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Abstract :-

This device includes a pair of glasses and an obstacle detection

module fitted in it in the center, a processing unit, an output device
i.e. a beeping component, and a power supply. The Obstacle
detection module and the output device is connected to the
processing unit. The power supply is used to supply power to the
central processing unit. The obstacle detection module basically
consists of a ultrasonic sensor, processing unit consist of a control
module and the output unit consists of a buzzer. The control unit
controls the ultrasonic sensors and get the information of the
obstacle present in front of the man and processes the information
and sends the output through the buzzer accordingly. These
Ultrasonic Smart Glasses for Blind people is a portable device, easy
to use, light weight, user friendly and cheap in price. These glasses
could easily guide the blind people and help them avoid obstacles.

Introduction :-
There are many groups of people in the world today who are faced
with accessibility issues every day in his ultrasonic glasses for blinds
is a project which is something that would benefit handicapped
people in some way. This idea for glasses that would help blind
people sense if there was an object in front of them that they might
hit their head on. The white cane that they use when walking is used
for helping them navigate the ground but does not do much for up
above. using Aarduino Pro Mini MCU, Ultrasonic Sensor, and a
buzzer, these glasses that will sense the distance of an object in
front, left and right beep to alert the person that something is in
front of them. Simple and inexpensive to make

1.1 Background
Currently, blind people will often use white canes as a mobility tool to
get a better understanding of the world around them. This tool can be
effective for providing feedback about obstacles at the ground level.
However, obstacles above waist level such as tree branches often go
unnoticed. Technology assisted white canes which have been
developed by companies such as BAWA and we walk are able to
provide additional feedback for these potential hazards above waist
level, and a project done by Team18 in Spring 2019, opticane, was a
variation of these technological canes which used LIDAR and a vibration
bracelet to provide blind users with information about their
environment. [3][4] However , these technological canes tend to
provide superfluous features and only use imprecise vibrations for
feedback . The design proposed in this document will be a
fundamentally different solution. Instead of providing a technology-
assisted white cane, a supplementary wearable system to white canes
will be created. This system is designed with the goal of providing blind
users a more accurate and tangible picture of what obstructions lie in
their path ahead and will consist of a glasses sensor system and an arm
sleeve feedback system.
1.2 Previous Work

The idea of “Smart Glasses” is to create wearable computer glasses

for a different purpose. These uses determine the type of glasses
that are needing to be created. In the early stage, the “Smart
Glasses” were simple and provide basic tasks which serve as a front-
end display for the remote system. Now “Smart Glasses” become
more efficient and provide several features and the below table
compare some examples:
2.1 Ultrasonic sensor

2.1.1 Description :-
The purpose of ultrasonic sensors is to measure the distance using
ultrasonic waves. Ultrasonic sensors emit the ultrasonic waves and
receive back the reflection. So, by this time the ultrasonic sensor will
measure the distance to the object. It can sense from 2 - 400 cm
(about 13.12 ft).

2.1.2 Function :-
The main function of an ultrasonic sensor is to provide distance
measurement, and it does this by measuring the time it takes for the
ultrasonic wave to reflect off an object and return to the sensor. This
is known as time-of-flight (TOF) measurement. The sensor then
calculates the distance based on the time it takes for the wave to
travel back and forth
2.1.3 Working :-
Ultrasonic sensors work by sending out a sound wave at a frequency
above the range of human hearing. The transducer of the sensor acts as
a microphone to receive and send the ultrasonic sound. Our ultrasonic
sensors, like many others, use a single transducer to send a pulse and to
receive the echo. The sensor determines the distance to a target by
measuring time lapses between the sending and receiving of the
ultrasonic pulse.

The working principle of this module is simple. It sends an ultrasonic

pulse out at 40kHz which travels through the air and if there is an
obstacle or object, it will bounce back to the sensor. By calculating the
travel time and the speed of sound, the distance can be calculated .
Ultrasonic sensors are a great solution for the detection of clear objects.
For liquid level measurement, applications that use infrared sensors, for
instance, struggle with this particular use case because of target
translucence. For presence detection, ultrasonic sensors detect objects
regardless of the color, surface, or material (unless the material is very
soft like wool, as it would absorb sound.) To detect transparent
objects/items and other items where optical technologies may fail,
ultrasonic sensors are a reliable choice.
2.1.4 Application:-

1.Object detection and proximity sensing: Ultrasonic sensors can detect

the presence or absence of objects within a given range, making them
useful for automated systems and robotics.

2.Level measurement: They can be used to measure the level of liquid in a

tank, for example.

3.Obstacle detection and avoidance: Ultrasonic sensors can be used in

vehicles to detect obstacles in their path and avoid collisions.

4.Distance measurement: They can be used to measure the distance

between two objects or to detect the position of an object.

5.Flow measurement: Ultrasonic sensors can measure the flow rate of

liquids and gases in pipes and other conduits
2.2 Arduino Uno :-

2.2.1 Description :-
The Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328P
microcontroller chip. It is a popular board in the Arduino family and is
widely used in various electronic projects and prototypes The board has
14 digital input/output pins (6 of which can be used as PWM outputs), 6
analog inputs, a 16 MHz quartz crystal, a USB connection, a power jack,
an ICSP header, and a reset button. The digital pins can be used to
interface with various sensors and actuators, while the analog inputs
allow the board to read analog signals such as temperature, light, and
sound . The Arduino Uno can be programmed using the Arduino
programming language, which is based on C++. It can be programmed
through the USB connection, which also allows for serial communication
with a computer. The board can be powered either through the USB
connection or an external power supply.

2.2.2 Function :-
Interfacing with sensors and actuators: The Arduino Uno can be used to
read sensor inputs such as temperature, humidity, light, and sound, and
to control outputs such as LEDs, motors, and relays . Processing data
and making decisions: The Arduino Uno can process input data from
sensors and make decisions based on that data, such as turning on a fan
when the temperature rises above a certain level . Communication with
other devices: The Arduino Uno can communicate with other devices such
as computers, smartphones, and other microcontrollers using various
communication protocols, such as USB, serial, Bluetooth, and Wi-
Fi.Running custom programs: The Arduino Uno can be programmed with
custom software using the Arduino IDE (Integrated Development
Environment), which is based on the C++ programming language. This
allows users to create their own programs and applications to control their
electronic projects . Connecting with add-on boards: The Arduino Uno can
be expanded with various add-on boards, called shields, which provide
additional functionality such as GPS, Ethernet, and Wi-Fi connectivity.

2.2.3 working :-

Power Supply: Arduino Uno can be powered using an external power

supply or through the USB port. Once powered up, the microcontroller
chip, the ATmega328P, initializes and starts running the bootloader
Program . Bootloader Program: The bootloader program is a special
program that runs on the ATmega328P chip when it powers up. It
checks whether there is a new program to be loaded, and if so, it loads
the new program from the computer through the USB port . User
Program: Once the boot loader program has loaded a new program, the
user program starts running. The user program is the actual program
that the user has written in the Arduino Integrated Development
Environment (IDE).User Inputs and Outputs: The user program can
interact with various inputs and outputs on the Arduino Uno board,
including digital and analog input/output pins, PWM (Pulse Width
Modulation) pins, and serial communication pins . Processing: The user
program can process inputs from sensors, make decisions based on that
input, and control outputs such as lights, motors, and relays .
Communication: The user program can communicate with other
devices such as computers and smartphones using various
communication protocols such as USB, serial, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi .
Interrupts: The ATmega328P chip in Arduino Uno supports interrupts,
which allow the user program to respond to external events such as
button presses or sensor readings . Timers and Counters: The
ATmega328P chip also has built-in timers and counters that can be used
to generate precise time intervals and perform various timing-related
2.3 Jumper Wires :-
Jump wires, also known as jumper wires or simply jumpers, are a
type of wire used to connect two or more electronic components or
circuits. They are typically made of flexible, insulated wires with
connectors on each end, such as male/female headers or alligator
clips.Jump wires come in various lengths, colors, and gauges, and are
commonly used in prototyping and breadboarding electronic
circuits. They provide a quick and easy way to make temporary
connections between different components, such as connecting a
sensor to a microcontroller, or connecting multiple components on a

2.3.1 Types of jump wires :-

Male-to-male jumpers: These have male connectors on both ends
and are used to connect components with female headers.Female-
to-female jumpers: These have female connectors on both ends and
are used to connect components with male headers.Male-to-female
jumpers: These have a male connector on one end and a female
connector on the other, and are used to connect components with
different types of headers.Jump wires can be purchased in pre-made
sets with different lengths and colors, or they can be made by
cutting and stripping wires to the desired length and adding
connectors to the ends. They are a simple but essential tool in
electronic prototyping and testing, and are widely used by
hobbyists, makers, and professionals alike.
2.3.2 Function :-
The main function of jumper wires is to connect electronic
components or circuits together. Jumper wires are used to establish a
temporary electrical connection between different parts of an
electronic circuit, such as between a sensor and a microcontroller, or
between multiple components on a breadboard . Some specific
functions of jumper wires include Prototyping: Jumper wires are
commonly used in prototyping electronic circuits to quickly establish
connections between components without having to solder them
together permanently . Bread boarding: Jumper wires are also used in
bread boarding circuits, where they are used to create temporary
connections between components on a bread board . Debugging:
Jumper wires can be used to help debug electronic circuits by
establishing a connection between different parts of the circuit and
measuring the voltage or current at various points . Testing: Jumper
wires can be used to test electronic components, such as sensors or
motors, by connecting them to a microcontroller and measuring their
response . Education: Jumper wires are a common tool used in
electronics education to teach students how to create electronic
circuits and how to use different types of components.
2.4 Battery (3.7 Volt) :-

2.4.1 Description :-
A 3.7-volt battery typically refers to a lithium-ion or lithium-polymer
rechargeable battery that has a nominal voltage of 3.7 volts. These
batteries are commonly used in portable electronic devices such as
smartphones, tablets, digital cameras, and handheld game consoles .
Lithium-ion and lithium-polymer batteries are known for their high
energy density, which means they can store a large amount of energy
in a relatively small and lightweight package. This makes them ideal for
use in portable electronic devices where size and weight are critical
2.5 Glasses :-

2.5.1 Buzzer :-

2.5.2 Description :-
A piezo buzzer is an electronic device that produces sound by using
the piezoelectric effect. When an electric current is applied to a
piezoelectric crystal, it deforms and creates a pressure wave in the air,
which produces sound . Piezo buzzers are commonly used in
electronic devices such as alarms, timers, and electronic toys because
they are small, lightweight, and have low power consumption. They
are also popular in musical instruments, such as electronic drums and
synthesizers . Piezo buzzers are often rated by their frequency range,
sound pressure level (SPL), and operating voltage. They can produce a
variety of sounds, including beeps, chirps, and tones, and can be used
to create complex musical compositions.


Description :-

The Arduino IDE is an open-source software, which is used to write

and upload code to the Arduino boards. The IDE application is
suitable for different operating systems such as Windows, Mac OS X,
and Linux. It supports the programming languages C and C++. Here,
IDE stands for Integrated Development Environment . The program
or code written in the Arduino IDE is often called as sketching. We
need to connect the Genuino and Arduino board with the IDE to
upload the sketch written in the Arduino IDE software. The sketch is
saved with the extension '.ino.'The Arduino IDE will appear
as:Arduino IDE

List of the components:

1.Arduino Uno.
2.Ultrasonic Sensor.
5.Jumper Wires.
6.Solidering Iron.
7.Double Sided Tape.
9.Arduino Cable.
10.Arduino Ide

5.1 Working Principle :

Beeping start if there is a

obstacle in range less then
The project works on the principal of sonar and radar system which is
used to determine the distance to an object. Ultrasonic glasses for
blinds work on the principle of using high-frequency sound waves to
detect the presence of objects in the path of the blind. The glasses
contain an ultrasonic sensor that emits high- frequency sound waves
that bounce off any objects in their path and then are received by the
sensor . The ultrasonic sensor then analyzes the received sound waves
and calculates the distance between the sensor and the object. Based
on this information, the glasses can determine if there is an obstacle in
the path of the blind and adjust the position of the blinds accordingly
The glasses can be programmed to adjust the blinds in various ways,
depending on the user's preferences. For example, they can be set to
raise or lower the blinds automatically when an obstacle is detected, or
they can be set to pause when an obstacle is detected and then resume
movement once the obstacle has been cleared . Overall, ultrasonic
glasses for blinds provide an efficient and reliable way to automate the
movement of blinds, making them a convenient and accessible solution
for individuals with disabilities or mobility issues.
5.2 Algorithm Design Diagram :

If d<

At the device starts ,at first it measure the distance .If the distance of
the obstacles is less then 55cm the buzzer beeps and else it will not
beep and repeat the loop again.
5.3 Block diagram:

5.4 Circuit Diagram :

Circuit Connections:-1.Connect the Gnd pin of the ultrasonic sensor to
Gnd of a Arduino Uno. 2.Connect the echo pin to D3 of Arduino Uno.
3.Connect the trigger pin to D2 of Arduino Uno. 4. Connect the Vcc to
Vin of Arduino Uno. 5. Connect black wire of buzzer to Gnd and buzzer
white wire to A4. 6.Connect the first wire of battery to Vin and second
wire to the Gnd.

5.5 Coding

// define pins for ultrasonic sensor and

vibration motor
const int trigPin = 2;
const int echoPin = 3;
const int motorPin = 4;

// define variables
long duration;
int distance;

void setup() {
// initialize serial communication

// initialize pins
pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);
pinMode(motorPin, OUTPUT);

// turn off the motor initially

digitalWrite(motorPin, LOW);
void loop() {
// trigger the ultrasonic sensor
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);

// calculate the distance

duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);
distance = duration * 0.034 / 2;

// check if the object is within 30 cm

if (distance < 55) {
// turn on the motor
digitalWrite(motorPin, HIGH);
} else {
// turn off the motor
digitalWrite(motorPin, LOW);

// wait for a short time before measuring the distance again

5.6 Working on the project :

The ultrasonic sensor is used to detect the obstaclein front of a

person using the soundwaves for a particular distance. The
Ultrasonic sensor here used as a transceiver. The ultrasonic
waves are emitted by the transmitter when the objects are
detected. Both the transmitter and receiver represent inside the
ultrasonic sensor. We calculate the time interval between the
transmitted and received signal. The distance between the object
and sensor is calculated using this.

Distance L = 1/2 × T × C

L: The distance
T: Time between the emission and reception
C: Sonic speed

*The value is multiplied by 1/2 because T is the time for the go-
and-return distance.

We have used a customized Arduino uno boardwhich is the

controlling unit of this design. The Arduinohelp in sensing and
controlling the objects in the realtime situations and
environment. The Arduino Uno isprogrammed using the Arduino
Software (IDE), our Integrated Development Environment
common to all our boards and running both online and offline .
The arduino is programmed to calculate the distance
based on the input parameters(speed and time).If the
calculated distance comes out to be in the range set in the
program(to close to be harmful),then the buzzer start to buzzer
and indicate the user of the obstacle infront of line.In
the HC-SR04 ultrasonic module has four pins ground(gnd),
vcc ,Trig and Echo.connect them respectively to the arudino uno
pin as mentioned in the circuit connection,once the pins are
connected properly we connect the wires of battery as well as of
buzzer to the respective pins of the arudino uno .If the ultrasonic
sensor detects the objects using the soundwaves the Arduino gets
an input which will immediately alert the person with a vibration.
For this process the vibration motor is been the blind
person wear the glass, switch at the left side of the glasses is
turned on to start the device and the blind person starts moving ,
if any object obstacle in range less than 30 cm the buzzer start
vibrating and indicating the blind person that there is an object
present infront and he walks away and take another path.

5.7 Advantage :
Advantages of Ultrasonic Glasses for Blinds Project:

1) Improved Accessibility: Ultrasonic glasses can help visually

impaired individuals navigate their environment more easily
by detecting obstacles and allowing for safer movement.

2) Increased Safety: Ultrasonic glasses can help prevent

accidents and injuries by alerting users to obstacles, such as
poles, walls, or people, which may be otherwise difficult to
3) Cost-effective: Ultrasonic glasses are generally less expensive
than other types of assistive technology, such as guide dogs or
electronic mobility aids.

4) Ease of use: Ultrasonic glasses are easy to use and do not require
any special training or expertise.

5.8 Disadvantage

Disadvantages of Ultrasonic Glasses for Blinds Project:

1)Limited Range: Ultrasonic glasses have a limited range of

detection, which means that they may not be effective in detecting
obstacles that are too far away.

2)False Readings: Ultrasonic glasses may sometimes give false

readings or detect obstacles that are not actually present, which
can be confusing and potentially dangerous.

3)Limited Battery Life: Ultrasonic glasses rely on batteries, which

may need to be replaced frequently and can be inconvenient for

4)Limited Functionality: Ultrasonic glasses are designed specifically

to detect obstacles, which means that they may not be helpful in
other areas, such as reading signs or identifying objects.
5.9 Motivation :

The motivation behind the development of ultrasonic glasses for blind

people is to improve their quality of life by enhancing their
independence and mobility. Blind individuals face numerous challenges
in their daily lives, including navigating unfamiliar environments,
avoiding obstacles, and locating objects. Traditional tools such as canes
and guide dogs can be helpful, but they have limitations.

Ultrasonic glasses for the blind use ultrasonic waves to detect obstacles
in the user's path and provide haptic feedback through vibrations or
auditory cues. This technology can help blind individuals move around
more confidently and safely, allowing them to participate in more
activities and have greater independence.

Additionally, ultrasonic glasses can provide a more discreet and less

intrusive alternative to traditional tools like canes, which can attract
unwanted attention or cause embarrassment for some individuals. They
can also be more cost-effective than guide dogs, which require
significant training and maintenance costs.

Overall, the development of ultrasonic glasses for the blind can

significantly improve the quality of life for blind individuals and provide
them with greater autonomy and independence in their daily lives.

6.1 Conclusion:

The focus of the document is underscored by the need for a voice

assistant system for the growing number of blind people around the
world. The "Ultrasonic glasses for blind"is practically a variable device
and can be carried comfortably by any blind person and makes their
life easier by giving them hope for life. It has some limitations that
can be resolved in its future developments.

6.1.1 Significance of the system:

Technology has played a very important role in our life. We use it

almost everywhere and anytime. The distinct and rapid development
that we discover every day proves to us that there is no point in
giving up and struggling with our obstacle in life. Technology offers us
many meaningful solutions to our problems and misapplications. Our
role is to use it correctly to achieve the level of success that also
benefits the individual, society and the country as a whole.

6.1.2 Limitations of the system:

As this project is very less expensive it has few limitations.

1. Battery needs to be replaced when it's fully consumed which can

be little difficult for the blinds.

2. Can't calculate the accurate battery life so always you have to

carry an extra battery.
3. It is less reliable in crowded places because it won't work accurately as
there will be too many obstacles.

4. It is not durable because wires can came off if used roughly.

5. The wires can't be arranged properly so it doesn't look more


6.2 Future scope of the project :

there is huge future scope for this project as many thing cab be added
and improved in it yet not making expensive . list things that can be
added or improved in future1. A.3.7V mobile battery cab be used to
make it lighter and more portable.2. A changing module can be added to
make it chargeable.3.Arduino uno can be replaced by Arduino pro mini
which even smaller development board.4.An extra buzzer and ultrasonic
sensor can be added on either side of the glasses which can detect
obstacles from different sides.5.vibration motors can be added on each
side with buzzer so if the buzzer sound is not audible the person can feel
the vibration.6-With a 3d printer the design of glasses can be improved a
References :-

1. "Ultrasonic Glasses for Blind People" by K. Nirmala and K.

Udhayakumar, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering
Research, vol. 4, no. 5, pp. 1365-1368, May 2013.

2. "Design and Implementation of Ultrasonic Glasses for Blind

People" by S. S. Wagh and S. G. Bhirud, International Journal of
Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation
Engineering, vol. 2, no. 9, pp. 4298-4303, September 2013.

3. "Development of Ultrasonic Glasses for the Blind" by V. T.

Nandakumar, M. J. Sabu, and J. Mary, International Journal of
Electrical and Electronics Research, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 111-116, June
4. "Ultrasonic Vision Enhancement System for Visually Impaired
People" by A. Mohapatra and S. K. Sahoo, International Journal of
Computer Applications, vol. 127, no. 10, pp. 27-33, October 2015.

5. "Ultrasonic Glasses for the Blind" by K. R. Kavitha, International

Journal of Scientific Research and Management, vol. 5, no. 11, pp.
572-575, November 2017.

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