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A type of specialist and technical translation that involves language of and related to law and legal
Language of the law, as well as language about the law and language used in legal context
Special status of legal translation legally enforceable text
(The only type of translation in which the translator is legally responsible of what he writes)

Legal translation can be classified according to:

- ST (source text) subject matter: domestic statues, international treaties, private
- ST status: enforceable laws or non-enforceable material
- Function of ST in SL: prescriptive, descriptive, combination of two
- Purpose of the TT (target text): normative, informative, general legal or judicial purpose

Challenges of legal translation: from the inherent complexity of the subject matter to the
complications arising from shifting the subject from one language/culture to another.
Source of difficulty:
- Law differences
- Linguistic differences
- Cultural differences

Legal language is a technical language, a language for specific purposes (LSP) but, differently from
other types of technical languages it is not universal.
Legal language is system-bound and culture-specific: it reflects history, culture, legal system of the
source context. Translating legal texts involves shifting from one system into another, but law
remains a national phenomenon.
Each system has its own structure, rules, and sources which are reflected in own language and

Law expresses culture-specific perspectives on society and social order, that are in turn related to
historical factors. Elements of one system cannot simply be transposed into another system.

Terminology equivalence needs constantly checking to ensure if an item can correspond to another
in legal terms.
Avvocato vs. solicitor vs. barrister

Common types of legal translation (according to ST subject matter)

- Private legal documents (documents drafted and used by lawyers on behalf of private
clients: contracts, agreements, wills, law advice. It is the most common type of legal
translation. Established patterns, rules, styles system specific.)
- Domestic legislation (laws that can be translated in two possible scenarios: multilingual
jurisdiction with multiple official languages/translation for informative purposes in
monolingual jurisdiction)
- International legal instruments (multilingual documents concerning or involving several
nations. Principle of equal authenticity: version in different languages are equally authentic,
with the same legal status and force)
EXERCISE Translated in Italian


1. The Landlord agrees to let and the Tenant agrees to take the premises known as [...] (hereinafter
called "the Premises") together, where applicable, with the furniture now in the premises and
described in the inventory hereto (hereafter called "the Furniture") FOR THE TERM of [...] years
from the day of [...] AT THE RENT of pounds (£ [.. ] for every month of the term payable without
deduction or set off in advance and the first such payment to be made on the [...] day of [...] and
thereafter on the day of each month.
The Tenant will pay a deposit in the sum of & [...]. The deposit shall be retained by the Landlord (or
his agent) in an interest-bearing account (such interest to accrue to the Tenant) as security for
performance of the Tenants' obligations and shall be repayable to the Tenant only after deduction
of any sums required to compensate the Landlord whether wholly or in part for any breach of
obligation on the Tenants' part.

Si stipula quanto segue:

1. Il proprietario accetta di affittare e l’inquilino/affittuario accetta di occupare i locali
conosciti come (…) (di seguito chiamato “i locali”) insieme, eventualmente, con gli attuali
mobili nei locali e descritti nell’inventario allegato (di seguito chiamato “i mobili”). Per la
durata del (…) anni dal giorno (…) affittandolo a sterline (…) per ogni mese della durata
pagabile senza trattenuta o compensazione in anticipo e il primo relativo pagamento
effettuato il giorno (…) di (…) e successivamente nel giorno di ogni mese.
L’inquilino pagherà un deposito del valore di (…). Il deposito viene trattenuto dal
proprietario (o il suo agente) in un conto fruttifero (tale interesse da maturare
all’affittuario) come sicurezza per le obbligazioni dell’affittuario e devono essere
rimborsabili all’inquilino solo dopo la trattenuta di qualsiasi somma richiesta per risarcire il
proprietario se pienamente o in parte per ogni violazione dell’obbligazione del proprietario.


Check if you can become a British citizen
There are different ways to apply for British citizenship (or 'naturalisation) based on your
circumstances. If you're eligible in more than one way you can choose which way to apply.
It might take longer than usual to process applications because of coronavirus (COVID-19). This will
not affect the decision. Extra time will be allowed to enrol biometrics, provide additional
information and arrange a citizenship ceremony. Do not apply by post if you'll need your
documents back by a specific date.
If you've applied for citizenship, you'll need permission to stay in the UK until you're granted
citizenship. Your permission needs to last until you have had your citizenship ceremony. If you have
indefinite leave to remain (ILR) or settled or pre-settled status under the EU Settlement Scheme,
this counts as permission to stay.
The deadline to apply to the EU Settlement Scheme for most people was 30 June 2021. If you did
not apply to the EU Settlement Scheme by the deadline, you might still be able to apply.
Come diventare un cittadino britannico
Ci sono diversi modi per richiedere la cittadinanza britannica (o naturalizzazione) in base alla
propria situazione. Se si è idonei in più di un modo, si può scegliere la maniera in cui candidarsi.
Può richiedere più tempo del previsto l’elaborazione della richiesta a causa del Coronavirus
(COVID-19). Questo non inciderà sull’esito. Sarà permesso maggior tempo per registrare dati
biometrici, fornire informazioni aggiuntive e organizzare una cerimonia di cittadinanza/
giuramento. Non applicarsi via posta se si necessitano i documenti entro una specifica data.
Se si ha richiesto la cittadinanza, servirà un permesso per soggiornare nel Regno Unito fin quando
non si avrà ottenuto una cittadinanza. Il permesso necessita di durare fino a quando non si avrà
celebrato la tua cerimonia di cittadinanza/giuramento. Se si possiede un permesso di soggiorno
permanente o uno status stabilito o preregolato nell’ambito del programma di residenza per i
cittadini europei, questo vale come permesso di soggiorno.
La scadenza per iscriversi al programma di residenza per i cittadini europei per molte persone fu il
30 giugno 2021. Se non si ha presentato la candidatura entro la scadenza, si avrà ancora possibilità
di farlo.

1. Regulation (EU) No 952/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council (23) shall apply in
respect of Union goods referred to in point (23) of Article 5 of that Regulation, where such goods
move from the customs territory of the United Kingdom to the customs territory of the Union, or
vice versa, provided that the movement started before the end of the transition period and ended
thereafter. A movement of goods which has started before the end of the transition period and
ends thereafter shall be treated as an intra-Union movement regarding importation and
exportation licencing requirements in Union law.
2. For the purposes of paragraph 1, the presumption of the customs status of Union goods as
referred to in Article 153(1) of Regulation (EU) No 952/2013 shall not apply. The customs status of
those goods as Union goods, as well as the fact that the movement referred to in paragraph I
started before the end of the transition period, shall need to be proven for every movement by the
person concerned by any of the means referred to in Article 199 of Commission Implementing
Regulation (EU) 2015/2447 (24). The proof of the start of the movement shall be provided by
means of a transport document relating to the goods.

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