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Mid-term Physics Exam.

Second semester 2021-2022

1st year Engineering students
Minia University (Model A) Faculty of Science
Student name: Group No.: Time: 1hr

Answer the following questions

1. A charge of +2 C is at the origin. When charge Q is placed at 2 m along the positive x axis, the
electric field at 2 m along the negative x axis becomes zero. What is the value of Q?
a) -3 C
b) -6 C
c) -7 C
d) -8 C

2. A closed surface contains the following point charges: 6 C, 4 C, –2 C, –4 C. The electric flux
coming out of the surface is:
a) 16 C/o. b) –16 C/o. c) 4 C/o. d) –4 C/o.

3. The constant ke, which appears in Coulomb’s law formula, is equivalent dimensionally to which
of the following?
a) N×m/C b) N/C c) N×m2/C2 d) N/C2

4. The combination of two separated point charges of opposite sign but equal magnitude is called an
a) monopole. b) dipole. c) quadrapole. d) magnapole.

5. The filament of a light hub consists of a piece of tungsten (resistivity of Tungsten ρ= 5.6x10-8 Ω·m)
wire, 5 m long and radius 4 mm. If the current passing through this filament is 5.8x10-3 A ,So the
electric field in the wire is
a) 6.46x10-6 V/m
b) 5.8x10-7 V/m
c) 23 V /m
d) none of all

6. Drift velocity of electrons is due to

a) Motion of conduction electrons due to random collisions.
b) Motion of conduction electrons due to electric field E
c) Repulsion to the conduction electrons due to inner electrons of ions.
d) Collision of conduction electrons with each other.

7. Which of the following statements are true about insulators?

a) Insulators have zero temperature coefficient
b) Insulators have a positive temperature coefficient
c) Insulators have infinite temperature coefficient
d) Insulators have a negative temperature coefficient

8. How long is a wire made of from 100 cm3 of copper if its resistance 8.5 Ω the resistivity of copper ρ= 1.7x10-
5 Ω·m

a) 7.1 m b) 1.7x102 m c) 2.2x102 m d) none of all

9. An electron which moves with a speed of 3.0x104 m/s parallel to a uniform magnetic field of 0.40
T experiences a force of what magnitude? (e = 1.6x 10-19 C)
a) 4.8 x10-14 N
b) 1.9 x 10-15 N
c) 2.2 x 10-24 N
d) zero

10. Where magnetic field lines are denser, the field there is
a) weaker.
b) stronger.
c) Both A and B.
d) Neither A nor B.

11. A proton is released such that it has an initial speed of 4.0x 105 m/s from left to right across the
page. A magnetic field of 1.2 T is present at an angle of 30° to the horizontal direction (or positive
x axis). What is the magnitude of the force experienced by the proton? (qp = 1.6 x10-19 C)
a) 4.8 x 10-25 N
b) 1.3 x 10-19 N
c) 3.8 x 10-14 N
d) 7.5 x 103 N

12. The critical temperature above which a ferromagnetic material loses its residual magnetism is
a) kelvin temperature
b) curie temperature
c) Celsius temperature
d) No answer is valid

13. A long, straight wires carry a current of 8.00 A. At one instant, a proton, 6 mm from the wire
travels at 1800 m/s parallel to the wire and in the same direction as the current. Find the
magnitude of the magnetic force acting on the proton due to the field caused by the current
carrying wire. µ= 4 x 10-7 T m/A
a) 7.66x10-23
b) 7.66x10-20
c) 2.3x10-15
d) 2.3x10-19

14. The force on a charged particle created by its motion in a magnetic field is maximum at what
angle between the particle velocity and field?
a) zero
b) 180°
c) 90°
d) 45°

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