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KENs “yn _ €-@ Model No two entities in an entity Set ave allowed toave exachy the Same Value Fos att Airbufe- So, A Key AMows Us to identify a Set oF Atte butes that Sullice to distrowly exiles From each other th a ta Data. in iy Ottobder Customerid Customer should be Uhiqur and Should Ise nat be ame fos other ently get of Same attnbute Customa—id. Keys iv Entity Sets |- Wiese ave many Kaye Hhoough iahich Use Can a identiP4 an ent’ and Row. Suerte AY Subeskexy “a Set of One 05 move abs\bules | that taken Cottectvely, allow Usto identi Uniquely An enti inthe ently Set- Guromes id aittalude of the ently Set Customers » ee Suttiaent 49 distingussh One Customer ky Csom ayotres, “Thus Customes— id is our Soperkey- Comibnatacn Customesname 4 Customes-id is Suber koe “fpr the by Set Customer Rut Customer ame. Otratbube's net Subes key at pessons has Same name Caries aoe Sette Gee ora > Condidate Key t- Minimal Suber keys axe Catted Candidate Te we Consider k is Suber Key then Corclichate. key totus be aay Superset of K. , Ie 18 a Candidate atts; bute / Column Fat is 3) Primary key Tost Sulled +o Meintacw Uniqueness tna table at the Res/daws Ex: Lets take Sitity Embyee With Aitabutes O Th Hts Employes entity , athhbute Embleyce To 4 SSN Indiv Can maintain Unriquaness in atoble . Ss they, are eligible Ry Candidate key. Bttiloates Embloyex_Name, + OR Combined Can also makeup Q Candidate Key » but there is nero Chane, that 2 Embloyees Lolth Same name Canbe besn in same doy > Thins Ents 4 Ssv CNot pomeinauLy)) ony beured hese an Po a because vey Value in tL Oda ules Cee URIqua- Th this, EmMplouceTD + EmbkyeceName is a Subeskey, because Selpeskeny ts a Subes set 4 Candidate Kass. IF we add any ALtrabule'm Candidate Key hen it becemer a Suber key As Emipeyee Name Con 2 Name a Othes empeyee go Combining them gives orique valite-.

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