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Professional practice

Project Report

Organizational Culture Impact on

Employee Performance

A.Muzarrif Ahamed
CSD-17 Batch

British College of Applied Studies

(BCAS) Kalmunai
Organizational culture has a profound impact on employee performance. It influences how people
within an organization interact, how decisions are made, and how tasks are completed. It affects
both individual and team performance, job satisfaction, and productivity.

Organizations with a strong and positive culture often have higher levels of performance,
engagement, and satisfaction among both employees and customers. On the other hand, a
negative culture can lead to low productivity, a lack of commitment, and a high turnover rate. This
highlights the importance of organizational culture in achieving organizational success. (bti, 2021)

It is essential for leaders to create an environment that fosters collaboration and encourages
employees to strive for excellence. This includes providing recognition, rewarding effort, and
creating a safe space for open dialogue and problem-solving.

In addition, executives should also focus on developing a culture of trust, respect, and
appreciation. By doing so, organizations can create an environment that is conducive to employee
growth, development, and performance. (Wahjoedi, 2021)
First, I would like to express our sincere gratitude to our supervisor RUMANA NAWAS for the
consistent support of Software Engineering study and related research, for his forbearance,
motivation, and immense knowledge. His guidance was indispensable throughout the project
process, as well as throughout the process of constructing this project. I also thank all the people
who have directly or indirectly helped us in the development of this project.

Last, but not least. I would like to express my grateful acknowledgement to British College of
Applied Studies for offering this opportunity to individuals like myself who is willing to gain
knowledge in IT sector, and also all the staff members who guide student from the beginning of
the program.
Table of content
Abstract ................................................................................................................................................. 2
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ........................................................................................................................... 3
Table of content .................................................................................................................................... 4
Chapter01 .................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Background ..................................................................................................................................... 6
1.3 Aim and objective ........................................................................................................................... 7
Chapter02 .................................................................................................................................................... 8
2.1 what was investigated .................................................................................................................... 8
2.2How was investigated ...................................................................................................................... 9
2.3what was found and interpretation ............................................................................................... 11
Chapter03 .................................................................................................................................................. 12
3.1 Consultation .................................................................................................................................. 12
3.2Recommendation........................................................................................................................... 13
References .................................................................................................................................................. 14
1.1 Introduction
Company culture is powerful: it can impact sales, profits, recruiting efforts and employee morale,
whether positively or negatively. A great company culture attracts people who want to work or do
business with a company. It can inspire employees to be more productive and positive at work
while reducing turnover. (Kuswati, 2020)

It can even act as your best recruiter, attracting qualified candidates who want to work for your
company. It’s easy to see just how important company culture can be.

There are brands doing it famously well, and if you’re wondering how you can too, often a good
place to start is understanding how your company culture impacts your employees.

Positive company culture has the ability to ensure that employees remain satisfied with their jobs
and loyal to the organization. This can be extremely beneficial in a competitive hiring environment.
People are much more interested in signing on (and staying) with a company culture that
promotes flexibility, supports employee development and offers work-life balance. (Kuswati,

Improving employee satisfaction through a strong and supportive company culture can reduce
recruiting, hiring and training expenses while improving morale and increasing profits.
1.2 Background
An organization`s culture defines the proper way to behave within the organization. This culture
consists of shared beliefs and values established by leaders and then communicated and
reinforced through various methods, ultimately shaping employee perceptions, behaviors and
understanding. Because industries and situations vary significantly, there is not a one-size-fits-all
culture template that meets the needs of all organizations. (Satyendra, 2021). A strong culture is
a common denominator among the most successful companies. All have consensus at the top
regarding cultural priorities, and those values focus not on individuals but on the organization and
its goals. Leaders in successful companies live their cultures every day and go out of their way to
communicate their cultural identities to employees as well as prospective new hires. Mergers and
acquisitions are fraught with culture issues. The focus in mergers has shifted away from blending
cultures and has moved toward meeting specific business objectives. Some experts believe that
if the right business plan and agenda are in place during a merger, a strong corporate culture will
develop naturally.
1.3 Aim and objective
An organization's culture defines the proper way to behave within the organization. This culture
consists of shared beliefs and values established by leaders and then communicated and
reinforced through various methods, ultimately shaping employee perceptions, behaviors and
understanding. (bti, 2021)

In a perfect scenario, people build organizations and organizations nourish people. However,
there is no straight jacket formula, and the theory does not apply everywhere. It takes time for
such a culture to sink in and take shape in the form of organizational culture. Yet, as an
organization matures it develops a culture of its own. (Satyendra, 2021)

This, in turn, fuels further development of the organization. However, it completely depends on
the culture whether it would abate or restrict development. In fact, developing an organizational
culture has few objectives and the crux of all these objectives is to further the interest of the
organization and the people working in it.
2.1 what was investigated
Regardless of the organization`s size, most organizations have investigations occurring—whether
as part of a structured and thought-out formal program by trained personnel, or as done on the
front line by managers who hear issues of concern.

Therefore, it is important to identify the current personnel who undertake organizational

investigations and get their input, buy-in, and alignment as you seek to create a formal
organizational investigations program.

Further, organizations should consider any change management needed to move from the
current state to an implemented investigations program with ethics and compliance oversight.

There are several basic steps to undertake as organizations consider and develop an
organizational investigations program: Consider with other key risk-management functions
whether any additional policies or procedures are needed and develop accordingly with any
necessary training modules or implementation support; Schedule a timeline for the
implementation of the investigations framework considering existing investigative activities (and
the input and buy in of those stakeholders) and organizational culture with change management
in mind (AlShehhi, 2021)
2.2How was investigated
The investigation may be carried out by the inquiry panel as a continuance of its work. If additional
expertise for the panel is deemed desirable, the RIO may request additional nominations from the
Faculty Senate Research Committee before appointing new members.

The RIO informs the respondent of the proposed new members for the panel and allows the
respondent 5 working days to object to any of the panel members on grounds of conflict of interest
as outlined in University Procedure: Conducting an Inquiry. The RIO will provide the panel with
an explicit charge for the investigation.

Overall, the panel`s charge is to generate a report that compiles all the information it considers
and makes findings regarding whether research misconduct has occurred. The panel also may
be asked to recommend actions to correct the scientific record or sub-standard research practices
involved in the case, regardless of whether misconduct is found.

The panel examines the appropriate material to determine whether research misconduct has
occurred. The panel provides all necessary information to the respondent in a timely manner to
facilitate the preparation of a response. The respondent has the opportunity to (Tannoury, 2022)

address the charges and evidence in detail at the inception and close of the panel's activities. The
respondent will have the opportunity to provide evidence, request expert witnesses, identify
witnesses directly involved in the case, and be directly interviewed. The panel conducts the
investigation as expeditiously as possible and generally completes it within 120 days. (Wahjoedi,
2021) If the panel determines that the deadline cannot be met, it requests an extension, which
the RIO grants or denies.

If necessary, the Deciding Officer (DO) submits an extension request to the sponsoring agency
regarding this action. When the panel reaches a conclusion regarding the case, it transmits a
preliminary report to the respondent. This report reviews all the information considered and
explains the panel's conclusion. It details the explicit evidence that supports or refutes each
allegation included in the panel's charge.

The report then specifies the panel's conclusion as to whether any of the proven allegations
represent research misconduct. The respondent is allowed 30 days to prepare written comments,
which the panel will consider before it finalizes the report. The panel then submits the completed
report along with the respondent's comments on the preliminary report to the RIO. When there is
more than one respondent, each will receive all parts of the report that are pertinent to their role.
Review the report, reach a finding and determine disciplinary action (if appropriate). The final
Investigation Report is sent to the RIO who has 5 working days to review it and make

The RIO then sends the report and recommendations to the DO who has 15 working days to
review it and decide whether to accept all or part of the panel's recommendations. that no
research misconduct was found; or that research misconduct was committed. A finding of
research misconduct requires that: For those cases that result in a misconduct finding, the
investigation panel may recommend disciplinary action. DO will determine the disciplinary action
within the 15 day review period. letter of reprimand that becomes part of the respondent's
permanent record; salary reduction; rank reduction; or Notify the respondent (within 15 working
days of receiving the report).
2.3what was found and interpretation

It brings together various departments by grouping similar and related jobs under a single specialization.

This establishes coordination between different departments, which leads to unification of effort and
harmony in work. It governs the working of the various departments by defining activities and their
authority relationships in the organizational structure.

Organizing ensures effective role-job-fit for every employee in the organization. It is the process of
organizing groups and sub-divide the various activities and jobs based on the concept of division of labor.
This helps in the completion of maximum work in minimum time ensuring the benefit of specialization.

Organizing is an important means of creating coordination and communication among the various
departments of the organization. Different jobs and positions are interrelated by structural relationship.

Organizing fixes the authority-responsibility among employees.

This brings in clarity and transparency in the organization. When resources are optimally utilized and there
exists a proper division of work among departments and employees, management can multiply its
strength and undertake more activities.
3.1 Consultation
Organizational culture has a significant impact on employee engagement and performance. When
employees feel valued, appreciated, and respected in their workplace, they are more likely to be
engaged and perform higher. Leaders who create a positive culture, promote collaboration, and
foster trust among employees can increase employee engagement and performance. When
employees are engaged, organizations are more likely to achieve their goals, be more productive
and efficient, and increase profitability.

positively on the performance of the employees who work in the selected multinational
managements of the corporations according to each of the cultural values.

The one who takes the initiative in decision making and assigning task and responsibility clearly
all the employees in targeted corporations,

this is for the purpose to let everyone get to knowing line with the appropriate working cultures
should be provided for both current and newly but job obligations also have to be explained
thoroughly to the employees to reduce their sense From the interpreted result,

the five multinational corporations are showing a Some personal responsibilities can be assigned
to the employees instead of group work.

Frankly speaking, individualism working culture will generate positive competition among the
employees, and this will stimulate their sense of creativity and multinational corporations.

Leaders or managers are recommended to nurture a sense of ambition in the mindset of

employees at work.

Employees who show a high level of ambition and assertiveness will have a good performance
at work and this is supposed to be rewarded to ensure the long-term achievement of one

Mentioned above, employees` performance can be enhanced better than what has expected, as
management level should adhere to or strengthened the current culture in the workplace to yield
There are also some recommendations to be given for future researchers who are interested to
working satisfaction, employees` retention
AlShehhi, N. (2021, march 06). The effect of organizational culture on the
performance of UAE organizations. Retrieved from tandfonline:
PERFORMANCE. Retrieved from researchkey:
Kuswati. (2020). Budapest International Research and Critics Institute-Journal
(BIRCI-Journal). Retrieved from bircu-journal: https://www.bircu-
Satyendra. (2021, november 6). Impact of Organizational Culture on Employee
Performance. Retrieved from ispatguru:
Tannoury, J. (2022, October 13). The Impact of Culture on Employees’ Performance.
Retrieved from
Wahjoedi, T. (2021, january). The effect of organizational culture on employee
performance mediated by job satisfaction and work motivation. Retrieved
from reserch :

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