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Advantages of sponsorships:

1. Sponsorship can be very beneficial to athletes and sportsmen.

Topic sentence: Sponsorships can be very beneficial to athletes who do not have
means/money/finances, especially those coming from third world countries.

 Sponsorships provides many facilities to a sportsman.

 It also provides insurance.
 Sponsorship liberates the sportsman from financial worries so the athlete can
concentrate on his training and his performance improves.
 He is motivated to perform better and work harder and can even join
prestigious teams and earn a lot of money.

2. Builds tolerance.

 Spectators who attend a sporting event learn about the culture of the host
 The participants also meet other participants.
 The participants learn about multiculturalism.

3. Creation of jobs.

 Example: The next World Cup is on four years’ time, but Canada, Mexico and
America have already started preparing for the event.
 Many jobs are created for the local people.
 The more sponsorship there is, the more construction takes places,
increasing job opportunities.
 Many people in the hospitality sector are getting jobs including people in the
entertainment section (such as singers and dancers).

 There is a huge influx of economic activity taking place.

 The direct beneficiary of all these professional activities has a direct impact
on the economy of the country.
 It boosts/lifts the economy.
 There is a lot of foreign currency which enters the country.
 The food industry, for example, directly benefits from that and makes huge
 The government benefits from direct and indirect taxation on all these

4. Tourism.

 Boosts tourism
 During the World Come in South Africa, many spectators when to visit
Mandela center in Jonesburg.
 Others went to the prison where Nelson Mandela was locked. And those
interested in Nature went to Table Mountain in Cape Town.

Disadvantages of sponsorships:

1. Sponsoring an international sporting event can be very expensive.

 Sponsorship does not cover 100% of the cost.

 At times, there are no sponsors at all, or they give very little. The money may not be
 Therefore, the host country must borrow money from outside to make their event
become a success because it is a question of honor/prestige for them. The host
country cannot be considered to be a failure.
 Example: When South Africa was hosting the games, the country represented the
whole continent of Africa. If South Africa would have failed, the whole would have
said that the whole continent failed. So, matter what the expenses were, South
Africa found the money by borrowing money and taking loans.

2. Sponsorship has commercialised sports.

 Sponsors want to have profits, so everything is done in terms of money.

 The original purpose of sports is to provide healthy entertainment, but this objective
is lost completely because everyone thinks in terms of money.

3. The performer is also exploited by the sponsors for their own benefits.

 The sponsors can be very demanding.

 The sponsees must be at the disposal of the sponsors 24 hours a day, even at odd
 They have to shoot clips, advertisements, whether they like it or not and appear on
certain interviews or television programs to promote goods.
 The disadvantage is that sponsorship interfere with their training time.
 It is as if they are enslaved by their sponsors for just a few dollars. They are degraded
and have to oblige, or their sponsorship will be withdrawn.

4. Sponsorship can lead to stress and demotivation.

 It is as if the sword of Damocles because at any time the player’s sponsorship may be
 If the player does not perform well, his sponsorship may be taken away from him.
 ??? (missed)
5. Sponsorship can also have a harmful effect on spectators if the
advertised product is bad for health.

 Example: Footballer Pelé advertised Pepsi, but it contains sugar and has a lot of side
 Some fans idolise their players and follow them blindly.
 Considering them as role models, they have a blind admiration for them and provide
“likes” to these players.
 Example: Footballer Mendy was involved in 7 rapes.
 Other advertisements are made by cigarette and beer companies, and these are

6. Sponsorship may also create ???

 On one hand, they may give a huge sponsorship to one team but a smaller one does
not get the same.
 A player like Ronaldo gets a lot of sponsorships but a young player may not get any
sponsorships at all.
 So, the talents may not be exploited, and this leads to frustration and a sense of

7. A violation of human rights.

 Workers are exploited since they have to work overtime and are not played properly
or at all.
 Example: In Qatar, foreign workers from Nepal were exploited, not paid and some
even died.
 Also leads to displacement. In democratic countries, these people are given
 But in totalitarian countries like China this is not the case.
 Example: In the 2018 Olympic Games in China, 1.5 million people had been evicted
from their houses simply because the government needed infrastructure.
 Example: During the Atlanta Games, 15,000 people lost their residencies.

8. Causes pollution.

 During a major sporting event, there is a lot of pollution.

 The huge crowds destroy roads, natural parks and other spots.
 Litter is thrown everywhere (cigarette buds, beer cans, plastic bottles…etc.)
 There is a lot of destruction. At times properties are damaged.

9. The infrastructure can be considered to be a waste of money.

 Sponsors donate money for stadiums to be constructed and infrastructure to be

 But after the event these stadiums and infrastructure are not used.
 There are many maintenance costs.
 In the stadiums, the grass is overgrown, weeds have grown and some of the steel
installations become rusty since the facilities are not used at all.
 So many people consider the infrastructure to be a waste of resources, time and
energy (a while elephant).

10. There is a huge financial cost to security.

 Security must be provided. There must be police officers, cameras, helicopters.

 Drunk supporters cause disturbances and quarrel with others of the opposing teams,
and they may be armed.
 There may be terrorist attacks.
 The Olympic Games were disturbed by Palestinian terrorists.
 During the Boston marathon, there was a terrorist attack.
 there can also be acts of violence due to racism, hooliganism and xenophobia.
 People lost their lives during such incidents.

11. There is a lot of corruption.

 Example: Qatar.

Does the private sector have any role to play in the development in your country.

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