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"The Impact of Social Media on Political Awareness and Participation Among 18-25
Year Olds in Bangladesh".
Social media has become a dominant platform for political discourse and mobilization.
Understanding the impact of social media on political awareness and participation among 18-25
year olds in Bangladesh is important as it sheds light on the role of digital media in shaping
political engagement and civic participation among young people. This research can provide
valuable insights into the ways in which social media can be leveraged to promote informed and
active citizenship among young people in Bangladesh. The outcome of this study will contribute
to the broader understanding of the role of social media in political engagement and civic
participation and inform efforts to promote informed and active citizenship among young people
in Bangladesh.

2. "An Exploration of the Integration of Technology in Leisure Activities and Hobbies

Among 18-25 Year Olds in Bangladesh".
Technology has transformed the way people spend their leisure time. Examining the integration
of technology in leisure activities and hobbies among 18-25 year olds in Bangladesh is crucial as
it provides a glimpse into the ways in which technology is shaping the recreational interests and
behaviors of young people. This research can shed light on the opportunities and challenges
posed by the integration of technology in leisure activities and inform policies and programs that
support healthy and meaningful leisure experiences for young people in Bangladesh. The
outcome of this study will contribute to the broader understanding of the integration of
technology in leisure activities and inform efforts to promote healthy and meaningful leisure
experiences for young people in Bangladesh.

3. "A Study on the Influence of Family Background and Socioeconomic Status on Health
Behaviors and Lifestyle Choices Among 18-25-Year-Olds in Bangladesh".
Family background and socioeconomic status can play a significant role in shaping health
behaviors and lifestyle choices among young people. Understanding the influence of these
factors among 18-25-year-olds in Bangladesh is critical as it can help policymakers and
healthcare providers develop targeted interventions to promote healthy lifestyles and reduce
health inequalities. This research can provide valuable insights into the ways in which family
background and socioeconomic status affect health behaviors and lifestyle choices among young
people in Bangladesh and inform efforts to promote health and wellbeing for all. The outcome of
this study will contribute to the broader understanding of the influence of family background and
socioeconomic status on health behaviors and lifestyle choices and inform efforts to promote
health and wellbeing for all young people in Bangladesh.

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