Reading Response 3 1

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Throughout the course of the Movie Romeo and Juliet, you can somewhere see all seven types of

Greek love being represented but the ones that stood out the most would be eros, philia, storage,
and ludus. Romeo and Juliet, of course, share an eros type of love that is sexual and passionate as
they quickly meet, fall in love, and marry in a high of happiness and youth. Furthermore, philia
can be seen within the strong friendship that Romeo and Mercutio share where they would even
go as far as to sacrifice themself for the other. Storge, better known as familial love, is best
represented not necessarily between Juliet and her parents but between Juliet and the nurse. As
her personal guardian, she has a closer relationship and parental love for Juliet than her own
parents as she seems to want Juliet as happy as she can be, like helping Juliet marry Romeo in
secret. Lastly, there is the playful and flirtatious love, ludus, that is also carried out by Romeo
and Juliet as their relationship consisted of constant fun, teasing, and even dancing. I am also
sure you could find every form of love language transpiring throughout the movie but the most
common between just Romeo and Juliet would be physical touch, words of affirmation, and
quality time. Even though Romeo and Juliet fell in love very quickly and progressed their
relationship extremely fast as in immediately jumping to marriage they made sure to spend their
quality time together in secret and it mainly consisted of a lot of physical touching, as well as I
love you's just in Shakespearian language.

I honestly believe that Romeo and Juliet love each other in general but as well as the most in
love for each other in the film as they do famously die for the other in the end, but I will say that
I feel as though their relationship was rushed. I feel as if even though they felt they were ready to
commit to marriage they were too young and reckless to marry. They gave each other no time to
like one another before they deemed it to be love and since they were so young what they could
have thought was love may have been simple attraction. Their story may have even had a happy
ending if they took their relationship slow, consulted her parents, or just have ran anyway in the
beginning when they met. It may be seen as naïve and childish to take their lives for one another
however, considering they felt as if they could not live without each other and therefore
proceeded to commit suicide is a pure example of how much they would do for the other out of
what they feel is love whether it is in a romantic way or not.

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