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I think the scene that really stands out to me is the scene where Nina watches

Mila Kunis’s character dance and the scene where we meet her character. There’s so
much written on Nina's face. Jealousy, envy, fear, and even a little attraction. The
character Lily is very outgoing, she’s flirtatious and very mysterious. It makes this
allure that is very seductive in ways that aren’t sexual. She’s an amazing dancer and
she’s also stunning. I think it leaves a lot of questions and you can see that running
through Nina's head.
This new girl was just brought into the company and she has a great reputation,
she’s already really well liked and she’s incredibly talented. That’s every company
dancer's worst nightmare. It’s like a new threat to your whole routine. Dancers are
very territorial and they don’t like to make room for competition-especially good
competition. Some dancers thrive off of it while others crash and burn. That’s another
lesson to be learned in ballet. There’s always gonna be someone out there better than
you. The sooner you realize it, the easier it is to focus on your own growth as a dancer.
Then you win.
Some people could say Lily was the antagonist- some say she was totally made
up by Nina. There are a lot of theories about her character and her purpose in the
film. It’s a very open story and it’s all up in the air. She’s just as much a mystery as
Lily had a feist and a power that Nina always had but she never unleashed it. I get
why she waited so long…it did kill her.
Lily’s character was a big motivator for Nina to push herself to that level and
show the dancer she really was. She did a lot more for Nina than I think the writers
planned for her to do and they picked the right actress to play her. Mila brought
something to the character that I can’t really explain, it was just perfect. Her
chemistry with Portman was also amazing and they had such a good energy
throughout the film-no matter what the scene or mood was.
Dance is a very beautiful art form and there are certain movements that can
literally bring people to tears. It can do something to the human brain-whether you’re
dancing or watching someone dance. Some people are natural dancers and they have a
way of making people watch them. They don’t have to work as hard or practice as
much as the people that don’t have that natural ability. Lily had that natural ability.
Nina did not. .

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