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Unit No 1

1. What is Computer Security & its need ?

2. Explain Security Basics in detail. OR Describe CIA security model?
3. Explain risk & threat analysis w.r.t.
(i) Assets, (ii) Threats, (iii) Vulnerabilities
4. Describe Insiders & Intruders. Who is more dangerous ?
5. What is a virus ? Describe various phases of virus?
6. Define virus. Explain atleast 5 types of viruses?
7. Describe with the neat diagram model for security?
8. Describe the following term :
(i) Sniffing
(ii) Spoofing
(iii) Man-in-the middle
(iv) TCP/IP Hijack
9. State the types of attacks and describe Active and Passive attack with at least one
example each?
10. List types of attacks. Explain back doors and trap doors attacks?

Unit No 2

1. Explain the following term w.r to security

a. Identification
b. Authentication
2. Describe Password Attack in Detail?
3. What is Biometric Access Control ? Explain With dig ?
4. Enlist types of Biometrics? Explain any 2?
5. Explain Principal of Access Control?
6. Describe following Access Control policies in detail.
i)DAC ii)MAC iii)RBAC
Unit No 3

1. Explain the following term

a. Plain Text
b. Cipher Text
c. Cryptography
d. Cryptanalysis
e. Cryptology
2. Explain Substitution and Transposition Techniques?
3. List the application ,Characteristics and Need of cryptography?
4. Convert plain Text into Cipher Text using Caeser’s technique: WELCOME
5. Convert plain Text into Cipher Text Using Columnar Techniques: NETWORK
6. Compare Substitution Technique And Transposition Techniques?
7. Distinguish Between Symmetric Key Cryptography And Asymmetric key
8. Describe Stegnography With Its Advantages And Disadvantages ?
9. Describe DES Algorithm?List the Steps of DES Algorithm?
10.Describe Digital Signature With Its Block Diagram? List Any two Advantages
And Disadvantages?

Unit No.4

1. Define Firewall?
2. State the working of Firewall ? State the needs ?
3. List and Describe different types of firewall with its advantages and
disadvantages ?
4. List charateristics of firewall?
5. Describe various firewall policies ?
6. Stste different rule set of firewall ?
7. List and Describe different firewall configuration with the help of
sketch ?
8. State the Limitations of Firewall?
9. Describe DMZ in detail with the help of Dig?
10.Define IDS ?
11.Difference Between NIDS And HIDS ?
12.Describe HIDS Components with labelled Dig ?
13.Describe NIDS Components With Labelled Dig ?
14.Describe Honeypots with their types .List its advantages and
15.State the following terms
i. Vulnerability Assesment
ii. Anomaly Detection
iii. Misuse Detection

Unit No 5
1. Describe Kerberos with their usages?
2. Describe IPsec Security with the help of sketch ?
3. Describe Email Security with their techniques ?
4. Describe in brief cyber crime ?
5. List and Describe different types of cyber crime ?
6. Describe cyber laws with their categories ?
7. Describe Compliance Standard in detail ?
8. List and Describe different types of cybercrime?
9. Describe ISO 27001?
10.Describe ISO 20000?
11.Describe COBIT framework with the help of sketch ?
12.What is Pornography?
13.What is IPsec? Draw and Explain the AH format of IPsec?
14.Give IPsec Configuration.Describe AH And ESP modes of IPsec ?

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