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The University of the West Indies

Open Campus Grenada

EDLM2002 Strategic Planning for Education Leaders & Managers

Structured Paper

Semester One: 2017-2018

Prepared for:

Course Coordinator: Mr. Roydom Rampersad

Prepared by: Dainelle James

Registration Number: 315100519

Date of Submission: Sunday November 5, 2017


Undergraduate Coursework Accountability Statement (To be completed by student)

1. I hereby certify that I am the author of the attached item of coursework and that all

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3. I certify that this paper contains no plagiarized material.

4. I certify that this is my own work and that I did not receive any unfair assistance from

others (including unauthorized collaboration) in its preparation.

5. I certify that this paper has not previously been submitted either in its entirety or in part

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6. In the case of group work:

a. I certify that the individual work of each member of the group has been clearly indicated;

b. that where no such indication has been given, I take the responsibility for the work as if it

were the section of the paper for which I am solely responsible; and

c. that I have not collaborated with any members of the group to breach the University’s


Signature: Dainelle James

Date: Monday November 5, 2017

Communicating the Final Strategic Plan for the T.A. Marryshow Community College


The T.A. Marryshow Community College (TAMCC) is the principal national provider of

tertiary level training and human resource development in the Tri-Island State of Grenada. Its

aim is to be at the forefront of community development throughout the nation. Therefore, a

strategic plan was developed to adequately ensure students’ success and institutional

advancement. This will be accomplished through the development of institutional strategic goals,

objectives and communication. Strategic goals are important because they give direction to

accomplishing the mission and strategic objectives are the means of achieving or moving toward

the strategic goal. Both of which needs to be clearly communicated as the success of the strategic

plan will depend on making the implementation plan operational to improve internal and external

communications. Communicating the action plan wins stakeholders support and can allay any

fears or threats the implementation of the plan may cause. In this light, internal and external

stakeholders can be highly motivated and can become powerful drivers to help achieve and

sustain positive change at the institution. This structured paper therefore presents the

communication plan for the College’s strategic plan.

Strategic Goals and objectives

Goal: To institute a culture of quality management.


1. Strengthen the curriculum development and review system.

2. Increase application of learner centered institutional strategies

Goal: Enhance the capacity of the college to efficiently improve teaching, learning and

administration by upgrading the facilities and infrastructure of the college.


1. Expand campus facilities in the sister island of Carriacou and St. Patrick’s Parish to

accommodate a minimum 3000 full-time students at all campuses

2. Rehabilitate Carriacou Campus for face-to-face instruction and expand on-line and video-

conference Distance Education capacity

Goal: Social, economic and cultural development of Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique:

Increase the student enrolment in courses and programmes which have the potential to contribute

to the social, economic and cultural development of Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique.


1. Broaden target clientele for College Programmes beyond secondary schools graduates

and school leaving group.

2. Improve financial and social supports for students.

Communication Strategy

Communications Objectives and Principle

To effectively communicate TAMCC’S Strategic Plan with internal and external stakeholders


Internal: Pupils, teachers, support staff, leadership

External: Parents, faith organizations, voluntary organizations, financial institutions, donors, other agencies

Internal Communication Responsibility How & Why Frequency

Full staff meetings Senior The principal calls a full staff Monthly

Management meeting to introduce, explain

Team and discuss the strategic plan.

This will encourage Q & A on

the part of employees and

reinforces the principal’s

commitment to the plan.

Department Meetings Department Department heads will hold As required

Heads departmental meetings to

communicate workers’ role in

the process. Thereafter, meetings

will be held with the Strategic

Planning Coordinating

Committee to provide feedback

on meetings. This shows

commitment from department

heads and helps relate the plan to

everyday work.

Special Kick –off event Strategic The Committee will host a Once

(Dinner) Planning dinner for all employees to

Coordinating launch the Strategic Plan. The

Committee purpose of the event is to

educate and provide direction on

the plan, and to encourage all

members to participate.

Emails Corporate The email will be drafted by the

Communications principal and will be sent by the

Officer Corporate Communications

Officer. It will consists of the

plan and progress updates.

Emails should be accessible to


Brochures Strategic



Committee &



Posters Strategic



Committee &




External Responsibility How Deadline/Timeframe

Communication Tool

Letter and copy of plan Principal

Personal meeting Principal &





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