Motivation Letter

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Motivation letter

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to express my great interest in applying for an Erasmus grant to study

abroad. As a final year undergraduate student in Political Science, I strongly believe
that this opportunity would help broaden my horizon and diversify my academic and
personal experiences.

I have always been enthusiastic about cultural exchange and learning about different
societies, identities, and perspectives. Erasmus will provide me with a unique
opportunity to experience a new academic and cultural environment and enable me
to develop my academic, interpersonal, and intercultural skills.

My intended study destination is the University of Amsterdam, in the Netherlands. I

have extensively researched the department and the course modules, and I am
convinced that it will enable me to fulfill my academic aspirations fully. The course
will not only improve my knowledge of European politics, but it will also provide me
with invaluable exposure to new academic and research methodologies.

In addition to the academic gains, I am confident that Erasmus will benefit my

personal development as well. Experiencing new cultures, meeting new people, and
adapting to new environments undoubtedly foster personal growth and intellectual

Therefore, I believe that the Erasmus grant is an opportunity of a lifetime. It will

allow me to learn about different cultures, make new friends, improve my academic
and personal skills, and broaden my perspectives in all aspects of life.

Finnish culture and deepen my understanding of the similarities and differences in

education systems between my home country and Finland.

I believe that the Erasmus grant will be instrumental in making this program a reality,
so that I can gain valuable insights and return to share them with my colleagues and
classmates. I am grateful for the opportunity to apply and be considered for the

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Yours sincerely,

Ali Benyaich

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