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Ingundukazi Magazine- For The Culture Questionnaire Form.


What is your name? : Camilla Odendaal

What do you prefer to do in your spare time?: In my spare time I’m either wondering around in
nature for inspiration or educating myself on conservation projects happening in and around

Anything you want the readers to know about you?: I’m a quiet person. I tend to listen more to
others around me and observe my surroundings.

Do you have an alias (pen name)? If so what inspired it? : N/A

Where are you based? : Harare, Zimbabwe.

How old are you? : I’m twenty four years old.

What type of art do you do and why? : My artwork is centered around Wildlife, with an emphasis
on movement. The inspiration behind a lot of my paintings is conservation and awareness of the
animals I portray in them. With continuous threats of habitat destruction, poaching, wildlife
trading and human-wildlife conflict I feel this is how I can do my part.

How long have you been doing it? : I’m in my second year of being a full time artist.

What message do you want your audience to carry with them? : When people see my work I
hope they get a feeling of connection. Many of us have become detached from nature and the
value it holds. The message I try to put across is preservation of our natural surroundings and
all those who inhabit it.

Do you ever find yourself caught in a block of no inspiration? How do you get over it? : I seldom
get the ‘artist block’, but when I do, a quick trip to the bush for inspiration does the trick!

What advice would you give to anyone else who is in the same field as you? : I’d say that
practice doesn’t make perfect. But you’ll be better than you were yesterday, so don’t give up!

What's your favourite piece? : A piece titled ‘The Matriarchs’.

Any plans for the near future? : I’m planning on having more exhibitions and donating many of
my sales towards conservation in Zimbabwe.

What are your social media handles? : Facebook: Camilla Odendaal Art
How long have you been doing it? : I’m in my second year of being a full time artist.

What type of art do you do and why? : My artwork is centered around Wildlife, with an emphasis
on movement. The inspiration behind a lot of my paintings is conservation and awareness of the
animals I portray in them. With continuous threats of habitat destruction, poaching, wildlife
trading and human-wildlife conflict I feel this is how I can do my part.

How old are you? : I’m twenty four years old.

Where are you based? : Harare, Zimbabwe.

Do you have an alias (pen name)? If so what inspired it? : N/A

Anything you want the readers to know about you?: I’m a quiet person. I tend to listen more to
others around me and observe my surroundings.

What do you prefer to do in your spare time?: In my spare time I’m either wondering around in
nature for inspiration or educating myself on conservation projects happening in and around

What is your name? : Camilla Odendaal


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