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6’10” 6’10” Solution: Part 1

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After reviewing the evidence, I have come to the conclusion that the murderer was Mr. Green in
the (name the room where Mrs. White was shot) with the revolver.
I have come to the conclusion based upon the following evidence:
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Mr. Green had the means:
• The gun used in the shooting was a part of the gun collection at Mystery Manor. The locked
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cabinet was not damaged and showed no signs of forced entry. Thus, the cabinet must have been
unlocked by the key that was found on the victim, Mrs. White. If you recall, Mr. Green knelt
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over his mother when she was shot, which would have been an opportune time for Mr. Green to
slip the key back into her apron, where it was found.
• Furthermore, neither the gun nor the key have visible fingerprints on them, this would lead us
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to believe that the murderer must be wearing gloves. If you will recall, Mr. Green was wearing at
the beginning of the night.
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Mr. Green was identified by Mr. Boddy:
- Mr. Boddy’s last letter of correspondence (Exhibit C) indicated the murderer is the person who
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had the most to financially gain from Mr. Boddy’s death.
• The signature on the letter matches the signature on the will, indicating the letter is a legitimate
and viable source.
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- While multiple people had much to gain in inheritance, the will stated that if a male heir exist-
ed, he would be the sole beneficiary of the Boddy Estate.
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- Mr. Green IS Mr. Boddy’s male heir.
I came to this conclusion based on the following findings:
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• By examining Exhibit F, which includes Mrs. White and Wadsworth’s work permit and Mr.
Green’s birth certificate, we see that Wadsworth would not have started working at Mystery
Manor when Mrs. White conceived Mr. Green. Furthermore, the work permits indicate that
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Mrs. White, herself, would have just arrived at Mystery Manor. Coming from France, Mrs.
White would have only been in contact with Mr. Boddy and his uncle Theodore, who was too
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old to father any children and was also on his deathbed.
• Additionally, the evidence suggests that Mr. Boddy went to great lengths to protect the secret
affair and his illegitimate son. Upon examining the birth certificate, you will see where the
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father’s name on the birth certificate does not match the typeface of the rest of the document,
showing that this document must have been altered – another red flag that Wadsworth is not
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the father of the child.
• This leaves us with to conclude that Mr. Green found out the truth about his biological father
and killed out of resentment. He then killed again, the only person who also knew the truth, his
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own mother, to save any inheritance that he might reap. As stated in the will, Mr. Green was
entitled to a pension at the very least and the whole estate at the most. If Mr. Green was found
guilty, he would not receive anything.
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©2019 Night of Mystery,
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6’10” 6’10” Solution: Part 2

(To be read by Professor Plum after Officer Indigo has revealed the killer.)
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As his lawyer, I was asked to deliver a letter upon his death to his only son. I was a bit confused by
this as until this night, I was under the impression that Mr. Boddy had not fathered any sons, but I
will read the letter of explanation aloud to you, so that you can hear it before being taken into custody.
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It reads:

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To my son,
6’2” 6’2”I assume that if you are reading this, that I am long gone. This is not how I had most
wanted to lead my life and for you to find out who your true father is, but it is what your
mother and I had thought best at the time.
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I had always wanted a male heir to pass along my father’s name. It was with great
sadness that Mystery Manor went under another name for so long.
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It was not my intention to father children with your mother. Rather, you are the
result of a short-lived and spontaneous affair between us. Mrs. White had just settled
into Mystery Manor from another country and knew no one and I was in the middle of
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a separation and the death of my uncle.
When we found out that Mrs. White was pregnant, she was already in love with
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Wadsworth, the man you have been calling father for all of these years. Mrs. White and
I thought it in everyone’s best interest to keep our affair a secret. We did not want to
hurt Wadsworth or the woman I was involved with at the time, Mrs. Peacock.
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I went on to marry Mrs. Peacock, as you know, and we had our beautiful daughter—
Miss Scarlet. You can see for obvious reasons why we both (Mrs. White and I) loved
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the fact that you got along so well with her, but did not condone you having a romantic
relationship with her.
5’0” 5’0”After having Miss Scarlet, Mrs. Peacock lost any drive to have any more children.
Mrs. Peacock then secretly underwent surgery and had her tubes tied without my
knowledge. It was only upon my stumbling across her medical records recently that I,
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myself, found out that she had betrayed me so and started the process of divorce.
Once I found out that I was never going to have another son, I knew that I would
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have to tell you the truth so that I could finally have my male heir. Again, I did not want
to disrupt your life, and your mother begged and pleaded with me not to. So I have
waited until the last moment possible, that being my death, and have instructed my
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lawyer to give you this letter upon that occasion.
I hope that you will forgive my mistakes in life and take upon your true name. If you
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will, as the will states, Mystery Manor and everything is left to you, barring you are not
the cause of my death.
Your true and regretful father,
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Mr. Boddy
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©2019 Night of Mystery,

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