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Daniela Jepkosgei

Professor A Litle


April 23 2023


I have walked into a room full of every other person I have encountered in my life, even

those I have met in the briefest of moments. Of all of them I would seek out only one person,

Larry, my best friend. He has remained to be my best friend even though distance has played a

role in our lives. He lives 7 hours away. The reasons why I would choose him are what I want to

explain.One of the main reasons why I would seek him out is because of the time I met him and

the circumstances surrounding my meeting him. I was an adolescent when I met him, a very

rebellious adolescent girl who felt hated by everyone including my family. He didn’t entertain

my rudeness when I met him and he did not leave me alone either. It intrigued me because

everyone I showed my attitude would leave me alone and I would normally leave them defeated

but Larry was different. I saw him as an escape from all my moods and self hatred especially

from the physical and emotional changes going on inside of me at that time.

The other reason why I would seek out Larry is because of the peace that came with

him. Outside class, we would spend all of our time at a certain river in the woods singing, if not

singing talking about everything that could be talked about, if not that then we would be seated

side by side in silence just thinking. I would be so much at peace just listening to the flow of

water or singing our hearts out. I would complain to him about my mom scolding me and he
would really listen and that was enough. I mean he made me realize that peace could be found in

a simple way.

Another reason why I would seek him out is because of the help he had for me when I

was making lifestyle choices like my career, friendships and family. Throughout our friendship,

he would listen to me then advise me on the importance of making friends in life, respecting my

family especially my parents and most importantly on my career. I can say I made wise decisions

that I don’t regret up to date why I made them.

Larry never interfered with my business. Yes he was my best friend and distance has played its

role now but when I remember the way he would just advise me and leave it that it makes me

smile. He made no decisions for me and when I did not do what he advised, he would not ask me

why. To him, whatever made me happy is what mattered. Sometimes I felt like he was more of a

friend to me than I was to him.

Larry would never judge my decisions. Sometimes I would make a wrong decision

that the consequences would make me cry but being who he was he would come to my rescue

and hug me as I let it all out in tears and complains. It was one of the sweetest moments even

though it was in turmoil. Yes he is a firm friend who tells me what is wrong and right but he

does it in a way that makes me feel that indeed I should correct this. He has never raised his

voice at me even though we sometimes fought in the past.

As I conclude I would always seek out Larry because of who he became in my life.

Everyone in life needs someone who listens to them, hugs them when they are depressed, advises

them and is there for them in every circumstance.

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