & lawn tennis, one-fourth join
both badminton & swimming and the remaining join all three classes
Out of the total adults. 60% are women and remaining are men
Out of the total women 2/9th join only swimming one-third join both badminton & lawn tennis, one-sixth join
both swimming & lawn tennis and the remaining join all three classes
Out of the total men. half of them join only lawn tennis, one-fourth join only swimming one-sixth join both
badminton & swimming and the remaining join all three classes.

31. What percent of the total no of children have joined Lawn Tennis class ?


31 Not Answered Time Spent : 00:00:18 Marks : 0

32. What is the difference between the total number of female members who join more than one class and
the total number of male members who join more than one class ?


32 Not Answered Time Spent : 00:00:03 Marks : 0

33. Out of the total members of ‘ABC’ Sports Complex what percent members have joined only swimming
class ?


33 Not Visited Time Spent : 00:00:00 Marks : 0

34. Total how many members join swimming as well as badminton classes ?


34 Not Visited Time Spent : 00:00:00 Marks : 0

35. What is the respective ratio between the number of adults who do not join badminton and the number of
children who do not join badminton ?

32 : 25
31 : 27
31 : 25
33 : 25
32 : 27
35 Not Visited Time Spent : 00:00:00 Marks : 0

In this question two equations numbered I & II are given You have to solve both the equations and find out

36. I. 15x2 - 32x + 16 = 0

II. 9y2 - 9y + 2 = 0

Relationship between X and Y cannot be established

36 Answered Time Spent : 00:01:23 Marks : 1

37. I. 14x2 + 15x + 4 = 0

II. 14y2 + 29y + 12 = 0

Relationship between X and Y cannot be established

37 Answered Time Spent : 00:01:14 Marks : -0.25

38. I. 4x2 - 8x + 3 = 0
II. 12y2- 7y + 1 =0

Relationship between X and Y cannot be established
38 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:49 Marks : 1

39. I. x2 - 22x - 23 = 0
II. y2- 12y - 13 = 0

Relationship between X and Y cannot be established

39 Answered Time Spent : 00:01:06 Marks : 1

40. I. 4x2 - 11x + 6 = 0

II. 4y2 - 17y + 18 = 0

Relationship between X and Y cannot be established

40 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:41 Marks : 1

Study the following table carefully and answer the question

Sub Staff Office Assistants Officer Manager
Factory Total No. of Total No. of Total No. of Total No. of
Employees Employees Employees Employees
A 260 7:6 108 4:5 80 5:3 32 5:3

B 420 5:2 130 7:6 76 8:11 45 3:2

C 240 7:5 160 7:9 91 6:7 36 1:3
D 360 5:3 260 5:8 75 8:7 56 3:5

E 460 12:11 132 5:6 78 11:15 48 7:5

NOTE : M : F -The respective ratio between male employees female employees.

41. What is the respective ratio between female sub staff employees from Company D & E together and the
male sub staff employees from the same companies together ?

61 : 93
61 : 91
75 : 91
71 : 93
71 : 91

41 Not Answered Time Spent : 00:00:04 Marks : 0

42. What percentage of the total number of Officers in Company B, D and E together are male ? (rounded
off to the nearest integer)


42 Not Answered Time Spent : 00:00:03 Marks : 0

43. What is the difference between the total number of female employees in Factory C and the total number
of female employees in Factory A ?


43 Not Visited Time Spent : 00:00:00 Marks : 0

44. What is the average number of Office Assistants in all the Companies together ?


44 Not Visited Time Spent : 00:00:00 Marks : 0

45. The total number of Male Managers in Company A, B and C together is approximately what percent less
than the total number of Male Officers in the same companies together ?


45 Not Visited Time Spent : 00:00:00 Marks : 0

In this question a number series is given. Only one number is wrong which doesn’t fit in the series. Find out
the wrong number ?

46. 11 6 8 12 26 67.5


46 Answered Time Spent : 00:01:15 Marks : 1

47. 1 2 8 33 158 765

47 Not Answered Time Spent : 00:01:30 Marks : 0

48. 369 128 45 18 9 6


48 Answered Time Spent : 00:01:04 Marks : 1

49. 12 22 42 82 172 322


49 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:24 Marks : 1

50. 43 48 55 73 103 148


50 Answered Time Spent : 00:01:12 Marks : 1

51. A, B and C started a business by investing Rs.24,000, Rs.30,000 and Rs.28,000 respectively. After 4
months each of them invested Rs.6000 more. All of them invested for equal period of time. If at the end of 8
months A got Rs.9720 as his share of profit, what was the total profit earned by B and C together at the end
of 8 months ?


51 Not Answered Time Spent : 00:00:59 Marks : 0

52. In a vessel there was ‘X’ litres of pure milk 16 litres of pure milk was taken out from this vessel and
replaced with equal amount of water This action was again repeated i.e. 16 litres of the new mixture of milk
and water was taken out and replaced with equal amount of water After the second operation the respective
ratio of milk and water in the vessel is 16 : 9 What is the value of ‘X’ ?


52 Answered Time Spent : 00:03:38 Marks : 1

53. A salesman gets a commission of X% on first Rs.4,000 worth of sales and Y% on the remainder. When
his sales were Rs.11,000, his total commission was Rs.2,400 and when his sales were Rs.16,000 his total
commission was Rs.3600. What is the value of ‘X’ ?


53 Not Answered Time Spent : 00:00:06 Marks : 0

54. 6 years ago A’s mother’s age (that time) was 2.2 times her age (that time). 4 years hence the respective
ratio of their ages (that time) will be 19 : 10. What is the respective ratio of A’s present age and her mother’s
present age ?

6 : 11
2 :3

54 Not Answered Time Spent : 00:00:09 Marks : 0

55. 15 men can finish a piece of work in 8 days. 18 women can finish the same piece of work in 12 days and
16 children can finish it in 20 days 12 women and 8 children started working together and worked for 10
days. If the remaining work need to be finished in 2 days, how many men should be added to the existing
number of workers ?


55 Not Answered Time Spent : 00:00:03 Marks : 0

56. In year 2012 companies X, Y & Z invested amounts in the ratio of 5 : 4 : 7 respectively and the total
amount invested by the three companies was Rs.192 lakhs, what was the amount earned (in lakh Rs.) by
company X in that year ?

56 Not Answered Time Spent : 00:00:01 Marks : 0

57. Company Y invested an amount of Rs.75 lakhs in 2008 and the entire amount earned at the end of 2008
was reinvested in 2009. What was the amount of profit earned (in lakh Rs.) by the company in 2009 as
against the amount invested in 2009 ?


57 Not Answered Time Spent : 00:00:05 Marks : 0

58. The amounts earned by companies X & Z in 2011 were in the ratio of 6 : 7 respectively and amount
earned by company Z was more than that by company X by Rs.12 lakhs. What was the amount invested by
company Z (in lakh Rs.) in that year ?


58 Not Answered Time Spent : 00:00:29 Marks : 0

59. If the investments of companies X and Z in 2011 were in the ratio of 3 : 4 respectively, what is the
respective ratio between the amounts earned by the two companies in the same year ?

27 : 34
29 : 37
35 : 48
27 : 35
25 : 37

59 Not Answered Time Spent : 00:02:11 Marks : 0

60. Total number of gold coins (25 gm. and 50 gm.) sold by stores B and G together is what percent of the
number of 25 gm. gold coins sold by store F ?

60 Not Answered Time Spent : 00:00:01 Marks : 0

61. What is the average number of 50 gm. gold coins sold by stores A, C, E and G together ?


61 Not Answered Time Spent : 00:00:03 Marks : 0

62. What is the difference between total number of 25 gm. gold coins sold by stores B, C and D together
and total number of 50 gm., gold coins sold by the same stores together ?


62 Not Answered Time Spent : 00:00:02 Marks : 0

63. A trader marks his goods such that he can make 24.8% profit after giving 22% discount. However, a
customer (X) availed 28% discount instead of 22%. Since the good was delivered to X’s place, the trader
charged 5% on the discounted price What is the percent profit of the trader in the whole deal if he had to
spend nothing on the delivery ?


63 Not Answered Time Spent : 00:00:04 Marks : 0

Study the following table to answer this question :

Marks obtained by Saroj and Viraj in five subjects out of 100
Marks obtainedout of 100 by
Saroj Viraj

English 75 80
Physics 90 70

Chemistry 65 55

History 75 70
Geography 85 75

64. Marks obtained by Saroj in Physics and Chemistry together are by what percent more than the marks
obtained by Viraj in these two subjects together ?


64 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:35 Marks : 1

65. What is the overall percentage of marks obtained by Viraj in all the given subjects ?


65 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:26 Marks : 1

Read the given information carefully and answer the question.

Each of the six friends, A. B, C. D. E and F reaches offices at a different time. B reaches later than only E
and F. A reaches early only than C. E is not the first one to reach office. The one who reaches second
fastest reaches at 9 :15 Am. D reaches office at 9 : 35 AM.

66. How many people reach later than E ?


66 Answered Time Spent : 00:01:46 Marks : 1

67. Who possibly reaches at 9 : 10 AM ?

67 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:10 Marks : 1

68. Which of the following times correctly represents the possible time at which B reaches office ?

9:00 AM
9:15 AM
9:35 AM
9:45 AM
9:20 AM

68 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:13 Marks : 1

Study the information and answer the given question :

Seven people P, Q, R, S, T, U and V live on separate floors of a 7-floor building. Ground floor is
numbered 1, first floor is numbered 2 and so on until the topmost floor is numbered 7. Each one of them
deals in a different service for a village viz. Tractors, Fertilisers. Cattle fodder. Irrigation facilities. Seeds.
Banking services and Cold storage facilitates but not necessarily in the same order.
Q lives on an even numbered floor. Only one person lives between Q and the one who deals in cattle
fodder. The one who deals in cattle fodder lives on a floor below the floor on which Q lives.
Only two people live between the one who deals in cattle fodder and the one who deals in irrigation
The one who deals in tractors lives immediately above the one who deals in cold storage facilities. U
deals in cold storage facilities.
Q does not deal in tractors. The one who deals in tractors does not live on floor no. 3.
P lives on an even numbered floor. Only two people live between P and the one who deals in banking.
Only one person lives between P and S.
R lives immediately above the one who deals in seeds. V does not deal in banking services.

69. In which of the following does Q deal in ?

Cattle fodder
Banking services

69 Not Answered Time Spent : 00:01:07 Marks : 0

70. How many people live between the floors on which P and the one who deals in cattle fodder live ?

More than three


70 Not Visited Time Spent : 00:00:00 Marks : 0

71. Who among the following lives on floor no. 5 ?

The one who deals in banking services

The one who deals in irrigation facilities

71 Not Visited Time Spent : 00:00:00 Marks : 0

72. Who lives on the floor immediately above V ?


72 Not Visited Time Spent : 00:00:00 Marks : 0

73. Which of the following is true with respect to T as per the given information?

S lives immediately below T

T lives on floor no: 7
The one who lives immediately below T deals in seeds
T deals in irrigation facilities
T lives on the lowermost floor
73 Not Answered Time Spent : 00:00:02 Marks : 0

74. Read the following information carefully and answer the question which follows :
Due to the potential threat of sugar on the health of people of the country, the CEO of a popular brand
has been given an ultimatum to cut down on the sugar content of its products by the government. As the
brand mainly manufactures sugar based aerated drinks and food items the CEO sent a personal request to
the government for a relaxation in the same, however, keeping in mind the health of the citizens of the
country the government has denied the request.
Which of the following statements represents an appropriate course of action to be taken by the company in
order curtail this problem ?

The company should start using zero- calorie sweeteners which are developed from plant extracts as
a substitute for sugar.
The company should stop the production of its goods until and unless the government allows it to
maintain its ingredients as it is.
The company should change all their products completely to meet the requirement of the government
The company should ignore the ultimatum of the government as it is a popular brand and the
government would eventually be compelled to give in to the demands of the company.
The company should advertise its problems and seek the help of local public to fight with the

74 Answered Time Spent : 00:01:02 Marks : 1

Study the following information and answer the given question :

J is the mother of P. P is the brother of K. K is the mother of F. Q is the brother of F. G is the father of Q. S is
the father of P..

75. How is G related to S ?

Brother in law
Son in law

75 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:14 Marks : 1

76. How is J related to Q ?

Mother in law

76 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:43 Marks : 1

Study the following information to answer the question : In a certain code.

‘better transport vehicles required’ is written as ‘zu ja ke ao’
‘roads are much better’ is written as ‘bt ke dv pi’,
‘few vehicles on roads’ is written as ‘dv ft zu hm’
‘required action on environment’ is written as ‘ja mq hm qt’
(All codes are two letter codes only)

77. Which of the following represents “on vehicles” in the given code language ?

zu hm
ft hm
hm ke
hm bt
ao zu

77 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:45 Marks : 1

78. What is the code for ‘few” in the given code language ?

Either ‘dv’ or ‘ao’

78 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:18 Marks : 1

79. What is the code for “transport’ in the given code language ?

79 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:28 Marks : 1

80. Which of the following may represent ‘environment action committee’ in the given code language ?

qt xy mq
mq ft qt
rt qt pi
mq bt qt
cx qt zu

80 Answered Time Spent : 00:01:15 Marks : 1

81. What does the code “pi” stand for in the given code language ?

Either ‘much’ or ‘are’

81 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:21 Marks : 1

82. Which of the following will come in the place of the question mark (?) in the following series based on the
English alphabetical order ?


82 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:35 Marks : 1

83. Read the following information carefully and answer the question which follows :
Famers in village A raised the selling price of the produce substantially this year. According to the
middlemen (those who buy produce from farmers and sell it to retailers), the farmers have formed a
cartel and have been arm-twisting them into buying produce at these prices only.
Which of the following statements would weaken the middlemen’s claim that the farmers have unfairly raised
the selling price of their produce ?

Last year the cost of input materials such as fertilisers and seeds etc. had more than doubled
The farmers in Village A have refused to sell their produce at a price lower than that set by them even
if it does not attract any buyers at all
The State in which Village A is located has received more than normal monsoon this year and is
expecting a bumper harvest
The government provides electricity and water at subsidized rates to the farmers of village A
in the neighbouring village similar price rise set by the farmers was reported by the middlemen

83 Answered Time Spent : 00:01:03 Marks : -0.25

84. How many meaningful English words can be formed with the letters ‘SOLT’ using all the letters, but.
each letter only once in each word ?

More than three

84 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:30 Marks : 1

85. How many such pairs of letters are there in the word ‘DECORATE’, each of which has as many letters
between them in the word (in both forward and backward directions) as they have between them in the
English alphabetical series ?

More than three
Answered Time Spent : 00:00:50 Marks : 1

Study the information and answer the given question :

Nine friends A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and I are sitting around a circular table (with equal distances between
each other) facing the centre, but not necessarily in same order. A is an immediate neighbour of both C and
B. Only two people sit between C and I D sits third to the right of I. Only two people sit between H and F
Neither D nor C is an immediate neighbour of F. E sits second to the left of B

86. If G and B interchange their places and so do F and C. then who will sit exactly between B and F ?


86 Answered Time Spent : 00:02:45 Marks : -0.25

87. Four among the given five pairs are alike in a certain way based on the given arrangement, and thus
form a group. Which amongst the following pairs does not belong to the group ?

H, I

87 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:21 Marks : 1

88. Who amongst the following sits exactly between A and F, when counted from the left side of A ?


88 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:41 Marks : 1

89. Who sits second to the right of G ?


89 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:12 Marks : 1

90. Which of the following will come in place of the question mark ( ?) in the following series based on the
given arrangement ?


90 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:27 Marks : 1

In this question, relationship between different elements is shown in the statements. The statements are
followed by conclusions. Study the conclusions based on the given statement and select the appropriate

91. Statement : O ≤ K > Z = X > D ; K ≤ C < A

Conclusion I : Z > A
Conclusion II: O ≤ C

Only Conclusion I is true

Either Conclusion I or II is true
Neither Conclusion I nor II is true
Both Conclusions I and II are true
Only Conclusion II is true

91 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:32 Marks : -0.25

92. Statement : W < Y ≤ I > B = F ≥ P
Conclusion I : F ≤ Y
Conclusion II: W< P

Neither Conclusion I nor II is true

Either Conclusion I or II is true
Both Conclusions I and II are true
Only Conclusion II is true
Only Conclusion I is true

92 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:21 Marks : 1

93. Statement : D > U ≤ S = B ; U > O

Conclusion I: O ≥ D
Conclusion II : S > O

Only Conclusion I is true

Neither Conclusion I nor II is true
Both Conclusions I and II are true
Either Conclusion I or II is true
Only Conclusion II is true

93 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:23 Marks : 1

94. Statement : O ≤ K > Z = X > D ; K ≤ C < A

Conclusion I: A > O
Conclusion II: O ≥ X

Either Conclusion I or II is true

Only Conclusion II is true
Neither Conclusion I nor II is true
Both Conclusions I and II are true
Only Conclusion I is true

94 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:26 Marks : 1

95. Statement : D > U ≤ S = B ; U > O
Conclusion I : O < B
Conclusion II: B ≥ D

Both Conclusions I and II are true

Only Conclusion II is true
Only Conclusion I is true
Neither Conclusion I nor II Is true
Either Conclusion I or II is true

95 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:13 Marks : 1

In this question there are three statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and II You have to take
the three given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly Known facts and
then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding
commonly known facts.

96. Statements :
All shirts are clothes.
Some clothes are fibres.
No fibre is metal.
Conclusion I: Some clothes are definitely not metals
Conclusion II: At least some metals are clothes

Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows

only conclusion I follows
Either conclusion I or conclusion II follows
Only conclusion II follows
Both conclusion I and conclusion II follow

96 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:28 Marks : 1

97. Statements :
Some chairs are tables.
No table is a book.
No chair is a portrait.
Conclusion I: No table is a portrait
Conclusion II: At least some tables are chairs

Either conclusion I or conclusion II follows

Both conclusion I and conclusion II follow
Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows
only conclusion II follows
Only conclusion I follows
97 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:25 Marks : 1

98. Statements :
All ropes are threads.
No thread is a wire.
All wires are metals.
Conclusion I: All threads being metals is a possibility
Conclusion II: No rope is a wire

Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows

only conclusion I follows
Both conclusion I and conclusion II follow
Either conclusion I or conclusion II follows
only conclusion II follows

98 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:33 Marks : 1

99. Statements :
Some chairs are tables.
No table is a book.
No chair is a portrait.
Conclusion I: Some chairs are books
Conclusion II: No chair is a book

Both conclusion I and conclusion II follow

Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows
Only conclusion II follows
Only conclusion I follows
Either conclusion I or conclusion II follows

99 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:21 Marks : 1

100. Statements :
All shirts are clothes.
Some clothes are fibres.
No fibre is metal.
Conclusion I: At least some clothes are shirts
Conclusion II: All metals being shirts is a possibility

Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows

Both conclusion I and conclusion II follow
Only conclusion I follows
Either conclusion I or conclusion II follows
only conclusion II follows

100 Answered Time Spent : 00:00:28 Marks : 1

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