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trc file: "dev_webdisp", trc level: 1, release: "785"


sysno 00

sid WEP

systemid 390 (AMD/Intel x86_64 with Linux)

relno 7850q

patchlevel 0

patchno 127

intno 0

make multithreaded, Unicode, 64 bit, optimized

profile /usr/sap/WEP/SYS/profile/WEP_W00_rdsprdcc1

pid 20912

[Thr 140212784428928] contloctime: use default implementation.

[Thr 140212784428928] Mon Sep 12 17:39:43:571 2022

[Thr 140212784428928] Trace file initialized

[Thr 140212784428928] contloctime: use default implementation.

[Thr 140212784428928] IcmPlSetHostAndPort: parameter socks/scc_proxy reset to empty values


[Thr 140212784428928] sapstart.log found in work directory, process started by sapstartsrv

[Thr 140212784428928] started security log to file /usr/sap/WEP/W00/log/dev_icm_sec-2022-09-


[Thr 140212784428928] SigISetDefaultAction : default handling for signal SIGCHLD

[Thr 140212784428928] SAP Web Dispatcher running on: rdsprdcc1.local

[Thr 140212784428928] ***LOG IM1=> IcmInit, Startup (SAP Web

Dispatcher&rdsprdcc1.local&20912&) [icxxman.c 2401]
[Thr 140212784428928] ***LOG Q0I=> NiIBindSocket: could not delete file
'/tmp/.sapstream65000' for hdl 1: unlink (1: Operation not permitted)
[/bas/785_REL/src/base/ni/nixxi.cpp 3935]

[Thr 140212784428928] *** ERROR => NiIBindSocket: could not delete file
'/tmp/.sapstream65000' (hdl 1; errno=1) [nixxi.cpp 3942]

[Thr 140212784428928] ***LOG Q0I=> NiIBindSocket: could not delete file

'/tmp/.sapstream64999' for hdl 2: unlink (1: Operation not permitted)
[/bas/785_REL/src/base/ni/nixxi.cpp 3935]

[Thr 140212784428928] *** ERROR => NiIBindSocket: could not delete file
'/tmp/.sapstream64999' (hdl 2; errno=1) [nixxi.cpp 3942]

[Thr 140212784428928] IcmInit: listening to admin port: 64998

[Thr 140212784428928] Mon Sep 12 17:39:44:505 2022

[Thr 140212784428928] MPI: dynamic quota (percent free space) = 10 %

[Thr 140212784428928] Mon Sep 12 17:39:44:643 2022

[Thr 140212784428928] MPI init, created: pipes=64100 buffers=41229 reserved=4122 quota=10%,

buffer size=65536, total size MB=2580

[Thr 140212784428928] CCMS: SemInMgt: Initializing Semaphore Management in


[Thr 140212784428928] CCMS: SemInit: Semaphore 38 initialized by AlAttachShm_Ext.

[Thr 140212784428928] etd_event_sender/enable: 0

[Thr 140212784428928] etd_event_sender/server: HOST=, PORT=0, SEND_METHOD=DATAGRAM

[Thr 140212784428928] etd_event_sender/ssl_config: not defined

[Thr 140212784428928] IcrIAddSingleSystem: Added backend system: SID=ETP,

MSHOST=asrdsprdtm.local, MSPORT=8151, SSL_ENCRYPT=2,

[Thr 140212784428928] *** WARNING => Security sensitive parameter

wdisp/ssl_ignore_host_mismatch enabled - backend server hostname will not be verified
[icxxcheckcon 1617]

[Thr 140212784428928] *** WARNING => Security sensitive parameter

SSL_IGNORE_HOST_MISMATCH enabled for system ETP - backend server hostname will not be
verified [icxxcheckcon 1617]

[Thr 140212784428928] IcrCoreInitSessionTable: Session table initialized

[Thr 140209863075584] ICT: exclude compression:

[Thr 140209863075584] Adding HttpAdminHandler:


[Thr 140209863075584] HttpExtractArchive: files from archive

/usr/sap/WEP/W00/exe/wdispadmin.SAR in directory /usr/sap/WEP/W00/data/icmandir are up
to date

[Thr 140209863075584] HttpISubHandlerAdd: Added handler HttpAdminHandler(7f8520003e00),

slot=0, flags=45061) for /sap/wdisp/admin, active: 1, table 7f8520008fa0

[Thr 140209863075584] Adding HttpLogHandler: PREFIX=/,LOGFILE=/usr/sap/WEP/W00/log/http-


[Thr 140209863075584] HttpISubHandlerAdd: Added handler HttpLogHandler(7f8520004690),

slot=1, flags=12293) for /, active: 1, table 7f8520008fa0

[Thr 140209863075584] Adding HttpModHandler: PREFIX=/,


[Thr 140209863075584] HttpISubHandlerAdd: Added handler HttpModHandler(7f8520005990),

slot=2, flags=77829) for /, active: 1, table 7f8520008fa0

[Thr 140209863075584] Adding HttpAuthHandler: PREFIX=/,FILTER=SAP

[Thr 140209863075584] CsiInit(): Initializing the Content Scan Interface

[Thr 140209863075584] AMD/Intel x86_64 with Linux (mt,unicode,SAP_CHAR/size_t/void*

= 16/64/64)

[Thr 140209863075584] CsiInit(): CSA_LIB = "/usr/sap/WEP/W00/exe/"

[Thr 140209863075584] HttpISubHandlerAdd: Added handler HttpAuthHandler(7f8520033be0),

slot=3, flags=12293) for /, active: 1, table 7f8520008fa0

[Thr 140209863075584] HttpISubHandlerAdd: Added handler HttpPublicHandler(7f8520054610),

slot=4, flags=40965) for /sap/public/icman, active: 1, table 7f8520008fa0

[Thr 140209863075584] HttpISubHandlerAdd: Added handler HttpSsoHandler(7f8520054850),

slot=5, flags=12293) for /, active: 1, table 7f8520008fa0

[Thr 140209863075584] HttpISubHandlerAdd: Added handler

HttpWebDispHandler(7f8520054a50), slot=6, flags=1060869) for /, active: 1, table 7f8520008fa0

[Thr 140209863075584] WebSocketPlugInInit: WebSocket Plugin initialized

[Thr 140209863075584] IcmAddHiddenService: Hidden service WEBSOCKETS started

[Thr 140209863075584] IcmAddHiddenService: Hidden service H2 started

[Thr 140209863075584] =================================================

[Thr 140209863075584] = SSL Initialization platform tag=(linuxx86_64_gcc43)

[Thr 140209863075584] = (785_REL patchno 127,Jun 25 2022,mt,ascii-uc, 16/64/64)

[Thr 140209863075584] = resulting Filename = "/usr/sap/WEP/W00/exe/"

[Thr 140209863075584] = disabled FIPS 140-2 crypto kernel

[Thr 140209863075584] = found CommonCryptoLib 8.5.44 (Mar 24 2022) [AES-


[Thr 140209863075584] = current UserID: "wepadm", env-var USER="wepadm"

[Thr 140209863075584] = found SECUDIR environment variable

[Thr 140209863075584] = using SECUDIR=/usr/sap/WEP/W00/sec

[Thr 140209863075584] = automagic TLS extension SNI enabled

[Thr 140209863075584] = [ctc] ssl/ciphersuites=135:PFS:HIGH::EC_P256:EC_HIGH

[Thr 140209863075584] Mon Sep 12 17:39:44:690 2022

[Thr 140209863075584] = [ctc] ssl/client_ciphersuites=150:PFS:HIGH::EC_P256:EC_HIGH

[Thr 140209863075584] = Server SSL_CTX 7f85200bcd80 pvflags=897


[Thr 140209863075584] = Server ciphersuites=135:PFS:HIGH::EC_P256:EC_HIGH

[Thr 140209863075584] = Client SSL_CTX 7f85200caec0 pvflags=896 (TLSv1.2,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.0)

[Thr 140209863075584] = Client ciphersuites=150:PFS:HIGH::EC_P256:EC_HIGH

[Thr 140209863075584] = AnonClient SSL_CTX 7f85200d8b30 pvflags=896


[Thr 140209863075584] = AnonClient ciphersuites=150:PFS:HIGH::EC_P256:EC_HIGH

[Thr 140209863075584] = Success -- SapCryptoLib SSL ready!

[Thr 140209863075584] =================================================

[Thr 140209863075584]

[Thr 140209863075584] = Server SSL_CTX 7f85200e3a40 pvflags=897


[Thr 140209863075584] = Server ciphersuites=135:PFS:HIGH::EC_P256:EC_HIGH

[Thr 140209863075584] SSL/TLS: Caller requests enabling of automagic addition of TLSextSNI

[Thr 140209863075584] Started service


[Thr 140209863075584] SSL settings: verify_client: 1, cache_size: -1, cache_lifetime: -1, credfile:
/usr/sap/WEP/W00/sec/SAPSSLS.pse, ciphers: default, alpn:sap-h2:h2:http/1.1

[Thr 140209863075584] IcmAddHiddenService: Hidden service WEBSOCKET started

[Thr 140209863075584] Started service PORT=8000,PROT=HTTP,TIMEOUT=60,PROCTIMEOUT=600

[Thr 140209863075584] IcmSSLPseChanged: Refresh SSL Certificates (PSE files)

[Thr 140209863075584] = Server SSL_CTX 7f85200ee330 pvflags=897


[Thr 140209863075584] = Server ciphersuites=135:PFS:HIGH::EC_P256:EC_HIGH

[Thr 140209863075584] Reload OK for SSL cred "/usr/sap/WEP/W00/sec/SAPSSLS.pse"

[Thr 140209863075584] = Server SSL_CTX 7f85200f5d90 pvflags=897


[Thr 140209863075584] = Server ciphersuites=135:PFS:HIGH::EC_P256:EC_HIGH

[Thr 140209863075584] Reload OK for SSL cred "/usr/sap/WEP/W00/sec/SAPSSLS.pse"

[Thr 140209863075584] = Client SSL_CTX 7f85200c3190 pvflags=896 (TLSv1.2,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.0)

[Thr 140209863075584] = Client ciphersuites=150:PFS:HIGH::EC_P256:EC_HIGH

[Thr 140209863075584] Reload OK for SSL cred "/usr/sap/WEP/W00/sec/SAPSSLC.pse"

[Thr 140209863075584] = AnonClient SSL_CTX 7f85200d1870 pvflags=896


[Thr 140209863075584] = AnonClient ciphersuites=150:PFS:HIGH::EC_P256:EC_HIGH

[Thr 140209863075584] Reload OK for SSL cred "/usr/sap/WEP/W00/sec/SAPSSLA.pse"

[Thr 140212784428928] IcmCreateWorkerThreads: created 10 worker threads (thread 0 - 9)

[Thr 140209847002880] IcmWatchDogThread: watchdog started

[Thr 140212784428928] Mon Sep 12 17:39:45:004 2022

[Thr 140212784428928] *** SAP Web Dispatcher up and operational (pid: 20912, HTTP: 8000,
HTTPS: 44300) ***

[Thr 140212784428928] ***LOG IM3=> SAP Web Dispatcher, Startup (SAP Web
Dispatcher&20912&) [IoEngine.cpp 134]
[Thr 140209849116416] Mon Sep 12 17:41:03:006 2022

[Thr 140209849116416] SSL_get_state()==0x1180 "TLS read client certificate A"

[Thr 140209849116416] *** ERROR in secussl_read: SSL_read() lasterr 0x20001046

[Thr 140209849116416] => "received a fatal TLS certificate unknown alert message from the

[Thr 140209849116416] srv SSL session PSE "/usr/sap/WEP/W00/sec/SAPSSLS.pse"

[Thr 140209849116416] Subject: CN=rdsprdcc1.local

[Thr 140209849116416] Issuer : CN=rdsprdcc1.local

[Thr 140209849116416] SerialNo: 0A:20:22:09:08:20:04:08

[Thr 140209849116416] Validity - NotBefore: Thu Sep 8 14:04:08 2022 (220908200408Z)

[Thr 140209849116416] NotAfter: Thu Dec 31 18:00:01 2037 (380101000001Z)

[Thr 140209849116416] SSL_CTX ciphersuites=135:PFS:HIGH::EC_P256:EC_HIGH

[Thr 140209849116416] Server SSL_CTX 7f85200ee330 pvflags=897 (TLSv1.2,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.0,BC)

[Thr 140209849116416] (785_REL patchno 127,linuxx86_64_gcc43) CommonCryptoLib 8.5.44


[Thr 140209849116416] secussl_read: SSL_read() failed (536875078/0x20001046)

[Thr 140209849116416] => "received a fatal TLS certificate unknown alert message from the

[Thr 140209849116416] SSL NI-hdl 60: local= peer=

[Thr 140209849116416] <<- ERROR:


[Thr 140209849116416] *** ERROR => IcmConnInitServerSSL: SapSSLSessionStartNB returned (-


[Thr 140209848059648] Mon Sep 12 17:41:03:185 2022

[Thr 140209848059648] IcrFindTargetSystem: No system found for vhost: addr: url: /sap/bc/webdynpro/sap/appl_soap_management sni:

[Thr 140209849644800] Mon Sep 12 17:41:37:290 2022

[Thr 140209849644800] IcrFindTargetSystem: No system found for vhost: addr: url: /sap/bc/webdynpro/sap/appl_soap_management sni:

[Thr 140209850701568] Mon Sep 12 17:49:53:336 2022

[Thr 140209850701568] IcrFindTargetSystem: No system found for vhost: addr: url: /* sni:

[Thr 140209848588032] Mon Sep 12 17:49:56:118 2022

[Thr 140209848588032] IcrFindTargetSystem: No system found for vhost: addr: url: /* sni:

[Thr 140209849116416] Mon Sep 12 17:49:56:640 2022

[Thr 140209849116416] IcrFindTargetSystem: No system found for vhost: addr: url: /vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Util/PHP/eval-stdin.php sni:

[Thr 140209863075584] Mon Sep 12 17:49:57:353 2022

[Thr 140209863075584] IcrFindTargetSystem: No system found for vhost: addr: url: /etc/hosts sni:

[Thr 140209850701568] Mon Sep 12 17:49:57:780 2022

[Thr 140209850701568] IcrFindTargetSystem: No system found for vhost: addr: url: /.DS_Store sni:

[Thr 140209847531264] Mon Sep 12 17:49:58:305 2022

[Thr 140209847531264] IcrFindTargetSystem: No system found for vhost: addr: url: /idx_config/ sni:

[Thr 140209849116416] Mon Sep 12 17:49:58:909 2022

[Thr 140209849116416] IcrFindTargetSystem: No system found for vhost: addr: url: /telescope/requests sni:

[Thr 140209851758336] Mon Sep 12 18:05:35:496 2022

[Thr 140209851758336] *** ERROR => invalid host header found: ${ip}:${port} {0b3b0b3c}
[http_plg.c 6543]

[Thr 140209851758336] role: Server, protocol: HTTPS, local:, peer:, id: 2875/2876, SNI: , system:

[Thr 140209851758336] *** ERROR => HttpPlugInHandleNetData: HttpParseRequestHeader failed

(rc=701) [http_plg.c 2446]

[Thr 140209850173184] Mon Sep 12 18:14:54:912 2022

[Thr 140209850173184] IcrFindTargetSystem: No system found for vhost: ec2-3-90-171- addr: url: /* sni:

[Thr 140209850173184] Mon Sep 12 18:15:21:004 2022

[Thr 140209850173184] IcrFindTargetSystem: No system found for vhost: api- addr: url: /* sni:

[Thr 140209851758336] Mon Sep 12 18:15:28:423 2022

[Thr 140209851758336] IcrFindTargetSystem: No system found for vhost: addr: url: /* sni:

[Thr 140209849116416] Mon Sep 12 18:24:15:978 2022

[Thr 140209849116416] IcrFindTargetSystem: No system found for vhost: addr: url:
/sap/bc/srt/wsdl/flv_10002A111AD1/bndg_url/sap/bc/srt/scs/sap/ztm_ws_login sni:

[Thr 140209849644800] Mon Sep 12 18:33:10:854 2022

[Thr 140209849644800] *** ERROR => HttpAdmHandleReq: authorization failed for user: webadm
[http_adm.cpp 2709]

[Thr 140209851758336] Mon Sep 12 18:57:13:513 2022

[Thr 140209851758336] IcrFindTargetSystem: No system found for vhost: addr: url: /* sni:
[Thr 140209847531264] Mon Sep 12 18:57:14:015 2022

[Thr 140209847531264] IcrFindTargetSystem: No system found for vhost: addr: url: /portal/webclient/index.html sni:

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