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1. Compare and Contrast only the salient points of the three groups of theories as Modernization,
Dependency and World System.
Modernization theory is an approach to understanding how traditional or underdeveloped
societies transform to modern societies. This theory is a major perspective in the sociology of national
development and underdevelopment since the 1950s. Moreover, it mainly focuses on the ways in which
past and present pre-modern societies become modern through economic growth and change in political,
social, and cultural structures.
Dependency theory is an approach to understanding the economic development of a country in
terms of the external influences like political, economic, and cultural effects on national development
policies. According to this theory, it is the peripheral position of the poor countries in the world economy
that mainly cause underdevelopment. Generally, underdeveloped countries offer cheap raw materials and
labor on the world market. This drains the capital they can devote to upgrading their own productive
capacity. In short, this is a vicious circle that continues the division of the world economy between ‘a
poor periphery’ and ‘a rich core’.
World Systems Theory is a multidisciplinary approach to world history and social change which
emphasizes the world-system (and not nation states) as the primary (but not exclusive) unit of social
analysis. The best-known version of the world-systems approach was developed by Immanuel
Wallerstein. World-systems analysis argues that capitalism, as a historical system, has always integrated a
variety of labor forms within a functioning division of labor.
The main difference between dependency theory and modernization theory is that dependency
theory mainly focuses on poor and underdeveloped countries, while modernization theory mainly focuses
on rich and developed countries. The unit of analysis in the dependency theory is the nation-state level,
for the world-system it is the world itself. World systems theory ultimately grew out of and expanded
upon dependency theory.
2. In a capsule, try to discuss the importance of World System Theory based on the video thru the
link (
Based on the video, World Systems Analysis is a macro level framework used to analyze the
economic, social and political transformations of the world and the historical development of global
hierarchy and inequality. According to Emmanuel Wallerstein, world systems analysis is a new
perspective on social reality. World Systems Analysis is used to analyze the development of global
hierarchy based on the idea that the world economy is capitalistic. Its existence is tied to the existence of
core, peripheral and semi-peripheral nations. It is not fruitful to refer to individual nations’ economies as
capitalist or socialists because each of them is forced to exist in a global capitalist world economy and
maintain capitalist relationships with other nations. Further, this global hierarchy is not maintained just by
economic relationships but by a complex network of economic, political, militaristic and cultural
domination and civil subordination while individual countries may move up or down the hierarchy. For
example, moving from peripheral to semi-peripheral or core to semi-peripheral. This doesn’t necessarily
take place in a linear fashion and the global capitalist world economy relies on all three to perform
specific functions. That’s why Emmanuel Wallerstein refers to World Systems Analysis as a knowledge
movement because it consider things like trade, war, the global media, social movements and more in a
completely different light.

3. Summarize the key points of Modernization theory as emphasized in this material thru the link
Development is a big part of every theory. In this video, Todaro and Smith define development is
a multi-dimensional process that involves major changes in social structures popular attitudes and
national institutions as well as economic growth reduction and inequality and eradication of absolute
poverty. The main topic of the video is all about Modernization Theory, it elaborates on two main
categories of societies in world namely, the traditional and modern societies. Theorist argue that the
traditional societies are entangled by norms, beliefs and values which are hindering their development
process. Therefore, they must adapt the modern style of living that concentrate on accumulation of capital
and industrialization. In essence, this theory seeks to improve the standard of living of inferior societies
that improves the economic growth of supposed traditional societies to acquire basic and secondary
necessities of life by introducing modern technology and economic strategy to the third world.
Modernization Theorist Rostow also proposed swift machineries of transition for traditional
societies to develop. These are preparation to take off, drive to maturity in the period of mass
consumption. This transitional path processes put traditional societies on development path. The theorist
succeed in the idea that the norms, values and beliefs of a society can affect the social change of that
society despite the advantages attributed to the theory. It has weaknesses which must be addressed.
Firstly, the Theory seeks to entail only the economic and concrete industrial growth of the third world
countries. Development entails freedom, liberty and self-esteem of humanity which are neglected by the
theory. Secondly, the Modernization Theory posited that the third world countries must admit the
development processes of the modern countries. It fails to recognize the fact that one system cannot be
adopted by all countries due to diverse historical and cultural background of the countries. Lastly,
Wallerstein pointed out that the theory creates dependency and exploitation of the third world countries.
The theory neglects the social and cultural structure of the third world countries and imposes on the poor
ethnocentric processes to develop.

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