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(1) (a)
(i) Voltmeter (1)
(ii) To adjust the current flowing in the circuit (1)

(i) Ammeter Y (1)
(ii) Ammeter Y has sensitivity 0.05 A whereas ammeter X has sensitivity 0.1A

Total : 4 marks

(i) Expansion (1)
(ii) It is sensitive to small change in temperature (1)

(i) difference in length of mercury = 22.6 – 2.6 = 20.0 cm (1)
(ii) temperature of hot water = (100/20.0) x 14.3 (1)
= 71.5 OC ( correct unit is MUST) (1)
Total : 5 marks

(a) longitudinal wave (1)
(b) constructive interference (1)
(c) Use formula λ = ax/D

a = 1.5 m, D = 10.0m, x = 4.0m

λ = (1.5 x 4.0)/10.0 (1)

= 0.6 m (correct unit is MUST) (1)
(d)(i) Decreases (1)
(ii) Because when frequency increases, wavelength decreases. From the
formula x = (λD)/a, x decreases when wavelength decreases. (1)

Total : 6 marks

(a) Ratchet (1)
(b) To exert correct amount of pressure on the object being measured (1)
(c) 0.01 mm / 0.001 cm (1)
(d) ± 0.01 mm / ± 0.001 cm (1)

(i) 1.37 mm / 0.137 cm (1)
(ii) Corrected reading = 1.37 – (-0.05) (1)
= 1.42 mm (1)

Total : 7 marks

(a) Periscope (1)
(i) Second prism is correctly drwan. (1)

(ii) Total internal reflection will occur (1)

(i) Light ray is correctly drawn to show how it is reflected and finally enter the
eye of the observer ( refer diagram ) (1)
(ii) Uprigtht/virtual (1)

(d) Use formula n = 1/sinc

sin c = 1/n
sinc = 1/1.52 (1)

c = 41.14O (2)

Total : 8 marks

(a) Speed : rate of distance travelled / distance travelled in one second (1)

(i) 1 : Before air is blown : pressure at the upper part of paper is higher.
Before lorry moves : pressure at the upper part of the canopy is higher

2 : When air is blown : speed at the upper part of the paper increases
When lorry moves : speed at the upper part of the canopy increases
(ii) Air pressure at below the paper is higher than air pressure above the
paper (1)
(iii) When speed increases, air pressure decreases (1)

(c) Bernoulli’s principle (1)

(i) Speed of air at P is higher than speed of air at Q (1)
(ii) Water level is correctly marked ( refer diagram below ) (1)

Total : 8 marks

(i) In diagram 7.2, the distance of hand movement is more than the distance
of hand movement in diagram 7.1 (1)
(ii) Work done in diagram 7.2 is greater than work done in diagram 7.1 (1)
(iii) Work done, W = EP = mgh = Fx
= 30 x 0.5 (2)
= 15 J ( correct unit is MUST ) (2)
(i) Distance of projection increases as energy gained increases (1)
(ii) Principle of conservation of energy (1)

(i) Falling time increases (1)
(ii) Large mass, acceleration decreases (1)

Total : 10 marks

(a) Kinetic energy = ½ mv2
= ½ x 600 x 152
= 67,500 J (1)

Potential energy = mgh

= 600 x 10 x 5
= 30,000 J (1)

Total energy at point A = 67,500 + 30,000

= 97,500 J (2)

(b) Potential energy at point D = 600 x 10 x 15

= 90,000 J (1)
Kinetic energy at point D = 97,500 – 90,000
= 7,500 J (1)

Kinetic energy, EK = ½ mv2

v = (2Ek/m)1/2

v = [(2 x 7500)/600]1/2 (1)

v = 5 ms-1 (1)

(c) Potential energy at point E = 600 x 10 x 3 = 18, 000 J (1)

Total energy of the system = 97, 500 J (1)

Kinetic energy at point E = 97,500 – 18,000 = 79,500 J (2)

* For (a), (b) and (c) : correct unit is MUST

Total : 12 marks


SECTION B (Answer any one question)


(a) Impulse : change of momentum (1)

(b) Car will be seroiusly damaged (1)
Driver will be thrown forward (1)
Car will be exerted by large impulsive force (1)
(c) The driver in diagram 9(a) tightened the seat belt (1)
It hold the body of the driver when the car involved in accident and
lengthen the time of impact (1)
(d) Broad safety belt : exert less pressure (2)
Lengthen slightly : increases time of impact, decreases impulsive force (2)
- Install air bag (1) : inflated air bag increases time of impact and reduces
impulsive force (1)
- Install safety belt (1) : hold the body of driver due to inertia (1)
- Install windscreen (1) : protection for driver and passengers from debris
and rollover (1)
- Install side mirrors (1) : driver can see the the surrounding situation (1)
- Install front bumper (1) : to absorb impact during collision and reduces
the impulsive force (1)
# other suitable and logic answers are also accepted, marks are given to any five
pairs correct anwers.


(a) Momentum : product of mass and velocity (1)

(b) Hand of the karetato and pestle move very fast/high velocity (1)
It makes the time of impact between respective surfaces shorter (1)
Both case, large forces are produced (1)
Above situations relate to the concept of impulsive force (1)
(c) Action force and reaction force have same magnitude but opposite
direction (1)

(d) Moving bullet has momentum to right (1)
Momentum to left is produced (1)
Momentum to left makes gun to recoil (1)
• Buil it in an aerodynamic shape (1), reduces air resistance and
rise in temperature (1)
• Smooth surface (1), reduces friction and rise in temprature (1)
• Made of material resistant to high temperature (1), reduce
transmission of heat to the shuttle (1)

•Install air-conditioning system (1), reduces rise temperature (1)

•Install parachute for landing (1), reduces impulsive force (1)
•Install a big air-bag to cushion the landing on land (1), reduces
impulsive force
# Other suitable and logic answers are also accepted. Marks are given to any 5
pairs correct answers.


SECTION C(Answer any one question)

(a) Specific latent heat of vapourisation : Amount of heat energy needed
when 1 kg substance of liquid state changes to gaseous state at
constant temperature. (1)

• Under rotating fan, rate of evaporation increases. (1)

• Evaporation is endothermic process where heat energy is absorbed(1)
• Therefore, body’s temperature drops and fell cool (2)

• Water molecules on the surfae layer evaporate(1)
• Specific latent heat of vapourasation is absorbed, heat loss (1)
• Average kinetic energy of the water’s molecules decreases (1)
• Temperature of an object depends on average kinetic energy (1)
• Therefore, temperature drops and feel cool (1)

(c)(i) Use formula, Q = ml

Q = Pt =ml

l = Pt/m = (100x2.6x60)/0.05 (1)

= 312,000 Jkg-1 (with correct unit) (1)

(ii) Use formula, Q = mcΔθ
Q = Pt

c = Pt/mΔθ

Δθ = 140 OC (with correct unit) (1)

c = (100x1.2x60)/(0.05x140) (1)
= 1028.6 Jkg-1OC-1 (with correct unit) (1)

• Number of fin blade : Must have enough number of fin blade, increases
the rate of heat dissipation (1/1)
• Size of fan : Big size fan, produces stronger wind, increases rate of heat
dissipation (1/1)
• Boiling point : cooling liquid has high boiling point, it will not become hot
quickly (1/1)

• Sepcific heat capacity : Cooling liquid has smaller value of specific heat
capacity, conduct heat faster (1/1)
• Most suitable car radiator is R (1) because it has enough number of fin
blade, big size fan, high boiling point and moderate value of specific heat
capacity. (1)


(a) Difference potential or voltage across a conductor is directly proportional

to the current flowing in it (1)

V = IR , where V = volatge, I = electric current and R = resistance (1)

Resistance is defined ratio between potential difference and electric

current (1)

R =V/I (1)

Material T is suitable to be used as heating element because
• Small diameter (2)
• High melting point, it is not molten easily (2)
• High resistance (2)

• Cross-sectional diameter of the wire : Diameter increases,
resistance decreases (2)
• Length of the wire : length increases, resistance increases (2)
• Type of material used to make the wire : different materials,
different resistance (2)
• Temperature : normally, when temperature increases, resistance
increases (2)

(d) Ohm’s law, V = IR

V = 0.2 x 22.5 (1)

V = 4.5 V (with correct unit) (1)


Section A = 60 marks
Section B = 20 marks
Section C = 20 marks
Grand total marks for this paper = 100 marks

Prepared by : Lau Pee Choong


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