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Research Title: ______________________________________________________________


Researchers’ Name:______________________________________________________________





Adviser/s :______________________________________________________________

Direction: Kindly check the blank opposite the item if you comply fully (100%) with the requirement.

_____ 1. The paper observes the institutional format of the HBM Department
__X__ 2. The paper contains the following preliminary parts:
_____ Title page
_____ Approval Sheet
_____ Abstract
_____ Table of Contents
_____ List of Tables
_____ List of Figures
_____ List of Appendices
_____ 3. Each preliminary part is started on a new page
_____ 4. Small roman placed at the bottom center of the paper is used as the page number for the
preliminary parts.
_____ 5. Arabic page number at the upper-right hand corner of the paper for the body of the paper is
_____ 6. Page number is omitted when starting a new chapter.
_____ 7. Short bond paper size is used in the research paper.
_____ 8. Calibri, font size 11 is used.
_____ 9. Double spacing in the typing is observed.
_____ 11. The title of the study and the chapter title are in capital letters.
_____ 12. Used bold text for the topic headings instead.
_____ 13. Foreign words, local dialects and scientific names are italicized.

Title Page
__X__ 1. The title page contains the following:
_____ Title of the research paper
_____ Type of the research report
_____ The name of the institution that requires the paper
_____ The name of the researcher

_____ The date of submission or acceptance of the paper.
_____ 2. It is suggested not to exceed three lines in inverted pyramid.
_____ 3. The recommended length is 12 to 15 words.
_____ 4. It begins with a new page.
_____ 5. The title of the report is in uppercase letters.
_____ 6. It is typed centered on the page.
_____ 7. If the title is two or more lines, double-space between lines.

Approval Sheet
__X__ 1. The approval sheet contains:
_____ The title of the report
_____ Name of the researcher
_____ Members of the research committee who approved the report
_____ The date of approval.

Acknowledgment Sheet
_____ 1. It includes only the names of those who really help you in your work.
__X__ 2. It is arranged in this order:
_____ Adviser
_____ Panel Members
_____ Participants of the study
_____ Validators of the study
_____ Other persons who really helped in the conduct of the study
_____ Family
_____ God (Optional)
_____ 3. It begins on a new page.
_____ 4. It is typed in upper and lower case letters, centered at the top of the page.
_____ 5. Text are typed double-space.

__X__ 2. It shall include:
_____ The purpose under investigation, in sentence possible
_____The subjects, specifying certain characteristics like number, type, or sex;
_____ The variables studied
_____ The method of investigation
_____ Data gathering tools
_____ Statistical tools
_____ Results of the study.
_____ 3. It begins on a new page, and identify the abstract page with the short title.
_____ 4. It is typed in uppercase and lower case letters, centered, at the top of the page.
_____ 8. Other texts are typed upper and lower case letters double-space.

Table of Contents
_____ 1. It lists all elements of the main parts, main headings and sub-headings and the reference
_____ 2. The numbering of chapters and the wording, capitalization, and punctuation of titles and
headings should be exactly the same as they are in the text.
_____ 3. It starts on a new page.

_____ 4. It is typed in upper case and lower case letters, centered at the top of the page.
_____ 5. Chapter titles are typed in upper case letters.
_____ 6. Indent each entry of the subheadings two-space aligned to third letter of the main heading.
_____ 7. Text are typed in double-space between lines except continued heading.

List of Tables (Figures; Appendixes)

_____ 1. Each of these types of illustrative matter should be listed together on a separate page.
_____ 2. Tables, figures, and plates should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals.
_____ 3. The page number of the tables (figures, appendices) coincides with the list.
_____ 4. Single-space is observed per text and double space in between list of titles.
_____ 5. Table number is aligned at the centermost letter of the word “Table.”
_____ 6. Page number is aligned right to the last digit and not to the first digit.

Background and Rationale of the Study

__X__ 1. It indicates the following:
_____ Importance and validity of the problem chosen for study
_____ The potential contribution of the study
_____ The need for the research
_____ The novelty or originality of the research
_____ The background information may be included.
_____ 2. It starts with broad general statements on the existing problem situation and narrows down
progressively to a point where it is finally linked to the rationale behind the research project.
_____ 3. It cites ideas of credible authority.

Problem Statement
_____ 1. It indicates the purpose of the investigation generally and specifically.
_____ 2. The main problem is generally expressed in a declarative statement that is more or less
consistent with the title of the study.
_____ 3. It is followed by the sub-problems, which are usually stated in question form.
_____ 4. The general statement of the problem precedes the specific questions or objectives of the
_____ 5. Both descriptive and inferential questions are included herein.
_____ 6. A brief hypothesis usually in the null form is suggested.
__X__ 7. The problem statement/ objective is:
_____ Specific _____ Researchable
_____ Clear _____ Feasible
_____ 8. It provides a proposed answer.
_____ 9. It indicates the variables investigated.

Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

_____ 1. It includes theories, ideas and concepts linked to the study in support of the theory the
researcher wanted to prove.
_____ 2. It expounds on the theory, indicator, and variables that led to the evolvement of the research
problem and its corresponding hypothesis.
_____ 3. Its narrative text is supported by a schematic paradigm that graphically portrays the theories
and concepts involved.
_____ 4. It is relevant to the problem
_____ 5. The theory anchored is substantially discussed.

_____ 6. The concepts are well-illustrated.
_____ 7. Correct grammar is observed in the writing.
_____ 8. The ideas of others are acknowledged in the writing.
_____ 9. The ideas of others are faithfully paraphrased.
_____ 10. The ideas lifted are paraphrased.
_____ 11. The idea/ theory is well-explained.

Definition of Terms
_____ 1. The terms are defined conceptually and operationally.
_____ 2. The concepts in the paradigm are well defined.
_____ 3. The terms are arranged alphabetically.
_____ 4. Full terms are observed.
_____ 4. Book definition is preferred over dictionary definition.
_____ 5. It states the usefulness of the term in the operational definition.
_____ 6. The title of the study and the variables of the study are being defined in the study.

Significance of the Study

_____ 1. It points out the benefits derived from the result of the study from the most important to the
least important.
_____ 2. It limits the significance to the result of the study.
_____ 3. It points out significance to research.
_____ 4. It includes statements about the importance of the study, the beneficiaries, and the benefits
to be derived from the results of the study.
_____ 5. It discusses the importance of the study to society, the country, the government, the
community, the institution, the agency concerned, and the researcher himself.
_____ 6. It expounds on the study’s probable impact to education, science, technology, on-going
researches, etc.
_____ 7. It also gives the justification for the study in terms of its contribution to theory and practice.
_____ 8. It touches on the significance of the study to the researcher, what it does to his
profession, and the difference it makes to his own professional growth.

Scope and Limits

_____ 1. It gives the brief and concise scope of the investigation.
__X__ 2. It includes the following:
_____ Limits of the study
_____ Place and the time conducted,
_____ Subjects of the investigation,
_____ Variables
_____ Method used
_____ Materials and instrumentation
_____ Statistical tools

Review of Related Literature

_____ 1. It is organized according to topics or themes.
_____ 2. Each topic contains discussion of the concept and relevant studies.
_____ 3. An explanation linking the concepts and studies to the present investigation is needed.
_____ 4. A summary is included at the last part of the review.
_____ 5. Each variable has been discussed.

_____ 6. The review is comprehensive.
_____ 7. The idea of the author is paraphrased instead of copying word for word.
_____ 8. Copy and paste method of citation is avoided.
_____ 9. The review is divided into main topics and sub-topics.
_____ 10. All the references cited are relevant to the problem under investigation.
_____ 11. The sources are mostly primary.
_____ 12. It avoids using secondary sources of literature.
_____ 13. The references have been critically analyzed, compared and contrasted.
_____ 14. The review flows logically in such a way that the least related are discussed first and the most
related references are discussed last.
_____ 15. The discussion is free from grammatical inconsistencies.
_____ 16. The review has at least 20 literature incorporated in the paper.
_____ 17. The author cited in the literature is listed in the reference section.
_____ 18. The review avoids using unreliable internet source.
_____ 19. The review uses appropriate citation of internet sources.

Research Design
_____ 1. The design is appropriate for the study.
_____ 2. The design is discussed in the study.
_____ 3. The rationale in the choice of the design is appropriately discussed.

_____ 1. The size and major characteristics of the subjects/ participants are described.
_____ 2. The sampling method is clearly described.
_____ 3. The sample size meets the required standard.

Data Gathering Instrument

_____ 1. The instrument is described in terms of purpose and content.
_____ 2. The procedures in the development and validation of the instrument are described.
_____ 3. The reliability is discussed and coefficient is given.
_____ 4. The scoring and interpretation procedures are described.

_____ 1. The procedures in the collection of data are presented.
_____ 2. The steps in gathering the data are logical.

Data Analysis Treatment

_____ 1. The statistical treatment is appropriate.
_____ 2. The data analysis tools are described in relation to the problem statement.
_____ 3. The significance value appropriate for the study is indicated.

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

_____ 1. It is divided mainly into two parts, the descriptive data analysis and the inferential data
_____ 2. The descriptive data analysis presents interpretation of data that are descriptive in nature
_____ 3. The inferential data analysis presents interpretation of data to test the hypothesis of the
__X__ 4. The analysis contains the following levels of discussion:

_____ Statistical interpretation
_____ Psychological interpretation
_____ Theoretical interpretation
_____ Practical interpretation
_____ 5. The researcher confirms/disconfirms the theories and concepts advanced by previous
_____ 6. Similarities and differences between the results and the works of others are given.
_____ 7. The interpretation is presented in both textual and tabular forms.
_____ 8. The textual form should be given first then followed by the tables or graphs.
_____ 9. The textual discussion has a topic title
_____ 10. The table is appropriately titled.
_____ 11. If a table occurs within the two or three pages immediately following the first analysis of its
contents, only the number of the table need be given in the text: “Table 3 shows…”
_____ 12. Brevity and objectivity in interpretation of the data are observed.

__X__ 1. The summary contains the following:
_____ Purpose under investigation and the specific questions
_____ Subjects, specifying certain characteristics like number, type, sex, etc.
_____ Variables studied
_____ Place and time of investigation
_____ Method of investigation
_____ Data gathering tools
_____ Statistical tools
_____ Results of the study
_____ 2. The word “Summary” is typed in bold text and is flush left.

_____ 1. Conclusions are drawn from the findings of the study.
_____ 2. It avoids restating the finding of the study.
_____ 3. The conclusion corresponds to the number of findings.
_____ 4. The conclusion gives meaning to the findings.
_____ 5. It usually answers the question “so what.”
_____ 6. The word “Conclusion” is typed in bold text.
_____ 7. It is presented in present tense.

_____ 1. It is doable and specific.
_____ 2. It is based from the findings and not on speculation.
_____ 3. It gives theoretical and practical improvement.
_____ 4. It is action oriented.
_____ 5. It is typed in bold text.

Tables and Figures

_____ 1. The tables and figures are well captioned.
_____ 2. The tables and figures are near the text where they are cited.
_____ 3. The text and figure (or table) format is followed.
_____ 4. Only important items in the table or figure are discussed.

_____ 5. The table and figure should have a title.
_____ 6. The table title is flush left.
_____ 7. The table title is italicized while the table number is in regular upper and lower cases

_____ 1. The author cited in the body of the paper is listed in the reference list.
_____ 2. The text citations and reference list entries agree both in spelling and in date
_____ 3. The references are ordered alphabetically by the author’s surname.
_____ 4. It follows with the correct APA format.
_____ 5. It has more than 20 literature.
_____ 6. The title of the book, periodical and website are italicized.

__X__ 1. The appendices include the following:
_____ Letters and correspondences
_____ Data gathering instrument
_____ Statistical computations
_____ Other relevant literature
_____ 2. A separator page is provided for every appended item with appropriate title of the appended
_____ 3. Sample statistical computation is attached.

I/We hereby certify as to the completeness and accuracy of the facts and information claimed.

____________________________ ____________________________
Researcher’s Name and Signature Researcher’s Name and Signature

____________________________ ____________________________
Researcher’s Name and Signature Researcher’s Name and Signature

Researcher’s Name and Signature

Verified by:

____________________________ ____________________________
Adviser’s Name and Signature Adviser’s Name and Signature
Action Taken:

Approved for Final Defense Needs Improvement

Research Teacher’s Name and Signature



Title Page

Approval Sheet

Acknowledgment Sheet


Table of Contents

List of Tables


Statement of the Problem


Theoretical Framework and Conceptual Framework

Definition of Terms

Significance of the Study

Scope and Limitation of the Study


Research Design

The Respondents

Research Instrument and Procedures

Data Analysis Treatment


Example of Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data to Answer Descriptive Questions

Example of Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data to Answer the Inferential Questions







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