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Daniela Jepkosgei

Professor Emily A. Litle


29 January 2023

Journal #2

When it comes to my personality, the moon rings in my mind. I can't help but think of

the moon and its connection to the natural world. I think the moon symbolizes a part of my

personality because sometimes the moon goes through phases and changes its shape every

season me. I also change my moods depending on my surroundings and time.The moon's

cycles have a serious influence on the earth's oceans, tides, and even animal behavior. This

connection to the natural world is very supportive for me and reminds me to be more aware of

my own environmental impact.

The moon is seen as a symbol of femininity in many cultures, representing

goddesses and female deities. This image of the moon as a symbol of femininity I find to be

really empowering because it encourages me to embrace and celebrate my own femininity.The

moon also represents intuition and inner wisdom. It is associated with the thoughts and

emotions in many cultures, and it is frequently seen as a guide for self discovery and

self-discovery. I find this symbolism of intuition and inner knowledge to be extremely valuable

because it serves as a constant reminder to trust my gut and pay attention to my inner voice.

The moon is also associated with magic and mystery. It has long been associated with mystery,

and it is frequently regarded as a source of power and energy. This symbolism of magic and
mystery amazes me because it reminds me to believe in the power of dreams and to start

embracing the unknown.

The moon goes through phases, going to remind us that life is continually changing. We

all go through various stages of our lives, from childhood to adulthood, from single to married,

and from employed to unemployed. And, like the moon, these phases are transitional, and we

will always return to our true selves.

To give a brief conclusion, the moon is a powerful symbol that represents my

an ever-changing and adaptable personality it is also a constant reminder of the progression of

time it reminds me to work hard for harmony and balance in my life. It has a connection to the

natural world and has been a source of inspiration.Understanding this symbol has allowed me to

gain a better understanding of myself and how I want to be seen as by others. And I will love

and appreciate this symbol for the majority of my life.

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