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Assignment Brief

Submission Deadline Marks and Feedback

Before 10am on: 20 working days after deadline (L4, 5 and 7)
15 working days after deadline (L6)
Click or tap to enter a date. 10 working days after deadline (block delivery)

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Key assignment details

Unit title & code Business Project BSS073-3
Assignment number and title Assignment 1
Assignment type Written Report
Weighting of assignment 40%
Size or length of assessment 2,400
Unit learning outcomes 1. Demonstrate knowledge of academic theories and concepts from a variety of disciplines in order to
investigate, understand and explain business issues so as to aid decision making.
2. Work collaboratively and individually to analyse variety of real business projects to explore
business issues and develop appropriate proposals for open-ended and complex business

What am I required to do in this assignment?

This is an individual assessment. The submission must be individual and distinct from the rest of your group although the use of
shared appendices is permitted.

You are required to produce a business report of a quality appropriate for presentation to a senior manager of no more than
2,000 words (with an additional 400 word reflection and excluding appendices).

The report is a critical examination and evaluation of a UK industry in the light of the impact of climate-change on the UK
business environment and market. Your industry will be assigned by the Unit tutor.

You will work in groups of 3-5 to:

 Define a detailed project plan which defines roles, responsibilities and tasks by group member, timeline of the project,
risks and mitigation actions and the nature of the expected deliverable – this should be included as Appendix A
 A reflection of 400 words which considers the project process, challenges encountered and actions taken to overcome
or avoid issues with the application of a reflective model – this should be included as Appendix B
 Develop a detailed understanding of the nature of your chosen industry

 Use academic theories to assist the development and evaluation of the key climate-change issues facing the industry
 Summarise your findings in a detailed, supported by analysis and evidence, concise and clear identification of
important issues in relation to climate change and related risks facing the industry, leading to your reasoned evaluation
of the outlook for the industry in the light of ongoing climate change.

The emphasis of this project will be on developing and demonstrating your ability to manage the project and produce a
comprehensive report.

What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)

Structure a complex project in which you use academically derived concepts to inform an analysis and understanding of the key
issues in a portfolio.

How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?

We will be filling this section in together in class on Click or tap to enter a date. make sure you have downloaded/printed out the
Assignment Brief and bring it to the session with you.

How does this assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?
All scheduled sessions will be dedicated to working on tasks related to the completion of your group projects which will feed
into the writing of the individual report. You will be asked to present your progress as a group, initial findings and analysis
as well as completing activities aimed at helping plan and run the project effectively.

How will my assignment be marked?

Your assignment will be marked according to the threshold expectations and the criteria on the following page.

You can use them to evaluate your own work and consider your grade before you submit.

70%+ (Ist Class) 60-69% (2:1) 50-59% (2:2) 40-49% (3rd 30-39% (Fail) 0-29% (Fail)
The project is The project is The project is The project is The project is There is a poor or
completed. A completed. A completed the completed but partially complete mostly
structure for the structure is structure will be the project with some incomplete
project has been developed or standard and not structure may not significant errors attempt at a
1 Project design
designed and adapted that is specifically follow a and/or omissions project structure
logically develops suitable for this designed for the systematic and may not with major errors
the investigation specific project. project.. process to follow a and omissions.
and the completion. systematic
recommendations. process to
an excellent a good reflection There is a There is a There is an There is an
reflection on the on the project reflection on the reflection on the irrelevant irrelevant
project included included with project but lacking project but reflection or reflection or
with real insight some insight into in detail or scope. mostly descriptive missing reflection. missing reflection.
2 Reflection
into the project the project Partial or limited rather than No application of No application of
process. process. application of one reflective. a reflective model. a reflective
Application of at Application of at reflective model. Attempted model.
least one least one application of one
reflective model reflective model reflective model.
that yields useful that yields some
results. results.
Selection of Selection of Selection of Selection of Poor or No use of
frameworks is frameworks is frameworks is. frameworks is inappropriate appropriate
entirely appropriate. Frameworks are appropriate. selection of frameworks or
appropriate. Frameworks are applied in the Some errors in frameworks with extremely poor
Selection shows applied in the correct manner the application of limited attempt at
understanding of correct manner according to their frameworks are applicability to the application which
their strengths according to their design. shown. situation at hand. fails to elicit any
and weaknesses design and their Effective use of Some use of Major errors of useful output.
and the usage leads to academic academic understanding No use of
3 Academic application insight. literature and literature and and/or application academic
underpinning reflects this. Very good use of conceptual conceptual of frameworks. literature and
from frameworks Frameworks are academic models. models. Limited use of conceptual
and literature. applied in the literature strong academic models.
correct manner application of literature and
(30%) according to their conceptual conceptual
design and their models. models.
usage leads to
Excellent use of
literature with
effective use of
4 Reasoned Evaluation stems Evaluation is Evaluation is There is evidence Evaluation is only Little to no
evaluation of the from rigorous drawn from the drawn from the that the tenuously attempt to
chosen industry. analysis that analysis and will analysis but are evaluation is connected to generate any
examines the show differing likely to be derived from the analysis or appear evaluation with
(30%) project perspectives in obvious or analysis and are to be mostly no connection to
specification from the analysis. generic. not solely drawn statements analysis.
different from opinion. without
perspectives. justification or
Excellent Material is well Some Some Presentation is Presentation and
organisation and organised and inconsistencies in inconsistencies in inconsistent structure are
presentation of presented. Good presentation of presentation of and/or of a poor haphazard with
material. Excellent style. Well material. Good material. Style standard. Poor little logical flow
5 Structure, style. Excellently expressed with style. Satisfactorily inappropriate in attempt at and major and
presentation, expressed with very few mistakes expressed but places. Weakly referencing with frequent errors
referencing, perfect grammar in grammar and several mistakes expressed with omissions and and omissions in
spelling and and spelling. All spelling. Almost all in grammar and mistakes in errors. referencing and
grammar. references are references are spelling. Most grammar and spelling/grammar.
correctly cited correct, both in references are spelling. A
both in text and in text and in the correct in text, reasonable
the Reference Reference section. with appropriate attempt with
section. page numbers and several errors
listed in the both in text and
Reference section. in the References

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